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The Atlantic Monthly/Volume 17/Number 99/Recent American Publications

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Featured in Volume 17, Number 99 of The Atlantic Monthly. (January 1866)

2341455The Atlantic Monthly — Recent American Publications1866


Canada: Its Defences, Condition, and Resources. Being a Second and Concluding Volume of "My Diary, North and South." By W. Howard Russell, LL.D. Boston. T. O. H. P. Burnham. 12mo. pp. xii., 311. $2.00.

The Verdict of Reason upon the Question of the Future Punishment of those who die Impenitent By Henry Martyn Dexter. Boston. Nichols & Noyes. 12mo. pp. xx., 157. $1.25.

Naval Duties and Discipline, with the Policy and Principles of Naval Organization. By F. A. Roe, Lieutenant-Commander United States Navy. New York. D. Van Nostrand. 12mo. pp. 223. $1.50.

The Federal City; or, Ins and Abouts of Washington. By S. D. Wyeth, Author of "Harry Bright," etc. Part I. Washington. Gibson Brothers. 8vo. paper. pp. 108. 50 cts.

The Eastern or Turkish Bath; with its History, Revival in Britain, and Application to the Purposes of Health. By Erasmus Wilson, F. R. S. With Notes and Appendix by M. L. Holbrook, M. D. New York. Miller, Wood, & Co. l6mo. paper. pp. 65. 50 cts.

Memoir of the Life and Character of Professor Valentine Mott, Facile Princeps. By Dr. Samuel W. Francis, Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine. New York. W. J. Widdleton. 4to. paper. pp. 32. $1.00.

Plain Talks on Familiar Subjects. A Series of Popular Lectures. By J. G. Holland. New York. C. Scribner & Co. 12mo. pp. 335. $1.75.

Georgy Sandon; or, A Lost Love. By Ashford Owen. Boston. A. K. Loring. 12mo. pp. 215. $1.25.

The Young Lieutenant; or, The Adventures of an Army Officer. A Story of the Great Rebellion. By Oliver Optic. Boston. Lee & Shepard. 16mo. pp. 373. $1.50.

Hasty Recognition of Rebel Belligerency, and our Right to Complain of it. By George Bemis. Boston. A. Williams & Co. 8vo. paper. pp. 57. 50 cts.

Miramichi. A Story of the Miramichi Valley, New Brunswick. Boston. A. K. Loring. 16mo. paper. pp. 232. $1.00.

Life, Speeches, and Services of Andrew Johnson, Seventeenth President of the United States. Philadelphia. T. B. Peterson & Brothers. 12mo. pp. 214. $1.00.

Christianity and Statesmanship, with Kindred Topics. By William Hague, D. D., Author of "Home Life," etc. Boston. Gould & Lincoln. 12mo. pp. 414. $1.75.

The Gayworthys. A Story of Threads and Thrums. By the Author of "Faith Gartney's Girlhood." Boston. A. K. Loring. 12mo. pp. 399. $1.75.

The Orpheus C. Kerr Papers. Third Series. New York. G. W. Carleton. 12mo. pp. 300. $1.50.

Looking Around. A Novel. By A. S. Roe, Author of "I've been Thinking," etc. New York. G. W. Carleton. 12mo. pp. 312. $1.50.

Street Ballads, Popular Poetry, and Household Songs of Ireland. Boston. Patrick Donahoe. 16mo. pp. 312. 50 cts.

Aurora Floyd. By M. E. Braddon, Author of "Lady Audley's Secret," etc. New York. American News Company. 12mo. pp. 372. $1.50.

Glimpses of History. By George M. Towle. Boston. W. V. Spencer. 16mo. pp. 262. $1.50.

Wylder's Hand. A Novel. By J. Sheridan Le Faun, Author of "Uncle Silas," etc. New York. G. W. Carleton. 12mo. pp. 480. $2.00.

Congregationalism: What it is, Whence it is, How it works, Why it is better than any other Form of Church Government, and its Consequent Demands. By Henry M. Dexter, Pastor of the Berkeley-Street Church, Boston, and Associate Editor of the "Congregational Quarterly." Boston. Nichols & Noyes. 8vo. pp. xxxii., 306. $3.00.

The President's Words. A Selection of Passages from the Speeches, Addresses, and Letters of Abraham Lincoln. Boston. Walker, Fuller, & Co. 16mo. pp. 186. $1.25.

