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The Atlantic Monthly/Volume 136

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4465637The Atlantic Monthly — Volume 136

issue pages

Number 1, July, 1925 1-143
Number 2, August, 1925 145-288
Number 3, September, 1925 289-431
Number 4, October, 1925 433-576
Number 5, November, 1925 577-720
Number 6, December, 1925 721-864




Literature, Science, Art, and Politics


July-December, 1925

The Rumford Press, Concord

Copyright, 1925,
By the Atlantic Monthly Company.

Printed at The Rumford Press, Concord, N. H., U.S.A.


Index by Titles


Abd el-Krim and the War in Africa, Vincent Sheean 251
Anonymity: An Inquiry, E. M. Forster 588
Architecture, The Advance of, Thomas E. Tallmadge 225
Bee’s Knees, The, Charles D. Stewart 1
Bird, The Way of a, Sir W. Beach Thomas 810
Book, In Quest of the Perfect, William Dana Orcutt 800
Cavalry, After—What? Captain B. H. Liddell Hart 409
‘Cavemen, We, the,’ Milutin Krunich 615
Challenge, A Contemporary, Virian T. Pomeroy 787
Christmas Come? When Will, Joseph Fort Newton 721
Christs Fought Hard, Then, Milutin Kruntch 778
Church in France, Baiting the, Denis Gurynn 272
Coal for the People, Arthur E. Suffern 838
Coming of Age, Helen Dore Boylston 289
Cotton, The Struggle for, Erans Lewin 560
Courage, Brassil Fitzgerald 655
Cure-alls, Agnes Repplier 12
Dean, He Asked the, Benfield Pressey 612
Debt, The, A. Cecil Edwards 502
Djebel Druz, In the, Wolfgang von Weisl 848
Ehot’s ‘Quarries,’ George, Charles Gardner 659
Evangelicals’ Dilemma, The, Justin Wroe Nixon 368
Everyday Life, Helen Dore Boylston 638
Farmers, Our Embattled, Arthur P. Chew 703
Fiddles and Drums, Leo Crane 359
Franklin and Lightning, Alerander McAdie 67
Free? How Does It Feel to Be, Manuel Komroff 329
Galapagos, A Conversation in the, Edmund Wilson 577
German People and Their Lost Colonies, The, Erans Lewin 264
Gift of Tongues, The, Valeska Bari 389
Glass Window, The, Lucy Furman 208
Good Business, Frank Brandon 608
‘Good-Night, All,’ Anonymous 596
Greek in the Machine Shop, Carol Wight 247
Growth, The Philosophy of, Clifford H. Farr 508
Happiness, Buying, Edgar J. Goodspeed 343
Harshest Thing in the World, The, C. E. Andrews 49
Hook, Mr. John, Wants His Money, Emily Stone Whiteley 756
Ideas, Quantity Production in, Cornelia James Cannon 380
Impartial Chairman, Problems for an, W. M. Leiserson 301
Infinitude of Things, The, Mary Lucia Bierce Fuller 334
Italian Tyranny: An Anti-Fascist View, James Murphy 818
