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The American Journal of Sociology/Volume 01

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Charles R. Henderson
Frederic Starr
George E. Vincent
Marion Talbot
Charles Zeublin
William I. Thomas

Vol. I
JULY 1895 — MAY 1896


The University of Chicago Press



Addams, Jane.A Belated Industry 536
Beach, Charles F. Jr.Recent Legislation in Restraint of Trade 657
Fellows, George E.The Relation of Anthropology to the Study of History 41
Fiamingo, Giuseppe.Sociology in Italy 335
Forrest, J. D.Anti-Monopoly Legislation in the United States 411
Henderson, C. R.The Place and Functions of Voluntary Associations 327
Henderson, C. R.Business Men and Social Theorists 385
Henderson, C. R.Rise of the German Inner Mission 583
Henderson, C. R.The German Inner Mission 674
Hirsch, Emil G.The American University 113
Hobson, John A.Mr. Kidd's Social Evolution 299
Jenks, J. W.The Guidance of Public Opinion 158
Judson, Harry Pratt.Is Our Republic a Failure? 28
MacVeagh, Franklin. A Program of Municipal Reform 551
Mathews, Shailer.Christian Sociology 69
Mathews, Shailer.Christian Sociology: I. Man 182
Mathews, Shailer.Christian Sociology: II. Society 359
Mathews, Shailer.Christian Sociology: III. The Family 457
Mathews, Shailer.Christian Sociology: IV. The State 604
Mathews, Shailer.Christian Sociology: V. Wealth 771
McDermot, Geo. Note on the Term "Social Evolution" 596
Monroe, Paul.Profit Sharing in the United States 685
Monroe, Paul.English and American Christian Socialism 50
Randall, C. D.The Michigan System of Child Saving 710
Ross, Edward Alsworth.Social Control 513
Ross, Edward Alsworth.Social Control: II 753
Small, A. W.The Era of Sociology 1
Small, A. W.The Civic Federation of Chicago 79
Small, A. W.Static and Dynamic Sociology 195
Small, A. W.Private Business is a Public Trust 276
Small, A. W.The State and Semi-public Corporations 398
Small, A. W.Scholarship and Social Agitation 564
Strong, Josiah.Local Alliances 170
Thomas, W. I.The Scope and Method of Folk-Psychology 434
Tompkins, Arnold.Sociology and Pedagogy 353
Tufts, Jas. H.Recent Sociological Tendencies in France 446
Vincent, Geo. E.The Province of Sociology 473
Ward, Lester F.The Place of Sociology among Sciences 16
Ward, Lester F.Sociology and Cosmology 132
Ward, Lester F.Sociology and Biology 313
Ward, Lester F.Sociology and Anthropology 426
Ward, Lester F.Sociology and Psychology 618
Ward, Lester F.The Data of Sociology 738
Warner, Amos G.Politics and Crime 290
Willcox, Walter F.The Distribution of the Sexes in the United States in 1890 725
Worms, René.Sociology and Political Economy 146
Wright, Carroll D.Contributions of the United States Government to Social Science 241


Annales de l'Institut International de Sociologie.—A. W. Small 218
Bascom, John. Social Theory.A. W. Small 492
Biddle, Jacob A. Social Regeneration.C. R. Henderson 503
Bosanquet, Bernard (Editor). Aspects of the Social Problem.—W. I. Thomas. 230
Crafts, Wilbur F. Practical Christian Sociology.A. W. Small 497
Dyer, Henry. The Evolution of Industry.—A. W. Small 219
Ferri, Enrico. Criminal Sociology.—C. R. Henderson 785
Gladden, Washington. Ruling Ideas of the Present Age.A. W. Small 494
Hobson, John A. The Evolution of Modern Capitalism.—A. W. Small 219
Keane, A. H. Ethnology—Merton L. Miller 639
Mayo-Smith, Richmond. Statistics and Sociology.E. R. L. Gould 500
Patten, Simon N. The Theory of Social Forces.—Lester F. Ward 639
Salter, Wm. M. Anarchy or Government?A. W. Small 498
Simcox, E. J. Primitive Civilizations.W. I. Thomas 504
Tallack, William. Penological and Preventive Principles.—C. R. Henderson. 791
Von Halle, Ernst. Trusts, or Industrial Combinations in the United States.—A. W. Small 219
Willoughby, Westel Woodbury. The Nature of the State.—A. W. Small. 789
Wines, Frederick Howard. Punishment and Reformation.C. R. Henderson 501
Wright, Carroll D. Industrial Evolution of the United States. —Edw. W. Bemis 228


Seminar Notes 104, 237
Sociological Miscellany 231
Minor Editorials 381, 509
Notes and Abstracts 643, 792
Index of Periodical Literature 653, 804
The Periodicals of Sociology 802