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Ten Books on Architecture/Index

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192260Ten Books on ArchitectureIndexMorris Hicky MorganVitruvius





Abacus, 92, 106, 110, 122.
[Greek: Abaton], 56.
Abdera, 212, 269.
Acanthus pattern, origin of, 104.
Accius, 255.
Acoustics, of the site of a theatre, 153 _f._
Acroteria, 96.
Aequians have springs which produce goitre, 239.
Aeruca (verdigris), 219.
Aeschylus, 198.
Aesculapius, proper site for temple of, 15;

temple of, at Tralles, 198.

Aetna, 47.
Africa, 240.
Agatharcus, 198.
Agesistratus, 199.
Agger (river), 231.
Agnus castus (tree), 60 _f._, 296.
[Greek: Akrobatikon], 283.
Alabanda, 212;

temple of Apollo at, 78.

Alae, of house, 177;

of temples, 120.

Albula (river), 233.
Alder, 61.
Alexander, 35 _f._, 195, 310.
Alexandria, 36, 196, 197, 218;

length of shadow of gnomon at, 270.

Alexis (poet), 168.
Altars, 125 _f._
Altino, 21.
Aluminous springs, 234.
Amiternum, stone quarries of, 49.
Ammon, 235.
Amphiprostyle, 75.
Amphithalamos, 186.
Amyntas, 310.
Analemma, 257;

its applications, 270 _ff._

Anaphoric dial, 275.
Anaxagoras, 195, 198, 225, 269.
Ancona, 63.
Andreas, 273.
Andromeda (constellation), 266.
Andron of Ephesus, 70.
Andrones, 187.
Andronicus of Cyrrhus, 26.
Antae, 114, 120, 186;

temple in antis, 75.

Antiborean (sun dial), 273.
Antimachides, 199.
Antiochus, 199.
Antipater, 238, 269.
Antistates, 199.
Apaturius, 212.
Apelles, 11.
Apollo, 69, 102, 103, 196;

Panionion, 103, 255;
colossal statue of, 289;
temple of, at Alabanda, 78;
at Miletus, 200; at Rome, 80;
site of temple of, 80.

Apollonia, 235; siege of, 317 _f._
Apollonius, 273.
Apollonius of Perga, 12.
Aqueducts, 244 _ff._;

Marcian, 232.

Aquileia, 21.
Arabia, 235, 237.
Arachne (sun dial), 273.
Aradus, 315.
Araeostyle temples, 78, 80;

proportions of columns in, 84.

Aratus, 269.
Arcadia, 238.
Arcesius, 109, 198.
Arched substructures, 190.
Archer (constellation), 266.
Archimedes, 8, 12, 199, 243;

detects a theft of gold by a contractor, 253 _f._

Archinapolus (astrologer), 269.
Architecture, fundamental principles of, 13 _ff._;

departments of, 16 _ff._

Architrave, 94, 288.
Archytas of Tarentum, 12, 199, 255.<?br> Arcturus (star), 266.
Ardea, 233.
Arevanias, 54.
Arezzo, ancient wall of brick at, 53.
Argo (constellation), 268.
Argolis, precinct of Juno at, 102.
Argos, 54.
Ariobarzanes, 154.
Aristarchus, 11.

----of Samos, 12, 263, 273.

Aristides, 241.
Aristippus, shipwreck of, 167.
Aristomenes of Thasos, 70.
Aristophanes, 168; grammaticus, 196.
Aristotle, 195, 251.
Aristoxenus, 11, 140, 145.
Armenian blue, 213, 217.
[Greek: Harpedonai] (star group), 268.
Arrow (constellation), 266.
Arsenal, naval, at Peiraeus, 198.
Arsinoe, 103.
Artemisia, 55 _f._
Artemon ([Greek: Epagôn]), 287.
Asphalt, 235;

asphaltic springs, 234;
lake Asphaltitis, 235.

[Greek: Asplênon], 20.
Assafoetida grown in Cyrene, 237.
Astansoba (river), 231.
Astoboa (river), 231.
Astragals, 90.
Astrology, 269 _ff._
Athens, 26, 40, 53, 78, 124, 199, 200, 234;

colonnades at, 154;
temple of Minerva at, 198;
length of shadow of gnomon at, 257, 270.

Athos, Mt., 35.
[Greek: Atlantes], 188.
Atlantides, 189.
Atlas, 188, 231.
Atrium, 185, 210;

proportions of, 176 _f._

Attalus, 53, 103, 195.
Attic doorways, 120.
Aurelius, Marcus, 3.
Aventine, 216.



Babylon, 24, 235.
Bacchus, proper site for temple of, 31;

Ionic order appropriate to, 15;
temple of, at Teos, 82, 109, 198.

