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The definition of a United States Senate roll call vote is a vote in which each Senator votes "yea" or "nay" as his or her name is called by the Clerk, so that the names of Senators voting on each side are recorded. Under the Constitution, a roll call vote must be held if demanded by one-fifth of a quorum of Senators present, a minimum of 11.

This template simplifies the citation of a United States Senate roll call vote via the Senate.gov online database.



{{ USSRollCall | x | y | z }}

Parameters Defined

United States Congress. Every newely convened Congress has two sessions general spanning two entire calander years (Parameter 'y'). Valid parameters begin with the One Hundred First (101 = 1989) and continue sequential up thru the current one, the One Hundred Eleventh (111 = 2009).
Session of Congress. For the purposes of this template, consider every newly convened Congress of only having two possible sessions. Valid parameters are First (1) and Second (2).
Number in Assigned Order. Every new Session of every Congress zeros out the previous one's accumulated list of roll call votes taken in order. Valid parameters are 1 thru 10000+


 You enter:  {{USSRollCall|x|y|z}}  or  {{USSVote|x|y|z}}
 Template returns:   Roll call vote z, via Senate.gov


 You enter:  The [[w:McCain Amendment|]] was easily adopted (See ((USSRollCall|109|1|239}}).
 Template returns:   The McCain Amendment was easily adopted (See Roll call vote 239, via Senate.gov).


View WP version Parameters in (parentheses) are optional.

{{usc-sd}}title(section)(part)(chapter)(subtitle)(subchapter)(posttitle)(endtext)(plainlinks)(pipe)United States Code via Cornell University's Legal Information Institute
{{UnitedStatesCode}}, {{USC}}, {{usc}}titlesection(end of section range)(pipe)USC via Cornell
{{UnitedStatesCode2}}, {{USC2}}, {{usc2}}titlesectiondescriptionUSC via Cornell: description of the section
{{UnitedStatesCodeSec}}, {{USCSec}}titlesection(pipe)USC via Cornell: when citing one of a series of USC sections, where it would be redundant to display the full citation for each section, this template can be used to display only the section number.
{{UnitedStatesCodeSub}}, {{USCSub}}titlesection(levels of "sub")Access to subsection/paragraph/subparagraph/clause/... to allow correct hyperlinking to the anchors embedded in the Cornell pages.
{{USCSub2}}, {{uscsub2}}titlesection(levels of "sub")Combines 'USCSec' and 'USCSub', eliminating redundancy when citing subsections / subparagraphs / &c.
{{usc-clause}}titlesectionclauseUSC via Cornell: allows clauses
{{usc-title-chap}}, {{usctc}}titlechapter(subchapter)(pipe)USC via Cornell: title/chapter links
{{USStat}}, {{usstat}}volumepageStatutes at Large via the Library of Congress, the Government Printing Office, or Google Books
{{USPL}}, {{uspl}}congressordinal lawPublic Law via GPO Access
{{USStatute}}congressordinal law(volume)(page)Combines {{tl|USPL}} and {{tl|USStat}}, then add optional Year (<nowiki>{{{5}}}</nowiki>), Month (<nowiki>{{{6}}}</nowiki>), Day (<nowiki>{{{7}}}</nowiki>)
{{USBill}}congressbill type (S, SJ, HR, HJ)bill number (1–?)(pipe)Congressional bills via THOMAS
{{USHRollCall}}, {{USHVote}}yearvoteHouse Roll call vote via Clerk.House.gov
{{USSRollCall}}, {{USSVote}}congresssessionvoteSenate Roll call vote via Senate.gov
{{USCongRec}}yearsectionpage(date)Congressional Record via GPO Access
{{Federal Register}}, {{USFR}}, {{USFedReg}}volumepageFederal Register via GPO Access
{{Federal reporter}}seriesvolumecase(+ optional parameters)Federal Reporter via Wikisource or OpenJurist
{{CodeFedReg}}, {{USCFR}}volumepartsection(clause)Code of Federal Regulations via GPO Access
{{ExecutiveOrder}}numberExecutive Orders via Wikisource
{{USSG}}chaptersectionU.S. Federal Sentencing Guidelines (2009) via the U.S. Sentencing Commission website
{{USSGSub}}chaptersection(up to 3 levels of "sub")U.S. Federal Sentencing Guidelines (2009) via the U.S. Sentencing Commission website