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The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/God Calling Yet

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The Army and Navy Hymnal
edited by Henry Augustine Smith
God Calling Yet by Gerhard Tersteegen, tr. Jane Laurie Borthwick and Sarah Laurie Borthwick Findlater
(Bera by John Edgar Gould)
\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "God Calling Yet" "          " "75" } subsubtitle = "(BERA. L.M.)" composer = "John E. Gould, 1822–1875" poet = "Translated by Jane Borthwick" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key ees \major \time 2/2 \relative g' {
  <g ees>2 q4 <f bes,> | <ees bes>2 <g bes> |
  <bes f>4( <f d>) <g ees>( <aes f>) | <g ees>1 |
  <g ees'>2 <aes ees>4 <aes c> |
  <bes g>2 <g ees> |
  <f d>4( <f d'>) << { d'( c) } \\ { f,2 } >> | <f bes>1 | \break
  <bes g>2 q4 <c aes> | <aes f>2 q4( <bes g>) |
  <g ees>2 q4( <aes f>) | <f d>1 |
  <g ees>4.( <f bes,>8) <ees bes>4 q | <ees c>2 <ees bes> |
  <d bes>4( <d aes'>) q( <d bes>) |
  <ees bes>1 \bar "|." <ees c>2 <ees bes> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key ees \major \relative e {
  <ees bes'>2 q4 <ees aes> | <ees g>2 <ees ees'> |
  << { d'4( bes) } \\ { bes,2 } >> <bes bes'> |
  <ees bes'>1 |
  q2 <ees c'>4 <ees ees'> | q2 <ees bes'> |
  <f bes> << { a4( ees') } \\ { f,2 } >> | <bes, d'>1 %end line 1
  <bes bes'>2 q4 q | q2 q | q q | q1 |
  << { bes'4.( aes8) } \\ { ees2 } >> <ees g>4 q |
  <aes, aes'>2 <ees' g> |
  <bes f'> << { f'4( aes) } \\ { bes,2 } >> |
  <ees g>1 | <aes, aes'>2 <ees' g> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 112 } }

  1. God calling yet! shall I not hear?
    Earth's pleasures shall I still hold dear?
    Shall life's swift passing years all fly,
    And still my soul in slumber lie?
  2. God calling yet! shall I not rise?
    Can I his loving voice despise,
    And basely his kind care repay?
    He calls me still; can I delay?
  3. God call-ing yet! and shall he knock,
    And I my heart the closer lock?
    He still is waiting to receive,
    And shall I dare his Spirit grieve?
  4. God calling yet! I cannot stay;
    My heart I yield without despise,
    Vain world, farewell! from thee I part;
    The voice of God hath reached my heart.