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The Black-bird/The Gear and the Blathrie o't

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The Black-bird
by Anonymous
The Gear and the Blathrie o't
4515251The Black-bird — The Gear and the Blathrie o'tAnonymous

The Gear and the Blathrie o’t.

When I think on this world’s pelf,And the little wee share I have o’t to myself,And how the lass that wants it, is by the lads forgot,May the shame fa’ the gear and the blathrie o’t.
Jockie was the laddie that held the pleugh,But now he’s got gow’d and gear eneugh;He thinks nae mair of me that weirs the plaiden coat:May the shame fa’ the gear, and the blathrie o’t.
Jenny was the lassie that mucked the byre,But now she is clad in her silken attire,And Jockie says he lo’es her, and me he has forgot;May the shame fa’ the gear,and the blathrie o’t.
But all this shall never daunt on me,Sae lang as I keep my fancy free:For the lad that’s sae inconstant, he's not worth a groat;May the shame fa’ the gear, and the blathrie o't.