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The American Journal of Sociology/Volume 10

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Adams, Romanzo. The Nature of the Social Unity ----- 208

Addams, Jane. Problems of Municipal Administration - - 425

Branford, Victor. The Founders of Sociology ------ 94

Brown, William Horace. The Popular Initiative as a Method of Legislation and Control - - - - - - - - - - -713

Butterfield, Kenyon L. The Social Problems of American Farmers - - 606

De Greef, G. Introduction to Sociology. X 64

XI - 228

XII 531

XIII 654

XIV 766

Elwood, Charles A. Is Society a Psychical Unity? ----- 666

Fleming, Walter L. Reorganization of the Industrial System in Alabama after the Civil War - ------ 473

Fogel, Philip H. Metaphysical Elements in Sociology. I - - 354

II 501

Galton, Francis. Eugenics: Its Definition, Scope, and Aims - 1

GIDDINGS, FRANKLIN H. The Concepts and Methods of Sociology - - 161

GUMPLOWICZ, LUDWIG. An Austrian Appreciation of Lester F. Ward - 643 HENDERSON, CHARLES R. Definition of a Social Policy Relating to the

Dependent Group - - - - - - - - - - -315

HOFFDING, HAROLD. On the Relation between Sociology and Ethics - - 672 KELLEY, FLORENCE. Has Illinois the Best Laws in the Country for the Pro- tection of Children? ---------

MACLEAN, ANNIE MARION. Significance of the Canadian Migration MUNSTERBERG, SMIL. The Problem of Poverty -----

RATZENHOFER, GUSTAV. The Problems of Sociology - - - -

ROBBINS, HAYES. Public Ownership versus Public Control - - - Ross, EDWARD A. Moot Points in Sociology. VII - - - -


Ross, EDWARD A. The Present Problems of Social Psychology - 456

SIMONS, MAY WOOD. Education in the South ------ 382

SMALL, ALBION W. Gustav Ratzenhofer - - 544

SMALL, ALBION W. The Scope of Sociology - - 26

SMALL, ALBION W. The Subject Matter of Sociology ----- 281

THOMAS, WILLIAM I. The Province of Social Psychology - 445

TONNIES, FERDINAND. The Present Problems. of Social Structure - - 569

VINCENT, GEORGE E. The Development of Sociology ----- 145 Ward, Lester F. Evolution of Social Structures ----- 589

Westermarck, Edward. The Position of Women in Early Civilization - 408

Woodhead, Howard. The First German Municipal Exposition. IV - - 47


Allman, James. God's Children.—C. R. H. - - - - - - 133

Ancell, James R. Psychology.—Helen B. Thompson. - - - - - 691

ASAKAWA, K. The Russio-Japanese Conflict. Ferdinand Schwill. - - 701 BARROWS, SAMUEL J. Children's Courts in the United States. C. R.

Henderson 839

BATT, JOHN H. Dr. Barnardo. C. .R. Henderson. 838

BAUMGARTEN, O. Predigt-Probleme. C. R. Henderson. - ... 839

BECHEUX, A. La Reglementation du Travail. C. R. Henderson. - - - 839

BERTILLON, JACQUES. L'Alcoolisme et les moyens de le combattre. C. R. H. 132

BOLEN, GEORGE L. Getting a Living. C. R. H. 131

BOULARD, EDOUARD. Intgralisme, Philosophic et Sociologie. C. R. H. 255 Charity Organization Society, New York. A Hand Book on the Prevention

of Tuberculosis. C. R. H. 132

CHARBONNEL, VICTOR. Monsieur, Madame et * * 1'Autre. A. and H. H. 559

CORSON, ELIZABETH. The Child Housekeeper. C. R. Henderson. - - 840 CRAFTS, DR. AND MRS. WILBUR F. Intoxicants and Opium in all Lands and

Times. C. R. H. 559

DA COSTA, GASTON. La Commune vecue. Tome I. A. and H. Hamon. - 253

DEVINE, EDWARD T. The Principles of Relief. Charles R. Henderson. 554 DE FOREST, ROBERT W. Veillu, Lawrence. First Report of the Tenement

House Department of the City of New York. C. R. Henderson. - - 836 ENGELS, FREDERICK. Feuerbach, The Roots of the Socialist Philosophy.

C. R. Henderson. - - - - 841

GILMAN, N. P. Methods of Industrial Peace. Charles R. Henderson. - 557 GRUBB, EDWARD. Methods of Penal Administration in the United States.

C. R. Henderson. - - 840

HALL, G. STANLEY. Adolescence. H. Heath Bawden. - - 824 HANOTAUX, GABRIEL. Histoire de la France contemporaine. Tome I,

1871-1900. A. and H. Hamon. 353

HAYES, EDWARD C. Sociological Construction Lines. I 623

II 750

HEARN, LAFCADIO. Japan. Edmund Buckley. - - 545

HENDERSON, C. R. The School of Character in Prison. Z. R. Brockway. - 127 HERZFELD, GUSTAV. " Die Stellung der Amerikanischen Wohltatigkeits-

vereine." R. C. Brooks. - - 254 HOWARD, GEORGE E. History of Matrimonial Institutions. W illiam I.

Thomas. - - - - - - - - - - - - -129

HOWITT, A. W. The Native Tribes of Southeast Australia. W. I. Thomas. 700

HUBERT-VALLEROUX, P. La Cooperation. C. R. H. 255

HUNTER, ROBERT. Poverty. Florence Kelley. 555

KELLOR, FRANCES A. Out of Work. Charles R. Henderson. - - - 558 CONTENTS vii

LADOFF, ISADOR. American Pauperism and the Abolition of Pauperism.

C. R. Henderson. ----------- 840

Library of Congress: A. L. A. Catalogue. Frank L. Tolman. - - - 698

MILLIN, GEORGE F. The Village Problem. C. R. H. 133

MITCHELL, JOHN. Organized Labor. C. R. Henderson. - 131

MUNSTERBERG, HUGO. Die Amcrilcaner. Albion W. Small. - 245

NAQUET, ALFRED. L'anarchie et le collectivisme. A. and H. Hamon. - - 550

NUMBER 1500. Life in Sing Sing. C. R. H. - - - - - - 558

PUTNAM, DANIEL. Development of Primary and Secondary Public Education

in Michigan. C. R. Henderson. ....... 838

RIPERT, J. B. Politique et Religion. A. and H. H. 556

SIMONS, A. M. Class Struggles in America. C. H. Henderson. - - 840 SPENCER AND GILLEN. The Northern Tribes of Central Australia. W. I.

Thomas. ------------ 700

State Board of Charities of New York. Report for Year 1903. Vol. Ill

Charity Legislation in New York 1609-1900. C. R. Henderson. - - 837 THORNDIKE, EDWARD L. An Introduction to the Theory of Mental and Social

Measurements. Wesley C. Mitchell. ------- 697

WHITTEN, ROBERT H. Year Book of Legislation, 1903. C. R. Henderson. 838

WUTTKE, ROBERT. Die deutschen Stadte. Howard fVoodhead. - - - 686


July 134

September ------------- 256

November ------------- 422

January -_-..-_-._-.. 560

March -------------- 706

May - 845

Recent Literature ----------- 566, 842