The Art of Dress: a Poem/The Dedication
OU, for whose Perusal the following POEM was chiefly intended, have the justest Claim to its Patronage; and next to those who have Painted your Natural Beauties, he that treats of your Acquired Charms has doubtless a Right to your Favour; Female DRESS, though touch'd upon lightly in Many excellent Pieces, has not, that I know of, ever been wholly the Subject of One; The AUTHOR has hand'led it in a Ludicrous, but uncommon Historical Way; tho' it will do him, perhaps, little Service to declare that his
Fancy and Matter are New, when such Numbers of Scriblers have the same Plea for Theirs every Day.
Be that as it will, all he Aims at is, bringing you over betimes to his Interest, since the Cavalier Criticks will always go in with your Censure, or Praise, and those who are not so, will neither be courted, nor fear'd by
Your constant Admirer,
and Servant,
J. D. B.