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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer/Adverts

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3801125The Adventures of Tom Sawyer — AdvertisementsMark Twain

Full Descriptive Circulars of any Book on. this Catalogue sent free, also Terms to Agents when desired, which, are most liberal.

Catalogue of Books Published by the




Revised December 1st, 1876.

ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER. Mark Twain's last work. 150 Engravings. New, Bright, and Refreshing. A Splendid Gift Book.

THE TRUE-BLUE LAWS OF CONNECTICUT. Edited by the Hon. J. Hammond Trumbull, LL. D., with Historical Introduction. An entirely new rendering of a very old story. This book should be in the library of every lawyer and man of intellect, and read by everybody. It is as amusing as it is instructive.

GABRIEL CONROY. Bret Harte's great Work. Now first published in book form. Critics have pronounced it the most fascinating work of the day. A beautiful Octavo volume of 533 pages, including cuts. ' 33 Full Page Illustrations.

Price in Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edge. Library. Half Morocco. Full Morocco.
$3.00 $3.50 $3.50 $4.50 $7.00

THE BIG BONANZA: An authentic account of the discovery, development and wonderful exhibit of the great Comstock Silver Lode; Sketches of the most Prominent Men interested in the mines; Incidents and Adventures; Humorous Stories; Amusing Experiences; Anecdotes, &c., &c. A rollicking book, by the famous writer DAN DEQUILLE, with an Introduction by Mark Twain. A book for the times. An elegant Octavo of about 600 pages, 66 full page and many text Engravings.

Price in Silver Colored English Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edges. Library. Half Morocco.
$3.50 $4.00 $4.00 $5.00

MY WINTER ON THE NILE AMONG THE MUMMIES AND MOSLEMS: By Chas. Dudely Warner. Author of "My Summer in a Garden," "Back-Log Studies," &c., &c. A delightful book of Egyptian travel. Octavo, 477 pages.

Price in Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edges. Library Style. Half Morocco. Full Turkey Morocco.
$2.50 $3.00 $3.00 $4.50 $7.00

BIBLE LANDS ILLUSTRATED. By Rev. H. C. Fish, D. D. A Pictorial Handbook of Bible Lands and Christian Antiquities. Interesting to both old and young. Over 900 Pages. 600 Engravings and maps.

Price in Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edges. Leather (library style). Half Morocco. Full Morocco.
$3.50 $4.00 $4.00 $5.00 $8.00

D. L. MOODY AND HIS WORK. By the REV. W. H. DANIELS. The Author visited Great Britain and took part in the revival meetings there, and this book is a complete Biography of Moody and Sankey, and a full account of their labors in Great Britain and America, including those in Brooklyn, Philadelphia and New York. It is the only Original lives of these men out, and is Authentic. 519 Pages. 17 Full-page Engravings.

Price in Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edge. Leather (library style). Half Morocco.
$2.00 $2.50 $2.50 $3.50

WI-NE-MA (THE WOMAN-CHIEF) AND HER PEOPLE. By the HON. A. B. MEACHAM, Chairman of the Modoc Peace Commissioners, &c. This is the record of the heroic Indian woman, who at the risk of her own life saved the author from butchery at the time of the assassination of Gen Canby and part of his associates by the Modocs. 12mo. 168 Pages. 16 Engravings. Price in Cloth $1.00.

FACSIMILE OF GEN'L WASHINGTON'S ACCOUNT WITH THE UNITED STATES, FROM 1775 TO 1783. A Centennial Curiosity worth having. By permission of Congress the original account book of Gen'l Washington was taken from the archives at Washington, lithographed and printed, and this volume is a perfect fac-simile in every respect of the original. Price $2.50.

Those wishing to act as Agents for any of these Books will please select the one best suited to their market, and send for Circulars, terms, &c.

THE NEWGATE OF CONNECTICUT. By R. H. PHELPS. A History of the celebrated Simsbury mines, the historical prison in which Tories were confined during the Revolutionary war a hundred years ago, and used as a State's Prison for years afterwards. The only book of its kind, and intensely interesting. Illustrated with views of the old and present Newgate, and also of the Wethersfield State's Prison. 12mo. 117 Pages. 6 Engravings. Price in Cloth, 75 cte.

The foregoing Books are all new and just from the Press.

