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The Black Tulip/Advertisements

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4266059The Black Tulip — Advertisements.Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870)

Routledge’s Cheap Literature (continued).
Price 28. each. (Postage 4d.

184 Forest Life in Norway and Sweden Newland.
189 Marvels of Science Fullom.
195 Eminent Men and Popular Books Reprinted from theTimes.”
230 Biography and Criticism. Reprinted from theTimes.”

246 Sporting in both Hemispheres D’Eroes.
254 Horses and Hounds Scrutator.
256 Life in China Milne.
273 Life of Julius Cæsar Archdeacon Williams.
277 A Cruise upon Wheels C. A. Collins.



1 Waterwitch
2 Pathfinder
3 Deerslayer
4 Mohicans
5 Pilot
6 Prairie
7 Eve Evingham
8 Spy
9 Red Rover
10 Homeward Bound


11 Two Admirals
12 Miles Walingford
13 Pioneers
14 Wyandotte
15 Lionel Lincoln
16 Afloat and Ashore
17 Bravo
18 Sea Lions
19 The Headsman
20 Precaution


A. Ward, His Book—Among Mormons
Nasby Papers
Major Jack Downing
Biglow Papers
Orpheus C. Kerr
Robinson Crusoe
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Colleen Bawn


1 Seth Jones
2 Alice Wilde
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4 Malaeska
5 Uncle Ezekiel
6 Massasoit’s Daughter
7 Bill Biddon, Trapper
8 Backwood’s Bride
9 Natt Todd
10 Myra, the Child of Adoption
11 The Golden Belt
12 Bybil Chase
13 Monowano, the Shawnee Spy
14 Brethren of Coast
15 King Barnaby
16 The Forest Spy
17 The Far West
18 Riflemen of Miami
19 Alicia Newcombe
20 Hunter’s Cabin
21 The Block House
22 The Allens
23 Esther; or the Oregon Trail
24 Ruth Margerie

25 Oonomoo, the Huron
26 The Gold Hunters
27 The Two Guards
28 Single Eye, the Indians Terror
29 Mabel Meredith
30 Ahmo’s Plot
31 The Scout
32 The King’s Man
33 Kent, the Ranger
84 The Peon Prince
35 Irona
36 Laughing Eyes
37 Mahaska, the Indian Queen
38 Slave Sculptor
39 Myrtle
40 Indian Jian
41 Wrecker’s Prize
42 The Brigantine
48 The Indian Queen
44 Moose Hunter
45 The Cave Child
46 The Lost Trail
47 Wreck of Albion
48 Joe Davis’s Client
49 Cuban Heiress
50 Hunter’s Escape

51 The Silver Bugle
52 Pomfret’s Ward
53 Quindaro
54 Rival Scouts
55 Trapper’s Pasa
56 The Hermit
57 Oronoco Chief
58 On the Plains
59 The Scout’s Prize
60 Red Plume
61 Three Hunters
62 The Secret Shot
63 Prisonerof the Mill
64 Black Hollow
65 Seminole Chief
66 On the Deep
67 Captain Molly
68 Star Eyes
60 The Twin Scouts
70 The Mad Skipper
71 Little Mocassin
72 Doomed Hunter
73 Eph Peters
74 The Fugitives
75 Big Foot,the Guide
76 Ruth Harland
77 Karaibo
78 TheShawnee’s Foe
79 The Creole Sisters


Francatelli’s Cookery. 6d.
Soyer’s Cookery for the People. 1s.
Mrs. Rundell’s Domestic Cookery, 1s.

One Thousand Hints for the Table, 1s.
Mrs. Rundell’s Domestic Cookery. 2s.
The British Cookery Book. 3s. 6d.

London: George Routledge and Sons.

Price One Shilling per Volume, unless specified. (Postage 2d.)
In limp cloth Covers or Ornamental Boards, with Illustrations.

1 Angling, and Where to Go. Blakey.
2 Pigeons and Rabbits Delamer.
3 Shooting Blakey.
4 The Sheep Martin.
5 Flax and Hemp Delamer.
6 The Poultry Yard Watts.
8 Cattle. 1s. 6d. Martin & Raynbird.
10 The Horse Cecil and Youatt.
11 Bces Rer. J. G. Wood.
12 Cage and Singing H. G. Adams.
13 Small Farms M. Doyle.
*14 The Kitchen Garden Delamer.
*15 The Flower Garden Delamer.
16 Rural Economy M. Doyle.
17 Farm and Garden Produce M. Doyle.
*18 Common Objects of the Sea Shore, with coloured illustrations Rev. J. G. Wood.
*19 Common Objects of the Country, with coloured illustrations Rev. J. G. Wood.
20 Agricultural Chemistry. 1s. 6d, Sibson and Voeleker.
*21 Woodlands, Hcaths, and Hedges Coleman.
*22 British Ferns, illustrated by W. S. Coleman, Thos. Moore, F.L.S.

