The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night/Index to the Tales
N.B.—The Roman numerals denote the volume, the Arabic the page.
- Aaïsheh, Musab ben ez Zubeir and his wife, iv. 219.
- Abdallah the Fisherman and Abdallah the Merman, viii. 330.
- Abdallah ben Fazil and his brothers, ix. 145.
- Abdallah ben Maamer with the Man of Bassora and his slave-girl, iv. 210.
- Abdurrehman the Moor’s story of the Roc, iv. 261.
- Abou Hassan ez Ziyadi and the Man from Khorassan, iv. 129.
- Abou Isa and Curret el Ain, The Loves of, iv. 281.
- Abou Jaafer the Leper, Aboulhusn ed Durraj and, v. 49.
- Aboukir the Dyer and Abousir the Barber, viii. 297.
- Aboulaswed and his squinting slave-girl, iv. 220.
- Aboulhusn and his slave-girl Taweddud, iv. 324.
- Aboulhusn ed Durraj and Abou Jaafer the Leper, v. 49.
- Aboulhusn of Khorassan, ix. 47.
- Abou Mohammed the Lazy, iv. 10.
- Abou Nuwas, Haroun er Reshid with the damsel and, iv. 106.
- Abou Nuwas and the Three Boys, iv. 205.
- Abousir the Barber, Aboukir the Dyer and, viii. 297.
- Abou Suweid and the handsome old woman, iv. 299.
- Abou Yousuf with Haroun er Reshid and his Vizier Jaafer, The Imam, iv. 1.
- Abou Yousuf with Er Reshid and Zubeideh, The Imam, iv. 225.
- Adam, The Birds and Beasts and the Son of, iii. 1.
- Adi ben Zeid and the Princess Hind, iv. 264.
- Afrit’s Mistress, The King’s Son and the, v. 333.
- Agib, The History of Gherib and his brother, vi. 48.
- Alaeddin Abou esh Shamat, iii. 251.
- Alexandria (The Sharper of) and the Master of Police, iv. 114.
- Ali ben Bekkar and Shemsennehar, iii. 49.
- Ali of Cairo, The Adventures of Quicksilver, vi. 264.
- Ali Noureddin and the Frank King’s Daughter, viii. 63.
- Ali the Persian and the Kurd Sharper, iii. 367.
- Ali Shar and Zumurrud, iv. 36.
- Ali ben Tahir and the girl Mounis, iv. 299.
- Almsgiving, The Woman whose hands were cut off for, iv. 126.
- Amin (El) and his uncle Ibrahim ben el Mehdi, iv. 288.
- Anoushirwan, The Righteousness of King, v. 8.
- Anoushirwan, Kisra, and the village damsel, iv. 227.
- Angel of Death and the King of the Children of Israel, The, v. 5.
- Angel of Death with the Proud King and the Devout Man, The, v. 1
- Angel of Death and the Rich King, The, v. 3.
- Ape, The King’s Daughter and the, iv. 141.
- Apples of Paradise, The, iv. 276.
- Apples, The Three, i. 165.
- Arab girl, Haroun er Reshid and the, vi. 199.
- Arab youth, The Khalif Hisham and the, iii. 322.
- Ardeshir and Heyat en Nufous, vi. 304.
- Asmaï (El) and the three girls of Bassora, vi. 201.
- Ass, The Ox and the, i. 10.
- Ass, The Wild, The Fox and, viii. 201.
- Aziz and Azizeh, ii. 222.
- Azizeh, Aziz and, ii. 222.
- Baghdad, The Haunted House in, iv. 301.
- Baghdad, Khelifeh the Fisherman of, vii. 265.
- Baghdad, The Porter and the Three Ladies of, i. 69.
- Baghdad (The ruined man of) and his slave-girl, viii. 175.
- Baghdad, The Scavenger and the noble Lady of, iii. 345.
- Bakoun’s Story of the Hashish-Eater, ii. 349.
- Barber’s Story, The, i. 285.
- Barber’s First Brother, Story of the, i. 287.
- Barber’s Second Brother, Story of the, i. 292.
- Barber’s Third Brother, Story of the, i. 296.
