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The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Still, Still with Thee

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For other versions of this work, see Consolation (Mendelssohn).
The Army and Navy Hymnal (1920)
edited by Henry Augustine Smith
Still, Still with Thee by Harriet Beecher Stowe
(Consolation by Felix Mendelssohn)
1737453The Army and Navy Hymnal — Still, Still with TheeHenry Augustine SmithHarriet Beecher Stowe
(Consolation by Felix Mendelssohn)
\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "Still, Still with Thee" "   " "5" } subsubtitle = "(CONSOLATION. 11,10,11,10.)" composer = "Mendelssohn, 1809–1847" poet = "Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1855" }
\score { << \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"flute"} { \numericTimeSignature \time 4/4 \key ees \major \relative g' { 
<g bes,>2 <f bes,>4. <ees bes>8 | 
<< { bes'4( aes2) } \\ { ees2. } >> <g ees>4 | 
<f a,> <ees a,> <d a> << { ees } \\ { ees } >> | 
<g ees>2 <f d> | 
< f des> <f c>4. <g e>8 | \break
<aes f>2. <f c>4 << | \noBreak { c } \\ { c } >> <d bes> <g d>4. <f d>8 | \noBreak
<< { ees1 } \\ { ees } >> | \noBreak
<g bes,>2 <f bes,>4. << { ees8 } \\ { ees } >> | \noBreak
<ees' ees,>2. <d ees,>4 | \noBreak
<c ees,> <bes ees,> <aes e> <g e> | \break
<c e,>2 << { f, } \\ { f } >> | 
<f des> <f c>4. <g e>8 | 
<aes f>2. <f c>4 | 
<< { c } \\ { c } >> <d bes> <g d>4. <f d>8 |
<< { ees1 } \\ { ees } >> \bar "|." 
<aes ees>2 <g ees> \bar ".." } }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { 
\set stanza = #"1."   
Still,2 still4. with8 thee,2. when4 pur -- ple morn -- ing brea2 -- keth,2 
When2 the4. bird8 wak2. -- eth,4 and the shad4.-- ows8 flee;1
Fair2 -- er4. than8 morn2. -- ing,4 love -- li -- er than day2 light,2
Dawns2 the4. sweet8 con2. -- scious4 -- ness, I am4. with8 thee.1
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { 
\set stanza = #"2."   
A2 -- lone4. with8 thee,2. a4 -- mid the mys -- tic sha2 dows,2
The2 sol4.-- emn8 hush2. of4 na -- ture new4. -- ly8 born;1
A2 -- lone4. with8 thee2. in4 breath -- less ad -- o -- ra2 -- tion,2
In2 the4. calm8 dew2. and4 fresh -- ness of4. the8 morn.1
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { 
\set stanza = #"3."   
Still2 still 4. with8 thee,2. as4  to each new  -- born morn2 ing,2
A2 freh4. and8 sol2. emn4 splen -- dour still4. -- is8 given;1
So2 does4. this8 bless2. ed4 con -- scious -- ness a -- wak2 ing2
Breathe2 each4. day8 near2.-- ness4 un -- to thee4. and8 heaven.1
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { 
\set stanza = #"4."   
When2 sinks4. the8 soul,2. sub4 -- dued by toil, to slu2 mber,2 
Its2 clos4. -- ing8 eyes2. look4 up to thee4. in8 prayer;1
Sweet2 the4. re8 -- pose2. be4 -- neath thy wings o'er -- shad2 -- ing,2 
But2 sweet4. -- er8 still,2. to4 wake and find4. thee8 there.1
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { 
\set stanza = #"5."   
So2 shall4. it8 be2. at4 last, in that bright morn2-- ing,2
When2 the4. soul8 wak2. -- eth,4 and life's sha4. -- dows8 flee;1
O2 in4. that8 hour,2. fair4 -- er than day -- light dawn2 ing,2
Shall2 rise4. the8 glo2. -- rious4 tho't— I am4. with8 thee.1 \markup\smallCaps {A}2 -- \markup\smallCaps {men.}2

\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"flute"} { \numericTimeSignature \clef bass \key ees \major \relative b { 
<bes ees,>2 <aes ees>4. <g ees>8 | 
<ees c>2. <ees c>4 | 
<ees c> <ees c> <f c> <a c,> | 
<bes bes,>2 <bes bes,> | 
<< { bes } \\ { bes } >> <c aes>4. <bes g>8 |
<c f,>2. <aes f>4 | 
<aes bes,> <aes bes,> <aes bes,>4. <aes bes,>8 | 
<g ees>1 | 
<bes ees,>2 <aes ees>4. <g ees>8 | 
<g c,>2. <g c,>4 | 
<< { c4 c c c } \\ { c c bes bes } >> | 
<c aes>2 <c aes> | 
<< { bes } \\ { bes } >> <c aes>4. <bes g>8 | 
<c f,>2. <aes f>4 <aes bes,> | 
<aes bes,> <aes bes,>4. <aes bes,>8 | 
<g ees>1 | 
<c aes,>2 <bes ees,> } } >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 100 }
  1. Still, still with thee, when purple morning breaketh,
    When the bird waketh, and the shadows flee;
    Fairer than morning, lovelier than daylight,
    Dawns the sweet consciousness, I am with thee.
  2. Alone with thee, amid the mystic shadows,
    The solemn hush of nature newly born;
    Alone with thee in breathless adoration,
    In the calm dew and freshness of the morn.
  3. Still, still with thee, as to each newborn morning
    A fresh and solemn splendor still is given,
    So does this blessed consciousness awaking,
    Breathe each day nearness unto thee and heaven.
  4. When sinks the soul, subdued by toil, to slumber,
    Its closing eyes look up to thee in prayer;
    Sweet the repose beneath thy wings o'er-shading,
    But sweeter still, to wake and find thee there.
  5. So shall it be at last, in that bright morning,
    When the soul waketh, and life's shadows flee;
    O in that hour, fairer than daylight dawning,
    Shall rise the glorious tho't—I am with thee.