Life of Horace Mann. By his Wife. Boston. Walker, Fuller, & Co. 8vo. pp. 692. $3.00.

A Smaller History of Rome, from the Earliest Times to the Establishment of the Empire. By William Smith, LL.D. With a Continuation to A. D. 476, by Eugene Lawrence, A. M. Illustrated by Engravings on Wood. New York. Harper & Brothers. 16mo. pp. xxx., 365. $1.00.

A Son of the Soil. A Novel. New York. Harper & Brothers. 8vo. pp. 241. $1.50.

On Guard. A Novel. By Annie Thomas, Author of "Denis Donne." New York. Harper & Brothers. 8vo. paper. pp. 164. 50 cts.

Miss Mackenzie. A Novel. By Anthony Trollope. New York. Harper & Brothers. 8vo. paper. pp. 139. 50 cts.

Wayside Blossoms. By Mary H. C. Booth. Philadelphia. J. B. Lippincott & Co. 16mo. pp. 106. $1.00.

Hours among the Gospels; or, Wayside Truths from the Life of our Lord. By N. C. Burt, D. D. Philadelphia. J. B. Lippincott & Co. 12mo. pp. 215. $1.50.

The Martyr's Monument. Being the Patriotism and Political Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln, as exhibited in his Speeches, Messages, Orders, and Proclamations, from the Presidential Canvass of 1860 until his Assassination, April 14, 1865. New York. American News Company. 12mo. pp. 297. $1.50.

What I Saw on the West Coast of South and North America, and at the Hawaiian Islands. By H. Willis Baxley, M. D. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 8vo. pp. 632. $4.00.

Anselmo. A Poem. By George R. Parhurt. San Francisco. H. H. Bancroft & Co. 16mo. pp. 148. 75 cts.

The Conversion of the Roman Empire. The Boyle Lectures for the Year 1864, delivered at the Chapel Royal, Whitehall. By Charles Merivale, B. D., Rector of Lawford, Author of "A History of the Romans under the Empire." New York. D. Appleton & Co. 12mo. pp. 267. $2.00.

Illustrated Life, Campaigns, and Public Services of Lieutenant-General Grant. Philadelphia. T. B. Peterson & Brothers. 12mo. pp. 271. $1.00.

Mildred Arkell. By Mrs. Henry Wood. Philadelphia. T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 12mo. pp. 582. $2.00.

Speeches of John Bright, M. P., on the American Question. With an Introduction by Frank Moore. Boston. Little, Brown, & Co. 12mo. pp. xvi., 278. $2.00.

Classical and Scientific Studies, and the Great Schools of England. A Lecture read before the Society of Arts of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, April 6, 1865. By W. P. Atkinson. With Additions and an Appendix. Cambridge. Sever & Francis. 8vo. paper. pp. 117. 75 cts.

An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy, and of the Principal Philosophical Questions discussed in his Writings. By John Stuart Mill. In Two Volumes. Boston. W. V. Spencer. 12mo. pp. 330; 354. $4.00.

Carrie's Confession. A Novel. By the Author of "Mattie," etc. New York. Harper & Brothers. 8vo. paper. pp. 190. 75 cts.

Denis Donne. A Novel. By Annie Thomas, Author of "On Guard," etc. New York. Harper & Brothers. 8vo. paper. pp. 147. 50 cts.

Camps and Prisons. Twenty Months in the Department of the Gulf. By A. J. H. Duganne. New York. J. P. Robens. 12mo. pp. 424. $2.00.

The Works of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke. Revised Edition. Vol. I. Boston. Little, Brown, & Co. crown 8vo. pp. xx., 537. $2.25.

Memoirs of the Life of William Shakespeare. With an Essay toward the Expression of his Genius, and an Account of the Rise and Progress of the English Drama. By Richard Grant White. Boston. Little, Brown, & Co. 12mo. pp. xii., 425. $2.50.

Can You Forgive Her? By Anthony Trollope. With Illustrations by H. K. Browne. New York. Harper & Brothers, 8vo. pp. 334. $2.00.

France and England in North America. A Series of Historical Narratives. By Francis Parkman, Author of "History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac," etc. Part I. Boston. Little, Brown, & Co. 8vo. pp. xxiv., 420. $2.50.