*SCRIPTURE READING LESSONS, An Aid to Family Worhsip. By Rev. J. T. Champlain, D. D. Destined to fill a place long void. To every family where Family Worship is observed, it will prove invaluable. It covers the whole Bible and is free from anything sectarian. It will be sold at an extremely low price in order in place it in the reach of all.

*INDIA: ITS PRINCES AND ITS PEOPLB. By Mrs. Julia A. Stone. A Magnificent Book, Splendidly Illustrated. It is a sensible, shrewd, American woman's description of India and its People, after a residence there of years, during which she journeyed over all parts of the country, up and down the Ganges, etc. A work of most thrilling interest.

*These two last named books are not yet published, but are now nearly ready for the press, and will be issued as soon as practicable.

Agents canvassing for any of the Books mentioned above or on the preceding page are allowed to .take orders for any of the following. For many of them a constant demand exists, and the agent will realize a large income from their sale without trouble.

SKETCHES NEW AND OLD. By Mark Twain. Among them the story of the Jumping Frog. A beautiful parlor table-book. 320 Pages, 122 Illustrations.

Price in Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edges. Leather (library style). Half Morocco. Full Morocco.
$3.00 $3.50 $3.50 $4.50 $6.00

INNOCENTS ABROAD: OR THE NEW PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. By Mark Twain. Everybody has heard of this book. Fully Illustrated. 652 Pages, 234 Engravings.

Price in Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edges. Leather (library style). Half Morocco. Full Morocco.
$3.50 $4.00 $4.00 $5.00 $8.00

ROUGHING IT. By Mark Twain. A companion volume to Innocents Abroad. Full of Twain's characteristic humor. 600 Pages, 300 Illustrations.

Price in Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edges. Leather (library style). Half Morocco. Full Morocco.
$3.50 $4.00 $4.00 $5.00 $8.00

THE GILDED AGE. By Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner. A tale of To-Day. Wit, Humor, and Romance combined. 576 Pages, 212 Illustrations.

Price in Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edges. Leather (library style). Half Morocco. Full Morocco.
$3.50 $4.00 $4.00 $5.00 $8.00

MY OPINIONS AND BETSEY BOBBET'S. By Josiah Allen's Wife. A home book, full of humor, sarcasm, and instruction. One of the most amusing books ever written. 432 Pages. 12mo. 50 Illustrations.

Price in Cloth, $2.50. Cloth, Gilt Edges, $3.00. Half Morocco, $4.00.

THE GREAT SOUTH. By Edward King. Illustrated from sketches by J. Wells Champney. A record of journeyings in all the South in 1872 and 73. This book has won a world wide reputation both for beauty and for faithful portrayal of the South as it is. Magnificently illustrated. Large Octavo, 810 Pages. Maps and Engravings over 600.

Price in Cloth. Plain Leather. Half Morocco. Fall Morocco.
$6.00 $7.00 $8.00 $12.00

THE WORLD OF WIT AND HUMOR. An unique book. A collection of famous humorous sketches and poems, from the pens of the most celebrated writers. Such poems as "Nothing to Wear," "The Heathen Chinee," and "The Wonderful One-Horse Shay," are here collected and illustrated, and scores of equally noted prose sketches. A beautiful volume just adapted to the parlor table. Large Octavo, 500 Pages. 450 Engravings.

Price in Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edges. Library. Half Morocco. Full Morocco.
$3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $6.00 $10.00

SQUIBS, OR EVERY DAY LIFE ILLUSTRATED By Palmer Cox. One of the funniest books ever written. A record of sights seen by the author in his walks about town and sketched by him on the spot. A book to read and laugh over. 12mo. 500 Pages. 200 Engravings.

Price in Cloth, $2.00. Cloth, Gilt Edges, $2.50. Half Morocco, $4.00.

THE HISTORY OF DEMOCRACY, OR POLITICAL PROGRESS Historically Illustrated from the Earliest to the Latest Periods. By Hon. Nahum Capen. A work of the greatest value, and should be in every library. Large Royal Octavo, 677 Pages. Steel Illustrations.

Price in Cloth. Library. Half Morocco. Full Tarkey Morocco.
$5.00 $6.00 $7.00 $9.00

UNWRITTEN HISTORY OR LIFE AMONG THE MODOCS. By Joaquin Miller. A most fascinating Indian story, showing the real life of the Indian and the injustice he meets with. Octavo, 446 Pages. 34 Full page Engravings.

