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The American Novel/Index

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About, Edmond, 225

Adams, Henry, 221, 232

Addison, 2

Ade, George, 249

Adventures (Boone), 21

Adventures of Captain Horn, The, 236

Adventures of François, The, 248, 249, 255

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The, 166, 169, 170-75, 178

Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The, 167, 168-170, 172, 174

Afloat and Ashore, 40, 41, 47

Ahab, Captain, 72, 73

Aiken, Albert W., 111

Alcott, Louisa M., 129

Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 128, 129, 168, 225, 239

Aleshine, Barbara, 234, 235

Alessandro (Ramona), 227

Algerine Captive, The, 8-10

Alice of Old Vincennes, 248, 251

Allen, Ethan, 17, 58, 110

Allen, James Lane, 248, 258

Altar of the Dead, The, 209

Altruria, 146-47

Ambassadors, The, 212, 213, 216

Ambitious Quest, The, 80

American, The, 197, 217

American Academy of Arts and Letters, 151

American Claimant, The, 179

American Democrat, The, 40

American Politician, An, 239

American Scene, The, 216

Ames, Levi, 9

Ancestral Footstep, The, 105, 193

Anderson, Sherwood, 271

Andrea del Sarto, 153

Andros, Sir Edmund, 82

d'Aranjuez, Maria Consuelo, 244

Arbuthnot, Dr. John, 4

Arcadia, 218

Archer, Isabel, 200, 201, 202, 214

Aristotle, 50

Arnold, Benedict, 18, 249

Arnold, Matthew, 176

Artemus Ward. See Browne, Charles Farrar

Arthur (King), 17, 176, 182, 253

Arthur, Timothy Shay, 114

Arthur Mervyn, 10, 12

Art in the Netherlands, 130

Artist of the Beautiful, The, 83

Aspern, Jeffrey, 207

Aspern Papers, The, 207

Astoria, 77

d'Astrardente, Corona, 243

Asylum, The, 22

Atherton, Gertrude, 248

At Isella, 192

Atlantic Monthly, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 144, 167, 186, 190, 191, 239

Aunt Polly (Tom Sawyer), 169

Aurelian, 67

Austen, Jane, 154, 186

Author of Beltraffio, The, 207

Autobiography of a Quack, The, 255

Awkward Age, The, 211, 212

Bacheller, Irving, 249

Bachelor, The (Reveries of a Bachelor), 116

Bacon's Rebellion, 20

Balaam's Ass, 170

Balestier, Wolcott, 260

Balzac, 155, 175, 190, 192, 195, 198, 241

Bancroft, George, 18, 85

Barlow, Joel, 10

Barr, Amelia Edith, 225

Barrie, James M., 76

Barriers Burned Away, 122

Battleground, The, 248, 250

Bayard, Chevalier, 61, 239

Beadle and Adams, 110

Beauchampe, 65

Before Adam, 268

Belknap, Jeremy, 4

Bellamy, Edward, 148, 221, 232-233, 248, 257

Belshazzar, 242

Ben-Hur, 123, 124, 221, 225, 226

Ben-Hur, 123, 124

Bennett, Emerson, 67

Between the Dark and the Daylight, 151

Beulah, 114

Beverly of Graustark, 249

Bierce, Ambrose, 128, 257

Biggs, Lytle, 230

Birch, Harvey, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32

Bird, Robert Montgomery, 53, 54, 66, 123

Bitter-Sweet, 122

Blankenship, Tom, 171

Blazed Trail, The, 265

Blithedale Romance, The, 94, 95, 98-100, 194

Blix, 264

"Blood-Pudding Literature," 58

Boer War, 216

Bonner, Robert, 109

Bonnet, Stede, 250

Book of the Sea, The, 76

Boone, Daniel, 21, 30, 35, 47, 110, 197

Border Beagles, 65

Borrow, George, 69

Boss, The, 265

Bostonians, The, 202, 203, 204, 206

Bourget, Paul, 184

Bowdoin College, 78, 118

Boy's Town, A, 133, 150

Bracebridge Hall, 59

Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, 4-6

Braddock, General, 20

Bravo, The, 38

Bread and Cheese Club, 32

Breadwinners, The, 221, 232

Bridge, Horatio, 79, 84

Brierly, Henry, 166

Brigstock, Mona, 210

Bristed, John, 15, 16, 22

Brookenham, Nanda, 211

Brook Farm, 85, 98, 100

Brown, Charles Brockden, 10-15, 24, 29, 52, 53, 60, 77, 113, 128, 204

Browne, Charles Farrar, 157, 158, 162, 163

Browne, Sir Thomas, 71

Bruce, Robert, 9

Brydone, 9

Buck (Call of the Wild), 269

Buckminster, Rev. Joseph, 7

Buffalo Bill. See Cody, William F.

