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The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night/Volume 3/Index

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'Abd = servile 44
Abd al-Malik ibn Marwán (Caliph) 319
Abdullah ibn al-Zubayr 318
Abú Kurrat = father of coolness (Chameleon) 165
Abu 'l-Hasan (not Husn) 162
Abu 'l-Hosayn (father of the Fortlet) = fox 132
Abú Sirhán = father of (going out to pray by) morning 146
'Ad (pre-historic Arab tribe) 294
Adultery (son of, to one's own child) 219
Akh al-Jahálah = brother of ignorance 162
Al (the article with Proper Names) 309
Alak = clotted blood 26
Ali (murder of) 319
Alif (stature like) 236
Allah (give thee profit) 17
—— (unto, we are returning) 317
Allusions (far-fetched, fanciful and obscure) 58; 169; 176; 263
Alpinism (unknown) 324
Amor discende non ascende 240
Amsá = he passed the evening, etc. 239
Amtár, pl. of Matr., q.v. 295
Andam = Brazil-wood, dragon's blood 263
Angels (appearing to Sodomites) 301
Ape-names (expressing auspiciousness) 159
Arab (pathos) 55
—— (the noble merciful) 88
—— (shop) 163
Arák = (tooth-stick of the) wild caper-tree; Aráka = I see thee 275
Ar'ar = Juniper-tree, "heath 254
Ardhanárí = the half-woman 306
Army (divided into six divisions) 290
As'ad = more (or most) fortunate 346
Asáfírí = sparrow-olives 295
Ass (goad) 116
—— (voice "most ungrateful") 117
—— (the wild, "handy" with his hoof) 235
Ayát = signs, Koranic verses 307
Ayshat al-durrah murrah = the sister-wife has a bitter life 308
Awwá (name of Satan's wife) 229
Bátánaj = white camomile 58
Bachelor not admitted in Arab quarters 191
Back-parts compared to revolving heavens 18
Badawi (cannot swim) 69
——— (baser sort) 70
——— (shifting camp in spring ib.
——— (noble) 88
Baghdád = Garden of Justice 100
Bahadur = the brave 334
Bahrám (varanes) = planet Mars 339
Bakhshish naturalized as Anglo-Egyptian 45
Bakk = bug 328
Ballúr (Billaur) = crystal, etc. 194
Banát al-Na'ash = the Great Bear 28; 221
Bands of bandits 101
Banner (bound to a spear, sign of investiture) 307
Bárid (cold = silly, contemptible, foolish) 7
Báshik (small sparrow-hawk) 61
Bath (first after sickness) 266
Bází (Pers. Báz) = F. peregrinator, hawk, falcon 138
Beard (long, and short wits) 247
—— (forked, characteristic of a Persian) 325
Beast-stories (oldest matter in The Nights) 114
Beauties of nature provoke hunger in Orientals 32
Bhang (properties of the drug) 91
Bilád al-Súdán = Land of the blacks (our Soudan) 75
Bilál (benefits), name of Mohammed's Muazzin 106
Bint 'arús = daughter of the bridegroom (Ichneumon) 147
Birds denote the neighbourhood of a village 280
Bismilláh (Bi 'Smi 'lláh = in the name of God, etc.) 182
Blaze (see Ghurrah) 118
Boasting of one's tribe (see Renowning it) 80
Bostán (female Pr. N.) = flower-garden 345
Braying of the ass 117
Brothers of Purity 150
——— of ignorance = Ignoramus 163
Brotherhood (forms of making) 151
Bruising the testicles a feminine mode of murdering men 3
Budúr (Badoura) = full moons 228
Bukhti (two-humped camel) 67
Caliphs Tái li 'llah 51; 307
——— Walíd (Al-) 69
——— Mu'atasim bi 'llah 81
——— Wásik (Al-) ib.
——— Abd al-Malik bin Marwan 319
——— Ali ib.
——— Mu'áwiyah ib.
