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The Black Bird/Love is the Cause of my Mourning

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The Black Bird
by Anonymous
Love is the Cause of my Mourning
4730993The Black Bird — Love is the Cause of my MourningAnonymous
Divider from 'The Black Bird', an undated Scottish chapbook with no printing information
Divider from 'The Black Bird', an undated Scottish chapbook with no printing information

Love is the cause of my Mourning.

By a murmuring stream a fair shepherdess lay,Be so kind, O ye nymphs, I oft-times heard her say,Tell Strephon I die, if he passes this way,And that love is the cause of my mourning,False shepherds, that tell me of beauty and charms,Deceive me, for Strephon's cold heart never warms,Yet bring me this Strephon, let me die in his arms,Oh Strephon! the cause of my mourning. But first, said she, let me go,Down to the shades below,E'er ye let Strephon know,That I lov'd him so;Then on my pale cheek no blushes will show,That love was the cause of my mourning.
Her eyes were scarce closed when Strephon came by,He thought she'd been sleeping and softly drew nigh,But finding her breathless, O heavens! he did cry,Ah Chloris! the cause of my mourning.Restore me my Chloris, ye nymphs use your art,They sighing, reply'd, 'Twas yourself shot the dart,That wounded the tender young shepherdess heart,And kill'd the poor Chloris with mourning.Ah then! is Chloris dead,Wounded by me? he said,I'll follow thee, chaste maid,Down to the silent shade,Then on her cold snow breast leaning his head,Expir'd the Strephon with mourning.