Bulwer-Lytton, 225

Bumppo, Natty, 26, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 197

Bunner, H. C, 128, 225, 231

Bunyan, 9

Burke, Edmund, 150

Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 225

Burr, Aaron, 120

Burroughs, Stephen, 2

Bush, Esther, 36

Bush, Ishmael, 36, 48

Byrd, William, 2

Byron, 28, 57

Byron, Lady, 120

Cabell, James Branch, 271

Cable, George Washington, 126, 128, 221, 225, 228-229, 231, 249

Cæsar, 185, 239

Cahan, Abraham, 270

Caleb Williams, 10

California (University), 260, 267

Call of the Wild, The, 27, 269

Cambridge (University), 238

Canfield, Dorothy. See Fisher, Dorothy Canfield

Canoe and the Saddle, The, 113

Canterbury Pilgrims, The, 81, 82

Canty, Tom, 175

Captain Smith and Princess Pocahontas, 22

Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven, 182, 183

Cardigan, 248

Cardinal's Snuff-Box, The, 248

Carson, Kit, 110

Carwin, 14

Casamassima, Princess, 204

Case of George Dedlow, The, 255

Cassique of Kiawah, The, 66

Casting Away of Mrs. Lecks and Mrs. Aleshine, The, 234

Cather, Willa, 27

Catherwood, Mary Hartwell, 247, 248

Cavalier, The, 249, 250

Cecil Dreeme, 113

Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, The, 162

Celestial Railroad, The, 85

Century of Dishonor, A, 227

Cervantes, 2, 133

Chainbearer, The, 47

Chambers, Robert W., 248

Champions of Freedom, The, 23

Chance Acquaintance, A, 135, 136, 153

Chansons de geste, 54

Charlemagne, 17, 247

Charlemont, 65

Charles Egbert Craddock. See Murfree, Mary Noailles

Charlotte Temple, 7, 8, 114, 118

Charter Oak, 20

Chaucer, 133

Child, Lydia Maria, 54

Children of the King, The, 243

Chillingworth, Roger, 89, 90, 91, 107, 174

Chingachgook, 33, 34, 43

Chippings with a Chisel, 81

Choir Invisible, The, 248, 251, 254

Chopin, 239

Christmas Banquet, The, 85

Churchill, Winston, 248, 249

Cicero, 23

Cigarette-Maker's Romance, The, 243, 245

Cincinnati, Society of, The, 5

Cintré, Claire de, 198

Circuit Rider, The, 131, 132

Civil War, 53, 105, 112, 113, 114, 120, 122, 123, 125, 134, 148, 161, 185, 188, 190, 196, 224, 250, 254, 255, 259

Clarel, 75

Clark, George Rogers, 251

Clay, Henry, 38

Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 113, 129, 133, 144, 152, 157-187, 188, 191, 221, 226, 230, 248

Cleveland, Grover, 258

Clithero. See Edny, Clithero

Clough, Arthur Hugh, 136

Cobb, Sylvanus Jr., 110

Cody, William F., 110

Coffin, Long Tom, 26, 32

Coleridge, 207

Colonel Carter of Cartersville, 238

Columbia College, 32

Columbus, 10, 54

Comus, 199

Confidence Man, The, 75

Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A, 176, 177, 178, 182, 221, 226, 232

Conqueror, The, 248

Conquest of Canaan, The, 10

Conquest of Granada, The, 77

Conrad, Joseph, 76

Constance Trescott, 255

Conte, Louis de, 178

"Continental" literature, 260, 261

Contrast, The, 9

Cooke, John Esten, 111-113, 114, 226

Cooper, James Fenimore, 23-50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 68, 77, 109, 110, 111, 113, 125, 128, 154, 157, 186, 197, 222, 227, 231, 247, 250, 251, 254