Baiae, 46, 47.
Bakeries, 184.
Balance (constellation), 266.
Balconies in forum, 131.
Balearic Isles, 214, 240.
Ballistae, rules for making, 305 _ff._
Bankers' offices, 131.
Barns, 184.
[Greek: Baroulkos], 283.
Bases, Ionic, 90 _ff._
Basilica, 132 _ff._;

of Vitruvius at Fano, 134 _ff._

Bathrooms, 180;

of farmhouse, 183.

Baths, 157 _ff._
Beast (constellation), 268.
Bedrooms, 181.
Beech, 60.
Berosus, 262, 269, 273.
Bilbery, used to make purple, 220.
Bird (constellation), 266.
Black, 217 _f._
Block (_rechamus_), 285 _ff._
Blue, 218 _f._
Body, proportions of, 72.
Boedas of Byzantium, 70.
Boeotia, 237.
Bolsena, lake of, 50.
Boscoreale, villa rustica at, 183.
Bowl (constellation), 268.
Breakwaters, 162 _ff._
Brick, 42 _ff._;

test of, 57.

Bright (Pephrasmenos), inventor of battering ram, 309.
Bryaxis, 199.
Bucket-pump, 294.
Bug (river), 231.
Bull (constellation), 266.
Burnt-ochre, 218 _f._
Buttresses, 190 _f._
Byzantium, 310.



Cadiz, 309.
Caecuban (wine), 236.
Caesar, Julius, 62 _f._, 240.
Callaeschrus, 199.
Callias of Aradus, 315.
Callimachus ([Greek: katatêxitechnos]), 104.
Callippus, 269.
Campania, 48, 64, 236, 238.
Campus Cornetus, 238.
Canon of water organ, 299.
Canopus (star), 268.
Capitals, Ionic, 92 _ff._;

Corinthian, 102, 104 _f._;
Doric, 110;
of triglyphs, 112.

Capitol, hut of Romulus on, 40;

temple on, 80.

Cappadocia, 235.
Carpion, 198.
Carthage, 235.
Caryae, 6 _f._
Caryatides, 6 f_f._
Casius (town in Egypt), 235.
Cassiopea (constellation), 266.
Castor, temple of, 124.
Catacecaumenites (wine), 236.
Catapults, 303 _ff._;

stringing and tuning of, 308 _f._

Cataract of Nile, 231.
Catheti, 92.
Caucasus, 231.
Cavaedium, 176 _ff._
Cedar, 62.
Ceilings of baths, 158.
Cella, 114 _ff._, 120;

of circular temple, 123.

Celtica, 231.
Censer (constellation), 267.
Centaur (constellation), 267.
Cepheus (constellation), 266.
Cephisus, 237.
Ceres, temple of 80, 200;

site of temple of, 32.

Chalcedon, 309.
Chaldeans, 262.
Charias, 199, 310.
Charioteer (constellation), 266.
[Greek: Cheirokmêta] of Democritus, 255.
Chersiphron, 78, 198, 200, 288.
Chion of Corinth, 70.
Chionides, 168.
Chios, 103, 197; siege of, 317.
Chorobates, levelling instrument, 242 _f._
Chrobs, poisonous lake at, 237.
Chromatic mode, 140.
Cibdeli, 234.
Cicero, 256.
Cilbian country, 215.
Cilicia, 235.
Cinnabar, 215 _ff._;

adulteration of, 217.

Circular temples, 122 _ff._
Circumference of earth, 27 _f._
Circumsonant sites of theatres ([Greek: periêchountes]), 153.
Circus, Flaminius, 124, 273;

Maximus, 80.

Cisterns, 244 _ff._
City, site of, 17 _ff._; walls, 21 _f._
Classification of temples, 75 _ff._, 78 _ff._
Clazomenae, 103, 269.
Clearstock of fir, 60.
Climate determines the style of houses, 170.
Clitor, spring at, 239.
Colchis, 231.
Colline Gate, 75.
Colonnades, 131, 154, 155, 156 _f._, 160 _f._
Colophon, 103, 269.
Colours, 214 _ff._;

natural, 214 _f._;
artificial, 217;
manufactured from flowers, 220;
how applied to stucco, 207.

Columbaria ([Greek: opai]), 108.
Columns, proportions of, in colonnades, 154;

in forums, 132;
in basilicas, 132;

Corinthian, 102;

diminution in top of, 84 _f._;
Ionic order, 90 _ff._;
arrangement of, 114.

Conarachne (sun dial), 273.
Concords in music, 142.
Concrete floors, 202.
Cone (sun dial), 273.
Conical Plinthium (sun dial), 273.
Consonancies in music, 142.
Consonant sites of theatres ([Greek: synêchountes]), 153.
Constellations, northern, 265 _ff._;

Southern, 267 _ff._

Consumptives, resin of larch good for, 63.
Corinth, 145.
Corinthian cavaedium, 176.
Corinthian order, 15;

origin of, 102 _f._;
proportions of, 106 _f._;
treatise on, by Arcesius, 198.