Camels (breeds of) 67; 110
——— (names) 110
——— (haltered, nose-ring used for dromedaries) 120
——— (Mehari, Mahríyah) 277
Camphor (simile for a fair face) 174
Carat = Kirát 239
Carnelion stone bitten with pearls = lips with teeth in sign of anger 179
Cat (puss, etc.) 149
Cervantes and Arab Romance 66
Chaff 23
Chameleon (father of coolness) 165
Cheese a styptic 3
Clapping hands to call servants 173
Clogs = Kubkáb 92
Coition (postures of) 93
Cold-of-countenance = a fool 7
Cold speech = a silly or abusive tirade ib.
Comrades of the Cave 128
Constipation (La) rend rigoreux 242
Copulation (postures of) 93
Cowardice equally divided 173
Criss 'cross Row 236
Dalhamah (Romance of) 112
Dara' (dira) = habergeon, coat of ring-mail, etc. 109
Daughters of Sa'adah = zebras 65
———— of the bier = Ursa major 28; 221
Day of Doom (mutual retaliation) 128
———— (length of) 299
"Death in a crowd as good as a feast" (Persian proverb) 141
Divorce (triple) 292
Doors (usually shut with a wooden bolt) 198
Double entendre 234
Dreams (true at later night) 258
Drinking at dawn 20
———— their death agony = suffering similar pain 315
Dromedary (see Camel)
———— (guided by a nose-ring) 120
Dunyá (P. N.) = world 7; 319
Durrah (vulg. for Zarrat q.v.).
Easterns sleep with covered heads 345
Eating together makes friends 71
Egyptian (= archi-) polissonnerie 243
Euphemy 68; 102; 209; 267; 338
Evacuation (and Constipation) 242
Eve (the true seducer) 166
Eye (darkening from wine or passion) 224
—— (orbits slit up and down the face of a hideous Jinn) 235
Eye (man of the = pupil) 286
—— (white = blind) 323
Fables proper (oldest part of The Nights) 114
Fairer to-day than fair of yesterday = ever increasing in beauty 331
Falak (clearing) = breaking forth of light from darkness 22
Falcon (see Hawk, Bází) 154
Falling on the back with laughter 306
Farting for fear 118
Fátin = tempter, seducer 82
Firdausi, the Persian Homer, quoted 83
Fire and sickness cannot cohabit (see Kayy) 59
——— worshippers slandered 326
First at the feast and last at the fray 81
Fist (putting into fist = putting oneself at another's mercy) 155
Flying for delight 26
Foot, smallness of, sign of "blood" 227
Formula of praise pronounced to avert the evil eye 224
Fortune makes kneel her camel by some other one = encamps with a favourite 141
Foster-brother (dearer than kith and kin) 256
Fox, cunning man (see Wolf) 132
Freeing slaves for the benefit of the souls of the departed 211
Fulán (fulano in Span. and Port.) = a certain person 191
Futúh = openings, victories, benefit 304
Gamin (faire le) ib.
Gates (two to port towns) 281
Geography in its bearings on Morality 241
Geomantic process 269
Gharám (Pr. N.) = eagerness, desire, love-longing 172
Ghazá (Artemisia-shrub) 220
Ghost (phantom = Tayf) 252
Ghurrah = blaze on a horse's forehead 118
Ghusl al-Sihhah = washing of health 266
Give a man luck and throw him into the sea 341
Goad (of the donkey-boy) 116
Gossamer (names for) 217
Grave (levelling slave and sovereign) 323
Hair-strings (of black silk) 311
—— (significance of) 313
Hájib = groom, chamberlain 233
Hajín (tall camel) 67
Hámah (soul of a murdered man in form of a bird sprung from his head) 293
Hammám-bath a luxury as well as a necessity 19
Hands behind the back (posture of submission) 218
—— stained in stripes like ring-rows of a chain-armour 176
Hárút and Márút (sorcerer-angels) 217
Harwalah = pas gymnastique 121
Hashsháshún = assassins 91
Hashish, see Bhang ib.
—— orgie in London ib.
