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The Afro-American Press and Its Editors/Index

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Adams, John Q., editor Western Appeal, 237.
portrait of, 239.

Adams, Lucinda B., Mrs, 404.

Adams. Wesley J., editor Public Ledger, 130.

Advocate, the Weekly begun, 32.
changed to Colored American, 33.

African Expositor, The, 210.

African M. E. Church, 78.

African Mission Herald, The, 388.

African Missions, 164

Afro-American Budget, 124-427.

Afro-American, contributors to white journals, 514.

Afro-American journalism, general idea of, 107.
journalism, progress of, 179.
journals, daily, 129.
journals, in 1880, list of, 113.
journals, 1880 to 1890, by states, 114.
Afro-American League, its origin, 524.
its constitution, 528.
its by-laws, 529.
the signers, 530.
local leagues, 531.
the Chicago meeting of 1890, 532.
journalistic indorsements, 534.
its humanitarian work, 535.
Afro-American Magazines, 116.
newspaper, the first, 26.

Afro-American Presbyterian, The, 299.

Afro-American Spokesman, The, 309.

Albert. A. E. P., D. D., responsible positions, 224.
portrait of, 225.
ed. S. W. Christian Advocate, 226.
qualities as a writer, 226.

Alienated American, The, 74.

Allen, Richard, portrait of, 79.

Allen, William G., publisher of Watchman, 52.

American Baptist, The, of Louisville, 122, 253, 378, 380, 385.

American Baptist, The, of New York, 373.

American Catholic Tribune, The, 416, 418.

American Citizen, The, 192.

A. M. E. Church Review, 120.

American Sentinel The, 177.

Anderson, G. W., associate editor New South, 205.
portrait of, 207.
Anderson, W. H., editor Detroit Plaindealer, 158.
portrait of. 159.
Anderson, W. H., D. D., editor Baptist Watchman, 246.
portrait of, 247.
Anglo-African, The, begun, 83.
its character, 84.
changed to Pine and Palm, 86.
advocacy of education, 87.
contemporaries of, 90.
Anglo-African Magazine, The, 118.
its objects, 119.
Anglo-Saxon and Afro-Am. press:
support contrasted, 492.
demands upon the press, 494.
the three attitudes of A. S. papers, 496.
friendly words, Indianapolis Journal, 497.
Chicago Inter Ocean, 497.
San Antonio Express, 500.
Natchez Democrat, 500.
Chattanooga Times, 500.
Raleigh News and Observer, 500.
Mohonk Conference, 501.
Bishop C. H. Fowler, 503.
Bishop Whipple, 503.
Rev. M. Burnham, 503.
Mayor Carroll. 504.
Hon. George Raines, 504.
Hon. Joseph E. Brown, 505.
Hon. G. J. Orr, 506.
Bishop A. G. Haygood, 506.
L. H. Blair. Esq, 506.
Half-friendly editors, 510.
unfriendly editors, 510.
the danger from illiteracy, 511.
recognition of Afro-Am. by A. S., 514.
why not proportionally recognized 516.
examples of journalistic success, 516.

Argus, The, 288. 346.

Arkansas Baptist. The, 260.

Arkansas Dispatch. The, 245.

Arkansas Herald, The, 243.

Armstead, J. M., Rev., 253.

Arnett, B. W., Rev., D. D., opinion of, 456.
associated correspondents, 538.

Atkins, S. G., Prof., editor of Southland, 124.

Atlanta Republican, The, 219.

Atlanta University, 219.

Author's introduction to opinions of eminent men, 428.
circular addressed to eminent men, 430.
introduction to editor's mission, 478.

Avery fund, The, 56.


Bailey, J. T., Prof., editor Little Rock Sun, 240.
portrait of, 241.
as scholar and teacher, 242.
as a lawyer, 243.
as a newspaper man, 244.

Baltimore Baptist, The, 424.

Baltimore Vindicator, The, 140.

Bamfield, S. J., managing editor New South, 205.

Banner, The, 141, 182.

Banner Enterprise, The, 182.

Baptist Companion, The, 166, 236, 253, 329.

Baptist Headlight, The, 388.

Baptist Herald, The, 253. 388.

Baptist Journal, The, 378.

