The Bird Book/Man-o'-War Birds
128. MAN-O'-WAR BIRD. Fregata aqtiila.
Range. Tropical seas, north regularly in America to the South Atlantic and Gulf coasts, casually farther.
Man-o'-war Birds or "Frigates," as they are often called, are remarkable birds in many respects. In comparison with their weight they have the largest expanse of wing of any known bird. Weighing only about four pounds they have an extent of from seven to eight feet, their wings being extremely long and pointed. The length of the bird is about 40 inches, of which the tail comprises about 18 in., 10 inches of this being forked. They have a large bright orange gular sac, a long,
hooked bill, and small slightly webbed feet. Their
powers of flight combine the strength of the
Albatrosses and the grace of the Terns. They
are very poor swimmers and do not dive, so are
forced to procure their food by preying upon the
Gulls and Cormorants, forcing them to drop their
fish, which the pirates catch before it reaches the
water. They also feed upon flying fish, catching
them in the air, whither they have been driven by
their enemies in their natural element. They nest in large colonies on some of
the Bahama Islands and on some of the small Florida Keys. Their nests are
small frail platforms of sticks and twigs and the single egg is laid in March
and April. It is white and has a smooth surface. Size 2.80 x 1.90. Data. Key
Verde, Bahamas, March 6, 1889. Single egg. Nest a frail affair of sticks on a
cactus. Collector, D. P. Ingraham.
Man-O'-War Bird