The Blue Bonnets o'er the Border (1826, Stirling)/Beauty and Wit
Why all this anger, Celia shewn,And I the unhappy object made;Why will you punish with a frown,The wretch whom first your smiles betrayed.Not all your beauty and your wit,Could force my stubborn heart to yield,Compell'd by kindness to submit,And willingly resign the field.
'Tis this retains me still your slave,'Tis this which makes me humbly low:Your former favors, Celia gave,The mighty pow'r your frowns have now.'Tis strange that cruelty to love,The force which it wounds, should owe;But surely this more strange will prove,If crue'ty from love can flow.
If for the effects of loving thee,Your servant by your anger dies,And Celia, you'll revenge on me,The tempting lustre of your eyes:Like Orphens I have sung in vain,Since my fond love my bliss destroys?Like him a fleeting pleasure to obtain,I've lost the hope of solid joys.