- Barber’s Fourth Brother, Story of the, i. 300.
- Barber’s Fifth Brother, Story of the, i. 303.
- Barber’s Sixth Brother, Story of the, i. 311.
- Barber, Aboukir the Dyer and Abousir the, viii. 297.
- Barber-Surgeon, Ibrahim ben el Mehdi and the, iii. 324.
- Barmecide, Jaafer the, and the old Bedouin, iv. 238.
- Bassora (the man of) and his slave-girl, Abdallah ben Maamer with iv. 210.
- Bassora, El Asmaï and the three girls of, vi. 201.
- Bassora (Hassan of) and the King’s daughter of the Jinn, vii. 121.
- Bassora, The Lovers of, vi. 220.
- Bath, Haroun er Reshid and Zubeideh in the, iv. 216.
- Bathkeeper’s Wife, The Vizier’s Son and the, v. 283.
- Beanseller, Jaafer the Barmecide and the, iv. 8.
- Bear, Werdan the Butcher’s adventure with the Lady and the, iv. 137.
- Beasts and the Son of Adam, The Birds and, iii. 1.
- Bediya el Jemal, Seif el Mulouk and, vii. 55.
- Bedouin, Jaafer the Barmecide and the old, iv. 238.
- Bedouin, Omar ben Khettab and the young, iv. 239.
- Bedouin and his wife, The, vi. 215.
- Bedr Basim of Persia, Julnar of the Sea and her son King, vii. 1.
- Bedreddin Hassan, Noureddin Ali of Cairo and his son, i. 173.
- Behram, Prince of Persia, and the Princess Ed Detma, v. 318.
- Bekhit, Story of the Eunuch, i. 367.
- Beloukiya, The Adventures of, v. 57.
- Belvedere, The House with the, v. 323.
- Benou Tai, The Lovers of the, iv. 273.
- Benou Udhreh, The Lovers of the, iv. 211; vi. 208.
- Birds and Beasts and the Son of Adam, The, iii. 1.
- Birds, The Falcon and the, iii. 41.
- Birds (the Speech of), The page who feigned to know, v. 303.
- Black Slave, The pious, v. 16.
- Blacksmith who could handle fire without hurt, The, v. 25.
- Blind Man and the Cripple, The, viii. 222.
- Boulac Police, Story of the Chief of the, iv. 118.
- Boys, Abou Nuwas and the Three, iv. 205.
- Boy and Girl at School, The Loves of the, iv. 213.
- Boy and the Thieves, The, viii. 252.
- Boy (The woman who had to lover a) and the other who had to lover a man, iv. 300.
- Brass, The City of, v. 219.
- Broker’s Story, The Christian, i. 233.
- Budour and Jubeir ben Umeir, The Loves of, iv. 75.
- Budour, Kemerezzeman and, iii. 100.
- Butcher’s adventure with the Lady and the Bear, Werdan the, iv. 137.
- Butter, the Fakir and his pot of, viii. 193.
- Cadi, The Jewish, and his pious wife, v. 9.
- Cairo (New) Police, Story of the Chief of the, iv. 116.
- Cairo (Old) Police, Story of the Chief of the, iv. 119.
- Cairo, The Adventures of Quicksilver Ali of, vi. 264.
- Calender’s Story, The First, i. 90.
- Calender’s Story, The Second, i. 97.
- Calender’s Story, The Third, i. 121.
- Cashmere Singing-girl, The Goldsmith and the, v. 289.
- Cat and the Crow, The, iii. 36.
- Cat and the Mouse, The, viii. 188.
- Champion (The Muslim) and the Christian Lady, v. 32.
- Chaste Wife, The Lover’s Trick against the, v. 267.
- Christian Broker’s Story, The, i. 233.
- City of Brass, The, v. 219.
- Cloud (The saint to whom God gave a) to serve him, v. 28.
- Cobbler (Marouf the) and his wife Fatimeh, ix. 180.
- Controller’s Story, The, i. 249.
- Cous Police and the Sharper, The Chief of the, iv. 121.
- Crab, The Fishes and the, viii. 197.