Cornelius, Gnaeus, 3.
Corona, 102, 107, 112.
Cos, island of, 269.
Cossutius, 200.
Courage dependent on climate, 173.
Counterforts, 190.
Courtyards, 183.
Crab (constellation), 268.
Crathis (river), 237.
Crete, 20, 62.
Creusa, 103.
Croesus, 195;

house of, at Sardis, 53.

Cross-aisles in theatre, 138, 146;

in Greek theatre, 151.

Crown (constellation), 266.
Ctesibius, 8, 198, 273 _f._;

pump of, 297 _f._

Cube, properties of, 130.
Cubit equals six palms or twenty-four fingers, 74.
Cumae, 162.
Cunei in theatre, 146.
Cutiliae, 234.
Cyclades, 214.
Cydnus, 234.
Cymatium, 94, 110;

Doric, 112.

Cypress, 59, 61.
Cyrene, 27, 237, 255.



Daphnis of Miletus, 200.
Darius, 195.
Decorations of walls, 209 _f._
Defence, measures for, 315 _ff._
Delos, problem enjoined upon, by Apollo, 255.
Delphi, Round Building at, 198.
Demetrius of Phalerum, 200.
Demetrius Poliorcetes, 316.
Demetrius (slave of Diana), 200.
Democles, 199.
Democritus, 42, 195, 251, 255, 269;

his study of perspective, 198.

Demophilus, 199.
Denarius, 74.
Dentils, 94, 102, 108.
Departments of architecture, 16 _f._
Diades, 199; inventor of siege machines, 310.
Dials arranged to show hours of varying length, 274 _ff._
Diana, temple of Ionic order, 15, 78;

temple of, at Ephesus, 78, 103, 198, 200, 288 _f._;
at Rome, 80, 124;
at Magnesia, 78, 198;
statue of, 62.

Diatonic mode, 140.
Diastyle temples, 78, 80;

proportions of columns in, 84;
Doric, 113.

[Greek: Diathyra], 188.
Dichalca, 74.
Diesis, 140.
Diminution in top of column, 84, 110.
Dining rooms, proportions of, 179, 181, 186;

Cyzicene, 186;
winter, 209 _f._

Dinocrates, 35 _f._
Diognetus, Rhodian architect, 315 _ff._
Diomede, 21.
Dionysodorus, 273.
Dioptra, 242.
Diphilus, 199.
Dipteral temple, 75, 78.
Displuviate cavaedium, 177.
Dissonant sites of theatres ([Greek: katêchountes]), 153.
Dnieper, 231.
Dog (constellation), 268.
Dolphin (constellation), 266.
Don (river), 231.
Doors, of temples, 118 _f._;

of dwellings, 178;
in theatres, 146.

Doorways of temples, proportions of, 117 _ff._
Doric order, 15;

proportions of, 109 _ff._;
doorways, 117;
temples of, 198.

Dorus, 102.
Drachma, 74.
Dyer's weed, 220.
Dyris (river), 231.
Dyrrachium, 235.



Eagle (constellation), 266.
Echea ([Greek: êcheia]), 9, 143 _ff._
Echinus, 93, 110, 122.
Economy, 16.
Education of the architect, 5 _ff._, 168 _f._
Egypt, 214, 231, 235, 269.
[Greek: Ekphora], 90.
Elements ([Greek: stoicheia]) and their proportions, 18 _ff._, 225.
Elephantis, 231.
Eleusis, 200.
[Greek: Helikê], 267.
Elpias of Rhodes, 21.
Empedocles, 225.
[Greek: Emplekton], 52.
Engines, 283; for raising water, 293 _ff._
Enharmonic mode, 140.
Ennius, 255.
[Greek: Entasis] of columns, 86.
Eolipiles, 25.
Ephesus, 103, 214, 215, 281;

temple of Diana at, 78, 198, 200.

Epicharmus, 225.
Epicurus, 42, 167, 195.
Epimachus, 316.
Equestrian Fortune, temple of, 80.
Eratosthenes of Cyrene, 12, 27, 28, 255.
Erythrae, 103.
Ethiopia, 231, 235.
Etruria (Tuscany), 48, 64, 235.
Eucrates, 168.
Euctemon, 269.
Eudoxus, 269, 273.
Eumenes, colonnades of, 154.
Euphranor, 199.
Euphrates, 231.
Euripides, 225;

buried in Macedonia, 238;
"Phaethon" of, 261.

Eurythmy, 14.
Eustyle temples, 78, 80 _f._;

proportions of columns in, 84.

Exedrae, 160, 179, 186, 211.
Exposure, proper for rooms, 180, _f._



Faberius, 216.
Falernian (wine), 236.
Fano, 63; basilica at, 134 _ff._
Farmhouses, 183 _f._
Fascia, 94;

of Attic doorway, 120.