Cooper, Judge William, 24

Coquette, The, 7, 8

Corleone, 243, 244

Corleone, Tebaldo, 244

Cortez, 10

Count Julian, 66

Coverdale, Miles, 98, 99, 100, 194

Cowboys, 250

Coxon Fund, The, 207

Crabbe, George, 230

Crane, Stephen, 258-260, 266

Crawford, F. Marion, 221, 226, 231, 238-245, 248

Crawford, Thomas, 238

Cressy, 227

Crisis, The, 248, 250

Criticism and Fiction, 150

Crockett, David, 163

Cross, Marian Evans, 186, 192, 225

Crossing, The, 248, 249, 251, 252

Croy, Kate, 215

Cruise of the Snark, The, 267

Crumbling Idols, 257, 264

Crusoe, Robinson, 47

Curse of Clifton, The, 114

Curtis, George William, 114, 116, 117, 150

Custer, General, 227

Daisy Miller, 199, 206, 217

Damsel of Darien, The, 66

Dana, Richard Henry, 69

Dante, 134

Darius, 239

Daudet, 155, 191, 225

Davenport, Ellery, 120

David Harum, 238

Davis, John, 22

Davis, Richard Harding, 248

Day of Doom, The, 9

Death of the Lion, The, 207

Débâcle, La, 259

Declaration of Independence, 18

Deerfield raid, 20

Deerslayer, The, 41, 42, 43-44, 47

Deerslayer. See Bumppo, Natty

Defoe, 2, 76

De Forest, Col. John W., 129

De Grey: a Romance, 192

DeLancey, Susan Augusta, 25

Deland, Margaret, 221, 232, 258

Delawares, 50

Del Ferice, 244

Deliverance, The, 248, 250

Dell, Floyd, 271

Democracy, 221, 232

Densher, Merton, 215

Derby, George Horatio, 158

Detective stories, 111, 170, 179, 226

Dickens, 3, 98, 118, 133

Dime novel, The, 110-11, 112, 115, 131, 222, 250

Dimmesdale, Arthur, 88, 89, 90, 107, 174

Diva's Ruby, The, 243

Doctor Claudius, 239

Dolliver Romance, The, 105

Domestic sentimentalism, 6-8, 109, 114-17, 118, 120-21, 122, 222, 225

Donatello, 103, 104

Don Fulano, 113

Don, Orsino, 243, 244

Don Quixote, 5

Dormer, Nicholas, 205

Dostoevsky, 225

Double Barrelled Detective Story, A, 180

Down-Easters, The, 57

Dr. Breen's Practice, 137

Dream Life, 114, 116

Dred, 120

Dreiser, Theodore, 130, 265, 266, 270

Dreyfus, 216

Dr. Grimshawe's Secret, 105

Dudevant, Amandine Lucile Aurore, 194, 198

Dudley, Constantia, 11

Duke of Stockbridge, The, 249, 251

Dukesborough Tales, 126

Dusante, Albert, 235

Dusantes, The, 234, 236

Dutchman's Fireside, The, 58

Dwight, Timothy, 10

Earthly Paradise, 176

Earth's Holocaust, 86

East Angels, 221, 231

"Easy Chair, The," 150

Edgar Huntly, 12, 13

"Editor's Study, The," 144, 150

Edny, Clithero, 13

Edward, Prince of Wales (Edward VI), 175

Edwards, Jonathan, 2, 7

Edwards, Pierrepont, 7

Edwin Brothertoft, 113

Eggleston, Edward, 126, 130-132, 231

Ellis, Edward S., 110

Elsie Venner, 128

Emerson, 85, 106, 138, 155, 213

Endicott and the Red Cross, 92

End of the World, The, 131

English Novel, The (Lanier), 222

Enterprise (Virginia City), 161

Epic of the Wheat, 261-63

Erring, Joe, 230

Ethan Brand, 81, 83, 95

Euripides, 50

Europeans, The, 198, 217

Eutaw, 65

Eve's Diary, 178

Faerie Queene, The, 78, 195

Fair God, The, 123

Fair Margaret, 243

Fanshawe, 79

Farange, Maisie, 210

Farrago, Captain, 5

Fearful Responsibility, A, 137

Feathertop, 85

Female Quixotism, 22

Fenimore, Susan, 24

Fid, Dick, 37

Field, Eugene, 237

Fielding, 1, 2, 3, 5, 51, 81

Figure in the Carpet, The, 208

Filson, John, 21

Finn, Huckleberry, 159, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 183

First Settlers of Virginia, The, 22

Fischer, Theodor, 183

Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, 271

Flanagan, Betty, 28

Flaubert, 191, 194, 195, 198, 258

Flora (Turn of the Screw), 211

Floyd, Nelly, 65

Following the Equator, 179, 180

Fool's Errand, A, 231

Ford, Paul Leicester, 248, 258

Foregone Conclusion, A, 137

Forest, The, 24, 30, 33-34, 42

Foresters, The, 4

Foster, Hannah Webster, 7

Fourier, 189

Fox, John, 248

Francis the First, 239

Franklin, Benjamin, 1, 3, 8, 19, 38, 186, 252, 255

Frederic, Harold, 247, 257, 260

Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins, 128, 248, 257, 258

French and Indian War, 247

French Poets and Novelists, 194

Froissart, 65, 261

Frontier, The, 12, 17, 21-22, 29, 31, 39, 41, 46-47, 49, 51, 52-53, 55, 58-59, 60-61, 62, 65, 110-11, 129-32, 155, 163, 164-65, 178, 250, 251, 256, 269

Frost, Robert, 271

Fugitive Blacksmith, The, 265

Fugitive Slave Law, 116, 118

Fuller, Margaret, 98

Gabriel Conroy, 227

Galaxy, The, 190

Galdós, 225

Gale, Zona, 271

Game, The, 268

Garland, Hamlin, 128, 130, 144, 257, 264

Garland, Mary, 194

Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 118

Gates, General, 63

Gaylord, Marcia, 139, 140

Gaylord, Squire, 140

Genet, Edmond Charles, 4

Gentle Boy, The, 82, 85

George, Henry, 148, 257

George Eliot. See Cross, Marian Evans

George Sand. See Dudevant, Amandine Lucile Aurore

Gereth, Owen, 210

Gilbert and Sullivan, 176

Gilded Age, The, 159, 166, 175, 179

Glasgow, Ellen, 248, 249

Godwin, William, 10, 11, 52

Goethe, 185

Golden Bowl, The, 212, 214, 216

Goldoni, 134

Goldsmith, 133, 155

Goncourt, Edmond de, 191

Goodwood, Caspar, 201

Gothic romance in America, 9-15, 22-23, 52, 113

Gouache, Anastase, 244

Gordon, Tom, 120

Grand Cyrus, 218

Grandissimes, The, 221, 228

Graustark, 248, 249

Gray Champion, The, 82

Graysons, The, 131, 132

"Great American Novel, The," 126

Great Carbuncle, The, 80

Great Lakes, 21, 42-43, 54, 231

Great Stone Face, The, 95

Great Stone of Sardis, The, 236

Great War Syndicate, The, 237

Green, Anna Katharine. See Rohlfs, Anna Katharine Green

Greene, Nathanael, 61, 63

Green Mountain Boys, The, 58

Greifenstein, 242

Guenn, 221, 226

Guinevere, 219

Gunmaker of Moscow, The, 110

Guy, Earl of Warwick, 2

Guy Rivers, 61, 62

Haggard, Rider, 247

Hail Columbia, 115

Hall, Bayard Rush, 131

Hall, James, 59

Halleck, Ben, 140

Hall of Fantasy, The, 86

Hamilton, Dr. Alexander, 2

Hamor (Guenn), 226

Hard-Heart, 36

Hardy, Arthur Sherburne, 247

Hardy, Thomas, 225

Harland, Henry, 248

Harper (The Spy), 27

Harper's Magazine, 144, 150

Harris, Joel Chandler, 126

Hart, Joseph C., 72

Harte, Bret, 113, 126, 127, 128, 157, 162, 227, 257

Harvard, 190, 238, 260

Hawkeye. See Bumppo, Natty.