Baptist Leader, The, 300, 3?6.

Baptist Messenger, The, 232, 234, 426.

Baptist Monitor. The, 253.

Baptist Pilot, The, 305.

Baptist Signal, The, 144, 234.

Baptist Standard. The, 212.

Baptist Vanguard, The, 258.

Baptist Watchover, The, 245.

Barbadoes, F. G., Hon., work in California, 98.

Barnett, Mr., editor Conservator, 262.

Bassett, E. D., Prof., 156.

Beckley, R. D., business manager People's Advocate, 156.

Bee and Leader, The, 346.

Bell, P. A., publisher Advocate, 32.
character and ability, 33.
associate editor, Pacific Appeal, 91.
portrait of, 93.
publisher of Elevator, 94.
tribute of Gate City Press, 95.
tribute of New York Age, 96.
Benjamin, R. C. O., editor San Francisco Sentinel, 320.
portrait of, 321.
newspaper testimonials, 323.
his published books, 324.
religious and political connections, 324.
Bentley, D. S., Rev., president Spokesman Company, 150.
portrait of, 151.

Birmingham, Eva, 267.

"Black and White," 138.

Black Harry, 81.

Black phalanx. The, 179.

Blair, L. H., Esq,, friendly words, 506

Blocker, John L., 221.

Booker, J A., Rev., editor Baptist Vanguard, 258.
portrait of, 261.

Boothe Mr. associate editor Conservator, 262.

Boston Advocate, The, 329, 361, 3?6, 382.

Boston Beacon, The, 354, 364.

Boston Courant, The, 355.

Boston Evening Record, The, 354.

Boston Globe, The, 361.

Boston Herald, The, 352.

Boston Leader, The, 360.

Bowling Green Democrat, The, 253.

Bowling Green Watchman, The, 253.

Bowser, J. D., editor Gate City Press, 230.
qualities as a writer 231.

Bragg, Caroline W., Miss 426.

Britton. Mary E., Miss, 415.
portrait of, 417.

Brooklyn Sentinel, The, 292.

Brooklyn Union, The, 292.

Brooks, William F., Rev., treasurer Spokesman Company, 150.

Broussard, Augustus, 366.

Brown, Benjamin, Rev., 253.

Brown. C. S., Rev., editor Baptist Pilot, 305.
portrait of, 307.
a self-taught printer, 308.

Brown, James E., Hon., friendly words, 505.

Brown, Jere A., Hon., opinion, 467.
portrait of, 469

Brown, John, aid to the Ram's Horn. 64.

Brown, John M., Bishop, editor Christian Recorder, 79.

Brown, William Welles, opinions, 78, 91, 111, 118.

Bruce, J. Edward, 344
portrait of, 345.
"Bruce Grit," 347.

Bruce, B K., Hon., 287.

Bryant, J. E. publisher Loyal Georgian, 104.

Bryant, M. E., Rev., 202.

Buford, William, editor Arkansas Dispatch, 245.

Bulletin, The, 237.

Burleigh, A. A., Rev., opinion of, 450.
portrait of, 451.

Burnham, M., Rev., friendly words, 503.


Cain, R. H., Rev., publisher Charleston Leader, 108.
portrait of, 109.

Cairo Gazette, the first daily, 128.

Caldwell, A P, business manager of the Echo, 214.
portrait of, 215.
Campbell, Jabez, Bishop, editor of Recorder, 78.

Carroll Mayor, friendly words, 504.

Carter, D. C., ex-editor Virginia Critic, 245.

Carter, J. C., editor of the Enterprise, 205.

Carter, William H., publisher of Pacific Appeal. 91.

Central Methodist, The, 140, 331.

Chapman, Kate D., Miss, 388.
portrait of. 389.
poem of, 390.

Charleston Leader, The, 108.

Charlotte Messenger, The, 272.

Chase W. C, editor of Washington Bee, 287.
portrait of, 289.
"the sting of the Bee," 290.

Chattanooga Times, The, 500.

Chicago Conservator, The, 346.

Chicago Inter Ocean, The, 499.

Christian Banner. The, 253.

Christian Era, The, 266.

Christian Index, The, 278, 346.

Christian Recorder, The, 78, 150, 405.

Christy, Levi E., editor Indianapolis World, 222.