- Cripple, The Blind Man and the, viii. 222.
- Crow, The Fox and the, iii. 37.
- Crow and the Serpent, The, viii. 199.
- Crow, The Cat and the, iii. 36.
- Crows and the Hawk, The, viii. 207.
- Curret el Ain, The loves of Abou Isa and, iv. 281.
- Death (The Angel of) and the King of the Children of Israel. v. 5.
- Death (The Angel of) with the Proud King and the Devout Man, v. 1.
- Death (The Angel of) and the Rich King, v. 3.
- Debauchee and the Three-year-old Child, The, v. 341.
- Delileh the Crafty and her daughter Zeyneb the Trickstress, The Rogueries of, vi. 234.
- Desert (The old woman who dwelt in the) and the pilgrim, iv. 222.
- Detma (The Princess Ed), Prince Behram of Persia and, v. 318.
- Device (The wife’s) to cheat her husband, v. 285.
- Devil, Ibrahim of Mosul and the, vi. 205.
- Devil, Isaac of Mosul and his mistress and the, vi. 226.
- Devout Israelite, The, iv. 128.
- Devout Platter-maker and his wife, The, v. 19.
- Devout Prince, The, iv. 249.
- Devout woman and the two wicked elders, The, iv. 236.
- Dibil el Khuzaï and Muslim ben el Welid, iv. 265.
- Dish of Gold, The man who stole the Dog’s, iv. 111.
- Doctor (The strange) and the Khalif El Mamoun, iv. 34.
- Dog’s Dish of Gold, The man who stole the, iv. 111.
- Douban, The Physician, i. 37.
- Dream, The ruined man who became rich through a, iv. 134.
- Drop of Honey, The, v. 275.
- Dunya, Taj el Mulouk and the Princess, ii. 207.
- Durraj (Aboulhusn ed) and Abou Jaafer the Leper, v. 49.
- Dust, The Woman who made her husband sift, v. 276.
- Dyer, Abousir the Barber and Aboukir the, viii. 297.
- Eagle, The Sparrow and the, iii. 42.
- Egypt (The man of Upper) and his Frank wife, viii. 169.
- Elders, The devout woman and the two wicked, iv. 236.
- Eldest Lady’s Story, The, i. 143.
- Enchanted Horse, The, iv. 143.
- Enchanted Springs, The, v. 278.
- Enchanted Youth, The, i. 58.
- Enis el Jelis, Noureddin Ali and the Damsel, i. 319.
- Envied, The Envier and the, i. 107.
- Envier and the Envied, The, i. 107.
- Eunuch Bekhit, Story of the, i. 367.
- Eunuch Kafour, Story of the, i. 368.
- Fakir and his pot of butter, The, viii. 193.
- Falcon and the Birds, The, iii. 41.
- Falcon, King Sindbad and his, i. 41.
- Fatimeh, Marouf the Cobbler and his wife, ix. 180.
- Ferryman of the Nile and the Hermit, The, v. 42.
- Feth ben Khacan (El) and El Mutawekkil, iv. 289.
- Fisherman, Abdallah the Merman and Abdallah the, viii. 330.
- Fisherman of Baghdad, Khelifeh the, vii. 265.
- Fisherman, The Foolish, viii. 250.
- Fisherman and the Genie, The, i. 30.
- Fisherman, Khusrau and Shirin and the, iv. 230.
- Fishes and the Crab, The, viii. 197.
- Five Suitors, The Lady and her, v. 306.
- Flea, The Mouse and the, iii. 38.
- Folk, The Fox and the, v. 345.
- Forger, Yehya ben Khalid and the, iv. 30.
- Fox and the Crow, The, iii. 37.
- Fox and the Folk, The, v. 345.
- Fox and the Wild Ass, The, viii. 201.
- Fox, The Wolf and the, iii. 19.
- Foxes and the Wolf, The, viii. 260.
- Frank King’s Daughter, Ali Noureddin and the, viii. 63.
- Frank wife, The man of Upper Egypt and his, viii. 169.
- Fuller and his son, The, v. 267.
- Girl, Haroun er Reshid and the Arab, vi. 199.