Hawar = intensity of black and white in the eyes 233
Háwi = juggler playing tricks with snakes 145
Hawk, see Báshik, Bázi 61; 138
Hayát al-Nufús = Life of Souls 283
Házir and Bádi = townsman and nomad 234
Head (must always be kept covered) 275
Headsman delaying execution 42
Hemistichs divided 166
Hermaphrodites (Khunsá) 306
Heroine of Eastern Romance eats well 168
Hijl = partridge 138
"Him" for "her" 78
Hinges (of ancient doors) 41
Hips, leanness of, "anti-pathetic " to Easterns 226
Hoof (of the wild ass) 235
Horripilation = gooseflesh 2
Horse (names of the) 72
—— stealing honourable 73
Host (enters first as safe-guard against guet-apens) 208
Houris 233
Hudhud = hoopoe 128
Húr, see Houris 233
Hurr = free, noble, independent opp. to 'Abd = servile 44
Iblís = the Despairer 223
Ibn Abdún al-Andalúsi (poet) 319
Ibn Muljam (murderer of the Caliph Ali) 319
Ibn Síná = Avicenna 34
Ichneumon (mongoose) 147
Iddat = months of a woman's enforced celibacy after divorce 292
Ikhlás (Al-) = chapter of unity 307
Ikhwán al-Safá = Brethren of Purity 150
Iláh al-Arsh = the God of the Empyrean 106
Ill is thy abiding place 137
Insane (treatment of the) 256
Iron padlock (instead of the usual wooden bolt) 198
Irony 291
Isengrim (wolf) 146
Ismid = stibium (eye-powder) 307
Jalláb = slave-dealer 340
Jamal (Gamal) = camel, q.v. 110
Jamíz (Jammayz) = sycamore-fig 302
Jannat al-Na'ím = Garden of Delight 19
Jeweller (in Eastern tales generally a rascal) 186
Jihád = fighting for the faith 39
Jinnis (names of) 225
Joining prayers 174
Kahil = whose eyes are kohl'd by nature 346
Kahlá = nature-kohl'd 232
Káma-Shástra (Ars Amoris Indica) 93
Kamar al-Zamán (Camaralzaman = Moon of the Age) 213
Kamaráni = the two moons for sun and moon 300
Kámat Alfiyyah = a shape like the letter Alif 236
Kánát = subterranean water-course 141
Kanún (dulcimer, "zither") 211
Kapoteshwara and Kapoteshi 126
Kasídah = Ode, elegy 262
Katúl (Al-) = the slayer 72
Kausaj = man with a thin, short beard, cunning, tricksy 246
Kaysúm = yellow camomile 58
Kayy (Al-) = cautery, the end of medicine-cure 59
Kerchief of Dismissal 295
Khálidán (for Khálidát) = the Canaries 212
Khán (caravanserai) and its magazines 14
Khanjar = dagger, hanger (poisoned) 90
Khassat-hu = she gelded him 47
Khauf (Al-) maksúm = fear (cowardice) is equally apportioned 173
Khayt hamayán = threads of vanity (gossamer) 217
Khaznah = treasury of money (£5,000) 278
Khizáb (dye used by women) 105
Khunsa = flexible, flaccid (hermaphrodite) 306
Kiblah = fronting-place of prayer
Kissing (like a pigeon feeding its young) 275
Kinchin lay (Arab form of) 102
Kirát (weight = 2-3 grains; length = one finger-breadth) 239
Kohl (applying of = takhíl) 57
—— -eyed = Kahlá, f. 232
Koka Pandit (Hindú ars Amandi) 93
Koran quoted (x. 10-12; lvi. 24-26; lxxxviii. 17-20) 19
—— (xii. 31) 21
—— (cxiii. 1) 22
—— (ii. 186; lx. 1) 39
—— (lxxvi.) 57
—— (ii. 23) 65
—— (xxxi. 18; lxvii. 7) 117
—— (ii. 191) 123
—— (xviii.; xxii. 20; lxxxvii.) 128
—— (ii. 96, 256) 217
—— (ii.; iii.; xxxvi.; lv.; lxvii; cxiii; cxiv.) 222
—— (ii. 32; xviii. 48) 223
—— (xxiii. 20; xcv. 1) 276
—— (xxvi.) 294
—— (xi.) 301
—— (xxiii. 38) 302