Journal, More Leaves from a Secret, Jane Steger 758
Knight-Errant and the Infidel, The, Henry R. Murphy 159
‘Let Joy Be Unrefined!’ Leo Crane 188
Light That Lighteth, The True, Robert F. Fitch 33
Little Lowizy, Lucy Furman 347
Marx To-day: Capitalism and Socialism, John R. Commons 682
Medium, Science and the, Hudson Hoagland 666
Meetinghouse and the Laboratory, The, A Woman Physician 771
Mine Own People, Benjamin Harrison Chaffee 496
Mosque, The, Elgin E. Groseclose 694
Motor Menace, The, Herbert L. Towle 98
Movies, The Unconscious Humor of the, Agnes Repplier 601
Neighbors of Mine, Nora Waln 791
Official Returns, The, H. G. Dwight 737
Onward, Christian Soldiers, James Norman Hall 19
Other Little Ships, A. Vibert Douglas 169
Paganism, The New, Ellen Duvall 633
Peas in a Pod, Twin, Earnest Elmo Calkins 311
Persian Friday, One, Thomas Pearson 375
Picture Peddler, A, Robert Alden Reaser 518
Pigtails, Ltd., Walter de la Mare 175
Plant Quarantine, J. Horace McFarland 241
Portrait, The Lady of the, Anna M. Whistler 319
Procrustes Redivivus, Morgan Barnes 83
Professor, Exit, Francis B. Gummere 815
Religion and Science, Alfred North Whitehead 200
Religion Be Taught? Can, Charles M. Sheldon 467
Roots, Margaret Prescot Montague 230
Russia, Without Prejudice, Sir Martin Conway 401
Science and Poetry, I. A. Richards 481
Science and the Medium, Hudson Hoagland 666
‘Selling It’, A Social Worker 44
Sharks of Narborough, The, William Beebe 433
‘Ships, As the Swift’, Theodore Morrison 648
Sing: A Song of Sixpence, James Norman Hall 726
Soldiers, Indians, and Schools, Leo Crane 55
Soul, The Natural History of a, Earnest Elmo Calkins 625
Spain, The Burning Question of, Robert Sencourt 108
Speculation and Investment, Edgar Lawrence Smith 542
Taxation, The Twilight Land of, Raymond Edwards Huntington 828
Taxes, Death and, Raymond Edwards Huntington 419
Test, The, Helen Dore Boylston 453
Thoroughbreds and Blackguards, Peter Burnaugh 74
Thought Broker, Augustus Bagster, Samuel McChord Crothers 442
Tramping with Yeggs, Paul Ernest Anderson 747
Treaty Revision, William Martin 117
Turkish State of Mind, The, Arnold J. Toynbee 548
Uncle Tutt's Typhoids, Lucy Furman 478
University, A Modern, Abraham Flexner 530
Victor, The—Who?, Frances LeFerre 89
War, The Economic Cause of, Edward Beach Howell 128
Woman in Wall Street, A, The Woman 145
Wykeham, An Avatar at, Carroll Perry 395
Younger Generation in 1840, The, Richard Frederick Fuller 216

