The Botanical Magazine/Volume 1/1
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Iris Persica. Persian Iris.
Class and Order.
Triandria Monogynia.
Generic Character.
Specific Character and Synonyms.
A native of Persia. Flowers in February and March. Its beauty, early appearance, and fragrant blossoms, make it highly esteemed by all lovers of flowers; like the Hyacinth or Narcissus it will blow within doors in a water-glass, but stronger in a small pot of sand, or sandy loam; a few flowers will scent a whole apartment: it will also blossom in the open air, but requires warmth and shelter; it is propagated by offsets and seeds; the best flowering roots are imported from Holland, they bear forcing well; and hence this plant may be had to flower a full month or six weeks in succession.
Parkinson remarks, that in his time (1629) it was very rare, and seldom bore flowers.