Fauces, their dimensions, 178.
Faunus temple on the Island of the Tiber, 75.
Femur ([Greek: mêros]), 112.
Ferento, 50.
Fidenae, stone quarries at, 49.
Fir, qualities of, 60;

highland and lowland, 64 _f._

Fire, origin of, 38.
Fishes (constellation), 266.
Flaminius circus, 124.
Floors, 202 _ff._;

Greek method of making, 210;
of baths, 157, _f._

Flora, temple of Corinthian order, 15.
Flutes of columns, 96;

Doric, 113.

Folds for sheep and goats, 184.
Fondi, 236.
Foot equals four palms, or sixteen fingers, 74.
Fortune, temple of Equestrian, 80;

Three Fortunes, 75.

Forum, 131 _ff._
Foundations of temples, 86 _ff._;

of houses, 189 _ff._

Fresco painting, decadence of, 210 _ff._
Frieze, 94, 123.
Fuficius (architect), 199.
Fulcrum ([Greek: hypomochlion]), 290.



Ganges, 231.
[Greek: Ganôsis], 217.
Gaul, 220, 231.
Geras, inventor of shed for battering ram, 309.
Gilding, 215.
Gnomon, 257;

length of shadow at different places, 270.

Gnosus, 20, 200.
Gorgon's head (star group), 266.
Gortyna, 20.
Grain rooms, 184.
Greater Dog (constellation), 268.
Great Bear, 257;

([Greek: arktos] or [Greek: helikê]), 265.

Grecian Station, 56.
Greek houses, 185 _ff._
Green chalk ([Greek: theodoteion]), 214.
Grotta Rossa, stone quarries at, 49.
Guttae, 102, 110, 112.
Gynaeconitis, 186.
Gypsum not to be used for stucco work, 206.



Halicarnassus, 53, 54.
Harbinger of the Vintage (star), 265.
Harbours, 162 _ff._
Harmonics, 139 _ff._
Hegesias, 241.
He-Goat (constellation), 266.
Helepolis of Epimachus, 316 _f._
Hellen, 102.
Hemisphere (sun dial), 273.
Heptabolus, lake, 231.
Heptagonus, lake, 231.
Heraclea, 289.
Heraclitus of Ephesus, 42, 225.
Hercules, Doric order appropriate to, 15;

site of temple of, 31;
cellae of temple of, 53;
Pompey's temple of, 80.

Hermodorus, temple of Jupiter Stator, 78.
Hermogenes, 109;

temple of Diana by, 78;
determined rules of symmetry for eustyle temples, 82.

Herodotus, 241.
Herring-bone pattern, 203.
Hierapolis, boiling springs at, 236.
Hiero, 253 _f._
Hinge-stiles, 118.
Hipparchus, 269.
Hippocrates, 11.
Hodometer, 301 _ff._
Hoisting machines, 285.
Homer, 197.
Hornbeam, 61.
Horse (constellation), 266.
Hostilius, Marcus, 21.
Hot springs, 232;

healing properties of, 233 _f._

Hours, how marked by clocks, 274.
House, origin of, 38 _f._;

early types of, 39 _f._;
style of, determined by climate, 170 _f._

Hypaethral temple, 14, 75, 78.
Hypanis, 214, 236.
Hysginum, 220.



Ictinus, 198, 200.
Iliad and Odyssey, 197.
Ilium, 237.
Incertum opus, 51.
India, 231.
India ink, 217, 218.
Indigo, substitute for, 220.
Indus, 231.
Iollas, 238.
Ion, 103.
Ionic order, 15;

proportions of, 90 _ff._;
doorways of, 118;
temples of, 198, 200.

Isis, site of temple of, 31.
Ismuc, 240.
Isodomum, 52.
Isthmian games, 251.
Italy, 48, 53, 131, 145, 173, 214, 231, 239.



Jaffa, 235.
Jambs, proportions of, 117.
Juba, King, 240.
Julius, Caius, son of Masinissa, 240.
Juno, Ionic order appropriate to, 15;

site for temple of, 31;
precinct at Argolis, 102;
Doric temple of, in Samos, 198.

Jupiter, temple of, 14, 199;

site for temple of, 31;
cellae of temple, 53;
temple on Island of the Tiber, 75;
altars of, 125.

Jupiter (planet), 258, 260, 261, 262.



Kids (constellation), 266.
Kitchen, 183.
Kneeler (constellation), 266.
Knotwood, 60.
[Greek: Kynosoura], 267.



Lacedaemonians, 7.
Laconicum, 159.
Lacunar (sun dial), 273.
Language, origin of, 38.
Larch, 62 _f._
Larignum, 62, 63.
Law governing architects at Ephesus, 281.
Lead pipes poisonous, 247.
Lebedos, 103.
Lemnos, 214.
Leochares, 54, 199.
Leonidas, 199.
Lesbos, 25, 236.
Levelling instruments, 242 _f._
Lever, explanation of, 290 _f._
Libraries, 181, 186.
Licymnius, 212 _f._
Lighting of rooms, how to test, 185.
Lime, 45 _f._;

slaking of, for stucco, 204.

