The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Wright
WRIGHT. I. A central county of Minnesota, bounded N. E. by the Mississippi and S. E. by Crow river and its S. fork; area, 708 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 9,457; in 1875, 13,775. The surface is undulating and diversified by prairies, forests, and numerous small lakes. The St. Paul and Pacific railroad traverses it. The chief productions in 1870 were 134,095 bushels of wheat, 69,572 of Indian corn, 97,282 of oats, 51,748 of potatoes, 115,675 lbs. of butter, 6,964 of wool, and 6,961 tons of bay. There were 1,082 horses, 2,050 milch cows, 3,987 other cattle, 2,612 sheep, and 2,946 swine. Capital, Buffalo. II. A N. central county of Iowa, intersected by the Boone and Iowa rivers; area, 625 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 2,392. The surface is generally undulating and the soil fertile. The chief productions in 1870 were 72,558 bushels of wheat, 85,284 of Indian corn, 55,859 of oats, 8,852 of potatoes, 63,354 lbs. of butter, and 8,053 tons of hay. There were 947 horses, 998 milch cows, 1,454 other cattle, 785 sheep, and 1,229 swine. Capital, Clarion. III. A S. county of Missouri, drained by the Gasconade river and the head streams of White river; area, about 650 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 4,508, of whom 26 were colored. The surface is moderately hilly and the soil fertile. The chief productions in 1870 wore 42,316 bushels of wheat, 247,735 of Indian corn, 29,286 of oats, 13,109 of potatoes, 36,799 lbs. of butter, 11,726 of wool, and 37,551 of tobacco. There were 1,931 horses, 1,528 milch cows, 4,065 other cattle, 6,647 sheep, and 14,874 swine. Capital, Hartville.