—— (ii.; li. 9; xxxv. 11) 304
—— (cxii.) 307
—— (xxiv. 39 319
—— (xxi.) 323
—— (iv. 38) 332
Kubkáb = bath clogs 92
Kuhailat (breed of Arab horses) 346
Kun = be, the creative word 317
Kurds (Xenophon's and Strabo's Carduchi) 100
Lájuward, see Lázuward 33
Lámiyat = poem rhyming in L 143
Layáli = nights, future, fate 318
Layla (female Pr. N.) 135
—— (wa Majnún, love poem) 183
Lázuward = lapis lazuli, azure 33
Letters and letter-writing 24
Libdah (skull-cap of felt) sign of religious mendicant 62
Lisám = mouth-veil 283
Liver (for heart) 240
Lizzat al-Nisá (erotic poem) 93
Love (pure, becomes prophetical) 6
—— (the ear conceiveth it before the eye) 9
—— (ten stages of) 36
—— (martyrs of) 211
—— (platonic, see vol. ii. 104) 232
—— (ousting affection) 240
Lovers in Lazá (hell) as well as Na'ím (heaven) 58
—— (parting of, a stock-topic in poetry 58
Lukmán (two of the name) 264
Ma'an bin Záidah 236
Mahríyah (Mehari) = blood-dromedary 277
Majlis = sitting (to a woman) 92
Majnún (Al-) = the mad 72
Málik (door-keeper of Hell) 20
Malik (king) taken as title 51
Man (extract of despicable water) 16
—— (is fire, woman tinder) 59
—— (shown to disadvantage in beast-stories) 115
—— (his destiny written on his skull) 123
—— (pre-eminence above women) 332
Maniyat = death; muniyat = desire 291
Marba' = summer quarters 79
Marján = Coral-branch (slave-name) 169
Marriage (if consummated demands Ghusl) 286
Married men profit nothing 2
Martyrs of love 211
Marwazi = of Marw (Margiana) 222
Marz-bán = Warden of the Marches, Margrave 256
Má sháa 'llah (as Allah willeth) = well done! 92
Matr = large vessel of leather or wood 295
Maurid = desert-well and road to such 33
Mercy (quality of the noble Arab) 88
Minaret (simile for a fair young girl) 69
Miracles (disclaimed by Mohammed but generally believed in) 346
Mirage = Saráb 319
Mohammed ("born with Kohl'd eyes") 232
Moon masc., Sun fem. 28
Moore (Thomas, anticipated) 305
Morality (geographical and chronological) 241
—— (want of, excused by passion) 269
Morning-draught 20
Mountain, coming from the = being a clod-hopper 324
—— sit upon the = turn anchorite ib.
Mourning, perfumes not used during 63
Mu'atasim (Al-) bi'llah (Caliph) 81
Mu'áwiyah (his Moses-like "mildness") 286
Muharramát (the three forbidden things) 340
Mujáhid (Al-) = fighter in Holy War 51
Mujáhidún = who wage war against infidels 39
Mukhammas = cinquains 280
Mulberry-fig (for anus) 302
Murjiyy (sect and tenets) 341
Náfilah = supererogatory Koran-recitation 222
Na'ím (name for Heaven) 19
Naml (ant) simile for a young beard 58
Názir = eye or steward 233
Night (and day, not day and night with the Arabs) 121
—— cap 222
—— "this" = our "last" 249
—— for day 318
Nizámí (Persian Poet) 183
Nuptial sheet (inspection of the) 289
Núr al-Hudá (Pr. N. = Light of Guidance) 17
O Camphor (antiphrase = O snow ball) 40
Oftentimes the ear loveth before the eye 9
Oldest matter in The Nights the beast-stories 114
Oubliettes (in old Eastern houses) 327
Out of sight of my friend is better and pleasanter 315
Paradise of Mohammed not wholly sensual 19
Parody of the Testification 215
Partridge = Hijl 138
Pathos (touch of) 55