Price in Cloth, $3.00. Library, $3.60. Half Morocco, $4.50.

A BOOK ON TOBACCO: Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture, Commerce, and Various modes of use in different parts of the World, &c. By E. R. Billings. A complete novelty. 486 Pages. Nearly 200 Engravings.

Price in Cloth. Gilt Edges. Library Style. Half Calf or Morocco.
$3.00 $3.50 $3.50 $4.50

MY CAPTIVITY AMONG THE SIOUX. By Mrs. FANNY KELLY. The extraordinary story of a woman captured by the Indians; her life among them; and her wonderful escape. Finely Illustrated on Wood and Steel. 300 Pages. 12mo.

Price in Fine English Cloth, $1.50.

THE UNCIVILIZED RACES: OR NATURAL HISTORY OF MAN. By the Rev. J. G. Wood, m. a., f. r. s. <&c. An exact reprint of the English Edition, with large additions by an American traveller; an invaluable addition to a library; in one or two volumes, 1681 pages. 715 Engravings.

  Price in Cloth. Leather (library style). Half Morocco. Full Morocco.
In one Vol. $6.00   $7.00   $8.00   $10.00  
In two Vols. $3.75 each vol. $4.50 each vol. $5.00 each vol. $6.00 each vol.

AGRICULTURE. By Alexander Hyde. Being Twelve Lectures before the Lowell Institute, Boston. Mass. A rare book for the farmer. 12mo. 370 Pages. Price $1.50.

PEOPLE FROM THE OTHER WORLD. By Col. H. S. Olcott. The wonderful doings of the "Eddy Brothers," and other noted spiritualists, with tests applied by the author. 12mo. 492 Pages. 50 Full page Engravings.

Price in Cloth, $2.50. Cloth, Gilt Edges, $3.00. Half Turkey, $4.00.

BEYOND THE MISSISSIPPI. By A. D. RICHARDSON. Having an immense sale. A work too well known to need a description. 630 Pages. 216 Engravings.

Price in Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edges. Leather (library style). Half Morocco. Full Morocco.
$3.50 $4.00 $4.00 $5.00 $8.00

PERSONAL HISTORY OF U. S. GRANT. By A. D. Richardson. The only authentic and full life of this famous man. 560 Pages, 25 Engravings.

Price in Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edges, Leather (library style). Half Morocco.
$3.00 $8.00 $3.50 $5.00

FIELD, DUNGEON AND ESCAPE. By A. D. RICHARDSON. The noted record of the capture, imprisonment and escape of the lamented author during the civil war. 512 pages, 10 steel and wood Engravings.

Price in Cloth. Cloth. Gilt Edges. Leather (library style). Half Morocco.
$3.00 $3.50 $3.50 $5.00

THE GREAT REBELLION; A HISTORY OF THE CIVIL WAR IN THE UNITED STATES. By HON. J. T. HEADLEY. The most complete and cheapest history out. 1206 Pages and 70 steel Engravings.

Price in Cloth. Em. Morocco. Leather (library style). Half Morocco.
In one Vol.   $5.00   $5.00  
In two Vols. $3.50 each vol. $4.00 each vol. $4.00 each vol. $5.00 each vol.

ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF THE BIBLE. By J. E. Stebbins. Containing Biographical sketches of most of the noted characters in the Bible. A valuable and instructive book. 608 Pages, 18 Full Page steel Engravings, 1 Map.

Price in Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edges. Leather (library style). Full Morocco.
$3.50 $4.00 $4.00 $6.00

HISTORY OF THE INDIAN RACES OF THE WESTERN CONTINENT. By Chas. Dewolff Brownell. Brought down to end of the Modoc war. 760 Pages. 40 full-page Engravings, plain and colored.

Price in English Cloth, $3.50. Leather (library style), $4.00.

EVERYBODY'S FRIEND:Or Josh Billing's Proverbial Philosophy of wit and humor. Profusely Illustrated by Thos. Nast, &c. 129 Engravings.

Price in Cloth, $3.50. Cloth, Gilt Edges, $4.00. Library, $4.00. Half Morocco, $5.00.