Chowan Pilot, The, 306.

Chronicle, The, 322.

Cincinnati Commercial, 415.

Clair, M. W., Rev., editor Methodist Banner, 330.

Clair, F. M. W., Mrs. 332.
portraits of both, 333.

Clanton, Miss. 427

Clarion, The, 54.

Clark, P. H. Prof., editor Herald of Freedom, 76.
portrait of 77.
associate editor North Star, 78.

Cleveland Gazette, The, 280, 292.

Cleveland Globe, The, 298.

Clinton, George W., editor Afro-American Spokesman, 309.
portrait of, 311.
Coffee, T. W., Rev., portrait of, 265.
editor of Vindicator, 266.

Coleman, Lucretia N., Mrs., 384.

Coles, R. H., Rev., 378

College Journal of Paul Quinn college, 268

Colonization Journal, The, 31.

Colored American, The, of 1837, 32.
plan and scope of, 37.
endorsed by other papers, 39.
samples of editorials, 42
Colored American, The, of 1865, 100.
its prospectus, 101.
cause of establishment, 102.
changed to Loyal Georgian 104.
contemporaries of, 105.

Colored Citizen, The, 90, 110, 112, 232, 314.

"Colored clause," defined, 61.

Colored Illustrated Weekly, The, 355.

Colored Man's Journal, 72.

Colored Tennessean, The, 105.

Colored World, The, 338.

Columbus Messenger, The, 128, 221.

Commoner, The, 112.

Commonwealth, The, 346.

Conference Journal, The, 255.

Conservator. The, 262.

Cook, Mary V., Prof, portrait of, 369
as teacher, 371.
as public speaker, 372.
as journalist, 373

Cooper, A. G., Mrs. 427.

Cooper, E E., publisher Indianapolis Freeman. 334.
portrait of, 335.
eminence as a journalist. 339.
Coppin. L. J., Dr., editor of A M. E Church Review. 120
connection with the Echo, 216
portrait of, 217.
opinion of Editor's Mission, 483.

Coppin F. J., Mrs., 316, 427.

Cornish, Samuel, Rev., editor Journal. 28
sample of editorials 29
editor of Advocate 32
editor Colored American, 98.

Correspondents and contributors, 340.

Courant, The, 415.

Crary, B. F., D D, 255

Crary, M. S., Mrs., 427.

Critic, The, 348.

Crummell, Boston. 28.

Cromwell, John W., Hon., early life, 154
portrait of. 155.
editor People's Advocate. 156.
quality of literary work, 157.


Daily Afro-American journals, 127.

Daily Sun, The, 323.

Dallas Post, The, 2?1.

Dancy, John C., Hon., public services, 197.
editor of Star ot Zion, 198
portrait of, 199.
Davis, D. Webster, editor Young Man's Friend, 326.
portrait of, 327.
honorary positions, 328.
as an orator, 329.
Day, W. H. H., Prof., editor of Alienated American, 74
subsequent life, 76.
Day, W. Howard, editor Zion's Standard, 108.
editor National Progress, 110.

De Baptiste, M., 30.

De Baptiste, R., Rev. ex-editor Conservator. 262.
portrait of, 263.
De Baptiste, Georgia M., 386.
portrait of, 387.

De Grave. George, 30.

Delaney, M. R., publisher of Mystery, 56
his libel suit, 56.
Delaney, M. R., publisher of Mystery, and libel suit. 56.
as a physician, 57,
portrait of, 85.

Dement, H. D., Hon., 256.

Detroit Plaindealer, The, 158, 346, 420.

Dewey, W. H., editor Golden Rule, 142.

Dias, John, pub'r People's Press, 55.

Douglass, Frederick. Hon., contributor to the Ram's Horn, 63.
editor of North Star, 67.
as speaker and writer, 69.
endorsement of H. C. Smith, 282.
opinion of, 448.
portrait of, 449.

Dupee, G. W., Rev., 253.

Durham, John, portrait of, 362.

Dyer, James P., 95.


Echo, The, 214.

Editors, Afro-American, sketches, 133.

Editor's Mission, Afro-American, 478.

Elevator, The, established, 48.
its purpose, 49.

Elevator, The, of San Francisco, 94, 234, 366.