Patience (cutting the cords of) 178
Payne quoted 130; 172; 193; 252; 275
Penis (as to anus and cunnus) 303
Perfumes not used during mourning 63
—— (natural) 231
Pigeon (language, etc.) 126
—— (blood of the young) 289
Pilgrimage quoted (ii. 22) 7
—— (iii. 77) 65
—— (iii. 14) 67
—— (i. 216) 81
—— (i. 64) 91
—— (iii. 185) 107
—— (iii. 270) 118
—— (iii. 208) 121
—— (iii. 218) 126
—— (i. 52) 151
—— (iii. 307) 159
—— (i. 99) 163
—— (iii. 239) 174
—— (iii. 22) 220
—— (ii. 282) 241
—— (iii. 144) 252
—— (ii. 213, 321) 304
—— (iii. 192-194) 319
—— (i. 106) 324
Plates as armature 216
Plural of Majesty 16
Poke (counterfeit) 302
Polissonnerie (characteristic) 243
Polygamy and Polyandry in relation to climate 241
Postillon (Le) 304
Postures of coition 93
Prayer (rules for joining in) 174
—— (two-bow) 213
—— niche = way-side chapel 324
Precedent (merit appertains to) 264
Preposterous venery 304
Preventives (the two) 222
Prima Venus debet esse cruenta 289
Purity of love attains a prophetic strain 6
Questions (indiscreet, the rule throughout Arabia) 105
Ra'áyá (pl. of Ra'íyat) = Ryot 215
Rabite classical term for a noble Arab horse 72
Rahíl (small dromedary) 67
Raising the tail sign of excitement in the Arab blood-horse 84
Rasy = praising in a funeral sermon 291
Rátanah = a jargon 200
Raushan = window 171
Raushaná (splendour) = Roxana ib.
Ready to fly for delight 26
"Renowning it" (boasting of one's tribe) 80; 108
Return unto Alláh 317
Rihl = wooden saddle 117
Rind (rand) = willow, bay, aloes, wood 172
Rizwán (approbation) = key-keeper of Paradise 15, 20
Rosary 123
Royalty in the guise of merchants 12
Rubber, see Shampooer 17
Rubhah (townlet on the frontier of Syria) 52
Ryot = liege, subject; Fellah, peasant 215
Sa'adah (female Pr. N.) 65
Sa'alabah (name of a tribe) 107
Sa'alab = fox 132
Sabb = low abuse 311
Sabbáh bin Rammáh bin Humám = the Comely, son of the Spearman, son of the Lion 67
Sádr = returning from the water (see Wárid) 56
Sady = Hámah, q.v. 293
Sáhirah = place for the gathering of souls on Doom-day 323
Sáibah = she-camel freed from labour 78
Salb = crucifying 25
Salsabíl (fountains of Paradise) 57
Saráb = mirage 319
Sawwán = Syenite 324
Seal and Sealing-wax 189
Seduction (the truth about it) 166
Serpent does not sting or bite, but strike 160
Seven Sleepers 128
Shahádatáni (Al-) = the two Testimonies 346
Shahriman not Shah Zemán 7; 212
Sháibal-Ingház = gray beard, shaking with disapproval 307
Shakespearean "topothesia" out Shakespeared 212
Shakhs = a person, a black spot 26
Shampooer (rubber) = Mukayyit or bagman 17
Shanak = hanging 25
Shanfara (poet) 143
Shaykhs (five, doubtful allusion) 30
Shaytán (Satan) term of abuse 25
—— (his wife and nine sons) 229
Shop (Arab, a "but" and a "ben") 163
Shovel-iron stirrup = spar 119
Signs (of a Shaykh's tent) 104
—— (lucky in a horse) 118
Sinnaur = cat; prince 149
Siwák = tooth-stick; Siwá-ka = other than thou 275
Slaves (O Camphor) 40
—— (set free for the benefit of the dead) 211
—— (dealer in = Jalláb) 349
Sleeping (with covered head and face) 345
Sleepers (the Seven of Ephesus) 128
Solomon (his carpet) 267
Sodomites (angels appear to) 301; 304
Sodomy with women ib.
