The Book of Ighan/Glossary
Ahbab—Literally "beloved ones." Title by which the followers of the Bab and Baha'u'llah are designated.
Ama'a—According to the Illuminati-Platonic philosophers, this term signifies one of the worlds of abstraction.
Ascent—Denotes the Ascent of Mohammed to the station of "Meeting" in the Kingdom of Heavens.
Babis—Followers of the Bab, previous to the declaration of Baha'u'llah.
Baha or Beha—Literally "Glory," "Splendor," "Light," etc., The Greatest Name of God. The title Baha'u'llah was first given by the Bab. Although rendered "Beha" in most of the writings upon this Revelation, the form of English spelling which will most nearly reproduce the Persian pronunciation is "Baha." The first vowel is almost silent; the accent is on the second syllable—which has the sound of a in father. The u has the sound of oo; the primary accent is on the last syllable—Llah. Thus we have in Baha'u'llah a compound word of four syllables accented on the second and last syllables. This form of spelling has received the approval of Abdul-Baha.
Beni Hashem—The family out of which Mohammed arose.
Beyan—Literally "Utterance." This name was given by the Bab to His Revelations, particularly to the Book of His Laws, etc.
Caaba—The ancient house at Mecca, which has been a place of pilgrimage from time immemorial. It was formerly a temple of idols worshipped by the Sabeans.
"Endowed with Constancy"—A title given to Prophets who revealed a Book and instituted religious laws.
Fourth Heaven—According to the old system of astronomy, this is the Heaven in which the sun moves. As a Bahai term it signifies the Religion of Christ, which is the fourth among religious systems.
Gha'im—Literally "one who arises." This term is applied by Mohammed to a subsequent Manifestation, just as the Israelitish prophets spoke of a subsequent Manifestation as " Messiah."
Heavenly Books—Revealed words of all the prophets, such as the Bible, the Koran, the Zend Avesta, etc.
Hegira—Literally "migration." The basis of Mohammedan chronology. It is about thirteen years after the rise of Mohammed, at which time He left Mecca and migrated to Medina.
Hijaz—Southwestern Arabia. It is used by Baha'u'llah to symbolize the Arabic language.
Ighan—Assurance, Certainty.
Imam—A priest, saint, or religious leader, after the departure of Mohammed.
Imamat—The mission of the Twelve Imams of the Shi'ite School.
Irak—A large province of Persia. It is used by Baha'u'llah to symbolize the Persian language.
Islam—Literally "to resign one's self." The name given by Mohammed to His religion and its followers.
Israfil—The Angel who sounds the trumpet at the Judgment Day.
Kawther—A fountain in Paradise. The Bahai interpretation is the "fountain of Divine Knowledge."
K. S.—Koran Surat.
Mahdi—The title of the subsequent Manifestation.
Mustagath—Symbolizes the year or term appointed by the Bab for the appearance of " He whom God shall manifest," i.e., Baha'u'llah.
Parasang—A Persian road-measure.
Preserved Tablet—A tablet which contains the knowledge of all there was, is, and will be.
Red Support—Implies the Religion of Baha'u'llah reddened by the blood of martyrs.
Rizwan—The name of the custodian of Paradise. Baha'u'llah uses it to denote Paradise itself in the sense that Paradise is the Good-Pleasure of God.
Sadrat' Ul-Muntaha—The name of a tree planted by the Arabs in ancient times at the end of a road, to serve as a guide. As a symbol it denotes a Manifestation in His Day.
Salsabile—A fountain in Paradise.
Seal of the Prophets—One of the titles of Mohammed.
Seventh Sphere—The highest of the seven firmaments, according to the old system of astronomy. This term symbolizes the Religion of Baha'u'llah, which is the seventh among the great religions. Baha'u'llah interprets "Heaven" as "Religion" and the "Divine Will."
Shi'ites—One of the two main schools of Islam.
Surat—Name of the books or chapters of the Koran.
Walayat—Literally "guardianship." The mission or office of the one appointed by a Prophet to be a guardian over that religious community.
White Path—As a symbol, means the Religion of God.