The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/There's a Beautiful Star

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The Army and Navy Hymnal
edited by Henry Augustine Smith
There's a Beautiful Star by Rossiter Worthington Raymond
(Beautiful Star by Frederick Schilling)
1737798The Army and Navy Hymnal — There's a Beautiful StarHenry Augustine SmithRossiter Worthington Raymond
(Beautiful Star by Frederick Schilling)
\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "41" "          " "There's a Beautiful Star" } subsubtitle = "(BEAUTIFUL STAR. Irregular. With Refrain)" composer = "Frederick Schilling" poet = "Rossiter W. Raymond, 1840–1918" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key bes \major \time 6/8 \partial 8 \relative f' { \autoBeamOff
  <f d>16 q | q8( <g ees>) <a c,> <bes d,>( <c ees,>) <d f,> |
  <ees g,>( <d f,>) <cis e,> <d f,>4 <b f>8 | % end of line 1
  <d e,>4 <c e,>8 <g ees> ~ q <a ees> |
  <c d,>^( _~ <bes d,>) <g cis,> <f d>4. |
  <f d>8 <g ees> <a c,> <bes d,>( <c ees,>) <d f,> | % end of line 2
  << { ees[ bes] } \\ { ees,4 } >> <c' ees,>8 <d d,>4 <d f,>16 ~ q |
  <c f,>8 <b f> <c f,> <d e,> q <c f,> |
  <bes e,>^( _~ <a e>) <g e> << { f4. } \\ { f } >> \bar "."
  <f d>4.^\markup { \caps Refrain } <g cis,> |
  q8 <f d> <e cis> <f d>4. |
  <f ees> <c' ees,> |
  <f, d>8 <bes d,> <c ees,> <d f,>4 \bar "||"
  <d aes>8 | <ees g,>4. <bes g>4 <c ges>8 |
  <d f,>4. <bes d,>4 <g cis,>8 |
  <f d> <e cis> <f d> <d' ees,>4 <c ees,>8 |
  <bes d,>4. ~ q \bar "|."
  <bes ees,>4. <bes d,> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key bes \major \relative b, { \autoBeamOff
  <bes bes'>16 q | q8 ~ q q q ~ q q |
  q ~ q q q4 <d g>8 | % end of line 1
  <c bes'>4 q8 <f a> ~ q << { f } \\ { f } >> |
  <bes, f'> ~ q <bes e> <bes f>4. |
  <bes bes'>8 q q q ~ q q | % end of line 2
  <bes g'>4 <bes ges'>8 <bes f'>8*2/1 <bes bes'>16 ~ q |
  <c a'>8 <c gis'> <c a'> <c bes'> q <c a'> |
  <c g'>( _~ <c c'> <c b'> <f a>4. | % end of line 3
  <bes, f'>4. <bes e> | <bes e>8 <bes f'> <bes g'> <bes f'>4. |
  <c a'> <f, a'> | <bes bes'>8 q q q4 % end of line 4
  q8 | <ees bes'>4. q4 q8 |
  <bes bes'>4. <bes f'>4 <e g>8 |
  <f bes> <g bes> <f bes> <f a>4 <f, a'>8 |
  <bes bes'>4. ~ q | <ees g> <bes f'> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 8 = 136 } }

  1. There's a beautiful star, a beautiful star,
    That weary trav'lers have followed afar;
    Shining so brightly all the way,
    Till it stood o'er the place where the young Child lay.
    Star, star, beautiful star!
    Pilgrims weary we are;
    To Jesus, to Jesus, We follow thee from afar.
  2. In the land of East, in the shadows of night,
    We saw the glory of thy new light;
    Telling to us, in our distant home,
    The Lord, our Redeemer to earth had come!
  3. We have gold for tribute and gifts for prayer,
    Sweet incense, myrrh, and spices rare:
    All that we have we hither bring,
    To lay it with joy at the feet of the King.