Hawkins, Judge, 159

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 53, 69, 74, 75, 77-108, 109, 113, 114, 128, 133, 154, 155, 157, 162, 174, 186, 191, 192, 193, 196, 247

Hawthorne, Una, 93

Hay, John, 221, 232

Hazard of New Fortune, A, 147-50, 153, 221, 232

Headsman, The, 38

Hearn, Lafcadio, 70

Heart's Highway, The, 248, 251

Heidelberg (University), 238

Heidenmauer, The, 38

Heine, 133, 239

Henry, Patrick, 17

Henry St. John, Gentleman, 111

Hephzibah Guinness, 255

Herbert, George, 116

Hergesheimer, Joseph, 27

Herne, James A., 145

Herrick, Robert, 265

Hilda (Marble Fawn), 103, 104, 107

Hilt to Hilt, 112

History of English Prose Fiction, A, 222

History of the Navy of the United States, The, 41

Holgrave (House of the Seven Gables), 97

Holland, Josiah Gilbert, 122, 123, 130

Hollingsworth (Blithedale Romance), 100

Holmes, Mary Jane, 114

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 68, 106, 128, 255

Home as Found, 40

Homer, 34, 64, 65

Homeward Bound, 40

Honorable Peter Stirling, The, 258

Hook, Captain, 76

Hoosier School-Master, The, 126, 130, 131, 132

Hope, Anthony, 249

Hopkins, Samuel, 121

Hopkinson, Francis, 4

Horse-Shoe Robinson, 60

House of the Seven Gables, The, 94, 95-98, 99, 102, 105

Howard, Blanche Willis, 221, 226

Howe, Edgar Watson, 130, 221, 228, 229-330, 231, 257

Howells, William Dean, 99, 109, 125, 129, 132-156, 157, 158, 162, 165, 167, 170, 180, 186, 188, 190, 196, 210, 221, 222, 223, 225, 226, 231, 232, 241, 246, 256, 263, 265

Hubbard, Bartley, 139, 140

Hudibras, 4

Huckleberry Finn. See Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The

Hudson, Roderick, 194

Hugh Wynne, 248, 251, 252, 255

Hugo, Victor, 225

Humble Romance and Other Stories, A, 257

Hume, 5

Humorists, 53, 158-59, 184, 187

Humphreys, David, 17

Huron (Indian tribe), 34

Huntly, Edgar, 13

Hutchinson, Anne, 81

Hutter, Judith, 43

Hyperion, 77

Ibsen, 155

Idylls of the King, 176

Ik Marvel, 116

Imperative Duty, An, 151

Imperialism, 147, 254

In Defense of Harriet Shelley, 178

Indian Herald, The, 238

Indian John, 30, 33

Indians, 5, 6, 12, 13, 16, 20, 21, 35, 36, 46, 47, 56, 62, 66, 110, 125, 227, 228, 250

Indian Summer, 139, 143, 153, 221

Ingersoll, Robert G., 123, 181, 258

Ingraham, Joseph Holt, 67, 110, 114, 124

Ingraham, Prentiss, 111

Innocents Abroad, The, 162-64, 166, 177, 178

In Our Town, 265

Intelligence Office, The, 86

International Episode, An, 199

In the Midst of Life (Tales of Soldiers and Civilians), 257

In the Palace of the King, 243, 248

In the Valley, 247

Iron Heel, The, 267

Irving, Sir Henry, 171

Irving, Washington, 15, 49, 54, 58, 59, 60, 66, 77, 116, 117, 123, 133, 155, 157, 228

Israel Potter, 75

Italian Journeys, 134

Ivory Tower, The, 216

Jackson, Andrew, 39, 60, 163

Jackson, Helen Hunt, 221, 227, 228

James, Henry, Sr., 189, 190

James, Henry, 99, 109, 137, 144, 152, 157, 162, 186, 188-220, 221, 222, 225, 226, 231, 241, 246

James, William, 190

Janice Meredith, 248, 251, 252

Jay, John, 27

Jefferson, Thomas, 18, 252

Jewett, Sarah Orne, 126, 128, 231, 249, 251

Jim (Huckleberry Finn), 172, 173

Joan of Arc. See Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc.

