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The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/When I Fear My Faith Will Fail

From Wikisource
The Army and Navy Hymnal
edited by Henry Augustine Smith
When I Fear My Faith Will Fail by Ada R. Habershon
(He Will Hold Me Fast by Robert Harkness)
1933705The Army and Navy Hymnal — When I Fear My Faith Will FailHenry Augustine SmithAda R. Habershon
(He Will Hold Me Fast by Robert Harkness)

When I Fear My Faith Will Fail 227
Ada Ruth Habershon Robert Harkness
  1. When I fe-ar my faith will fail,
    Christ Hold me fast;
    When the tempt-er would prevail,
    Chist Hold me fast;
    He will hold me fast,
    He will hold me fast;
    For my Sav-iour love me so.
    He will hold me fast.
  2. I can nev-er keep my hold,
    He must hold me fast;
    For my love is oft-en cold,
    He must hold me fast;
    He will hold me fast; &c.
  3. 3. I am pre-cious in his sight,
    He will Hold me fast.
    Those he Saves are his-delight,
    He Will hold me fast
    He will hold me fast; &c.
  4. He'll not let my soul be lost,
    Christ will hold me fast;
    Brought by him at such as cost,
    He will hold me fast.
    He will hold me fast; &c.A-men