The American Cyclopædia (1879)/San Juan de Puerto Rico
SAN JUAN DE PUERTO RICO, a fortified city, capital of the island of Porto Rico, on a small island off the N. coast; lat. 18° 29' N., lon. 66° 7' W.; pop. about 20,000. The streets are regularly laid out, well kept, and lighted with gas. The public buildings are the old government house, the royal military hospital, the bishop's palace and seminary, a large cathedral, an arsenal, custom house, city hall, and several fine castles, now used as barracks. There are a house of refuge and instruction for the indigent, an insane asylum, and other benevolent institutions. San Juan has several primary schools, a college in course of construction (1875), and a fine library. The port is difficult of access, but is considered one of the most important in the Antilles, and a direct trade has recently been established with Europe and the United States. It is regularly visited by the steamers of the British lines frequenting the West Indies. The principal exports are sugar, mostly to the United States, coffee to Germany, and some tobacco.