John Barleycorn, 267

John Brent, 113

John of Austria, Don, 243

John Phoenix. See Derby, George Horatio

Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 66, 239, 251

Johnston, Mary, 248, 249

Johnston, Richard Malcolm, 126, 231

John Ward, Preacher, 221, 232

Jones, John Paul, 31, 252

Joseph Andrews, 1, 2

Josh Billings. See Shaw, Henry Wheeler

Judd, Sylvester, 53, 57

Judson, E. Z. C., 67, 110, 111

Julian, 67

Jumping Frog. See Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, The,

Jungle, The, 265

Kaloolah, 67

Kate Bonnet, 249, 250

Katherine Lauderdale, 243

Katherine Walton, 62, 63

Kathrina, 122

Kavanagh, 77

Kennedy, John Pendleton, 51, 53, 59-60

Kenton, Boyne, 152

Kenton, Ellen, 152

Kenton, Judge, 152, 153

Kentons, The, 151, 152, 153

Kenyon (Marble Faun), 103, 104

Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, A, 119

Khaled, 242, 245

Kidnapped, 247

King, Charles, 226

King Philip's War, 20, 37

Kingsley, Charles, 118

Kinsmen, The. See Scout, The

Kipling, 257, 260, 261

Kirkland, Caroline, 59

Kirkland, Joseph, 231, 257

Knickerbocker History, 228

Knickerbocker writers, 162

Lady of the Aroostook, The, 137

Lady or the Tiger? The, 234

Lafayette, 32

Lafitte, 110

Lamplighter, The, 114

Lancelot, 219

Landlord at Lion's Head, The, 151

Langdon, Olivia, 165

Lanier, Sidney, 222, 224

Lanman, Charles R., 238

Lapham, Silas, 141, 142

Last Leaf, The, 68

Last of the Foresters, The, 111

Last of the Mohicans, The, 33-34, 35, 36, 42, 62

Last of the Valerii, The, 192

Late Mrs. Null, The, 236

Lawton, Captain, 29

Lazarre, 248, 250

Leather-Stocking. See Bumppo, Natty

Leather Stocking and Silk, 111

Leather-Stocking Tales, 44-47, 254

Leatherwood God, The, 151, 152

Lecks, Mrs., 234, 235

Ledger (New York), 110

Legree, Simon, 118

Lena Rivers, 114

Leonardo da Vinci, 185, 239

Le Sage, 2

Lesson of the Master, The, 207

Letter to his Countrymen, A, 39

Lewis, Alfred Henry, 265

Lewis, Sinclair, 271

Lewis and Clark, 21

Life (Tolstoy), 145

Life of Franklin Pierce, 94

Life on the Mississippi, 160, 167, 174, 230

Light, Christina, 194, 203

Limbert, Ralph, 207

Lincoln, 132, 134, 136, 249, 256

Linwoods, The, 17

Lionel Lincoln, 32

Literary Friends and Acquaintance, 134, 151

Little Lord Fauntleroy, 225

Littlepage, Corny, 48

Littlepage Manuscripts, 47

Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come, The, 248, 250

Little Women, 129

Local color, 81, 126-27, 129, 130, 139, 145, 222, 223, 227, 231, 242, 247, 257, 260

Locke, David Ross, 158, 159

Locke, John, 20

Locke Amsden, 57

Lockhart, J. G., 49

London, Jack, 266-270

Longdon, Mr., 212

Longfellow, 67, 77, 79, 84, 106, 133, 186

Looking Backward 2000–1887, 221, 232

Loti, Pierre, 70

Louisiana Purchase, 21, 228

Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac, The, 237

Lovelace, Robert, 7

Lowell, James Russell, 57, 106, 121, 202

Luck of Roaring Camp, The, 126, 127

Macaulay, 133

Madame Bovary, 194

Madame de Mauves, 193

Madonna of the Future, The, 192, 193

Maggie, 259

Magnalia Christi Americana, 121

Magua, 34, 36

Mahtoree, 36

Main Street (Hawthorne), 82, 95

Main-Travelled Roads, 257

Major, Charles, 248

Mallet, Rowland, 194

Malory, Sir Thomas, 176, 253, 254

Manassas, 265

Man for the Ages, A, 249

Man's Woman, A, 264

Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, The, 182

Marble Faun, The, 101-105

March, Basil, 147

March, Isabel, 147

Mardi, 71, 75

Margaret, 57

Margaret Smith's Journal, 77

Mariolatry, 178

Marion, Francis, 17, 61, 64

Marion Darche, 243

Mark Twain. See Clemens, Samuel Langhorne

Martin Eden, 267

Martin Faber, 61

Maruja, 227

Marzio's Crucifix, 239

Masefield, John, 76

Masters, Edgar Lee, 180, 271

Mather, Cotton, 121

Matiwan, 62, 65

Matters of American Romance. See Frontier, Revolution, Settlement

Maupassant, 191, 225

Mauves, Madame de, 193

Mayflower, The, 117

Mayo, William Starbuck, 54, 67

Maypole of Merry Mount, The, 82

McCutcheon, George Barr, 248, 249

McFingal, 4

MeTeague, 264

Mead, Elinor G., 134

Mellichampe, 62, 63

Melville, Herman, 51, 54, 68-76, 77, 128, 254

Memoirs of an American Citizen, The, 265

Meredith, George, 75, 255

Merimée, Prosper, 225

Merle, Madame, 201

Messala, 123

Mexican War, 123

Middle Years, The, 196, 216

Miles (The Turn of the Screw), 211

Miller, Daisy, 199

Milton, 90, 199

Minister's Charge, The, 139

Minister's Wooing, The, 120, 121

Miriam Schaefer, 103, 107

Miriam Coffin, 72

Miss Bellard's Inspiration, 151

Miss Ravenel's Conversion from Secession to Loyalty, 129

Mitchell, Donald Grant, 114

Mitchell, Isaac, 22

Mitchell, Silas Weir, 248, 249, 255-256

Mitford, Mary Russell, 59

Moby Dick, 71-74, 75, 76, 254

Moby Dick, 72, 73, 74

Mocha Dick, 72

Modern Chivalry, 4-6

Modern Instance, A, 139, 153, 155, 221

Mohicans, 34

Mohun, 112

Monikins, The, 39

Monsieur Beaucaire, 248, 249, 252

Montevarchi, 244

Montrésor, John, 8

Moran, 263

Moran of the Lady Letty, 263

More, Sir Thomas, 184

Morley, John, 196

Morris, William, 176

Morte d'Arthur, 176, 218, 253

Morton, Sarah Wentworth, 3

Mosses from an Old Manse, 85

Mr. Isaacs, 238

Mrs. Cliff's Yacht, 236

Murfree, Mary Noailles, 126, 128 231

Murray, John, 69

My Literary Passions, 133, 151

My Mark Twain, 151

Mysterious Stranger, The, 152, 183

Mystery of Metropolisville, The, 131

My Story, 249

Napoleon, 185

Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, 77

Nash, Gabriel, 205

Nation, The, 134, 190

National Institute of Arts and Letters, 151

Neal, John, 51, 53, 57

Ned Buntline. See Judson, E. Z. C.

