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Edited by L. CRANMER-BYNG and Dr. S. A. KAPIDIA


THE object of the Editors of this Series is a very definite one. They desire above all things that, in their humble way, these books shall be the ambassadors of good-will and understanding between East and West—the old world of Thought and the new of Action. In this endeavour, and in their own sphere, they are but followers of the highest example in the land. They are confident that a deeper knowledge of the great ideals and lofty philosophy of Oriental thought may help to a revival of that true spirit of Charity which neither despises nor fears the nations of another creed or colour. Finally, in thanking press and public for the very cordial reception given to the "Wisdom of the East" Series, they wish to state that no pains have been spared to secure the best specialists for the treatment of the various subjects at hand.


In the Press

THE RUBAIYÁT OF HAFIZ. Translated with introduction by Syed Abdul Majid, LL.D. Rendered into English Verse by L. Cranmer-Byng. 1/- net.

A CHINESE QUIETIST. From the Mystical Philosophy of Leihtsze. Translated by Lionel Giles, M.A. 2/- net.

THE BUSTAN OF SA'DI. From the Persian. Translated with Introduction by A. Hart Edwards, 2/- net.

Just Out

THE ALCHEMY OF HAPPINESS. By Al Ghazzali. Rendered into English by Claud Field 2/- net.

THE SINGING CARAVAN. Some Echoes of Arabian Poetry. By Henry Baerlein. 2/- net.

THE WISDOM OF THE APOCRYPHA. With an Introduction by C. E. Lawrence, Author of "Pilgrimage," etc. 2/- net.

THE BURDEN OF ISIS. Being the Laments of Isis and Nephthys. Translated from the Egyptian with all Introduction by James Teackle Dennis. 1/- net.

THE MASTER-SINGERS OF JAPAN. Being Verse Translations from the Japanese Poets. By Clara A. Walsh. 2/- net.

THE PATH OF LIGHT. Rendered for the first time into English from the Bodhi-charyāvatāra of Śānti-Deva. A Manual of Mahā-Yāna Buddhism. By L. D. Barnett, M.A. Litt.D. 2/- net.

THE SPLENDOUR OF GOD. Being Extracts from the Sacred Writings of the Bahais. With Introduction by Eric Hammond. 2/- net.

A LUTE OF JADE. Being Selections from the Classical Poets of China. Rendered with an Introduction by L. Cranmer-Byng. 2/- net.

THE CONFESSIONS OF AL GHAZZALI. Translated for the first time into English by Claud Field, M.A. 1/- net.

THE HEART OF INDIA. Sketches in the History of Hindu Religion and Morals. By L. D. Barnett, M.A., Litt.D., Professor of Sanskrit at University College, London. 1/- net.

THE BOOK OF FILIAL DUTY. Translated from the Chinese of the Hsiao Ching by Ivan Chên, first Secretary to the Chinese Legation. 1/- net.

THE DIWAN OF ABU'L-ALA. By Henry Baerlein. 1/- net.

BRAHMA-KNOWLEDGE: An Outline of the Philosophy of the Vedānta. As set forth by the Upanishads and by Sankara. By L. D. Barnett, M.A., Litt.D., Professor of Sanskrit at University College, London. 2/- net.

THE CONDUCT OF LIFE; or, The Universal Order of Confucius. A translation of one of the four Confucian Books, hitherto known as the Doctrine of the Mean. By Ku Hung Ming, M.A. (Edin.). 1/- net.
THE TEACHINGS OF ZOROASTER. Translated with Introduction by Dr. S. A. Kapadia, Lecturer, University College, London. 2/- net.


I. Jalálu'd-dín Rúmí. By F. Hadland Davis. 2/- net.
II. Jámí. By F. Hadland Davis. 2/- net.

THE WAY OF THE BUDDHA. Selections from the Buddhist texts together with the original Pali with Introduction by Herbert Baynes, M.R.A.S. 2/- net.

THE SAYINGS OF CONFUCIUS, A new Translation of the greater part of the Confucian Analects with Introduction and Notes by Lionel Giles, M.A. (Oxon.) Assistant in the Department of Oriental Books and Manuscripts of the British Museum. 2/- net.

MUSINGS OF A CHINESE MYSTIC. Selections from the Philosophy of Chuang Tzǔ. With Introduction by Lionel Giles, M.A. (Oxon.) Assistant at the British Museum. 2/- net.

THE AWAKENING OF THE SOUL, From the Arabic of Ibn Tufail. Translated with Introduction by Paul Brönnle, Ph.D. 1/6 net.

THE RELIGION OF THE KORAN. With Introduction by Sir Arthur N. Wollaston, K,C.I.E. 1/- net.

THE WISDOM OF ISRAEL: Being Extracts from the Babylonian Talmud and Midrash Rabboth, Translated from the Aramaic with an Introduction by Edwin Collins. 1/- net.

SA'DI'S SCROLL OF WISDOM. By Shaikh Sa'di. With Introduction by Sir Arthur N. Wollaston, K.C.I.E. 1/- net.

With Persian Script added. 2/- net.

THE INSTRUCTION OF PTAH-HOTEP AND THE INSTRUCTION OF KE'GEMNI. The Oldest Books in the World. Translated from the Egyptian with Introduction and Appendix by Battiscombe G. Gunn. 1/- net.

THE ROSE GARDEN OF SA'DI. Selected and Rendered from the Persian with Introduction by L. Cranmer-Byng. 1/- net.


I. The Book of History (Shu-King)
By W. Gorn Old. 1/- net.
II. The Book of Odes (Shi-King)
By L. Cranmer-Byng. 1/- net.
THE SAYINGS OF LAO TZǓ. From the Chinese. Translated with Introduction by Lionel Giles, of the British Museum. 1/- net.

WOMEN AND WISDOM OF JAPAN. With Introduction by S. Takaishi. 1/- net.

ARABIAN WISDOM. Selections and Translations from the Arabic by John Wortabet, M.D. 1/- net.

THE DUTIES OF THE HEART. By Rabbi Bachye. Translated from the Hebrew with Introduction by Edwin Collins. Hollier Hebrew Scholar, U.C.L. 1/- net.


Edited by L. Cranmer-Byng

Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. net each.

In this series the great store-houses of Oriental romance will be opened for the first time to the public. Tales from the Sanskrit, from the Chinese, from every language of the East possessing a great literature will appear in due course. From these vivid narratives of old-world romance it will be possible for the reader to glean much information concerning the lives and manners and customs of vanished races, and the greatness of Empires that have passed away.


Translated by Claud Field

TALES WITHIN TALES. From the Fables of Pilpai

Translated by Sir Arthur Wollaston, K.C.I.E.

THE GOLDEN TOWN. From the Sanskrit of Soma Deva

Translated by Dr. L. D. Barnett.

Works added to the Series will be announced in due course