- Girl at School, The Loves of the Boy and, iv. 213.
- Girls of Bassora, El Asmaï and the three, vi. 201.
- Girls, Haroun er Reshid and the three, iv. 221.
- Girls, Haroun er Reshid and the two, iv. 221.
- Generous friend, The poor man and his, iv. 133.
- Genie, The Fisherman and the, i. 30.
- Genie, The Merchant and the, i. 17.
- Ghanim ben Eyoub the Slave of Love, i. 363.
- Gherib and his brother Agib, The History of, vi. 48.
- Goldsmith and the Cashmere Singing-Girl, The, v. 289.
- Goldsmith’s wife, The water-carrier and the, iv. 229.
- Hakim (The Khalif El) and the Merchant, iv. 226.
- Haroun er Reshid and the Arab girl, vi. 199.
- Haroun er Reshid with the Damsel and Abou Nuwas, iv. 106.
- Haroun er Reshid and the three girls, iv. 221.
- Haroun er Reshid and the three poets, iv. 217.
- Haroun er Reshid and the two girls, iv. 221.
- Haroun er Reshid and Zubeideh in the Bath, iv. 216.
- Hashish-Eater, Bakoun’s Story of the, ii. 349.
- Hassan of Bassora and the King’s daughter of the Jinn, vii. 121.
- Hassan, King Mohammed ben Sebaïk and the Merchant, vii. 49.
- Hatim et Taï: his generosity after death, iii. 316.
- Haunted House in Baghdad, The, iv. 301.
- Hawk, The Crows and the, viii. 207.
- Hawk and the Partridge, The, iii. 26.
- Heathcock and the Tortoises, The, viii. 271.
- Hedgehog and the Pigeons, The, iii. 43.
- Hejjaj (El), Hind daughter of En Numan and, vi. 186.
- Hejjaj (El) and the pious man, v. 23.
- Hemmad the Bedouin’s Story, ii. 362.
- Hermit, The Ferryman of the Nile and the, v. 42.
- Hermits, The, iii. 12.
- Heyat en Nufous, Ardeshir and, vi. 304.
- Hind, Adi ben Zeid and the Princess, iv. 264.
- Hind daughter of En Numan and El Hejjaj, vi. 186.
- Hind (King Jelyaad of) and his Vizier Shimas, viii. 185.
- Hisham and the Arab Youth, The Khalif, iii. 322.
- Honey, The Drop of, v. 275.
- Horse, the Enchanted, iv. 143.
- Hunchback, Story of the, i. 226.
- Ibn el Caribi, Mesrour and, iv. 247.
- Ibrahim el Khawwas and the Christian King’s Daughter, v. 37.
- Ibrahim ben el Khesib and Jemileh, ix. 23.
- Ibrahim of Mosul and the Devil, vi. 205.
- Ibrahim ben el Mehdi and El Amin, iv. 288.
- Ibrahim ben el Mehdi and the Barber-Surgeon, iii. 324.
- Ibrahim ben el Mehdi and the Merchant’s Sister, iv. 122.
- Ignorant man who set up for a schoolmaster, The, iv. 258.
- Ikrimeh el Feyyaz, Khuzeimeh ben Bishr and, vi. 189.
- Imam Abou Yousuf with Haroun er Reshid and Jaafer, The, iv. 1.
- Imam Abou Yousuf with Er Reshid and Zubeideh, The, iv. 225.
- Irem, The City of, iii. 334.
- Isaac of Mosul’s Story of Khedijeh and the Khalif Mamoun, iii. 339.
- Isaac of Mosul and the Merchant, iv. 268.
- Isaac of Mosul and his mistress and the Devil, vi. 226.
- Island, The King of the, v. 44.
- Iskender Dhoulkernein and a certain tribe of poor folk, v. 6.
- Israelite, The Devout, iv. 128.
- Jaafer the Barmecide and the Beanseller, iv. 8.
- Jaafer the Barmecide and the old Bedouin, iv. 238.
- Jaafer ben el Hadi, Mohammed el Amin and, iv. 233.
- Janshah, The Story of, v. 82.