Negroes, 56, 229, 236

"Neutral Ground," 28

New Adam and Eve, The, 86

Newcome, Colonel, 36

Newell, Robert H., 158

New England Nun and Other Stories, A, 257

Newgate Calendar, The, 78

New Home—Who'll Follow? A, 59

Newman, Christopher, 197, 198

New Purchase, The, 131

Next Time, The, 207

Nick of the Woods, 66

Nietzsche, 184

Nina Gordon. See Dred

No Love Lost, 136

Norris, Frank, 111, 260-64, 266, 268

North American Review, The, 190

Norton, Charles Eliot, 190

Notes of a Son and Brother, 216

Notions of the Americans, 38

Novel: What It Is, The, 241

Novelette, The, 199, 237

Novels, opposition to, 2-3, 51-52, 122, 123

Oak Openings, The, 41

Occonestoga, 62

Octopus, The, 261, 262, 263, 264

Official realism, 155, 246

O. Henry. See Porter, William Sydney

Old Tiff, 120

Old Times on the Mississippi, 167

Oldtown Folks, 120, 121, 126

Omoo, 69, 70

Opening a Chestnut Burr, 122

O'Regan, Teague, 5

Ormond, 11, 204

Ormond, 11

Orpkeus C. Kerr. See Newell, Robert H.

Osmond, Gilbert, 201

Ossian, 23

Othello, 230

Our Old Home, 101, 105

Page, Thomas Nelson, 126, 128, 248

Paine, Thomas, 8, 181, 270

Pamela, 1

Paraday, Neil, 207

Parkman, Francis, 247

Partisan, The, 62, 63, 66

Pascal, 239

Passe Rose, 247

Passionate Pilgrim, A, 192, 193

Pasteur, 185

Pater, Walter, 176, 206, 213

Pathfinder, The, 41, 42-43, 47

Pathfinder. See Bumppo, Natty

Patience, 176

Paulding, James Kirke, 51, 53, 58

Paul Patoff, 239

Pawnee, 36

Peabody, Sophia Amelia, 84

Pearl of Orr's Island, The, 121

Pelayo, 66

Pembroke, 258

Penn, William, 19, 20

People of the Abyss, The, 267

Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc, 166, 177-78, 248, 250, 251

Petroleum V. Nasby. See Locke, David Ross

Philip and his Wife, 258

Phillips, David Graham, 265-66

Philothea, 54

Phips, Sir William, 81

Piatt, John James, 134

Piazza Tales, The, 75

Pierce, Franklin, 79, 94

Pierre, 75

Pietro Ghisleri, 243, 245

Pilgrims, The, 9, 20, 82, 108

Pilot, The, 31,37

Pinkster (annual holiday of New York slaves), 48

Pioneers, The, 24, 29-31, 33, 34, 35, 36

Pirate, The, 31

Pit, The, 261, 262, 264

Pizarro, 10

Pocahontas, 20, 22

Poe, 77, 84

Poganuc People, 121

Political novels, 232

Pomona, 233, 234

Pomona's Travels, 234

Poole, Ernest, 271

Poor whites, 131

Pope, 2, 133

Porgy, Captain, 63, 65

Porter, William Sydney, 128

Portrait of A Lady, The, 200-202, 214, 217, 221

Potiphar Papers, 117

Power of Sympathy, The, 3, 7, 51

Prairie, The, 33, 35-36

Prairie Folks, 257

Prairies, 21, 35, 229, 230, 257

Precaution, 27

Prescott, 54, 123

Pretty Story, A, 4

Pride of the Village, The, 116

Primadonna, The, 243

Prince and the Pauper, The, 175

Prince of India, The, 124

Prince of the House of David, The, 114

Princess Casamassima, The, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 221

Priscilla Fauntleroy, 98, 99, 100

Prisoner of Zenda, The, 249

Prisoners of Hope, 248, 251

Private Theatricals, 137

Procession of Life, The, 86

Professor Fargo, 192

Prospero, 183

Prue, 117

Prue and I, 114, 117

Prynne, Hester, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 100, 104, 107, 174

Prynne, Pearl, 88, 92, 93, 107

Pudd'nhead Wilson, 179

Puritans, The, 2, 83, 86, 89, 90, 104, 106, 155

Putnam, Israel, 17

Pyncheon, Clifford, 97, 107

Pyncheon, Hepzibah, 96, 107

Pyncheon, Judge Jaffrey, 98, 107

Pyncheon, Phoebe, 97

Quakers, 5

Quality of Mercy, The, 151

Queen Mab, 13

Questionable Shapes, 151

Rabelais, 71

Radcliffe, Anne, 9, 22

Ralstons, The, 243

Ramona, 221, 227, 228

Ramona, 227

Ransom, Basil, 203

Rappaccini's Daughter, 83, 85, 95

Rasselas, 1

Red Badge of Courage, The, 258, 259, 260

Red Book, The, 59

Redburn, 69

Red City, The, 249, 255

Red Rock, 248, 250

Red Rover, The, 36, 37

Redskins, The, 47

Reign of Gilt, The, 265

Resources of the United States, The, 15

Responsibilities of the Novelist, The, 264

Reveries of a Bachelor, 114, 116

Revolution, The American, 1, 4, 17-19, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 37, 45, 51, 53, 55, 57, 60, 62, 64, 65, 112, 125, 185, 250, 251, 253, 254, 256, 267

