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The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Saltillo

From Wikisource

Edition of 1879. See also Saltillo on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2634968The American Cyclopædia — Saltillo

SALTILLO, a city of Mexico, capital of the state of Coahuila, on the Rio Tigre, 435 m. N. by W. of the city of Mexico; pop. about 15,000. It is well built, but the only edifices worthy of mention are the government house and the parish church. Some silver and gold mines were formerly worked in the vicinity, but none of importance are now in operation. The manufactures comprise cotton stuffs, and zarapes much prized for their fineness and brilliant colors. There is an annual fair lasting eight days, largely attended from all parts of the state.—Saltillo was founded in 1586, and incorporated as a city with the name of Leone Vicario, by decree of Nov. 5, 1827. Near it was fought the battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 22 and 23, 1847. (See Buena Vista.)