- Jelyaad of Hind and his Vizier Shimas, King, viii. 185.
- Jemileh, Ibrahim ben el Khesib and, ix. 23.
- Jeweller’s Wife, Kemerezzeman and the, ix. 67.
- Jewish Cadi and his pious wife, The, v. 9.
- Jewish Physician’s Story, The, i. 259.
- Jouder and his brothers, vi. 1.
- Jubeir ben Umeir and Budour, The Loves of, iv. 75.
- Julnar of the Sea and her son King Bedr Basim of Persia, vii. 1
- Justice of Providence, The, v. 40.
- Kafour, Story of the Eunuch, i. 368.
- Kemerezzeman and Budour, iii. 100.
- Kemerezzeman and the Jeweller’s Wife, ix. 67.
- Khalif, The Mock, iii. 350.
- Khawwas (Ibrahim el) and the Christian King’s Daughter, v. 37.
- Khedijeh and the Khalif Mamoun, Isaac of Mosul’s Story of, iii. 339.
- Khelif the Fisherman of Baghdad (Breslau Version), vii. 307.
- Khelifeh the Fisherman of Baghdad, vii. 265.
- Khorassan, Abou Hassan ez Ziyadi and the man from, iv. 129.
- Khorassan, Aboulhusn of, ix. 47.
- Khusrau and Shirin and the Fisherman, iv. 230.
- Khuzeimeh ben Bishr and Ikrimeh el Feyyaz, vi. 189.
- King of the Island, The, v. 44.
- King and the Pilgrim Prince, The Unjust, viii. 204.
- King and the virtuous wife, The, iv. 260.
- King and his Vizier’s Wife, The, v. 263.
- King’s Daughter and the Ape, The, iv. 141.
- King’s Son and the Afrit’s Mistress, The, v. 333.
- King’s Son and the Merchant’s wife, The, v. 301.
- King’s Son and the Ogress, The, i. 43; v. 272.
- Kings, The two, viii. 220.
- Kisra Anoushirwan and the Village damsel, iv. 227.
- Kurd Sharper, Ali the Persian and the, iii. 367.
- Lady of Baghdad, The Scavenger and the noble, iii. 345.
- Lady’s Story, The Eldest, i. 143.
- Lady and her five suitors, The, v. 306.
- Lady and her two Lovers, The, v. 270.
- Ladies of Baghdad, the Porter and the Three, i. 69.
- Laughed again, The man who never, v. 293.
- Lazy, Abou Mohammed the, iv. 10.
- Lebtait, The City of, iii. 320.
- Leper, Aboulhusn ed Durraj and Abou Jaafer the, v. 49.
- Loaves of Bread, The Niggard and the, v. 269.
- Lover, The Mad, iv. 274.
- Lover who feigned himself a thief to save his mistress’s honour, The, iv. 4.
- Lover’s trick against the chaste wife, The, v. 267.
- Lovers of Bassora, The, vi. 220.
- Lovers of the Benou Tai, The, iv. 273.
- Lovers of the Benou Udhreh, The, iv. 211; vi. 208.
- Lovers, The Lady and her two, v. 270.
- Lovers of Medina, The, vi. 229.
- Lovers, The Three unfortunate, iv. 272.
- Loves of the Boy and Girl at School, The, iv. 213.
- Maan ben Zaïdeh and the Bedouin, iii. 318.
- Maan ben Zaïdeh and the Three Girls, iii. 317.
- Mad Lover, The, iv. 274.
- Malice of Women, The, v. 260.
- Mamoun, Isaac of Mosul’s Story of Khedijeh and the Khalif, iii. 339.
- Mamoun (El) and the Pyramids of Egypt, iv. 244.
- Mamoun and the strange Doctor, The Khalif, iv. 34.
- Man who never laughed again, The, v. 293.
- Man (The Woman who had to lover a) and the other who had to lover a boy, iv. 300.
- Marouf the Cobbler and his wife Fatimeh, ix. 180.
- Medina, The Lovers of, vi. 229.
- Mehboubeh, El Mutawekkil and his favourite, iv. 135.
