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The Ancient Science of Numbers/Chapter 5

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In the Science of Numbers every number has Its corresponding color, and we are taught that these colors, or “Life Colors,” as they are called, exert a strong influence in helping each individual to maintain his equilibrium. To induce these favorable conditions, every person should always wear his own life color, for it is supposed to assist him greatly in his efforts to secure better health, success in business, and the highest vibrations of happiness.

These life colors correspond to the letters and numbers in the following manner:


Single Vibration

1 A White
2 B Light Yellow
3 C Light Blue
4 D Red
5 E Dark Blue
6 F Pink
7 G Blue
8 H Orange
9 I Red

Double Vibration

10 J White
20 K Purple, or Heliotrope
30 L Light Blue
40 M Red
50 N Black
60 O Orange
70 P Blue
80 Q Orange
90 R Heliotrope

Treble Vibration

100 S Golden Yellow
200 T Yellow
300 U Light Blue
400 V Red
500 W Gold
600 X Pink
700 Y Light Blue
800 Z Orange

In wearing these life colors, it is not only unnecessary to wear them about the attire, or on the outside of the clothing, where they might be unduly conspicuous, but those who are most enthusiastic in preaching the efficacy of colors are almost unanimously of the opinion that they are most effective when worn next to the person. Thus, it is no uncommon thing to find them worn in the form of bandages, or about the underclothing.

In selecting the place in which to wear the life color, however, it is best to bring it as close to the spot affected by the BIRTH NUMBER, or Triad, as may be possible under the circumstances. Thus, (1) a person in harmony with the Triad of 1–5–7 should wear the color on the upper part of the body, near the head, the stomach, or the heart, as the individual BIRTH NUMBER may suggest; (2) one in the Triad of 2–4–8 should wear it near the abdominal regions, that it may affect the kidneys, the intestines, or the generative organs; (3) a 3 may wear it near the liver, but as 6 and 9 afflict the mental and nervous organisms, other persons in the Triad of 3–6–9, are not so arbitrarily confined to any particular portion of the body. As the result, many 6s and 9s wear their life colors in the form of jewelry, or as rings, bracelets, chains, necklaces, garters, etc.

In some instances, both the number and the letter possess distinctive colors, and, in such cases, the latter color is known as the “Name Color.” As the name color is of the least value, however, and would naturally tend to make the reading of the numbers more difficult for the beginner, it has been deemed inadvisable to introduce such a complicating element at this time.


A Cycle, in the application of the Science of Numbers, is a period of nine years, and the effect of the Cycle upon the life of the individual is to make the characteristics of each letter of the name assert the greatest degree of influence during the period of nine years in which it is in force. If, for example, we take the name “John,” we find the characteristics of the letter “J” asserting themselves from the first to the close of the ninth year in “John’s” life. At the expiration of that period, the vibrations of the life will change, and this individual named “John” will come under the influence of the law of the “O,” the second letter in that name. These conditions continue for a second period of nine years, or until the end of the eighteenth year, after which the “H” reigns for nine years, while the “N,” coming at the close of the twenty-seventh year, influences thoughts and events until the completion of the thirty-sixth year. At this point, however, the Cycle does not proceed to operate in the middle, or surname, but, instead, it returns to “J,” the first letter of the given name, to proceed again, as before.

As the influence of the Cycle letter is of no slight importance, it must always be taken into account in the reading of names. Even the best, or most fortunate BIRTH and NAME vibrations may be offset to some degree by the adverse influence of a bad Cycle. To avoid such possibilities it is sometimes deemed advisable for a person to change his name—to himself, at least—when he is at the point of entering upon a disintegrating, or otherwise inharmonious Cycle. By taking this precaution, discomfort, if not positive disaster, may be turned aside.

This is particularly liable to be the case when the Cycle repeats Itself, as it does in the name “Emma.” Evil as its effects may be at any time, a Cycle gains strength as it grows older. Thus, if it is exerting an unpleasant, or unfavorable influence, things will continue to grow worse instead of better until the character of the Cycle changes. In the name “Emma,” we have a repetition of Cycles in the two 4s, or Ms, so, if the characteristics of the “M” portend ill health, or misfortune, for this particular “Emma,” she Is likely to have many very uncomfortable experiences before these eighteen inharmonious years have elapsed.

If this is true in regard to the name, “Emma,” such possibilities are even more to be feared in the name, “Anne.” Here we have three 5s in rotation—the two Ns and the E—and as the character of the two vibrations is very similar, a run of twenty-seven years under precisely the same conditions does not tend towards either health or happiness, especially when these vibrations are adverse to “Anne.”

Students of human nature who are close observers will be quick to recognize the influence of the Cycles upon the life of both men and women. For example, one who is under the Cycle of “A” will show great aversion for anything that is dark—dark colors, dark rooms, etc. Suddenly this taste changes. From bright colors this person will go into dark colors. He may demand that his room be papered in darker tints. Even his thoughts may assume a darker hue.

The explanation is an easy one to find when we revert to the law of Cycles. This individual has merely stepped from one Cycle into another—from a light Cycle into a dark Cycle.

It is no uncommon thing to hear people say, “I used to wear this,” “I used to do thus and so,” or “I used to say that, but I have changed completely, I wouldn’t think of such a thing now!” Of course, they have changed, but not in the manner which they intend to imply. The change has come, but because of the change in the Cycle. They have gone from one letter in their name into another, for, whether they realize the fact or not, the passage of each ninth year marks the completion of another Cycle.

Accordingly, in the reading of names, the value of the Cycles cannot fall to be appreciated, especially when instances are found in which the conditions of life are at variance with the law of the harmony. Thus, for example, take the name, “Jessie, born on the 8th.” As Jessie’s NAME NUMBER is 4, and her BIRTH NUMBER is 8, one would naturally expect to find harmonious conditions existing. If, however, it is found that, about the nineteenth year, she became pale, anemic, with strong objections to anything dark—dark days and dark colors—there might be some difficulty in explaining such a circumstance if we did not remember that the nineteenth year introduced the vibrations of the Cycle of “S.” As this “S” is in strong opposition to the vibrations of the Triad of 2–4–8, the mystery is explained, and the remedy to be suggested is a change in name, especially in view of the fact that these inharmonious conditions must continue for eighteen years for a “Jessie” who is an 8 in BIRTH.

When one is under the Cycle of a letter, he should strive to make things tend towards its law, particularly if that letter travels established roads. In other words, if the Cycle spells “change,” and the change does not come, one should endeavor to make the new conditions appear. The delay sometimes rests upon minor vibrations that may be altered by the exercise of the individual will.