Elliott, R. B., Hon., editor Missionary Record, 108.

Enterprise, The, 346.

Evangelist, The, 84.

Evening Bulletin, The, 234, 366.

Evening Post, The, 364.

Exodus, The, 347.


Fair Play, 200.

Fay, C. W., editor of People's Advocate, 157.

Fayetteville Educator, 270.

First Afro-American Newspapers, 25.

Fisk University Herald, 410.

Fitzbutler, Henry, 314.
portrait of, 315.
as physician, 316.
founder of medical school, 317.
Ohio Falls Express, 318.

Florida Sentinel, The, 170.

Foraker, J. B., 282.

Fortune, T. T, sketch of early life, 133.
editor of the Globe, 134.
portrait of, 135.
editor of Freeman, 136.
connection with N. Y. Evening Sun, 137.
editor and contributor to N. Y. Age, 137.
published works, 138.
opinion of Editor's Mission, 479.

Fowler, Bishop, friendly words, 503.

Franklin, W. H, 347.
extracts from articles, 348.
portrait of, 349.
Freedom of the press; defined, 519.
unlimited in this country, 521.
the press the measure of nation's progress. 522.
evils of abuse of freedom, 523.
Freedom's Journal, 26.
contributors to, 30.

Free Lance, The, 288, 322.

Freeman, Jno. J., editor Progressive American, 111.

Freeman's Journal, The, 276, 344.

Free Press, The, 231.


Gardner, Geo. W., editor Philadelphia Sentinel, 221.

Garnett, H. H., editor National Watchman. 52.
pastor, 52.
portrait of, 53.
publisher of The Clarion, 54.
asst. editor of Anglo-African, 87.

Gate City Press, history of, 230.

Gayles, G. W., editor Baptist Signal, 142.
portrait of, 143.
political services, 144.

Gee, John M., 202.

Genius of Freedom, The, 58.

Georgia Baptist, The, 218.

Georgia Republican, The, 219.

Gibbs, M. W., editor Mirror of the Times, 76.
portrait of, 558.

Golden Rule, The, 141.

Goldsboro Enterprise, The, 182.

Gordon, C. B. W., editor National Pilot 194.
portrait of, 195.

Greener, R. T., 13.

Gresham, G. N., Prof., 232.

Grice, Hezekiah, 30.

Griffin, Mr., 253.

Grimcke, Frank, Mrs. 427.

Grincke, A. H., 364.


Halifax Enterprise, 202.

Hall, R. A., 95.

Hamilton, F. M., editor Christian Index. 278.
portrait of, 279.

Hamilton, Robert, editor Anglo-African, 87.

Hamilton R H., 364.
portrait of, 366.
Hamilton, Thomas, editor People's Press, 55.
ed. Anglo-African, 84.
Anglo-African Magazine, 118.

Hamilton, William,

Harper, Frances E. W., Mrs., 420.
portrait of, 421.

Harris, A. W., editor Sumner Tribune, 156.

Harris, C. L., 332.

Harris, W. T., 332.

Harvey, B. T., editor Columbus Messenger, 128.
portrait of, 128.

Haygood, A. G., friendly words, 506. Haytian Emigration Movement, 86.

Headley, Chas., portrait of, 285.
editor Huntsville Gazette, 286.

Henhaws, Seth, 30.

Henry, Thomas T., editor Halifax Enterprise, 202.

Herald-Mansion, The, 246.

Herald of Freedom, The, 76.

Herald-Presbyter, The, 348.

Herald of Truth, 268.

Hershaw, L. M., 188.

Hill, S. N., editor People's Advocate, 141.

Hodges, Augustus M., portrait of, 291.
editor Brooklyn Sentinel, 292.
Hodges, Willis A., N. Y. Sun, 62.
editor Ram's Horn, 63
quality of writings, 64.
portrait of, 82.
Holmes, J. A., editor Central Methodist, 140.
portrait of, 531.

Horn, Edward F., pub. Colored World, 338

Hot Springs Sun, 244.

Howard. Jas. H., and The Negro American, 122.

Hub and Advocate, The, 400.

Hughes, B. F., 30.

Hughes, Joseph, 30.

Huntsville Gazette, The, 286.