23 Favourite Flowers: How to Grow A. G. Sutton.
24 British Butterflies. W. S. Coleman.
25 The Rat, its History, with Anecdotes by Uncle James, 1s. 6d.
26 Dogs, their Management, &c. 1s. 6d. Edward Mayhero.
27 Hints for Farmera. R. Scott Burn.
*28 British Birds' Eggs and Nests Rev. J. C. Atkinson.
29 British Timber Trees. 1s. 6d. Blenkarn. 30 Wild Flowers. 2s.
31 Life of a Nag Horse, &c. Taylor.
32 Field full of Wonders C. S. Cheltnam..
33 Haunts of the Wild Flowers. 1s. 6d. Miss Pratt.
34 Scientific Farming made Easy. 1s. 6d.T. C. Fletcher.
35 Food, Feeding, and Manure Alfred Sibson.
36 Horse-Taming, Horsemanship, and Hunting, illustrated. 1s. 6d. J. S. Rurey.
37 The Pig. 1s. 6d. Martin and Raynbird.
38 Mr. Mechi’s Farm Balance-Sheets, Lectures, and Papers on Farming

*Fine Editions printed on superior paper, in a large type, with the Plates printed in Colours, fcap. 8vo., gilt.Price 2s. 6d. each. (Postage 4d.)

With Illustrations, and illustrated boarded covers (Postage 1d.)

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12 Conundrums

13 Manly Exercises; Boxing, Running, Training, &c.
15 Croquet
16 Fishing
17 Ball Games
18 Conjuring

Price 6d, each. (Postage 1d.)

1 The Cook’s Own Book
2 Ladies Letter Writer
3 Gentlemen’s Letter Writer
4 The Village Museum
5 How to Cook Apples in 100 Ways
6 How to Cook Eggs in 100 Ways
7 How to Cook Rabbits in 124 Ways
8 Everyday Blunders in Speaking
9 How to Cook Potatoes
10 How to Cook Fish
11 The Lover’s Letter Writer
12 Cholera, by Dr. Lankester

13 Home Nursing
14 How to make Soups
15 How to Cook Onions
16 Good Food Dr. Lankester.
17 Dinners and Housekeeping
18 How to Preserve Fruit
19 Routledge’s Recipe Book
20 Ready Remedies for Common Complaints
21 How to Dress Salad
22 How to Cook Gamno

London: George Routledge and Sons.

Price One Shilling.
edited and compiled by j. e. carpenter.
Fcap. 24mo., boards, with fancy covers. (Postage 2d.)

1 Modern Song Book
2 Popular Song Book
3 New Universal Song Book
4 Comic Song Book
5 National Song Book

6 Humorous Song Book
7 New British Song Book
8 New Standard Song Book

9 Entertainer’s Song Book
10 Comic Vocalist
11 New Scotch Song Book
12 New Irish Song Book

edited by j. e. carpenter.
Each. 144pp. 24mo. fancy covers. (Postage 1d.)

1 Fire-Side Song Book
2 Home Songster
3 British Song Book
4 Songs for all Ages
5 Select Songster
6 Convivial Songster
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8 Funny Man’s Song Book

9 Fashionable Song Book
10 Drawing Room Song Book
11 Laughable Song Book
12 Sensation Songster
13 Everybody’s Song Book
14 Social Songster
15 Family Song Book

16 Amusing Songster
17 Sociable Songster
18 Songs for all Seasons
19 Droll Ditty Song Book
20 Whimsical Songster
21 Highland Songster
22 Blue Bell Songster
23 Shamrock Songster
24 Mavourneen Songster

In fcap. 8vo., cloth limp, or cloth boards.
Price One Shilling per Volume unless specified. (Postage 2d.)

1 Ladie’s and Gentlemen’s Letter Writer, containing Letters on the Simplest Matters of Life, with applications for Situations, and a copious Appendix of Forms of Addresses, &c.
2 The Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Letter Writer, in separato books, 6d. each.
3 Landmarks of the History of England. 1s. 6d. Rer. Jas. White.
4 Landmarks of the History of Greece, with a Map. 1s. 6d. Rev. J. White.
6 Martin Doyle’s Things Worth Knowing, a Book of General Practical Utility
7 Landlord and Tenant (The Law of), with an Appendix of Useful Forms, Glossary of Law Terms W. A. Holdsworth.
9 History of France, from the Earliest Period to the Peace of Paris, 1856 Amelia Edwards.
10 Wills, Executors, and Administrators (The Law of), with Useful Forms W. A. Holdsworth.
11 Rundell’s Domestic Cookery, unabridged, with Illustrations W. T. Coleman, M.D.
13 Notes on Health: How to Preserve or Regain it

15 Common Objects of the Microscope, with 400 Illustrations by Tuffen West Rev. J. G. Wood.
16 Law of Bankruptcy W. A. Holdsworth.
17 One Thousand Hints for the Table, including Wines
21 The County Court Guide, with Forms W. A. Holdsworth.
22 Gcology for the Million, by M. Plues, edited by the Rov. J. G. Wood
23 Handy Book of Criminal Law W. A. Holdsworth.
24 Liconsod Victualler's Handbook W. A. Holdsworth.
25 How to Make Money. E. T. Freedly.
26 Household Law. 2s. A. Fonblanque.
27 Infant Management. Mrs. Pedley.
28 Practical Housekeeping. Do.
29 A Manual of Weathercasts Steinmetz.
30 Commercial Letter Writer P. L. Simmonds.
31 The Law of Cabs and Omnibuses W. T. Charley.
32 Home Book of Domestic Economy Anne Bowman.
33 Common Things of Everyday Life Anne Bowman.

London: George Routledge and Sons.