The Botanical Magazine/Volume 1/33
[ 33 ]
Aster Tenellus. Bristly-Leav'd Aster.
Class and Order.
Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua.
Generic Character.
Specific Character and Synonyms.
Most of the numerous species of this genus flower about Michaelmas, hence their vulgar name of Michaelmas-Daisy; a name exceptionable not only on account of its length, but from its being a compound word. Aster, though a Latin term, is now so generally received, that we shall make no apology for adopting it.
We are indebted to North-America for most of our Asters, but the present species, which is omitted by Miller, and is rather a scarce plant in this country, though not of modern introduction, being figured by Plukenet and described by Ray, is a native of Africa, and, like a few others, requires in the winter the shelter of a greenhouse.
It is particularly distinguished by having very narrow leaves with short bristles on them, and by its blossoms drooping before they open.
It is a perennial, flowers in September and October, and may be propagated by slips or cuttings.
The plant from whence our drawing was made, came from Messrs. Gordon and Thompson's Nursery, Mile-End.