The Bar-tender's Guide/Egg Nogg for a Party
Egg Nogg for a Party.
(Three-and-a-half gallons.)
- Take 20 fresh eggs.
- Take 2½ quarts fine old brandy.
- Take 1 pint of Santa Cruz rum.
- Take 2½ gallons of rich milk.
- Take 2 pounds of white sugar.
Separate the whites of the eggs from the yolks, beat each separately with an egg-beater until the yolks are well cut up, and the whites assume a light fleecy appearance. Mix all the ingredients (except the milk and the whites of the eggs) in a large punch bowl. Then pour in the milk gradually, continually stirring, in order to prevent the milk from curdling with the eggs. Grate sufficient nutmeg on the mixture, and lastly, let the whites float on top, and ornament with colored sugars. Cool in a tub of ice, and serve.