Natural History. A Manual of Zoölogy for Schools, Colleges, and the General Reader. By Sanborn Tenney, A.M., Author of "Geology," etc., and Professor of Natural History in Nassau Female College. Illustrated with over Five Hundred Engravings. New York. C. Scribner & Co. 12mo. pp. xii., 540. $2.50.

The Intuitions of the Mind inductively Investigated. By Rev. James McCosh, LL.D., Professor of Logic and Metaphysics in Queen's College, Belfast. New York. Robert Carter & Brothers. 8vo. pp. xvi., 448. $3.50.

Poetical Tributes to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co. 12mo. pp. 306. $2.00.

Curious Facts in the History of Insects; including Spiders and Scorpions. A Complete Collection of the Legends, Superstitions, Beliefs, and Ominous Signs connected with Insects; together with their Uses in Medicine, Art, and as Food; and a Summary of their Remarkable Injuries and Appearances. By Frank Cowan. Philadelphia. J. B. Lippincott & Co. 12mo. pp. 396. $2.00.

The Bible Hand-Book: An Introduction to the Study of Sacred Scripture. By Joseph Angus, D. D. Revised Edition, with Illustrations. Philadelphia. James S. Claxton. 12mo. pp. 727. $2.50.

The Oil Regions of Pennsylvania. Showing where Petroleum is found, how it is obtained, and at what Cost. With Hints for whom it may concern. By William Wright. New York. Harper & Brothers. 12mo. pp. 275. $1.50.

Thoughts on the Future Civil Policy of America. By John William Draper, M. D., LL. D., Professor of Chemistry and Physiology in the University of New York, Author of a "History of the Intellectual Development of Europe." New York. Harper & Brothers. 12mo. pp. 325. $2.50.

A Chronological History of the Boston Watch and Police, from 1631 to 1865; together with Recollections of a Boston Police-Officer; or, Boston by Daylight and Gaslight From the Diary of an Officer Fifteen Years in the Service. By Edward H. Savage. Boston. Published by the Author. 12mo. pp. 396. $1.50.

History of the United States Cavalry, from the Formation of the Federal Government to the 1st of June, 1863. To which is added a List of all the Cavalry Regiments, with the Names of their Commanders, which have been in the United States Service since the breaking out of the Rebellion. By Albert G. Brackett, Major First United States Cavalry, Colonel Ninth Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, late Chief of Cavalry of the Department of Mississippi, Special Inspector of Cavalry, Department of the Cumberland. New York. Harper & Brothers. 12mo. pp. 337. $2.00.

The Great West: Travellers', Miners', and Emigrants' Hand-Book to the Western, Northwestern, and Pacific States and Territories. With a Map of the Best Routes to the Gold and Silver Mines, and Complete Tables of Distances. Also the United States Homestead Law, Mining Laws of the Respective States, etc. By Edward H. Hall. New York. D. Appleton & Co. l6mo. paper. pp. 198. $1.00.

Speeches of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States. With a Biographical Introduction by Frank Moore. Boston. Little, Brown, & Co. 12mo. pp. xlviii., 494. $2.50.

The Lost Will, and the Diamond Bracelet. By Mrs. Henry Wood. Philadelphia. T. B. Peterson & Brothers. 8vo. paper. pp. 190. 50 cts.

Mrs. Goodfellow's Cookery as it Should Be. A New Manual of the Dining-Room and Kitchen. Philadelphia. T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 12mo. pp. 362. $2.00.

Boys at Chequasset; or, "A Little Leaven." By the Author of "Faith Gartney's Girlhood." Boston. A. K. Loring. 16mo. pp. 258. $1.25.

Paul Prescott's Charge. A Story for Boys. By Horatio Alger, Jr., Author of "Frank's Campaign." Boston. A. K. Loring. 16mo. pp. 224. $1.25.

The Works of Epictetus. Consisting of his Discourses, in Four Books, the Enchiridion, and Fragments. A Translation from the Greek, based on that of Elizabeth Carter. By Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Boston. Little, Brown, & Co. 12mo. pp. xviii., 437. $2.50.

Voices of the Soul answered in God. By Rev. John Reid. New York. Robert Carter & Brothers. l6mo. pp. 374. $1.50.

Rose Douglas. A Companion to "Self-Sacrifice." Philadelphia. T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 12mo. pp. 372. $2.00. Man, Moral and Physical; or, The Influence of Health and Disease on Religious Experience. By Rev. Joseph H. Jones, D. D. Philadelphia. James S. Claxton. 12mo. pp. 324. $2.50.

