The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ/Chapter 127
1. Now, Jesus took the twelve and with them crossed the sea at night and came unto the borders of Decapolis,
2. That he might find a secret place where, all alone, he could reveal to them the things to come.
3. They went into a mountain pass and spent three days in prayer.
4. Then Jesus said, Behold, the time is near when I will walk with you in flesh no more.
5. Lo, I have taught that he who counts his life of so much worth that he would give it not in willing sacrifice to save his brother man, is worthy not to enter into life.
6. Lo, I am come as pattern for the sons of men, and I have not refrained from helpfulness.
7. When I had passed the seven tests in Heliopolis, I consecrated life and all I had, to save the world.
8. In the Judean wilderness I fought the strongest foes of men, and there I reaffirmed my consecration to the service of my fellow man.
9. In troubles and in trials I have wavered not; when false accusers came, I answered not.
10. God gave the saving Word to me, and I have often spoken it and healed the sick, drove unclean spirits out, and raised the dead.
11. And I have shown you how to speak the Word; and I have given you the Word;
12. In just a little while we turn our faces toward Jerusalem, and one of you who hear me now will then betray me into wicked hands.
13. The scribes and Pharisees will bring false charges up and hale me into court, and, by consent of Rome, I will be crucified.
14. Then Peter said, My Lord, it shall not be. The Roman soldiers will tread on twelve dead men before they reach our Lord.
15. But Jesus said, A saviour of the world cannot resist.
16. I came to save the world and I have taken up your names before the highest courts of heaven, and you have been confirmed as saviours of the world.
17. And not a name, excepting that of him who shall betray, will ever be disgraced.
18. I go my way, and though my flesh shall pass, my soul will stand beside you all the way to guide and bless.
19. And wicked men will seize you in the streets, and as you kneel in prayer; will charge you with some legal crime, and think they serve their God by putting you to death.
20. But falter not; the load will heavy be, but with the consciousness of duty done, the peace of God will lift the load, dispel the pain and light the way.
21. And we will meet where carnal executioners come not; there we will serve the cruel men, who in their ignorance had tortured us to death.
22. Can we prevent this outrage and this slaughter of our lives? If not we are but creatures of the ebb and flow of carnal things. It would not be a sacrifice of life.
23. But we are masters of the things of time. Lo, we can speak, and all the spirits of the fire, water, earth and air will stand in our defence.
24. We can command and many legions of the angel world would come and strike our enemies to earth.
25. But it is best that not a power of heaven or earth should come to our relief. And it is best that even God should veil his face and seem to hear us not.
26. As I am pattern unto you, so you are patterns for the human race. We show by non-resistance that we give our lives in willing sacrifice for man.
27. But my example will not end with death. My body will be laid within a tomb in which no flesh has lain, symbolic of the purity of life in death.
28. And in the tomb I will remain three days in sweet communion with the Christ, and with my Father-God and Mother-God.
29. And then, symbolic of the ascent of the soul to higher life, my flesh within the tomb will disappear;
30. Will be transmuted into higher form, and, in the presence of you all, I will ascend to God.
31. Then Jesus and the twelve went to a village by the sea.