SIGHTS AND SENSATIONS IN EUROPE. By Junius Henri Browne. Travel and Sight-seeing in Europe, Ireland, Spain, Germany, Holland, &c; with an account of persons ana places connected with the Franco-Prussian war. A book of rare and exciting interest. Octavo, 591 Pages. 70 Illustrations.

Price in Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edges. Leather (library style). Half Morocco.
$3.00 $3.60 $3.50 $4.50

OVERLAND THROUGH ASIA. By Thomas W. Knox. Pictures of Siberian, Chinese and Tartar life. A splendid work, full of interest. Octavo. 608 Pages. 193 Engravings.

Price in Cloth. Cloth, Gilt Edges. Leather (library style). Half Morocco. Full Morocco.
$3.50 $4.00 $4.00 $5.00 $8.00

THE GREAT METROPOLIS. A Mirror of New York. A complete showing up of the great Metropolis inside and out. By Junius Henri Browne. Octavo, 700 Pages. 26 Engravings.

Price in Cloth, $3.00. Library, $3.60. Half Morocco, $4.50.

HOLIDAY BOOKS. Most fascinating for Boys and Girls. Almost every page illustrated.

Stories About Birds. Price $2.50. Stories About Animals. Price $2.50.
Pebbles and Pearls. "1.25.

THE HOLY BIBLE, with Apocrypha and Concordance (the authorized edition); to which are added Canne's Marginal References; Index and Table of Texts, and an account of the Lives and Martyrdoms of the Apostles and Evangelists. Illustrated with numerous beautifully executed Steel Plates. The cheapest Bible made. Price $6.00 to $13.00

THE HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old and New Testaments. Translated Literally from the Original Tongues. By Julia E. Smith. Price $3.00.


It has been claimed that books sold by Agents are higher in price than those of equal value sold at book-stores. This belief often prevents persons from buying of an Agent. So far as our books are concerned, there is no foundation for such a claim. Please consider the following statements.

First. Most of our books are fully illustrated, not only with full page but with text engravings. These illustrations must be printed on something better than ordinary book paper, and to be well executed it requires the whole book to be on fine, heavy paper suitable for the cuts, costing very high. Again, the printing of the text with cuts costs more than twice the price of plain printing. Hence, few books are printed with text engravings. For proof, we ask you to count up all you can remember of them, aside from ours. You will find they are very few. Publishers avoid them universally.

Second. We claim that we sell you books with from two hundred to three hundred engravings, finely printed on extra fine paper, and most firmly bound, as low as you can buy any book equal in weight, size, and popularity, which contain but few if any cuts, at any book-store; while you will be asked there for books illustrated as are our $3.50 ones (if they have any such) at least $5 or $6. We do not ask you to take our word for this, but to test it by enquiry and comparison. We certainly sell books lower than book-stores.

We allow our Agents exactly the discount on our price, that publishers allow the regular trade, and no more; and as through our Agents we sell ten times more of our books than do the trade publishers, we can afford a better book for a given sum. We ask investigation on this subject that all may know whether we speak truly or not. We assert that no books of equal cost of the "Beyond the Mississippi," "The Innocents Abraod," "Overland Through Asia," "Roughing It," and others of our books have ever been sold in this country at the price we sell them at.

Third. We employ only those Agents who enter into agreements with us, pledging themselves not to put any books into stores; and it is only through unreliable Agents that they are seen there. The great popularity of our works, and their ready sale make it an object for the trade to get them. Having, by some means, obtained them, dealers sometimes sell our books at a reduced price even without profit to themselves. This is done to injure Agents, and the Subscription-Business, and is the sole and only ground for the current belief that the trade sell books lower than the subscription houses.

Our Agents are instructed by us to introduce our books, but never to press them upon those who do not desire them. We publish none but valuable and popular work, and we bespeak for our Agents a kind reception.

The Atlantic Monthly says of us and one of our books:

"If this book can make its way among the Subscription-Book public, it will do a vast service to literature in educating the popular taste to the appreciation of good reading, and the time will yet come when the Book-Agent will be welcomed at all our doors instead of warned from them by every prohibitory device."

Also says the New York Journal of Commerce:

"This is precisely the sort of book which everyone ought to be glad to have thrust in his face and urged on his attention. The purchaser will be grateful to the agent who has induced him to buy it"

Such, commendations from such authority speak volumes for our books.