Index by Authors

Anderson, Paul Ernest, Tramping with Yeggs 747
Andrews, C. E., The Harshest Thing in the World 49
Auslander, Joseph, Deadlock 246
Bari, Valeska, The Gift of Tongues 389
Barnes, Morgan, Procrustes Redivivus 83
Beebe, William, The Sharks of Narborough 433
Boylston, Helen Dore
Coming of Age 289
The Test 453
Everyday Life 638
Brandon, Frank, Good Business 608
Burnaugh, Peter, Thoroughbreds and Blackguards 74
Calkins, Earnest Elmo
Twin Peas in a Pod 811
The Natural History of a Soul 625
Cannon, Cornelia James, Quantity Production in Ideas 380
Carman, Bliss, Immortelle 628
Chaffee, Benjamin Harrison, Mine Own People 496
Chew, Arthur P., Our Embattled Farmers 703
Commons, John R., Marx To-day: Capitalism and Socialism 682
Conway, Sir Martin, Russia, Without Prejudice 401
Crane, Leo
Soldiers, Indians, and Schools 55
‘Let Joy Be Unrefined!’ 188
Fiddles and Drums 859
Crothers, Samuel McChord, Augustus Bagster, Thought Broker 442
De la Mare, Walter, Pigtails, Ltd. 175
Douglas, A. Vibert, Other Little Ships 169
Durall, Ellen, The New Paganism 633
Dwight, H. G., The Official Returns 787
Edwards, A. Cecil, The Debt 502
Farr, Clifford H., The Philosophy of Growth 508
Fitch, Robert F., The True Light That Lighteth 33
Fitzgerald, Brassil, Courage 655
Flexner, Abraham, A Modern University 530
Forster, E. M., Anonymity: An Inquiry 588
Fuller, Mary Lucia Bierce, The Infinitude of Things 334
Fuller, Richard Frederick, The Younger Generation in 1840 216
Furman, Lucy
The Glass Window 208
Little Lowizy 847
Uncle Tutt’s Typhoids 473
Gardner, Charles, George Eliot's ‘Quarries’ 659
Goodspeed, Edgar J., Buying Happiness 343
Groseclose, Elgin E., The Mosque 694
Gummere, Francis B., Exit Professor 815
Gwynn, Denis, Baiting the Church in France 272
Hall, James Norman
Onward, Christian Soldiers 19
Sing: A Song of Sixpence 726
Hart, Captain B. H. Liddell, After Cavalry—What? 409
Hoagland, Hudson, Science and the Medium 666
Howell, Edward Beach, The Economic Cause of War 128
Huntington, Raymond Edwards
Death and Taxes 419
The Twilight Land of Taxation 828
Kendon, Frank, The Crane in Bloomsbury 333
Komroff, Manuel, How Does It Feel to Be Free? 329
Krunich, Milutin
‘We, the Cavemen’ 615
Then Christs Fought Hard 778
LeFevre, Frances, The Victor—Who? 89
Leiserson, W. M., Problems for an Impartial Chairman 301
Lewin, Evans
The German People and Their Lost Colonies 264
The Struggle for Cotton 560
Lowell, Amy, Fool o’ the Moon 47
McAdie Alexander, Franklin and Lightning 67
McDduffee, Franklin, Hakluyt Unpurchased 770
McFarland, J. Horace, Plant Quarantine 241
MacLeish, Archibald, Conversation Balnéaire 97
Martin, William, Treaty Revision 117
Montague, Margaret Prescott, Roots 230
Moore, Virginia, Mississippi Melodies 492
Morrison, Theodore
‘As the Swift Ships’ 648
A Star among the Reeds 798
Mullins, Helene, The Violinist and the Lady 388
Murphy, Henry R., The Knight-Errant and the Infidel 159
Murphy, James, Italian Tyranny: An Anti-Fascist View 818
Newton, Joseph Fort, When Will Christmas Come? 721
Nixon, Justin Wroe, The Evangelicals’ Dilemma 368
Orcutt, William Dana, In Quest of the Perfect Book 800
Pearson, Thomas, One Persian Friday 375
Perry, Carroll, An Avatar at Wykeham 395
Pomeroy, Vivian T., A Contemporary Challenge 787
Pressey, Benfield, He Asked the Dean 612
Reaser, Robert Alden, A Picture Peddler 518
Repplier, Agnes
Cure-alls 12
The Unconscious Humor of the Movies 601
Richards, I. A., Science and Poetry 481
Sencourt, Robert, The Question of Spain 108
Sheean, Vincent, Abd el-Krim and the War in Africa 251
Sheldon, Charles M., Can Religion Be Taught? 467
Smith, Edgar Lawrence, Speculation and Investment 542
Steger, Jane, More Leaves from a Secret Journal 758
Stewart, Charles D., The Bee’s Knees 1
Suffern, Arthur E., Coal for the People 838
Tallmadge, Thomas E., The Advance of Architecture 225
Thomas, Sir W. Beach, The Way of a Bird 810
Towle, Herbert L., The Motor Menace 98
Toynbee, Arnold J., The Turkish State of Mind 548
Waln, Nora, Neighbors of Mine 791
Warren, Gretchen, Evening 665
Wesl, Wolfgang von, In the Djebel Druz 848
Whistler, Anna M., The Lady of the Portrait 319
Whitehead, Alfred North, Religion and Science 200
Whiteley, Emily Stone, Mr. John Hook Wants His Money 756
Wight, Carol, Greek in the Machine Shop 247
Wilson, Edmund, A Conversation in the Galapagos 577
Wright, Grace Latimer, Spars 187

The Contributors’ Club

Ancestors, My 570
Asino Italiano 283
Baltic Summer 134
Grandfather French’s Nightshirt 858
Hey Diddle Diddle! 426
Hint to Impecunious Authors, A 568
Morning Caravans 139
Oldenbury Hollow 855
Penalty of Poise, The 135
Primitive Winter 856
Social Work and Kangaroos, On 712
Toward the Royal Tombs 716
Tragedy of Trifles, A 282
Vineyard Mosaic, The 137
Widow’s Friend, The 714

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