Linden, 60.
Lintels, height of, 117.
Lion (constellation), 268.
Liparis (river), 235.
Little Dog (constellation), 268.
Liver examined to determine site of towns, 20.
[Greek: Logeion], scenic and thymelic, 151; dimensions of, 151.
Logotomus, 272.
Lucania, 237.
Lucretius, 256.
Lyncestus, acid springs of, 238.
Lyre (constellation), 267.
Lysippus, 69.



Macedonia, 217, 238.
Machines, 283 _ff._;

for defence, 315 _ff._

Maeonia, wine of, 236.
Magi, 225.
Magnesia, 78, 214, 240;

temple of Diana at, 198.

Malachite green, 213;

where found, 217;
substitute for, 220.

Mamertine (wine), 236.
Marble, powdered for stucco work, 206, 213 _f._;

where quarried, 289.

Marius' temple of Honour and Valour, 78.
Mars, temple should be Doric, 15

site of temple of, 31.

Mars (planet), 259 _f._, 262.
Marseilles, siege of, 318.
Maurusia (Mauretania), 231.
Mausoleum, 54, 199.
Mausolus, 53 _ff._
Mazaca, lake near, petrifies reeds, etc., 235.
Medicine, architect should know, 10.
Medulli have springs which produce goitre, 239.
Melampus, 199, 239.
Melas of Argos, 54.
Melas (river), 237.
Melassa, 54.
Melian white, 214.
Melite, 103.
Melos, 214.
Menaeus, 272.
Mercury, site of temple of, 31;

temple of, 54.

Mercury (planet), 258, 259.
Meroë, 231.
Mesauloe, 187.
Metagenes, 198, 200, 288.
Metellus, portico of, 78.
Meto, 269.
Metopes ([Greek: metopê]), 94, 108, 110;

size of, 112;
arrangement of, in Doric temples, 113.

Metrodorus, 241.
Miletus, 103, 200, 269.
Milo of Croton, 251.
Minerva, temple should be Doric, 15;

site of temple, 31;
temple at Sunium, 124;
at Priene, 11, 198;
at Athens, 198.

Minidius, Publius, 3.
Mithridates, 154.
Modes of music, 140 _ff._
Moon, 258; phases of, 262 _f._
Mortar, consistency of, for stucco work, 206 _f._;

of burnt brick, 209.

Motion, elements of, 290 _ff._
Mouldings for stucco work, 206.
Mucius, C., temple of Honour and Valour, 78, 200.
Mummius, Lucius, 145.
Muses, 253;

fountain of, 232.

Music useful to architect, 8.
Mutules, 102, 108;

of Tuscan temples, 122.

Myager the Phocaean, 70.
Myron, 11, 69.
Mysia the "Burnt District," 47.
Mytilene, 25.
Myus, 103.



Nemean games, 251.
Neptune, spring of, 237.
Nexaris, 199.
Nile, 36, 231;

temples on, should face the river, 117.

Nonacris, "Water of the Styx," 238.
Notes, names of, 141 _f._
Number, perfect, 73 _f._
Nymphodorus, 199.
Nymphs, temple of Corinthian order, 15.



Oak, 60;

in floors, 202.

Obols, 74.
Ochre ([Greek: ôchra]), 214.
Oeci, distinction between Corinthian and Egyptian, 179;

Cyzicene, 180.

Oil room, 184.
Olympian games, 251.
[Greek: Opai], 108.
Opus incertum, 51;

reticulatum, 51;
Signinum, 247 _f._

Orchestra, reserved for senators, 146;

of Greek theatre, 151.

Order appropriate to temples, 15;

origin of different orders, 102 _ff._

Organ, water, 299 _f._
[Greek: Organon], 283.
Orientation of streets, 24 _ff._;

of temples, 116 _f._

Orion (constellation), 268.
Ornaments of the orders, 107 _ff._
Orpiment ([Greek: arsenikon]), 214.
Ostrum, source of purple dye, 220.



Paconius, 289.
Paeonius of Ephesus, 200.
Palaestra, 159 _ff._
Palla, stone quarries at, 49.
Panels of doors, 118.
Paphlagonia, intoxicating springs of, 239.
[Greek: Paradromides], 188.
Paraetonium, 235;

white, 214.

Parapet of theatre, dimensions of, 148.
Parmenio, 273.
Paros, 289.
Pastas, 186.
Patras, cellae of temple built of brick, 53.
Patrocles, 273.
Pausanias, son of Agesipolis, 7.
Peiraeus, 234;

naval arsenal at, 198.

