The Biographical Dictionary of America/Alexander, Abraham
ALEXANDER, Abraham, statesman, was born near Raleigh, N. C., in 1718. He was a member of the colonial legislature before 1775, and when that year the royalist governor attempted to oppose the people in their right of free speech, he was elected president of an indignation meeting held in the court house at Charlotte, at the call of Col. Thomas Polk. He was made permanent chairman of the subsequent meeting held May 31, 1775, that issued the Mecklenburg declaration of independence, providing for a republican form of government, and renouncing allegiance to Great Britain. This was nearly a year before the Declaration signed at Philadelphia, July 4, 1776. This document was transmitted to Philadelphia in August, 1775, by a special messenger, after having been read in mass meetings to the people in different parts of the state. Mr. Alexander died at Charlotte, N. C, April 23, 1776.