The Bar-tender's Guide/Locomotive
(Use large bar-glass.)
- Take 1 table-spoonful of genuine honey.
- Take The volk of a fresh raw egg.
- Take 3 dashes of Curaçoa.
- Take 1 Claret-glass of red Burgundy.
Heat the wine in a thoroughly clean saucepan until it boils, then pour it gradually upon the other ingredients, (which, previously, should have been thoroughly beaten together in a mug or pitcher), whisking and stirring the materials all the while, in order to prevent the egg from curdling. Pour the mixture into a large bar- glass, powder a little cinnamon on top, and add two or three cloves before serving.
This seems like taking too much trouble just to make one glass of Locomotive. The following proportions of ingredients makes four nice glasses:
- Take 2 ounces of honey.
- Take 2 pony-glasses of Curaçoa.
- Take 1 quart of high red Burgundy.
- Take A few drops of essence of cloves.
Proceed as directed above, and serve in large goblets previously heated.