Revue des deux Mondes, 189

Richard Carvel, 248, 251

Richard Hurdis, 65

Richardson, Samuel, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 116

Rise of Silas Lapham, The, 139, 140-43, 153, 210, 221

Road, The, 267

Robert Elsmere, 232

Robertson, Morgan, 256

Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 271

Robinson, Horse-Shoe, 60

Robinson, Hyacinth, 204

Robinson Crusoe, 1

Rob of the Bowl, 60

Rococo romance, 178, 226, 246-56, 265, 271

Roderick Hudson, 191, 193, 203

Roe, E. P., 122-23, 130, 225

Roger Malvin's Burial, 85

Rohlfs, Anna Katharine Green, 226

Roland Blake, 255

Romance of Certain Old Clothes, The, 192

Romance of Dollard, The, 247

Roman de la Rose, 218

Roman Singer, A, 239

Romeo and Juliet, 173

Romer, Jonathan, 67

Rooth, Miriam, 205, 206

Roughing It, 164, 167

Rowson, Susannah Haswell, 6, 7-8

Roxana, 179

Roxy, 131, 139

Royal Nonesuch, The, 173

Rudder Grange, 233

Rudder Grangers Abroad, The, 234

"Ruritanian" romance, 249

Ruskin, 189

Sacred Fount, The, 211

Salem witchcraft, 20, 82

Salmagundi, 59

Saltram, Frank, 207

Sancho Panza, 5

San Giacinto, 244

Sant' Ilario, 243, 244

Sanutee, 62

Saracinesca, 239, 243, 245

Saracinesca, Giovanni, 243, 244, 245

Saracinesca, Ippolito, 244

Saracinesca, Prince Leone, 244

Saracinesca, Orsino, 244, 245

Satanstoe, 40, 47, 48, 58

Sawyer, Tom, 159, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 183, 234

Scarlet Letter, The, 78, 86-93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 103, 109, 174

Scipio Africanus, 37

Scott, Lady Sybil, 76

Scott, Sir Walter, 6, 15, 28, 31, 38, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 61, 66, 111, 118, 157, 186, 241, 246, 247

Scout, The, 63

Scribner': Magazine, 122

Sea Tales, 22, 31-32, 36-37, 41, 54, 69-74, 226, 256, 267, 268

Sea-Wolf, The, 268

Sedgwick, Catherine Maria, 17

Select Party, A, 86

Sellers, Colonel Beriah, 166, 179, 182

Sense of the Past, The, 216

Septimius Felton, 105

Seth Jones or the Captive of the Frontier, 110

Seth's Brother's Wife, 257

Settlement, The, 17, 19-21, 51, 53, 55, 58, 62, 65, 82, 250, 251, 254, 256

Seven Vagabonds, The, 80, 83, 95, 192

Shadow of a Dream, The, 151

Shakeen, Bryan, 9

Shaker Bridal, The, 81

Shakespeare, 61, 133, 185

Shaw, Bernard, 242

Shaw, Henry Wheeler, 158

Shays' Rebellion, 251

She, 247

Shelley, 11

Sherringham, Peter, 206

Short stories, 15, 68, 77, 80-81, 82-84, 85-86, 94, 95, 126, 128, 144, 145, 151, 162, 178, 179, 180, 182, 188, 192, 193, 199, 207, 208, 209, 210-11, 216, 221, 226, 227, 231, 233, 234, 238, 257, 265

Sidney, Sir Philip, 218

Simms, William Gilmore, 51, 53, 60-66, 68, 77, 111, 126, 128, 251

Sinclair, Upton, 265, 270

Sioux, 36, 227

Sir Charles Grandison, 2

Sister Carrie, 265

Sky-Walk, 11, 14

Slim Princess, The, 249

Sloper, Catherine, 200

Small Boy and Others, A, 216

Smith, F. Hopkinson, 238

Smith, Captain John, 61

Smollett, 2, 3, 31, 37, 52

Snow-Image, and Other Twice-Told Tales, The, 94, 95

Soldiers of Fortune, 248, 249

Son of Royal Langbrith, The, 151

South Seas, The, 22, 68-74, 75, 267, 268

Southworth, Emma Dorothy Elizabeth Nevitte, 114

Spanish War, 254

Sparks, Jared, 53

Spenser, 195, 236

Spicca, 244

Spode of Poynton, The, 209, 210

Spy, The, 27-29, 30, 31, 33, 57

Stanley, Abigail, 8

Stanley, Charlotte, 8

Stant, Charlotte, 214

St. Clair, Augustine, 119

St. Elmo, 114

Sterling, Philip, 166

Sterne, Laurence, 3, 23

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 202, 207, 241, 246, 247

Stewart, Charles D., 265

St. George, Henry, 207

Stimson, Frederic Jesup, 249

Stockton, Frank Richard, 128, 221, 233-37, 249

Stormfield, Captain, 185

Story of a Bad Boy, The, 129, 168

Story of a Country Town, The, 221, 228, 229

Story of a Mine, The, 227

Story-Teller, The, 84

Stowe, Calvin E., 118

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 117-22, 126, 128, 130, 166

Stransom, George, 209

Strether, Lambert, 212, 213

Stuart, J. E. B., 112

Summer in Arcady, 258

Surry of Eagle's Nest, 112

Susan Lenox, 266

Swallow Barn, 59, 60, 112, 192

Swift, 5

Sweetheart of M.Briseux, The, 192

Sword and The Distaff, The. See Woodcraft

Taine, 130

Tale of a Lonely Parish, A, 239

Tale of a Tub, A, 5

Tales of Soldiers and Civilians. See In the Midst of Life.