Illustrated Afro-Am. journalism, 334.

Impartial Citizen, The, 72.

Indianapolis Freeman, purpose of founding, 334.
standing among white papers, 336.
quotations from 222, 226, 238, 243, 292, 364, 385, 407.

Indianapolis Journal, The, 425, 497.

Indianapolis World, The, 222, 338.

Industrial Day. The, 174.

Industrial Herald, The, 394.

"Iola," 407.

Ivy, The, 416.


Jasper, John, 343.

Johnson, A.E., Mrs., editor of The Joy, 422.
portrait of, 423
tributes from Anglo-Saxon papers, 424.
tributes from Anglo-African papers, 426.

Johnson, A. R., 221.

Johnson, C. A., sec. associated correspondents, 542.
portrait of, 543.

Johnson, H. H., pub. Western Recorder, 191.

Johnson, William B., editor Wayland Alumni Journal, 235.

Johnson, Wm J., opinion of, 439.
portrait of. 441.
Jones, J. E., manner of education, 164.
portrait of, 165.
eminence as a scholar, 166.
editor Alrican Missions, 167.
controversy with Bp. Keane, 167.
quality of writings. 167.
Jones, Richard A., editor Cleveland Globe. 292.
portrait of, 293.
social position, 294.

Jones, S. T., editor Zion's Standard, 108.

Journalist, The, 378.

Journal of the Lodge, 326.

Joy, The, 422.


King, Dr., 288.

King, Wm E, editor Fair Play, 200.

Knoxville Examiner, 348.

Knoxville Negro World, 130, 347.


Lambert, M. E. Mrs., 427.

Lane, C. E., mgr. associated correspondents, 548

Langston, J. M., opinion of, 434.
portrait of, 435.

Lawrence, Geo., Jr., pub. Pine and Palm, 86.

Lawson, J. H., opinion of, 475.
portrait of, 476.

Leavenworth Advocate, The, 312.

Lee, B. T., editor Christian Recorder, 80.
portrait of, 557.

Lemond, John, 30.

Lewey, M. M., army service, 170.
founded Florida Sentinel, 171.
courage and steadiness, 172.
Lewis, Lillian A., 381.
portrait of, 383

Lewis, S. H., 332.

Lewis, Miss, of Philadelphia, 427.

Lexington Herald, The, 415, 418.

Lighthouse, The, 212.

Lipscombe, E. H., ed. Expositor, 210.
portrait of, 211.
editor Mountain Gleanor, 212.
Littlejohn, R. D., editor New Light, 228.
portrait of, 229

Little Rock Sun, 240.

Living Way, The, 407.

Lowry, W. S., asso. editor Spokesman, 148
portrait of, 149.

Loyal Georgian, The, 104, 219.

Lynch, Jas., contrib. to Colored American, 102.

Lynch, Jas., 234.

Lynch, John R, portrait of, 37.
opinion of, 438
Lynchburg Laborer, The, 329, 366.


Martin, W. C., 156.

McDowell, C. R., 251.

McEwen, A. N., editor Baptist Leader, 300.
portrait of, 301.
as speaker and writer, 302.
sample of editorials, 303.
McEwen, Alice E., asso. editor Baptist Leader, 396.
portrait of, 397.

Maddox, Gabriel B., 221

Madison Vindicator, The, 140.

Magazines, Afro-American, 115.

Maryland Director, The, 347.

Mason, Miss, 427.

Masonic Visitor, The, 229.

Mathews, W. E., Mrs., 375.
portrait of, 377.

Mebane, George, editor Banner-Enterprise, 182.

Memphis Free Speech, 408

Merry, N. G., 252.

Messenger, The, 234.

Methodist Banner, The, 330.

Methodist Vindicator, The, 266.

Mirror of Liberty, The, 58, 118.

Mirror of the Times, The, 76.
changed to Pacific Appeal, 91.

Missionary Record, The, 108.

Mississippi Republican, The, 234.

Mitchell, Anna C., 183.

Mitchell. John Jr., editor Richmond Planet, 183
portrait of, 185.
power as writer and speaker, 186.
Mixon, W. H. editor Dallas Post, 201.
portrait of, 203.

Mohonk Conference, 501

Montgomery Herald, The, 302, 396.

