The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe/Volume 3/An Epistle of John Huss to his Friends, wherein he declareth why God suffereth not his to perish

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For other English-language translations of this work, see Letter of Jan Hus to the faithful Bohemians (27 June 1415).
3058163The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe, Volume 3 — An Epistle of John Huss to his Friends, wherein he declareth why God suffereth not his to perishJan Hus

An Epistle of John Huss to his Friends, wherein he declareth why God suffereth not his to perish; bringing divers examples, wherewith he doth comfort and confirm both himself and others.
The Lord God be with you! Many causes there were, well-beloved in God, my dear friends, which moved me to think that those letters were the last, which before I sent unto you, looking that same time for instant death. But now, understanding the same to be deferred, I take it for great comfort unto me, that I have some leisure more to talk with you by letters. And therefore I write again to you, to declare and testify at least my gratitude and mindful duty towards you. And as touching death, God doth know why he doth defer it both to me, and to my well-beloved brother Master Jerome, who I trust will die holy and without blame; and do know also that he doth and suffereth now more valiantly, than I myself, a wretched sinner. God hath given us a long time, that we might call to memory our sins the better, and repent for the same more fervently. He hath granted us time, that our long and great temptation should put away our grievous sins, and bring the more consolation. He hath given us time, wherein we should remember the horrible rebukes of our merciful King and Lord Jesus, and should ponder his cruel death, and so more patiently might learn to bear our afflictions. And, moreover, that we might keep in remembrance, how that the joys of the life to come are not given after the joys of this world immediately, but that through many tribulations the saints have entered into the kingdom of heaven. For some of them have been cut and chopped all to pieces, some have had their eyes bored through, some have been sodden, some roasted, some flayed alive, some buried quick, stoned, crucified, grinded betwixt millstones, drawn and hailed hither and thither unto execution, drowned in waters, strangled and hanged, torn in pieces, vexed with rebukes before their death, pined in prisons, and afflicted in bands. The torments of the martyrs under the Old and New Testament.And who is able to recite all the torments and sufferings of the holy saints, which ments they suffered under the Old and New Testament for the verity of God; namely, those who have at any time rebuked the malice of the priests, or have preached against their wickedness? And it will be a marvel if any man now also shall escape unpunished, whosoever dare boldly resist the wickedness and perversity, especially of those priests, who can abide no correction. And I am glad that they are compelled now to read my books, in which their malice is somewhat described; and I know they have read the same more exactly and diligently, than the holy gospel, seeking therein to find out errors.
Given at Constance, on Thursday, the twenty-eighth day of June,
Anno 1415.