Son of Persian Kings (not Prince but descendant) 163
Spindle (thinner than a) 260
St. George (posture) 304
Stages (ten, of love-sickness) 36
"Stone-bow" not "Cross-bow" 116
Subhána'llah pronounced to keep off the evil eye 224
Súdán = our Soudan 75
Súf (wool), Súfi (Gnostic) 140
Subá (Sohá) star in the Ursa Major 28
Sulaymá, dim. of Salmá = any beautiful woman 263
Superiority of man above woman 332
Sutures of the skull 123
Sycomore fig (for anus) 302
Tagút (idol) 217
Ta'í (Al-) li 'llah (Caliph) 51, 307
Takhíl = adorning with Kohl 57
Talak bí'l-Salásah = triple divorce 292
Tamar al-Híndi (Tamarind) = the Indian date 297
Tasbíh = saying Subhán Allah; Rosary 125
Tayf = ghost, phantom 252
Tayrab (Al-) a city 259
Tears (pouring blood like red wine) 169
Ten stages of love-sickness 36
Tent (signs of a Shaykh's) 104
Testicles (beating and bruising of, female mode of killing a man) 3
Thamúd (pre-historic Arab tribe) 294
Thorn of lance = eye-lash 331
Tín = fig, simile for a woman's parts 302
Tíryák = theriack, treacle (antidote) 65
Torrens quoted 218; 235; 249; 289
Tossing upon coals of fire 61
Tughrái (Al-), poet 143
Turk (provoked to hunger by beauties of nature) 33
—— (appears under the Abbasides) 81
Ubi aves ibi angeli 280
Ukhuwán = camomile 58
Urine (pollutes) 229
Urining (wiping after) ib.
Ushari = camel travelling ten days 67
Wa ba'ad (see Ammá ba'ad, vol. ii. 37) = and afterwards 181
Waddle of "Arab ladies" 37
Wády = valley; slayer 234
Waist (slender, hips large) 278
Walahán (Lakab of a poet = The distracted) 226
Walgh = lapping of a dog 319
Walíd (Al-) Caliph 69
Wálidati = my mother, speaking to one not of the family 203
Wárid = resorting to the water 56
Wasif = servant; fem, wasífah concubine 171
Wásik (Al-), Caliph 81
Waters flowing in Heaven 65
Wayl-ak = Woe to thee 82
Week-days (only two names for) 249
Weeping (not for form and face alone) 318
Wives (why four, see Women) 212
—— (a man's tillage) 304
What happened, happened = fortune so willed it 68
Wine (a sun with cup-bearer for East and the drinker's mouth for West) 263
Wolf (wicked man); fox (cunning man) 132
Women (peculiar waddle) 37
—— (proposing extreme measures) 39
—— (are tinder, men fire) 59
—— (monkish horror of) 126
—— (Laylah, name of) 135
—— (true seducers) 208
—— (Wálidati = my mother) 208
—— (four wives, and why) 212
—— (compared to an inn) 216
—— (large hips and thighs) 226
—— (small fine foot) 227
—— (names of) 239; 263
—— (more passionate than men) 241
—— (head must always be kept covered) 275
—— (slender-waisted but full of hips, etc.) 304
—— (Sodomy with) 304
—— (all charges laid upon them) 335
Words (divided in a couplet) 166
Writing without fingers=being unable to answer for what is written 181
Yá Abú Libdah = O father of a felt calotte 62
Yá Abú Sumrah = O father of brownness 40
Yá fulán = O certain person 191
Yá Sátir, Yá Sattár = O veiler (of sins) 41
Yá Talji = O snowy one 40
Yaum al-tanádí = Resurrection Day 74
Zabbál = dung-drawer, etc. 51
Zakar (penis) = that which betokens masculinity 3
Zamiyád =: guardian angel of Bihisht, see Rizwán 20; 233
Zanab Sirhán (wolfs tail) = early dawn 146
Zarrat (vulg. Durrah) = co-wife, sister-wife 308
Zebra (daughter of Sa'adah 65
Zibl = dung 51
Zibl Khán = Le Roi Crotte 99