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Testament Pedro I Of the Brazil

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Testament Pedro I Of the Brazil
by Pedro I
3938930Testament Pedro I Of the BrazilPedro I



I D. PEDRO DE ALCANTARA DE BRAGANÇA AND BOURBON, DUKE of Bragança, being in my right mind and in good health, hereby declare my Closed will, be my free will, the following:

ARTICLE 1. I appoint as Tutor and Curator of my much-loved and esteemed Daughter Mrs. Maria II Queen of Portugal and the Algarves, Her Imperial Majesty Mrs. D. Amelia Augusta Eugenia de Leuchtenberg Duchess of Bragança, my

much loved and cherished woman.

ART. 2. It may happen that for any incident my dearly loved and

dear Son D. Pedro II Constitutional Emperor of the Empire of Brazil and their august Sisters will leave the said Empire, I declare from now on in such a case by null and of no effect the appointment that by my Royal Decree of 6 April of the year past I made Brazilian Citizen José Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva to Tutor of my beloved and dear Children that I left in Brazil, I make His Imperial Majesty Mrs. Amelia Augusta Eugenia de Leuchtenberg, Duchess of Bragança, my much loved and esteemed wife, Tutor and Healer of all my children augustos, and administrator of the state and Serenissima Casa de Bragança until the age of minority of my very beloved and dear Son, D. Pedro II, so that the same Augusta Senhora Duqueza de Bragança administers the same and entire freedom with which Mr. D. João VI, my Augusto Father of glorious memory, the administered during my minority.

ART.3. I appoint my Trustee to H.M.I. Mrs. D.A.A.E. de L. Duqueza

of Bragança my much loved and esteemed wife.

ART.4. I leave to S.M.I. Mrs. D. A. A. E. de L. D. de B. my beloved wife

all good furniture and immovables that do not rightfully belong to my lot Beloved and dear Son, D. Pedro II Constitutional Emperor of the Empire of Brazil, and to my much-loved and dear Daughters with the exception of Tuesday, according to the right granted by the Laws. I arrange it as follows: I leave half from said Tuesday to my dear daughter, Mrs. D. Isabel Maria de Alcantara, Brazilian, Duchess of Goyaz; I leave the other half divided into three equal parts, being d'ellas huma for Rodrigo Delphim Pereira, another for D. Pedro de Alcantara, Brasileiro, and the other for S.M.I. Mrs. D. A. A. E. de L. my dear and beloved wife, Duchess of Bragança to give you that application that I verbally made to you appear.

                          ( two )

ART. 5. I recommend to S.M.I. Ms. D. A. A. E. de L. my dear and adored wife to call my very dear daughter D. Isabel Maria de Alcantara, Brasileira, Duqueza de Goyaz, as soon as she has completed her education, and that during it, assist you with its Imperial protection and support, as well as Rodrigo Delphim Pereira and Pedro de Alcantara, Brazilian, and that girl I told you about and who was born in the City of S. Paulo in the Empire of Brazil on February 28, 1832, that this girl be called to Europe to receive the same education that is being given to my aforementioned daughter Duqueza de Goyaz, and that after being educated, the same Lady D. A. A. E. de L. D. de B. beloved wife, call her likewise to thy foot.

ART. 6. I recommend to my august Lady all those servants of mine who

have always been faithful to me. Done at the City of Paris, the 21st of January, 1832.


IN THE name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father Son and Holy Spirit, three persons and one true God in which I firmly believe, I D. Pedro Duque of Bragança, Regent of the Kingdoms of Portugal and Algarve and its domains in the name of the Queen, being ill but in very good judgment and free from all any coercion or nomination, I make this my Will in the form and manner Following:

First of all, I declare that I have lived and will die in the Catholic faith.

Apostolica Romana, believing in all that Holy Mother Church teaches and commands. I commend my soul to God and the Blessed Virgin Mary, under her Most Holy Title of Conceição and to all the Saints and Saints with specialization to the of my name. I don't want my burial to be done with any pomp other than of the honors that are usually practiced at the burials of the Generals. I declare that I am for the second time married to S.M.I., Mrs. D.A.A. de L.D. de Bragança, that I have a daughter still in childhood, Princess D. Maria Amelia, and from my first marriage with the Arch-Duchess Leopoldina Empress of Brazil will be three children namely: Queen Fidelissima, D. Pedro Emperor of Brazil, the Princess D. Januaria and Princess D. Francisca. I name all the aforementioned my children, my universaes heirs as stated in the will I made in Paris in the year 1832, and this provision in Mr. Noel Notary Public, assistant on the rue de la Paix; Will I want to be valid supplement and codicillo d'este, as if each of its articles and clauses, here express and declared mention. Appointment in the form of the Constitution of Monarchia Portuguese for Tutor and Curator of Queen Fidelissima Mrs. D. Maria II mine above all dearly beloved daughter, and of all others my dearly beloved


and dear children, my much-loved and esteemed wife D. A. A. de L. D. de Bragança, I leave the same Augusta Senhora Duqueza de Bragança the administration of all the funds I have in different parts of Europe, and of the silver and jewels that I have in London, as well as everything else that may belong to me, until that these goods be delivered to the people to whom I leave them in my aforementioned Will. ment. I wish my wife to preserve as much as possible, in her service, my beloved and faithful servant José Maria, not forgetting everyone else who so faithfully ity has served me. I leave my sword to my brother-in-law and future son-in-law His Highness Prince Auguste Duke of Leuchtenberg and Santa Cruz, as proof does not mistake the great account in which I have his relevant qualities. I declare that I had the silver of the Church of Villa Viçosa reduced to currency, in order to supply any expenses that circumstances forced me to do; being my will that my wife satisfy for my Goods to whom the value rightfully belongs of said silver. I declare that I am in debt to Board Member Manoel José Sarmento of a rather large sum of which I do not remember now, but that my Servant João Carlota Ferreira, Intendant of Reaes Cavallarices, is authorized to declare. I ask my wife to give a gift to each of the doctors who assist, as I have recommended, and especially the Physical Counselor Mor João Fernandes Tavares; recommended to National Generosity, my wife and all my children, and in this way I conclude this testament of mine that is written by Bento Pereira do Carmo, of my Council, Minister and Secretary of State for Business in the Kingdom. Palace of Queluz, September 17, 1834. I declare that where it says three sons, it should read four sons; and where it says Inten- As part of the Reaes Cavallarices, it should read Intendant of the Royal Ucharia and Mantiaria. It was ut supra. By Order of H.M.I. I wrote it. Signed, Bento Pereira do Carmo.

                                    D. PEDRO, REGENT.


Rio de Janeiro, at Typographia Aestral Beco dos Quarteis n.° 21.