Morris, John T. asso. editor Cleveland Globe, 295.
portrait of, 297.

Morton. Anthony. 192.

Mossell. N. F. Mrs., opinions of persons. 380, 394.
her newspaper work, 405.
opinion of editor's mission, 487.
portrait of, 489.

Mountain Gleaner, The, 210.

Murray, P. H., editor Colored Citizen, 112.

Murrell, Wm., life and services, 138.
portrait of, 139.
ed. N. J. Trumpet, 140.

Murrell, Louisiana Mrs., 140.

Musical Messenger, The, 402,

Myers, Stephen, pub. of the Elevator, 48.
personal history, 49.
portrait of, 82.

Mystery, The, 56.


Natchez Democrat, The, 500.

National Baptist, The, 424.

National Leader, The, 153.

National Monitor, The, 108, 248, 251, 426.

National Pilot, The, 194.

National Watchman, The, 52.

Negro American, The, 322.

Negro in Business. 157.

Negro in Politics, The, 138.

Nelson Richard, editor Freeman's Journal, 274.
portrait of, 275.
tributes from white papers, 276.

New Jersey Trumpet, 138.

New Light, The, 228.

New Orleans Crusader. 366.

New Orleans Louisianian. 110.

Newsboy, The, portrait of, 23.

New South, The, 205.

New York Age, 96, 137, 347, 361, 184, 242, 346.

New York Freeman, The, 405, 525.

New York Globe, 134, 292, 354.

New York Weekly, 376.

North Carolina Gazette, 180.

North Carolina Republican, 346.

North Carolina Sentinel. 198.

North Star, The, begun, 67.
changed to Frederick Douglass' paper, 69.
contemporaries of, 71


Observer, The, 359.

Ohio Falls Express, 317.

Opinions of eminent men, 428.

Orr, Gustavus J., friendly words. 506.

Otey, Charles N., editor Argus, 288.

Our National Progress, 110

Our Women and Children, 120, 374, 376, 386, 405, 408, 410.


Pacific Appeal, The, 91.
rank among Afro-Am. papers, 92.

Patterson Bros & Co., pubs., Knoxville World. 130.

Paul, Nathaniel. 30.

Paul, Thomas. 30.

Payne University, 202

Peck, E. W. S., Conference Journal, 255.
portrait of, 257.
Pelham, B. B., portrait of, 159.
editor Detroit Plaindealer, 161.

Pelham, Meta E, 419

Pelham, Robert, Jr., portrait of, 159.
editor Detroit Plaindealer, 162.

Penn, I. Garland, portrait of, Frontispiece.

People's Adviser, The, 230.

People's Advocate, The, of Wilmington. 142.

People's Advocate, The, of Alexandria 134, 156.

People's Journal, The, 108, 110, 232.

People's Press, The, 55. People's Protector, The, 366.

Perry, Christopher J., editor Weekly Tribune, 145.
portrait of, 146.
editorial, 147.
Perry. R. L., editor Sunbeam, 108.
editor Monitor, 110.

Philadelphia Echo, The, 405.

Philadelphia Sentinel, 221, 355.

Philadelphia Tribune, The, 145.

Pilot, The, 253.

Pinchback, P. B. S., pub. N. O. Louisianian, 110.
opinion of, 454.
portrait of, 455.

Pine and Palm, The, 232.

Pinn, T. B, pub. People's Advocate, 156.

Planet, The, 318.

Powell, Wm. J., asso. editor Elevator, 95.

Powell, Mr., editor Boston Advocate, 382

Price, J. C, founder of Southland, 124.
portrait of, 125.
opinion of, 459.

Print, John W., 30.

Progressive American, The, 111, 322, 344, 366.

Progressive Educator, The, 343.

Provincial Freeman, The, 427.

Public Educator, The, 188.

Public Ledger, The, 130.

Putnam, Louis H., editor Colored Man's Journal, 72.
as a writer, 74.


Radical, The, 314.

Raines, George, friendly words, 504.

Raleigh News, The, 500.

Ram's Horn, The, 63.

Ransom, R. C, editor Spokesman, 148.

Ray, Chas. B., editor Colored American, 35.
reputation as a journalist, 47.
portrait of, 97.

Raymond, R. J., treas. associated correspondents, 548.