Peisistratus, 199.
Pelecinum (sun dial), 273.
Penne, 234.
Pentaspast (hoisting machine), 285.
Pergamus, 196.
Peripteral temple, 75 _f._
Peristyle, 186;

decorations of, 210 _f._;
proportions of, 179;
Rhodian, 186.

Peritreti, 303 _f._
Perseus (constellation), 266.
Persian Porch, 7.
Persians, statues of, 8 _f._
Perspective, commentaries on by Agatharcus, Anaxagoras, and Democritus, 198.
Pesaro, 63.
Pharax of Ephesus, 70.
Phasis, 231.
Phidias, 69.
Philippus (physicist), 269.
Philip son of Amyntas, 310.
Philo, 198, 200;

of Byzantium, 199.

Philolaus of Tarentum, 12.
Philosophy, why useful to architect, 8.
Phocaea, 103.
Phrygia, 236.
Phthia, 102.
Picenum, 49.
Picture galleries, 179, 186.
Piles, of alder, 61;

olive, or oak, 88.

[Greek: Pinax] of water organ, 299.
Pine, 61.
Pixodorus discovers marble near Ephesus, 289;

his name changed to Evangelus, 290.

Planets, 257 _ff._;

their retrograde movement, 260 _f._

Plataea, battle of, 7.
Plato, 195, 251;

rule for doubling the square, 252.

[Greek: Pleiades], 189.
Plinthium (sun dial), 273.
[Greek: Pneumatikon], 283.
Po, 231.
Podium of theatre, height of, 148.
Pollis, 199.
[Greek: Poloi] (pivots of heaven), 257.
Polus (star), 267.
Polycles of Ephesus, 70.
Polyclitus, 11, 69.
Polyidus, 199, 310.
Polyspast (hoisting machine), 288.
Pompeian pumice, 47.
Pompey, colonnades of, 154;

temple of Hercules, 80.

Pontic wax, 216, 217.
Pontus, 214, 220, 231, 236.
Poplar, 60.
Pormus, 199.
Posidonius, 241.
Pothereus (river), 20.
Pozzolana, 46 _f._
Praxiteles, 199.
Pressing room, 183 _f._
Priene, 103;

Temple of Minerva at, 11, 198.

Primordial substance, 42.
Prison, location of, 137.
Proconnesus, 289.
Pronaos, 114 _ff._, 120.
Proportions, 72, 174 _f._;

of circular temples, 123 _f._;
of colonnades, 154 _f._;
of columns and intercolumniations, 78 _ff._, 116;
of the Corinthian order, 106 _f._;
of doorways of temples, 117 _ff._;
of Doric temples, 109 _ff._;
of the Ionic order, 90 _ff._;
of rooms, 176 _ff._

Propriety, 14 _ff._
Proscaenium of Greek theatre, 151.
Proserpine temple of Corinthian order, 15;

temple of, 200.

[Greek: Pros pan klima] (sun dial), 273.
[Greek: Pros ta historoumena] (sun dial), 273.
Prostas, 186.
Prostyle, 75.
Proteus, daughters of, 239.
Prothyra, 188.
Protropum (wine), 236.
[Greek: Protrygêtês] (star), 265.
Pseudisodomum, 52.
Pseudodipteral temple, 75, 78, 82.
Pseudoperipteral temples, 125.
Pteroma, 82, 114, 125.
Ptolemy, 196, 197;

Philadelphus, 197.

Public buildings, sites of, 31 _f._
Pump of Ctesibius, 297 _f._
Purple, 213, 219; substitutes for, 220 _f._
Puzzuoli, 218.
Pycnostyle temples, 78 _f._;

proportions of columns in, 84.

Pyrrus, 199.
Pythagoras, 42, 130, 225, 251, 269;

right triangle of, 252 _f._

Pytheos, 11, 109, 198, 199.
Pythian games, 251.



Quarries of Grotta Rosa, Palla, Fidenae, Campania,
Umbria, Picenum, Tivoli, Amiternum, Venetia, Tarquinii,
Lake of Bolsena, Ferento, 49, 50.
Quicksilver, 215 _ff._
Quirinus, temple of, 78.
Quiver (sun dial), 273.



Rainwater, 229 _ff._
Ram, battering, 309 _f._;

Hegetor's, 314 _f._

Ram (constellation), 266.
Raven (constellation), 268.
Raven, a machine of no value, 310 _f._
Ravenna, 21, 61, 63.
Reduction of columns, 114.
Refraction explained, 175.
Resin, soot of, used to make black, 218.
Resonant sites of theatres ([Greek: antêchountes]), 153.
Retaining walls, 190 _f._
Reticulatum opus, 51.
Retrogression of planets, 261.
Rhine, 231.
Rhodes, 55 _f._, 167, 219, 220;

length of shadow of gnomon at, 270;
siege of, 316 _f._

Rhone, 231.
River (constellation), 268.
Rivers rise in the north, 231.
Rome, 63, 64, 78, 80, 145, 217;

site of, determined by divine intelligence, 174;
length of shadow of gnomon at, 270.

