The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
For other versions of this work, see It Came Upon a Midnight Clear.
![\version "2.16.2"
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear" " " "33" } subsubtitle = "(CAROL. C.M.D.)" composer = "Richard S. Willis, 1850" poet = "Edmund H. Sears, 1849" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key bes \major \time 6/8 \partial 8 \relative f' {
<f d>8 | <d' d,>4 <c d,>8 << { c[ bes] } \\ { ees,4 } >> <g ees>8 |
<f d>4 <g ees>8 <f d>4 q8 |
<< { g8[ a] <bes ees,> bes[ c] } \\ { ees,4 s8 e4 } >> <e d'>8 |
<f c'>4. ~ q4 \bar "||" \break
<< { f8 } \\ { f } >> |
<d' d,>4 <a d,>8 << { c[ bes] } \\ { ees,4 } >> <g ees>8 |
<f d>4 <g ees>8 <f d>4 << { f8 } \\ { f } >> |
<g ees>4 q8 << { a[ g] f } \\ { ees4 ees8 } >> |
<d bes'>4. ~ q4 \bar "||" \break
<d d'>8 | q4 << { d8 d[ e] } \\ { d d4 } >> <fis d>8 |
<g d>4 <a d,>8 <bes d,>4 <d d,>8 |
<< { c8[ bes] <a f> g[ a] <g e> | f4. ~ f4 } \\
{ f4 s8 e4 s8 f4. ~ f4 } >> \bar "||" \break
<f ees>8 | <d' d,>4 <a d,>8 << { c[ bes] } \\ { ees,4 } >> <g ees>8 |
<f d>4 <g ees>8 <f d>4 << { f8 } \\ { f } >> |
<g ees>4 q8 << { a[ g] f } \\ { ees4 ees8 } >> |
<bes' d,>4. ~ q4 s8 \bar "|."
<bes ees,>2. | <bes d,> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key bes \major \relative b, {
<bes f'>8 | q4 <bes fis'>8 <bes g'>4 <bes a'>8 |
<bes bes'>4 <a f'>8 <bes f'>4 <bes bes'>8 |
<< { bes'4 } \\ { ees,8[ f] } >> <g bes>8 q4 <bes c,>8 |
<f a>4. ~ q4 % end of line 1
<< { f8 } \\ { f } >> | <f bes,>4 <fis bes,>8 <g bes,>4 <a bes,>8 |
<bes bes,>4 <f a,>8 <f bes>4 <bes d,>8 |
<bes ees,>4 <c c,>8 << { c[ bes] } \\ { f4 } >> <a f>8 |
<bes bes,>4. ~ q4 % end of line 2
<< { d,8 | d4 s8 fis[ g] } \\ { d d4 <d fis>8 d4 } >> <c a'>8 |
<bes g'>4 <d fis>8 << { g4 } \\ { g } >> <g bes,>8 |
<< { a[ d] s bes[ c] } \\ { c,4 <c c'>8 c4 } >> <c bes'>8 |
<f a>4. ~ q4 % end of line 3
q8 | <bes bes,>4 <fis bes,>8 <g bes,>4 <a bes,>8 |
<bes bes,>4 <f a,>8 <f bes,>4 <d bes'>8 |
<ees bes'>4 <c c'>8 << { c'[ bes] } \\ { f4 } >> <f a>8 |
<bes bes,>4. ~ q4 s8 |
<g ees>2. <f bes,> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 68 } }](
- It came up -on the mid-night clear,
That glo-rious song of old,
From an - gels bend - ing near the earth,
To touch their harps of gold:
Peace on the earth,good-will to men,
From heaven's all-gra-cious King ;
The world in sol-emn still-ness lay
To hear the an-gels sing. - Still through the clo-ven skies they come,
With peace-ful wings un-furled;
And still their heaven-ly mu-sic floats
O'er all the wea-ry world :
A-bove its sad and low-ly plains
They bend on heaven-ly wing,
And ev-er o'er its Ba-bel sounds
The bless-ed an-gels sing. - And ye, be-neath life's crush-ing load,
Whose forms are bend-ing low,
Who toil a-long the climb-ing way,
With pain-ful steps and slow,
Look now, for glad and gold-en nours
Come swift-ly on the wing ;
O rest be-side the wea-ry road,
And hear the an-gels sing ! - For lo! the days are has-tening on,
By proph-et-bards fore-told,
When with the ev-er-cir-cling years
Comes round the age of gold ;
When peace shall over all the earth
Its an-cient splen-dors fling,
And the whole world give back the song
Which now the an-gels sing.