Redpath, James, pub. Anglo-African, 86
Haytian emigration movement, 86.
editor Pine and Palm, 232.

Reed City Clarion, The, 346.

Reid, I. R., asso. editor New South, 205.
portrait of, 207.

Reese. D. M., colonizationist, 59.

Religious Herald, The, 167.

Remond, John 71.

Richardson, Geo. H., editor People's Advocate, 157.

Richmond Planet, The, 183.

Richmond Rankin Institute, 405.

Richmond Star, The, 344.

Right Way, The, 178.

Rights of All, 26.

Rising Sun, The, 33, 75.

Roberts N. F., 210.

Robinson, Magnus L., early life, 150.
portrait of, 152.
social position, 152.
established Virginia Post, 153.
established National Leader, 153.
later honors, 154.
Rose, R. W., portrait of, 363.
editor Industrial Day, 366.
Rudd, Daniel A., 352.
portrait of, 553.
Ruggles, David, editor Genius of Freedom, 58.
reply to D. M. Reese, 59.
editor Mirror of Liberty, 118.

Rumor, The, 134.

Russell, J., Jr., 202

Russell, S. D., editor Torchlight Appeal, 267.
portrait of, 269.
Russwurm, J B, portrait of, 24.
editor Freedom's Journal, 26.
sent to Africa, 31.

Ryder, W. P., 232.


St. Louis Tribune, 344.

St. Matthew's Lyceum Gazette, 427.

Samaritan Journal, The, 305.

Sampson, J. P., portrait of, 89.
editor Colored Citizen, 90.

San Antonio Express, The, 500.

San Francisco Sentinel, The, 320.

Saunders, D. J., editor Afro-American Presbyterian, 299.

Scarborough, W S., 282.
opinion of, 431.
portrait of, 433.
tribute of Indianapolis Journal 497.
Scott, W. S., pub. Cario Gazette, 128.
portrait of, 129.

Sears, Robert, pub. Advocate, 32.

Settle, J T., opinion of, 463.
portrait of, 465.
Shuften, J. T., pub. Colored American, 102, 219.
portrait of, 103,
eminence as a writer, 104.
Simmons, Wm. J. editor Our Women and Children, 120.
tributes to ability, 122.
portrait of, 123.

Simpson, Chas. W., 214.

Simpson, Wm. F., editor Echo, 213.

Smith, E. E., 182.

Smith, H. C., editor Cleveland Gazette,
portrait of, 281.

Smith, H. L, managing editor Boston Leader, 360.

Smith, James McCune, editor American, 33.
portrait of, 65
Smith, Lucy W., 376.
portrait of, 379.

Smith, S. P., editor People's Advocate, 157.

Smith, Stephen, 30.

Smith, W. C., editor Charlotte Messenger, 270
portrait of, 271.
Snead, Lavinia B. Mrs., 413.
portrait of, 414.

South Carolina Tribune, 373.

Southern Appeal, The, 187.

Southern Christian Recorder, The, 358.

Southern Evangelist, The, 299.

Southern Guide, The, 268.

Southland, The, 124, 427.

Southwestern Christian Advocate, 223.

Sower and Reaper, The, 424.

Spelman. Jas. J., editor Colored Citizen, 110.
editor Baptist Messenger, 232.
portrait of, 233.

Spelman Seminary, 219.

Spokesman, The, 148

Spokesman, The, of Ironton. 542.

Standard, The, 252.

Stanley, John C., 30.

Star, The, 348.

Star of Zion, The, 137, 197.

Starkey, Jas. R., 95.

State Capital. The, 256.

Stephens. Geo. E., opinion of, 460.
portrait of, 461.

Stepp, A. M., Miss. 251.

Stewart, Austin. 30.

Stewart, C. C., 2d v. p. associated cor. 544.
portrait of, 545.
Stewart, T. G., opinion of, 471.
portrait of, 473.
Still, J. T., opinion of, 452,
portrait of, 453
Stowers. Wm. H., editor Detroit Plaindealer, 162.
portrait of, 159.
Straker, D. A., opinion of, 444.
portrait of, 445.
Street. J. Gordon. 352.
portrait of, 353.
Stumm, C. C., editor Baptist Monitor, 248.
portrait of, 249.
career as a teacher. 250.
as pastor and preacher. 251.
Stumm, C. C. Mrs. portrait of, 399.
sketch of life, 400.

