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Template:The Zoologist ToC/4th series, vol 4 (1900)

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Contents of The Zoologist, 4th series, vol. 4 (1900)
Issue 703 (January, 1900)
Fox, William Storrs The Ring-Ouzel in Derbyshire 1
Aplin, Oliver Vernon Notes on the Ornithology of Oxfordshire (concluded from vol. 3) 11
Bonhote, J. Lewis On the Moult and Colour Changes of the Corncrake (Crex pratensis) 29
Witchell, Charles Adolphus Stray Notes on Mimicry 32
Notes and Queries 37
Notices of New Books 42
Editorial Gleanings 46
Issue 704 (February, 1900)
le Souëf, D. "How does the new-born Kangaroo get into the Mothers Pouch?" 49
Jones, K. Hurlstone Land Birds at Sea 51
Ticehurst, N.F. Some Remarks on the Birds seen in the South-east Part of the Mainland of Orkney in October, 1899 54
Southwell, Thomas Notes on the Seal and Whale Fishery, 1899 65
Butler, Arthur G. On Sexual Differences in the Wing of the House-Sparrow (Passer domesticus) 74
Salter, J.H. Ornithological Notes from Mid-Wales 76
H.E.D. Obituary for Dr. Elliott Coues 80
A.G.B. Obituary for Dr. Karl Russ 81
Notes and Queries 82
Notices of New Books 87
Editorial Gleanings 93
Issue 705 (March, 1900)
Gurney, J.H. Ornithological Record from Norfolk for 1899 97
Distant, W.L. Biological Suggestions. Mimicry (Part V) 116
Forrest, H.E. The Movements of Starlings 131
Notes and Queries 142
Notices of New Books 146
Editorial Gleanings 152
Issue 706 (April, 1900)
Patterson, Arthur The Birds of Great Yarmouth and the Neighbourhood (first part) 153
Selous, Edmund An Observational Diary of the Habits of the Great Plover (Oedicnemus crepitans) during September and October (first part) 173
Notes and Queries 186
Notices of New Books 190
Editorial Gleanings 198
Issue 707 (May, 1900)
Haigh, G.H. Caton Bird notes from North-East Lincolnshire during the Autumn Migration of 1899 201
Patten, Charles J.
and Williams, W.J.
On the Distribution of Some Birds Observed in Ireland and in Switzerland 213
Grabham, Oxley Natural History Notes from Yorkshire for 1899 229
Notes and Queries 237
Notices of New Books 242
Editorial Gleanings 247
Issue 708 (June, 1900)
Degen, Ed. On Sexual Differences in the Feathering of the Wing 249
Robert Vaughan Land Birds at Sea 256
Meiklejohn, A.H. How does the Cuckoo Carry her Egg? 262
Arrigoni Degli Oddi, Ettore Notes upon the Zoological Meeting of Pavia 265
Benson, Charles W. Birds on the Rigi 268
Selous, Edmund An Observational Diary of the Habits of the Great Plover (Oedicnemus crepitans) during September and October (continued) 270
Notes and Queries 278
Notices of New Books 283
Editorial Gleanings 286
Issue 709 (July, 1900)
Kew, H. Wallis Spinning Molluscs 289
Notes and Queries 321
Notices of New Books 335
Editorial Gleanings 340
Issue 710 (August, 1900)
Stead, David G. Zoological Notes from Sydney 344
Gurney, J.H. A Short History of the Bearded Titmouse 358
Blathwayt, F.L. A Visit to Lundy 375
Notes and Queries 381
Notices of New Books 384
Editorial Gleanings 389
Issue 711 (September, 1900)
Leighton, Gerald The Adder-swallowing Theory from an Anatomical Point of View 393
Patterson, Arthur The Birds of Great Yarmouth and the Neighbourhood (cont.) 397
Thomas Carter Notes from Point Cloates, N.W. Australia 416
Notes and Queries 421
Notices of New Books 435
Editorial Gleanings 438
Issue 712 (October, 1900)
Robert Hall Sea-Elephants on Kerguelen’s Land 441
Jones, K. Hurlstone Ornithological Notes from South-Western Europe 448
Selous, Edmund An Observational Diary of the Habits of the Great Plover (Oedicnemus crepitans) during September and October (continued) 458
Notes and Queries 477
Notices of New Books 486
Issue 713 (November, 1900)
O.V. Aplin The Birds of Lleyn, West Carnarvonshire 489
Forrest, H.E. Breeding of the Tufted Duck (‘’Fuligula cristata’’) in Shropshire 506
Meiklejohn, A.H. The origin and meaning of the Names of British Birds 511
Notes and Queries 517
Notices of New Books 522
Editorial Gleanings 527
Issue 714 (December, 1900)
Patterson, Arthur The Birds of Great Yarmouth and the Neighbourhood (cont.) 529
Marshall, Guy A.K. Conscious Protective Resemblance 536
Poulton, Edward B. Remarks on the Preceding Paper 550
Notes and Queries 555