- Melik en Nasir (El) and the three Masters of Police, iv. 116.
- Melik en Nasir (El) and his Vizier, vi. 233.
- Mensour, Yehya ben Khalid and, iv. 27.
- Merman and Abdallah the Fisherman, Abdallah the, viii. 330.
- Meryem, Ali Noureddin and, viii. 63.
- Merchant and the Genie, The, i. 17.
- Merchant of Oman, The, ix. 1.
- Merchant and the Thieves, The, viii. 257.
- Merchant and the Two Sharpers, The, iii. 45.
- Merchant’s Sister, Ibrahim ben el Mehdi and the, iv. 122.
- Merchant’s wife, The King’s son and the, v. 301.
- Merchant’s wife and the Parrot, The, v. 265.
- Mesrour and Ibn el Caribi, iv. 247.
- Mesrour and Zein el Mewasif, viii. 1.
- Miller and his wife, The, iv. 222.
- Mock Khalif, The, iii. 350.
- Mohammed el Amin and Jaafer ben el Hadi, iv. 233.
- Mohammed ben Sebaïk and the Merchant Hassan, King, vii. 49.
- Money-changer, The Thief and the, iv. 120.
- Monkey, The Thief and his, iii. 46.
- Mounis, Ali ben Tahir and the girl, iv. 299.
- Mouse, The Cat and the, viii. 188.
- Mouse and the Flea, The, iii. 38.
- Mouse and the Weasel, The, iii. 34.
- Musab ben ez Zubeir and Aaïsheh his wife, iv. 219.
- Muslim Champion and the Christian Lady, The, v. 32.
- Muslim ben el Welid and Dibil el Khuzaï, iv. 265.
- Mutawekkil (El) and El Feth ben Khacan, iv. 289.
- Mutawekkil (El) and his favourite Mehboubeh, iv. 135.
- Mutelemmis (El) and his wife Umeimeh, iv. 215.
- Necklace, The Stolen, v. 316.
- Niggard and the Loaves of Bread, The, v. 269.
- Night of Power, The man who saw the, v. 314.
- Nile (The Ferryman of the) and the Hermit, v. 42.
- Nimeh ben er Rebya and Num his Slave-girl, iii. 223.
- Noureddin Ali and the Damsel Enis el Jelis, i. 319.
- Noureddin Ali of Cairo and his son Bedreddin Hassan, i. 173.
- Num, Nimeh ben er Rebya and his Slave-girl, iii. 223.
- Ogress, The King’s Son and the, i. 43; v. 272.
- Old Man’s Story, The First, i. 20.
- Old Man’s Story, The Second, i. 24.
- Old Man’s Story, The Third, i. 28.
- Old Woman, Abou Suweid and the handsome, iv. 299.
- Omar ben Ennuman and his Sons Sherkan and Zoulmekan, The History of King, ii. 1.
- Omar ben Khettab and the young Bedouin, iv. 239.
- Oman, The Merchant of, ix. 1.
- Otbeh and Reyya, vi. 181.
- Ox and the Ass, The, i. 10.
- Page who feigned to know the speech of birds, The, v. 303.
- Paradise, The Apples of, iv. 276.
- Parrot, The Merchant’s wife and the, v. 265.
- Partridge, The Hawk and the, iii. 26.
- Peacock, The Sparrow and the, iii. 47.
- Persian and the Kurd Sharper, Ali the, iii. 367.
- Physician Douban, The, i. 37.
- Physician’s Story, The Jewish, i. 259.
- Pilgrim and the old woman who dwelt in the desert, The, iv. 322.
- Pilgrim Prince, The Unjust King and the, viii. 204.
- Pious black Slave, The, v. 16.
- Pigeons, The Hedgehog and the, iii. 43.
- Pigeons, The Two, v. 317.
- Platter-maker and his wife, The devout, v. 19.
- Poets, Haroun er Reshid and the Three, iv. 217.
- Police of Boulac, Story of the Chief of the, iv. 118.
- Police of Cous and the Sharper, The Chief of the, iv. 121.
- Police of New Cairo, Story of the Chief of the, iv. 116.