Sumner Tribune, The, 156.

Sunbeam, The, 108

Sunday Item, The, 346.

Sunday. Mirror, The, 145.

Sweeney, W. A., portrait of, 359.


Tanner, Bishop, editor A. M. E. Church Review, 120.
portrait of, 121.

Tappan, Lewis, aid to Colored American. 33.

Taylor, Adah M., 427.

Taylor, C. H. J., 187.
portrait of, 253.
Taylor, Marshall W., portrait of, 132.
services as writer and speaker, 227.
Teamoh. R. T., reporter Boston Globe, 360.
portrait of, 543.

Texarkana Sun, The, 204.

Texas Reformer, The, 268.

Thomas. I. S., 332

Thomas. Jane E., 183.

Thornton, E. L., pres. associated correspondents. 539.
portrait of, 541.
Tilghman, A. M., musical messenger, 401.
portrait of, 403.

Torchlight Appeal, The, 267.

Tourgee, A. W., 527.

Townsend, W. B., editor Leavenworth Advocate. 312.
portrait of, 313.
Trigg, Francis, opinion of, 442.
portrait of, 443.

True Southerner. The, 174.

Tupper, H. M., 210

Turner, Bishop, editor Southern Recorder. 356.
portrait of, 357.
The Southern Record, 358.
Turner, S. B., editor State Capital, 256
portrait of, 259.

Twiggs, W. H., cor. editor Afro-American Budget, 124.


Underground Railroad, The, 422.

Union Republican at Petersburg, 176.


Van Rensselaer. Thomas, manager Ram's Horn. 63

Vaughn. R., 30.

Venture, The, 161.

"Victoria Earle," 375.

Vindicator, The 267.

Virginia Critic, The, 245.

Virginia Lancet, The, 426.

Virginia Post, The, 153.

Virginia Star, The, 393.

Vase. S. M., 306.


Walker, David, 30.

Waller, John L. portrait of, 189.
founded Western Recorder, 190.
as a journalist, 192.
extract from editorial, 193.
Ward, Samuel, pub. Impartial Citizen, 72.
portrait of, 73.
Washington Bee, The, 287.
Washington. B T., opinion of, 446.
portrait of. 447.

Washington Conference Journal, 255.

Washington Grit. The. 346

Washington, Josephine T., Mrs., 393
portrait of. 395.

Washington National Leader, The. 150.

Washington Plaindealer, The, 288.

Wayland Alumni Journal. 235.

Wayland H. L 251

Waverly Magazine, The, 376.

Webb, Francis. 30.

Weekly Advocate. The. 32.

Weekly Spectator. The. 274.

Weekly Witness. The 134.

Welcome Friend. The, 255.

Wells. Ida B., 407.
portrait of. 409.

Western Appeal The, 237.

Western Herald. The, 262.

Western Recorder. The, 192.

Whipper. Wm., editor National Reformer. 117.
portrait of. 121

Whipple Bishop friendly words, 503.

White, W. J., editor Georgia Baptist, 216.
positions of trust. 219.

Whitney B. C., cor. sec. associated correspondents. 546.

Whiting John G., portrait of, 365.
sketch of, 366.

Williams, D. A., editor New Light, 230.

Williams, D. B., 340.
portrait of, 341.
qualities as a writer. 343.
Williams. E A., portrait of. 325.
editor Journal of the Lodge. 326.
Williamson, J. H., legislative career, 180.
portrait of, 181
Banner-Enterprise, 182.
The N. C Gazette, 183
Wilson, J. T., military services, 174.
portrait of. 175
political life. 177.
pub. The Right Way, 178.
founded Industrial Day, 178.

Wilson News. The, 141.

Women Afro-American, in journalism, 367.

Wood, Ione E., 410.
portrait of, 411.

Woods, J. S, editor Afro-American Budget. 124.

World, The, 188, 344.

Wright, Theodore S., 30.


Yardley, W. F., editor Knoxvilie Examiner, 348

Yates, W. W., 232.

Young Men's Friend, The, 329.


Zion's Standard, 108.