The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Angels, Roll the Rock Away
![\version "2.16.2"
rockPoet = \markup { \center-column { "T Scott, 1769" "T. Gibbons, 1775" } }
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "Angels, Roll the Rock Away" " " "64" } subsubtitle = "(ARIMATHEA. 7,7,7,7. With Refrain)" composer = "G. F. Roper" poet = \rockPoet }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key ees \major \time 3/4 \relative g' {
<g ees>2 q4 | << { aes4.( g8) } \\ { ees2 } >> <aes ees>4 |
<c d,>2 q4 | <bes ees,>2. |
<ees ees,>2 <g, ees>4 |
<< { g4.( f8) ees4 } \\ { ees2 ees4 } >> | %end line 1
<f d>2 <bes d,>4 | <bes ees,>2. |
<g ees>2 q4 | <a fis>2 q4 |
<bes g>2 <c g>4 | <d fis,>2. | %end line 2
q2 <c fis,>4 | <bes g>2 <c g>4 |
<a ees>2 q4 | <bes d,>2. \bar "."
<< { bes2^\markup { \caps Refrain } bes4 | ces2 bes4 } \\
{ bes2 bes4 | ces2 bes4 } >> | %end of line 3
<d aes>2 q4 | <ees g,>2 <f aes,>4 |
<aes, f>2 <g ees>4 | <c ees,>2 <f, ees>4 |
<aes d,>2 <g d>4 | << { ees2. } \\ { ees } >> \bar "|."
<aes ees>2. | <g ees> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key ees \major \relative e {
<ees bes'>2 q4 | << { c'4.( bes8) } \\ { ees,2 } >> <ees c'>4 |
<ees aes>2 q4 | <ees g>2.
<c g'>2 q4 | <f a>2 q4 | %end line 1
<bes bes,>2 <aes bes,>4 | <ees g>2. |
<ees bes'>2 q4 | <d c'>2 q4 |
<g bes>2 <ees g>4 | <d a'>2. | %end line 2
<d d'>2 q4 | <g d'>2 <ees ees'>4 |
<f c'>2 q4 | <bes, bes'>2. |
q2 q4 | <ces ces'>2 <bes bes'>4 | %end line 3
<f' bes>2 q4 | <ees bes'>2 <d bes'>4 |
q2 <ees bes'>4 | <f a>2 q4 |
<bes bes,>2 q4 | <g ees>2. | <c aes,> | <bes ees,> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 172 } }](
- Angels, roll the rock away!
Death, yield up the mighty Prey!
See, the Saviour quits the tomb,
Glowing with immortal bloom.
Alleluia! alleluia!
Christ the Lord is risen today. - Shout, ye seraphs; angels, raise
Your eternal song of praise;
Let the earth's remotest bound
Echo to the blissful sound. - Holy Father, Holy Son,
Holy Spirit, Three in One,
Glory as of old to thee,
Now and ever more, shall be.