Jesus and the Coming Glory; or, Notes on Scripture. By Joel Jones, LL. D. Philadelphia. James S. Claxton. 8vo. pp. 584. $4.00.

Lady Audrey's Secret. By M. E. Braddon. New York. American News Company. 12mo. pp. 381. $2.00

The Metropolites; or, Know thy Neighbor. A Novel. By Robert W. Clar. New York. American News Company, 12mo. pp. 575. $2.00.

Dante as Philosopher, Patriot, and Poet. With an Analysis of the Divina Commedia, its Plot and Episodes. By Vincenzo Botta. New York. C. Scribner & Co. 12mo. pp. x., 413. $2.50.

History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth. By James Anthony Froude, M. A., late Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. Vols. III. and IV. New York. C. Scribner & Co. 12mo. pp. 480; 508. $5.00.

Descriptive Catalogue and Price-List of American and Foreign Postage-Stamps. Cincinnati. G. W. Winterburn & Co. 8vo. paper, pp. 32. 15 cts.

Afraja; or, Life and Love in Norway. From the German of Theodore Mügge, by Edward Joy Morris. Seventh Edition. Philadelphia. Lindsay and Blakiston. 12mo. pp. 571. $2.00.

On Radiation. The "Rede" Lecture, delivered in the Senate-House, before the University of Cambridge, England, on Tuesday, May 16, 1865. By John Tyndall, F. R. S. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 12mo. pp. 48. 50 cts.

Prison-Life in the South, at Richmond, Macon, Savannah, Charleston, Columbia, Charlotte, Raleigh, Goldsborough, and Andersonville, during the Years 1864 and 1865. By A. O. Abbott, late Lieutenant First New York Dragoons. With Illustrations. New York. Harper & Brothers. 12mo. pp. 374. $2.00.

The Compendium of Tachygraphy; or, Lindsley's Phonetic Shorthand, explaining and illustrating the Common Style of the Art. By D. P. Lindsley. Boston. Otis Clapp. 12mo. paper, pp. 35. $1.00.

The Tenth and Twelfth Books of the Institutions of Quintilian. With Explanatory Notes. By Henry S. Frieze, Professor of Latin in the University of Michigan. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 12mo. pp. 175. $1.25.

Voices of Nature. By William Cullen Bryant. Illustrated. New York. D. Appleton & Co. sm. 4to. paper, pp. 91. 50 cts.

Speech of George Francis Train on Irish Independence and English Neutrality. Philadelphia. T. B. Peterson & Brothers. 8vo. paper, pp. 56. 25 cts.

The Red-Court Farm. By Mrs. Henry Wood. Philadelphia. T. B. Peterson & Brothers. 8vo. paper, pp. 256. 75 cts.

Summer Songs. By H. H. M. Philadelphia. Ashmead & Evans. 16mo. pp. 108. $1.00.

Mr. Ambrose's Letters on the Rebellion. By John P. Kennedy. New York. Hurd & Houghton. 16mo. pp. viii., 246. $1.25.

Hand-Book of the Steam-Engine. Containing all the Rules required for the Right Construction and Management of Engines of Every Class, with the Easy Arithmetical Solution of those Rules. Constituting a Key to the "Catechism of the Steam-Engine." Illustrated by Sixty-Seven Wood-Cuts, and Numerous Tables and Examples. By John Bourne, Chief Engineer, Author of "A Treatise on the Steam-Engine," etc. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 12mo. pp. xii., 474. $2.00.

Sunny Hours; or, Child-Life of Tom and Mary. By Nellie Eyster. Philadelphia. Ashmead & Evans, 16mo. pp. 206. $1.00.

Luke Darrell, the Chicago Newsboy. Chicago. Tomlinson Brothers, 16mo. pp. 377. $1.50.

The Poetry of the Orient. By William Rounseville Alger. Boston. Roberts Brothers. 16mo. pp. xii., 337. $1.50.

Sherman's March through the South. With Sketches and Incidents of the Campaign. By Captain David P. Coningham. New York. Sheldon & Co. pp. 431. $2.00.

The Bushrangers. A Yankee's Adventures during his Second Visit to Australia. By William H. Thomes, Author of "A Returned Australian," etc. Boston. Lee & Shepard. 12mo. pp. 480. $2.00.

This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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