Romulus, hut of, 40.
Roofs, of mud, 39 _f._;

timbers of, 107;
of Tuscan temples, 122;
of circular temples, 124.

Rooms, proportions of, 176 _ff._;

proper exposure for, 180 _f._;
should be suited to station of the owner, 181 _f._

Round Building at Delphi, 198.



Salmacis, spring of, 54.
Salpia in Apulia, 21.
Sambuca illustrates effect of climate on voice, 171.
Samos, 12, 103, 263, 269, 273;

Doric temple of Juno in, 198.

Sand, 44 _f._, 48.
Sandarach, 214; made from white lead, 219.
Sardis, 53.
Sarnacus, 199.
Saturn (planet), 260, 261, 262.
Satyrus, 199.
Scaena of theatre, 146;

dimensions of, 148;
scheme of, 150;
decorations of, 150;
of theatre at Tralles, 212.

Scale, musical, 141.
Scaling machine, 311.
Scamilli impares, 89, 155, 320.
Scaphe (sun dial), 273.
Scopas, 199.
Scopinas, 12, 273.
Scorpion (constellation), 266.
Scorpiones, rules for making, 303 _ff._
Scotia, 90, 112.
Scutula of ballistae, 306 _f._
Seats in theatre, dimensions of, 148.
Selinusian chalk ([Greek: isatis]), 220.
Semiramis, 235.
Senate house, location of, 137.
Septentriones (She-Bears), 267.
Septimius, P., 199.
Serapis, site of temple of, 31.
Serpent (constellation), 266.
Serpent-holder (constellation), 266.
Sesterce, 74.
She-Goat (constellation), 266.
Ship, motion of, explained, 291.
Shipyards, 164.
Sicily, 236.
Siege machines, 309 _ff._
Signinum work, 247 _f._
Signs of the Zodiac, 258;

sun's course through, 264 _f._;
shown on dials, 276 _f._

Silanion, 199.
Silenus, on the proportions of Doric structures, 198.
Simae ([Greek: epaietides]), 96, 108.
Sinope, 214.
Smyrna, 197, 214;

Stratoniceum at, 154.

Snake (constellation), 268.
Socrates, 69, 70, 195.
Soli, 235.
Soracte, stone quarries of, 49.
Sounding vessels in the theatre, 143 _ff._
Southern Fish (constellation), 267.
Spain, 214;

cinnabar mines of, 217.

Sparta, paintings on brick walls at, 53.
Spica (star), 265.
Stables, 184, 186.
Statonia, 50.
Steelyard, description of, 291.
Steps of temples odd in number, 88.
Stereobates, 88.
Stone, 48, 49 _f._
Stratoniceum, 154.
Streets, directions of, 24.
Stucco, 204 _ff._;

in damp places, 208 _ff._

Stucco-workers, Greek, 208.
Stylobates, 88.
Substructures of houses, 189 _ff._
Sulphur springs, 233 _f._
Sun, 258 _f._;

course of, through the twelve signs, 264 _f._

Sundials, 273 _ff._;

how designed, 270 _ff._

Sunium, temple of Pallas at, 124.
Susa, spring at, 240.
Syene, 231.
Symmetry, 14;

in temples and in the human body, 72 _f._;
modifications to suit site, 174 _ff._

Syracuse, 273.
Syria, 231, 235, 237.
Systyle temples, 78 _f._;

proportions of columns in, 84;
Doric, 113.



Tablinum, proportions of, 178.
Tarentum, 12, 255;

length of shadow of gnomon at, 270.

Tarquinii, 50.
Tarsus, 234, 240.
Teano, acid springs of, 238.
Telamones, 188.
Teleas of Athens, 70.
[Greek: Teleion] (perfect number), 73 _f._
Tempering of iron, 18.
Temples, classification of, 75 _ff._;

circular, 122 _ff._;
Corinthian, 102 _f._;
Doric, 109 _ff._;
Ionic, 90 _ff._;
Tuscan, 120;
foundations of, 86 _ff._;
orientation of, 116 _f._;
proportion of columns of, 78 _ff._;
sites of, 31 _f._;
Aesculapius, 15, 198;
Apollo, 31, 78, 80, 200;
Bacchus, 15, 31, 82, 109, 198;
Castor, 124;
Ceres, 32, 80, 200;
Diana, 15, 78, 80, 103, 124, 198, 200, 288 _f._;
Equestrian Fortune, 80;
Faunus, 75;
Flora, 15;
Three Fortunes, 75;
Hercules, 15, 31, 53, 80;
Isis, 31;
Juno, 15, 31, 198;
Jupiter, 14, 31, 53, 75, 199;
Honour and Valour, 78, 200;
Mars, 15, 31;
Mercury, 31, 54;
Minerva, 11, 15, 31, 124, 198;
Nymphs, 15;
Proserpine, 15, 200;
Quirinus, 78;
Serapis, 31;
Vejovis, 124;
Venus, 15, 31, 54;
Vulcan, 31.