Tanglewood Tales, 94

Tarkington, Booth, 248, 249

Tarrant, Verena, 203

Tashtego, 75

Taylor, Bayard, 129

Tempest and Sunshine, 114

Temple, Charlotte, 8

Templeton, Judge, 24

Tenney, Tabitha, 22

Ten Nights in a Bar Room, 114

Tennyson, 133, 176

Thackeray, 3, 36, 133, 155

Thatcher, Becky, 169

Theale, Milly, 215

Their Silver Wedding Journey, 154

Their Wedding Journey, 135, 136, 147

Theobald (Madonna of the Future), 193

18th District, The, 265

$30,000 Bequest, The, 182

Thompson, D. P., 51, 53, 57, 58

Thompson, Maurice, 248

Thoreau, 85, 106, 162, 202, 213

Those Extraordinary Twins, 179

Thousandacres, 47

Thousand and One Nights, The, 242

Three Fates, The, 239

Through the Eye of the Needle, 146

Toby (Typee), 68

To Have and to Hold, 248, 251, 252

To Leeward, 239

Toll-Gatherer's Day, The, 95

Tolstoy, 145, 146, 147, 155, 225, 241, 258, 259

Tom Jones, 1

Tom Sawyer. See Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The

Tom Sawyer Abroad, 179

Tom Sawyer, Detective, 179

Tory Lover, The, 249, 251

Touchett, Ralph, 201

Tourgée, Albion W., 231

Tragic Muse, The, 205, 206, 221

Tramp Abroad, A, 175

Transcendentalists, 57, 71, 85, 106, 202, 213

Traum, Philip, 183

Traveler from Altruria, A, 146

Travelling Companions, 192

Travels (John Davis), 22

Troyes, Chrétien de, 219

Trumbull, John, 4

Tucker, George, 54

Tucker, Nathaniel Beverley, 112

Tuckerman, Bayard, 222

Turgenev, 145, 147, 191, 195, 197, 198, 925

Turn of the Screw, The, 210

Tuscarora War, The, 20

Twice-Told Tales, 79, 84

Twitchell, Rev. Joseph H., 175

Two Admirals, The, 41

Two Years Before the Mast, 69

Tyler, Royall, 8-10

Typee, 69

Typee, 70, 71

Uncas, 34, 36, 50, 62

Uncle Tom's Cabin, 51, 118-120, 123, 227

Underhill, Updike, 8

Undiscovered Country, An, 137

Valdés, 225

Valera, 225

Vanamee, 263

Vandover and the Brute, 264

Vasconselos, 66

Venetian Life, 134

Vereker, Hugh, 208

Verga, 225

Verver, Maggie, 214

Vetch, Fleda, 209, 210

Via Crucis, 242, 248

Vicar of Wakefield, The, 1

Virginia Comedians, The, 112

Virginian, The, 248, 250

Virtuoso's Collection, A, 86

Vision of Columbus, The, 10

Voyage to the Moon, A, 54

Waif of the Plains, A, 227

Wakefield, 83

Wallace, General Lew, 123-24, 221

Wallingford, Miles, 47

Walton, Isaak, 116

Wandering Jew, The, 124

War and Peace, 259

Warburton, Lord, 201

Ward, Mrs. Humphry, 232

Ward, John, 232

Ware, William, 54, 67, 124

Warner, Charles Dudley, 166

Warner, Susan, 114

War of the Classes, 267

Washington, 17, 27, 185, 252, 253, 255, 256

Washington (Weems), 151

Washington Square, 199, 217, 221

Watch and Ward, 191

Waverley, 15

Weems, Mason Locke, 17, 19, 64, 115

Wept of Wish-ton-Wish, The, 37, 42

Westcott, Edward Noyes, 238

Westlock, Rev. John, 230

Westward Ho! 58

Westways, 255

Wharton, Edith, 265, 270

What Is Man? 181

What Maisie Knew, 210, 211

When Knighthood Was in Flower, 248, 249

Whistler, 162

White, Stewart Edward, 265

White, William Allen, 265

White Fang, 268

White Jacket, 69

Whitlock, Brand, 144, 265

Whitman, Elizabeth, 7, 8

Whitman, Walt, 162, 163, 218

Whittier, 12, 77

Wide Wide World, The, 114, 115, 118

Wieland, 13-15

Wieland, Theodore, 14

Wife, The, 116

Wilde, Oscar, 176, 242

Wilderness and the Warpath, The, 59

Wilkins, Mary E. See Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins

Wilks, Peter, 173

Williams, Rev. John, 20

Wilson, Augusta Jane Evans, 114

Wilson, Pudd'nhead, 179, 180

Wing-and-Wing, The, 41

Wings of the Dove, The, 212, 214-16

Winterbourne, Frederick Forsyth, 199

Winthrop, Theodore, 113-114

Wirt, William, 17

Wister, Owen, 248

Witch of Prague, The, 242

Without a Home, 122

With the Immortals, 239

Wolf, The, 261

Woman's Reason, A, 139

Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys, A, 94

Woodcraft, 63

Wood, George, 239

Woodworth, Samuel, 23

Woolson, Constance Fenimore, 126, 221, 231

World War, The, 189, 216-17, 256

Wyandotté, 40, 41, 42

Wynne, Hugh, 253

Yale, 24, 113

Years of My Youth, 133, 151

Yellow Book, The, 207

Yellow fever, 11-12

Yemassee, The, 61, 62, 65, 66

Yemassee War, The, 20, 62

Young Goodman Brown, 82, 85, 95

Youth of Jefferson, The, 111

Yvernelle, 261

Zenobia, 67

Zenobia Fauntleroy, 98, 100, 104, 107

Zola, 191, 225, 258, 959, 260, 263

Zoroaster, 239

Zury, 231