The Afghan War (Hardy)/End matter
No. | ||
1. | "Principles and Objects of the National Union" | |
2. | "Conservative and Liberal Foreign Policy;" or "Who is Responsible for Recent Wars? | 5s. 0d. per 100. |
3. | "The Ballot—its Uses and Effects" | (Out of Print.) |
4. | " The Tory Reform Act. What must we do with it? Register! Register! Register!" | 9s. 6d. per 100. |
5. | "Practical Suggestions to the Loyal Working, Men of Great Britain ; or Points of Policy and Duty at the Present Crisis." 1868. | (Out of Print.) |
6. | "Conservative Legislation for the Working Classes.—No. 1. Mines and Factories." By W. T. Charley, Esq., D.C.L., M.P. | 9s. 6d. per 100. |
7. | "The Political Future of the Working Classes; or, Who are the Real Friends of the People?" | Out of Print.) |
8. | Judgment of Justice Keogh in the Drogheda Election Petition (1869.) | (Out of Print.) |
9. | "The Irish Land Question." | 10s. 6d. per 100. |
10. | "Conservative Legislation for the Working Classes.—No. 2. The Truck Acts." By W. T. Charley, Esq., D.C.L., M.P. | 9s. 6d. per 100. |
11. | "The Policy of the Conservative Party." — Speech of the Earl of Derby, at Liverpool, January, 1872 | (Out of Print.) |
12. | "A Debate in a Republican Parliament." Leaflet. | (Out of Print.) |
13. | "The Alabama Claims." | 7s. 0d. per 100. |
14. | Speech of the Right Hon. B. Disraeli, M.P., at Manchester, April, 1872. | 15s. 0d. per 100 |
15. | Report of Sixth Conference of the National Union and Banquet at Crystal Palace, June, 1872, with Speeches of the Duke of Abercorn, the Right Hon. B. Disraeli, M.P., &c., &c. | (Out of Print.) |
16. | Speech of the Right Hon. B. Disraeli, M.P., at Crystal Palace, June, 1872 | (Out of Print.) |
17. | "The Gladstone Administration:" a Review of their Policy from 1868 to 1872 | 10s. 6d. per 100 |
18. | "The Irish Education Question" | 6s. 6d. per 100. |
19. | "The Ministerial Crisis."—Speeches of Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Disraeli, March 20, 1873 | 7s. 0d. per 100. |
20. | "Mr. Gladstone's Foreign Policy " | 6s. 0d. per 100. |
21. | Report of Seventh Conference and Banquet at Leeds, April, 1873 | 20s. 0d. per 100. |
22. | "The Wasted Session of 1873:" a sequel to "The Gladstone Administration," No. 17 | 7s. 0d. per 100. |
23. | Speech of the Right Hon. B. Disraeli, M.P., as Lord Rector of Glasgow University, November, 1873 | (Out of Print.) |
24. | Speech of the Right Hon. B. Disraeli, M.P., to the Glasgow Working Men's Conservative Association, November, 1873 | 6s. 0d. per 100. |
25 and 26. | Reports of Eight and Ninth Conferences at London and Brighton, 1874-5 | 7s. 0d. per 100. |
27. | "The Conservative Working Man," Speech of the Earl of Derby in Edinburgh December 17, 1875. | (Out of Print.) |
28. | "The Fugitive Slave Question," Speech of the Right Hon. Gathorne Hardy, M.P. in the House of Commons, February 22, 1876. | 7s. 0d. per. 100. |
29. | "Conservative v. Liberal Finance" | 6s. 0d. per 100. |
30. | "Three Years of Conservative Government" | 10s. 6d. per 100. |
31. | "The Eastern Question:" Speech of the Right Hon. E. A. Cross, M.P., in the House of Commons, May 1, 1878. | 8s. 0d. per 100. |
32. | "The Policy of the Government on the Eastern Question" | 11s. 3d. per 100. |
33. | Speech of the Marquess of Salisbury at Bradford | 6s. 0d. per 100. |
34. | Convention between Great Britain and Turkey, and Correspondence, July, 1878 | 4s. 0d. per 100. |
35. | "The Treaty of Berlin and the Convention of Constantinople" | 8s. 0d. per 100. |
36. | Conservative Deputations to the Premier and the Marquess of Salisbury. Report of Proceedings | 8s. 0d. per 100. |
37. | "The Earl of Beaconsfield's Administration, 1877–8," a sequel to No. 30 | 9s. 0d. per 100. |
38. | "The Afghan War," Speech by Viscount Cranbrook, December 9, 1878. | 9s. 0d. per 100. |
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