Teos, 103;

temple of Bacchus at, 82, 198.

Terracina, 236, 237.
Testudinate cavaedium, 177.
Tetrachords, 140 _ff._
Tetrastyle cavaedium, 176.
Thalamos, 186.,
Thales, 42, 195, 225, 269.
Thasos, 289.
Theatre, 137 _ff._;

site of, 137;
foundations of, 138 _f._;
entrances to, 138, 148;
plan of Roman, 146 _ff._;
plan of Greek, 151 _ff._;
sounding vessels in, 143 _f._;
acoustics of site of, 153 _ff._

Thebes in Egypt, 231.
Themistocles, colonnade of, 154.
Theo of Magnesia, 70.
Theocydes, 199.
Theodorus, 198.
Theodorus the Phocian, 198.
Theodosius, 273.
Theodotus, 214.
Theophrastus, 167, 241.
Thessaly, 237.
Thrace, 237.
[Greek: Thyrôreion], 186.
Tiber, 231.
Tigris, 231.
Timaeus, 241.
Timavo, 231.
Timber, 58 _ff._
Timotheus, 54, 199.
Tivoli, 233; stone quarries of, 49.
Tortoise, 311 _ff._;

of battering ram, 310;
Hegetor's, 312 _ff._

Torus, 90.
Towers, construction of, 22 _f._;

dimensions of moveable, 310.

Tralles, 212;

palace of brick at, 53;
colonnades at, 154;
temple of Aesculapius at, 198.

Treasury, location of, 137.
Trichalca, 74.
Triglyphs, origin of, 107 _ff._;

arrangement of, 109 _f._, 113;
size of, 112.

Trispast (hoisting machine), 285.
[Greek: Trochilos] (scotia), 90.
Troezen, 54, 234.
Troy, 195, 211, 237.
Trypho, Alexandrine architect, 317 _f._
Tufa, its qualities, 49.
Tuscan, cavaedium, 176;

temples, 120 _f._

Twins (constellation), 266.
Tyana, 235.
Tympanum, 96, 122;

water tympanum, 293.

Tyre, 309.



Ulysses, 211.
Universe, definition of, 257.



Varro, M. Terentius, 199, 256.
Vaultings, 205 _ff._
Vejovis, temple of, 124.
Velian country, acid springs of, 238.
Venter ([Greek: koilia]), 245.
Venus, Corinthian order appropriate to, 15;

site of temple of, 31;
temple of, 54.

Venus (planet), 259.

Verdigris, 219.
Vergiliae, 189.
Vermilion, 213, 215;

preparation of, 216.

Vesta, altar of, 125.
Vestorius, 218.
Vesuvius, 46, 47.
Via Campana, 238.
Vinegar a solvent of rocks, 239.
Violets used for purple colour, 220.
Virgin (constellation), 265.
Vitruvius, education, 13, 168;

personal appearance, 36;
method of writing, 197 _ff._;
military service, 3;
his basilica at Fano, 134 _ff._

Voice, defined, 138 _f._;

pitch of, determined by climate, 171.

Volutes, 93.
Voussoirs, 190.
Vulcan, site of temple of, 31.



Walks, how to be constructed, 156;

serve practical purpose, 156.

Walls, material for, 24;

methods of building, 51 _ff._, 56;
of brick are durable, 53;
of rubble, 53.

Warden (constellation), 265.
Water (constellation), 268.
Water, 225 _ff._;

indispensable, 226;
how to find, 227 _ff._;
properties of, 232 _ff._;
tests of good, 242;
methods of conducting, 244 _ff._

Water clocks, 273 _ff._
Waterman (constellation), 266.
Water organ, 299 _f._
Water pipes, 244 _ff._
Water screw, 295 _ff._
Water wheels, 294.
Wattle and daub, 57 _f._
Weather prognostics, 269 _ff._
Wells, 244 _ff._
Whale (constellation), 267.
Wheel (treadmill), 286 _f._
White lead, 219, 238 _f._
Willow, 60.
Winds, names and number of, 26 _ff._;

diagrams of, 29 _f._;
orientation of cities with reference to, 24 _ff._

Wine, given its flavour by soil and water, 236;

lees used to make black, 218.

Wine rooms, 184.



Xanthus, 237.
Xenia, 187.
Xenophanes, 195, 269.
[Greek: Xystos], 161, 188.
Xuthus, 103.
Xysta ([Greek: paradromides]), 161, 188.



Yellow ochre, 220.



Zacynthus, 235.
Zama, 240.
Zea, spring at, 239 _f._
Zeno, 195.
Zodiac, 257 _ff._
Zoilus (Homeromastix), 197.