- Police of Old Cairo, Story of the Chief of the, iv. 119.
- Police (The Three Masters of), El Melik en Nasir and, iv. 116.
- Poor man and his generous friend, The, iv. 133.
- Porter and the Three Ladies of Baghdad, The, i. 69.
- Portress, The Story of the, i. 153.
- Power, The Man who saw the Night of, v. 314.
- Prince, The Devout, iv. 249.
- Prince (the Pilgrim), The Unjust King and, viii. 204.
- Providence, The Justice of, v. 40.
- Purse, The Stolen, v. 342.
- Pyramids of Egypt, El Mamoun and the, iv. 244.
- Queen of the Serpents, The, v. 52.
- Quicksilver Ali of Cairo, The Adventures of, vi. 264.
- Reyya, Otbeh and, vi. 181.
- Rogueries of Delileh the Crafty and her daughter Zeyneb the Trickstress, The, vi. 234.
- Roc, Abdurrehman the Moor’s Story of the, iv. 261.
- Rose-in-bud, Uns el Wujoud and the Vizier’s Daughter, iv. 174.
- Ruined Man of Baghdad and his Slave-girl, The, viii. 175.
- Ruined Man who became rich again through a dream, The, iv. 134.
- Saïd ben Salim and the Barmecides, iv. 234.
- Saint to whom God gave a cloud to serve him, The, v. 28.
- Sandalwood Merchant and the Sharpers, The, v. 386.
- Scavenger and the noble Lady of Baghdad, The, iii. 345.
- School, The Loves of the Boy and Girl at, iv. 213.
- Schoolmaster who fell in love by report, The, iv. 255.
- Schoolmaster, The Foolish, iv. 257.
- Schoolmaster, The ignorant man who set up for a, iv. 258.
- Seif el Mulouk and Bediya el Jemal, vii. 55.
- Serpent, The Crow and the, viii. 199.
- Serpent-Charmer and his Wife, The, viii. 210.
- Serpents, The Queen of the, v. 52.
- Sexes, Relative excellence of the, iv. 290.
- Sharper of Alexandria and the Master of Police, The, iv. 114.
- Sharper, Ali the Persian and the Kurd, iii. 367.
- Sharper, The Chief of the Cous Police and the, iv. 121.
- Sharper, The Simpleton and the, iv. 223.
- Sharpers, The Merchant and the Two, iii. 45.
- Sharpers, The Sandalwood Merchant and the, v. 336.
- Shehriyar and his brother, King, (Introduction), i. 1.
- Shemsennehar, Ali ben Bekkar and, iii. 49.
- Shepherd and the Thief, The, viii. 264.
- Sherkan and Zoulmekan, The History of King Omar ben Ennuman and his Sons, ii. 1.
- Shimas, King Jelyaad of Hind and his Vizier, viii. 185.
- Shirin and the Fisherman, Khusrau and, iv. 230.
- Shipwrecked Woman and her child, The, v. 13.
- Simpleton and the Sharper, The, iv. 223.
- Sindbad and his Falcon, King, i. 41.
- Sindbad the Sailor and Sindbad the Porter, v. 149.
- Sindbad the Sailor, First Voyage of, v. 152.
- Sindbad the Sailor, Second Voyage of, v. 161.
- Sindbad the Sailor, Third Voyage of, v. 169.
- Sindbad the Sailor, Fourth Voyage of, v. 180.
- Sindbad the Sailor, Fifth Voyage of, v. 193.
- Sindbad the Sailor, Sixth Voyage of, v. 202.
- Sindbad the Sailor, Seventh Voyage of, v. 210.
- Singing-girl, The Goldsmith and the Cashmere, v. 289.
- Six Slave-girls, The man of Yemen and his, iv. 92.
- Slave, The pious black, v. 16.
- Slave-girl, The ruined man of Baghdad and his, viii. 175.
- Slave-girls, The man of Yemen and his six, iv. 92.
- Sparrow and the Eagle, The, iii. 42.
- Sparrow and the Peacock, The, iii. 47.
- Spider and the Wind, The, viii. 213.
- Springs, The Enchanted, v. 278.
