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The Botanical Magazine/Volume 2/72

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The 72nd species documented in The Botanical Magazine (1790). Latin: Helleborus lividus.

350590The Botanical Magazine — 72William Curtis


[72] Helleborus lividus. Livid or purple Hellebore.

Class and Order.

Pentandria Pentagynia.

Generic Character.

Cal. nullus. Petala-5. sive plura. Nectaria bilabiata, tubulata. Caps. polyspermæ, erectiusculæ.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

HELLEBORUS lividus caule multifloro folioso, foliis ternatis. Ait. Hort. Kew. ined. 2. p. 272.


It is not a little extraordinary that this plant which has for many years been cultivated in this country, should have escaped the notice of Linnæus; it is equally wonderful that we should at this moment be strangers to its place of growth.

Having three leaves growing together, it has been considered by many as the trifoliatus of Linnæus but his trifoliatus is a very different plant, a native of Canada, producing small yellow flowers.

It has been usual to treat this species as a green-house plant, or at least to shelter it under a frame in the winter; probably it is more hardy than we imagine.

It is propagated by parting its roots in autumn, and by seeds, though few of the latter in general ripen, nor do the roots make much increase—to these causes we must doubtless attribute its present comparative scarcity.

It flowers as early as February; on which account, as well as that of its singularity, it is a very desirable plant in collections.