The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken
For other versions of this work, see Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken.
For other versions of this work, see Austria (Haydn).
![\version "2.16.2"
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken" " " "175" } subsubtitle = "(AUSTRIA. 8,7,8,7,D.)" composer = "Franz Joseph Haydn, 1797" poet = "John Newton, 1779" }
\score { << << \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"oboe"} { \key f \major \time 4/4 \relative c' {
\repeat unfold 2 { <f c>4. <g c,>8 <a f>4 <g e> |
<bes g> <a f> << { g8 [ e ] } \\ { e4 } >> <f c>4 |
<d' f,> <c f,> <bes g> <a f> |
<g d> << { a8 [ f ] } \\ { d8 [ f ] } >> <c' e,>2 \break }
<g e>4 <a f> <g e>8 <e c> << { c4 } \\ { c4 } >> |
<bes' g>4 <a f> <g e>8 <e c> << { c4 } \\ { c4 } >> |
<c c'>4 << { bes'4 } \\ { d,8 e } >> <a f>4. <a f>8 |
<b f>4. <b f>8 <c e,>2 | \break
<f f,>4. <e f,>8 <d f,>4 <c f,> | \noBreak
<d f,>4. <c f,>8 << { c8 [ bes ] } \\ { g4 } >> <a f>4 | \noBreak
<g e> << { a8 [ bes ] c [ d ] bes [ g ] } \\ { e4 f d } >> | \noBreak
<f c>4 << { a8 g } \\ { e4 } >> <f c>2 \bar "|." \noBreak
<f d> <f c> \bar ".." } }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"1."
Glo4. -- rious8 things4 of thee are spo -- ken,
Zi -- on, cit -- y of our God;2
He,4. whose8 word4 can -- not be bro -- ken,
Form'd thee for his own a -- bode;2
On4 the Rock of A -- ges found -- ed,
What can shake4. thy8 sure4. re8 -- pose?2
With4. sal8 -- va4 -- tion's walls4. sur8 -- round4 -- ed,
Thou may'st smile at all thy foes.2
\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"2."
See,4. the8 streams4 of li -- ving wa -- ters,
Spring -- ing from e -- ter -- nal love,2
Well4. sup8 -- ply4 thy sons and daugh -- ters,
And all fear of want re -- move;2
Who4 can faint, while such a riv -- er
Ev -- er flows4. their8 thirst4. to8 assuage,2
Grace,4. which,8 like4 the Lord4. the8 giv4 -- er,
Nev -- er fails from age to age?2
\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"3."
Round4. each8 hab4 -- i -- ta -- tion hov' -- ring,
See the cloud and fire ap -- pear2
For4. a8 glo4 -- ry and a cov' -- ring,
Show -- ing that the Lord is near.2
Glo4 -- rious things of thee are spo -- ken,
Zi -- on cit4. -- y8 of4. our8 God;2
He,4. whose8 word4 can -- not4. be8 bro4 -- ken,
Form'd thee for his own a -- bode.2
\markup\smallCaps {A} -- \markup\smallCaps {men.}
\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"oboe"} { \clef bass \key f \major \relative c {
\repeat unfold 2 { <f a>4. <f bes>8 <f c'>4 <c c'> |
<e c'> <f c'> <c bes'> <f a> |
<< { bes4 } \\ { bes4} >> <a c>4 <e c'> <f c'> |
<bes, d'> <b d'> <c c'>2 }
<c c'>4 <c c'> <c c'> <c c'> |
<e c'> <f c'> <c c'> <c e>8 <b g'> |
<a a'>4 << { g'4 } \\ { bes, 8 a } >> <d f>4. <d f>8 |
<< { g4. } \\ { g4. } >> <g, g'>8 <c g'>2 |
<a' c>4. <a c>8 << { bes4 } \\ { bes4 } >> <f a>4 |
<< { bes4. } \\ { bes4. } >> <a c>8 <e c'>4 <f c'> |
<c c'> <bes c'> << { c'8 [ f, ] g [ bes ] } \\ { a,4 bes } >> |
<c a'>4 <c bes'> <f a>2 |
<bes, bes'> << { a'2 } \\ { <f, f'>2 } >> } }
>> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 72 } }](
- Glorious things of thee are spoken,
Zion, city of our God;
He, whose word cannot be broken,
Form'd thee for his own abode;
On the Rock of Ages founded,
What can shake thy sure repose?
With salvation's walls surrounded,
Thou may'st smile at all thy foes. - See, the streams of living waters,
Springing from eternal love,
Well supply thy sons and daughters,
And all fear of want remove;
Who can faint, while such a river
Ever flows their thirst to assuage, --
Grace, which, like the Lord the giver,
Never fails from age to age? - Round each habitation hov'ring,
See the cloud and fire appear
For a glory and a cov'ring,
Showing that the Lord is near.
Glorious things of thee are spoken,
Zion city of our God;
He, whose word cannot be broken,
Form'd thee for his own abode. Amen.