- Squinting slave-girl, Aboulaswed and his, iv. 220.
- Stolen Necklace, The, v. 316.
- Stolen Purse, The, v. 342.
- Suitors, The Lady and her five, v. 306.
- Tailor’s Story, The, i. 268.
- Taj el Mulouk and the princess Dunya, ii. 207.
- Taweddud, Aboulhusn and his slave-girl, iv. 324.
- Thief, The Lover who feigned himself a, iv. 4.
- Thief and the Money-changer, The, iv. 120.
- Thief and his Monkey, The, iii. 46.
- Thief, The Shepherd and the, viii. 264.
- Thief turned merchant and the other Thief, The, iv. 246.
- Thieves, The boy and the, viii. 252.
- Thieves, The Merchant and the, viii. 257.
- Thieves, The two, iv. 246.
- Three-year-old child, The Debauchee and the, v. 341.
- Tortoise, The Waterfowl and the, iii. 16.
- Tortoises, The Heathcock and the, viii. 271.
- Trick (The Lover’s) against the chaste wife, v. 267.
- Trick (The Wife’s) against her husband, iv. 236.
- Two Kings, The, viii. 220.
- Umeimeh, El Mutelemmis and his wife, iv. 215.
- Unfortunate Lovers, The Three, iv. 272.
- Unjust King and the Pilgrim Prince, The, viii. 204.
- Uns el Wujoud and the Vizier’s Daughter Rose-in-bud, iv. 174.
- Upper Egypt (The man of) and his Frank wife, viii. 169.
- Vizier, El Melik en Nasir and his, vi. 233.
- Vizier of Yemen and his young brother, The, iv. 212.
- Vizier’s Son and the Bathkeeper’s Wife, The, v. 283.
- Vizier’s Wife, The King and his, v. 263.
- Water-carrier and the goldsmith’s wife, The, iv. 229.
- Waterfowl and the Tortoise, The, iii. 16.
- Weasel, The Mouse and the, iii. 34.
- Weaver, The Foolish, iii. 46.
- Welid ben Sehl, Younus the Scribe and the Khalif, vi. 194.
- Werdan the Butcher’s adventure with the Lady and the Bear, iv. 137.
- Wife, The Bedouin and his, vi. 215.
- Wife (the Chaste), The Lover’s Trick against, v. 267.
- Wife, The King and his Vizier’s, v. 263.
- Wife, The Man and his wilful, viii. 255.
- Wife (The Merchant’s) and the Parrot, v. 265.
- Wife (The virtuous) and the King, iv. 260.
- Wife’s device to cheat her husband, The, v. 283.
- Wife’s trick against her husband, The, iv. 236.
- Wild Ass, The Fox and the, viii. 201.
- Wilful Wife, The Man and his, viii. 255.
- Wind, The Spider and the, viii. 213.
- Wird Khan (King) and his Women and Viziers, viii. 246.
- Wolf and the Fox, The, iii. 19.
- Wolf, The Foxes and the, viii. 260.
- Woman (The shipwrecked) and her child, v. 13.
- Woman who made her husband sift dust, The, v. 276.
- Woman whose hands were cut off for Almsgiving, The, iv. 126.
- Women, The Malice of, v. 260.
- Women, The two, iv. 300.
- Yemen (The Man of) and his six slave-girls, iv. 92.
- Yemen (The Vizier of) and his young brother, iv. 212.
- Yehya ben Khalid and the Forger, iv. 30.
- Yehya ben Khalid and Mensour, iv. 27.
- Yehya ben Khalid and the poor man, iv. 232.
- Younus the Scribe and the Khalif Welid ben Sehl, vi. 194.
- Youth, The Enchanted, i. 58.
- Zein el Mewasif, Mesrour and, viii. 1.
- Zeyneb the Trickstress, The Rogueries of Delileh the Crafty and her daughter, vi. 234.
- Zoulmekan, The History of King Omar ben Ennuman and his Sons Sherkan and, ii. 1.
- Zubeideh in the Bath, Haroun er Reshid and, iv. 216.
- Zumurrud, Ali Shar and, iv. 36.
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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