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The Botanist's Guide Through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham

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The Botanist's Guide Through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham, Vol. 1 (1805)
Nathaniel John Winch, John Thornhill, Richard J. Waugh
1676550The Botanist's Guide Through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham, Vol. 1Nathaniel John Winch, John Thornhill, Richard J. Waugh





Newcastle upon Tyne:



To a society with whom we found ourselves agreeably associated during our labours; to forward some of whose peculiar views, this little work has at least the merit of intention, we have the satisfaction to inscribe it, we trust with propriety, we are certain with feelings personally gratifying to ourselves.

The copiousness and accuracy of information it may contain, it is not for us to appreciate; but we may be indulged in contemplating the collateral advantages that may be reasonably expected to arise from the example we have given: Some who may make our book the companion of their other researches, besides their contribution to the important but scattered information respecting the mineralogy of this district which we already possess, may he induced to give the whole that systematical arrangement it chiefly wants; or to the almost unbeaten field of geology may be added whatever of peculiarity may occur in the zoology of these counties: But it is not here our object to detain your attention by enumerating every branch of a complete statistical history; these hints; thrown out solely in looking beyond our own pretensions for the sanction we solicit, naturally lead us to remark, that when that great national object is to be accomplished, the full and exact information in which its real utility must consist, can only be acquired by the separate investigation of every subject belonging to those districts into which it may be found expedient to divide the country; this seems not to have been the course adopted in that great work in which the northern division of this island has so long preceded us; to it every praise is due, both to the patriotic views and to the liberal and spirited exertions of its respectable editor, whom we are proud to claim as a member and correspondent, and to the sound good sense and extensive knowledge displayed by the gentlemen who furnished the parochial histories. Yet whilst we judge it illiberal to dwell for a moment on the unavoidable defects of an undertaking of such novelty and extent, we may be permitted to hope that our tardy emulation will be atoned by some improvement in the plan, and by much industry evinced in more completely filing up the outline they have so ably sketched. From societies constituted like yours, much is to be expected towards the accomplishment and perfection of such a work; both from the spirit of literary and scientific investigation they excite, and from the accommodations afforded by their libraries and collections to the private student. To your judgment and liberality in providing these, we unite with many in bearing a willing testimony, and with every sentiment of sincere regard subscribe ourselves.


Your obedient humble servants,


Newcastle upon Tyne, July 29, 1805.


In the preface, in note at bottom of page 3, for caespitoses read caespitosus, for quarrosus read squarrosus, for Ergophorum read Eriophorum; page 1, line 8, for Cholora read Chlora.

Page 26, line 4, for Habitals read Habitats.

30, 13, for Lemonium read Limonium.
38, 20, for Tagopyrum read Fagopyrum.
50, 11, for or read on.
80, 7, for pyramidales, read pyramidalis.
87, 12, for verticellatum read verticillatum.
88, 4, for sissiliflora read sessiflora.
92, penult, for Mercuriales read Mercurialis.
33, 1, ditto ditto.
93, 14, for Willington Burn read Coble Dean.
99, 5, for aquiline read aquilina.
102, 2, for fuscessens read fuscescens.
104, 11, for lanugenosum read lanuginosum.
112, 11, for fluveatile read fluviatile.
112, 24, for felicinum read filicinum.

P R E F A C E.

In a district comprising such varieties of soil and aspect as the counties of Northumberland and Durham, owing to the height of their hills, their extent of sea-coast, and to their numerous and variously arranged strata, the botanist is naturally led to expect a copious and diversified Flora. To what extent his hopes are likely to be realised, the following little work will enable him to form a tolerably correct idea, as it contains an enumeration of the places of growth of a considerable number of plants, carefully compiled from memorandums made during the last ten years, and originally intended merely for the private use of the Editors; but which is now, with diffidence, offered to the the public, in hopes that it may prove useful to such as wish to study Nature in the field as well as in the closet. As botanists however have been frequently misled by the insertion of plants in provincial Floras, which, by cultivation or some other cause, had been extirpated a long time previous to their habitats having been published, and the value of the following pages chiefly depending upon their accuracy in this particular, the Editors have thought it proper on that account, to state the authorities on which the catalogue rests. Those species to which no person's name is annexed, may be considered as having hot only been observed, but specimens of them collected by the Editors themselves; yet they do not on all occasions claim the merit of original discovery, but are happy to acknowledge they are greatly indebted to the communications of various botanical friends, particularly to the Rev. J. Harriman of Gainford, for pointing out such indigenous plants as are worthy of notice on the romantic banks of the Tees; and to Mr E. Robson for similar information respecting the vicinity of Darlington. The south and south-west of the county of Durham having long been In the possession of such able naturalists, an evident superiority, not not only in number but in rarity of species, will be noticed by the most cursory observer to predominate in that part of the district: In the future researches of botanists, they therefore recommend the investigation of the west and north-west of Northumberland,—a tract of country hitherto but slightly explored, and of course the most likely field for new discoveries: . They must not however expect, that even Cheviot and its surrounding hills will ever be found to vie with Teesdale, whose mountains are in a great measure composed of extensive limestone ridges, which are well known to be propitious to the growth of alpine plants.—Cheviot on the contrary is a porphyritic mountain, densely clothed to its summit with coarse grass and rushes, to the total exclusion of more delicate vegetables.[1]

The following habitats, which are given in Wallis's History of Northumberland, are worthy thy the attention of those who employ their leisure in botanical pursuits. Lysimachia vulgaris[2], and Cicuta virosa, on the banks of the Tyne at Low Park End; Pyrola secunda, in Ramshaw Wood; Ornithogelum luteum, and Orobranche either ramosa or minor, in Simonburn Dean; Meum athamanticum, on a hill near Throckrenton; Cholora perfoliata, at Honeycleugh Crag; and Tormentilla reptans, on the top of Great Waney House Crag. The former six of these the Editors have not been, able to re-discover, and the places where the three latter are mentioned as growing, they have, never had an opportunity to visit. They have also sought the rocks of Shewing Shields in vain for Lonicera Xylosteum, and Cistus marifolius; and the vicinity of Howdon Pans for Sonchus caeruleus; and they suspect that Crithmum maritimum has never been found near Alnmouth. Yet notwithstanding the author of the History of Northumberland may have been mistaken in some few plants, they have have derived considerable assistance from his writings; which, by late botanists, have without sufficient reason been thought unworthy of notice.

In three or four instances, plants will be observed to want their specific names; these they consider as non-descripts, which, to the authors on English Botany who are in possession of specimens, they leave the task of delineating and describing A few, which are placed between brackets, are the production of Yorkshire, growing on the south bank of the Tees; but as the whole of them are of rare occurrence, and so very little beyond the range of their undertaking, this liberty will they trust claim the indulgence, if not the, thanks, of their botanical readers. To the friends whose liberal communications they have already acknowledged, the Editors must add the names of Mr William Backhouse jun. of Darlington, and the Rev. John Fenwick of Merton-House; and no common portion of gratitude is due to the distinguished assistance xthey have received from Dawson Turner Esq. of Yarmouth, through whose hands almost every species of moss here enumerated has passed, and to whose kindness they owe so many valuable observations on those intricate tribes of the vegetable kingdom; nor should the name of Dr Swartz of Stockholm be omitted, who, by his valuable presents of Swedish mosses, has enabled them to quote his Muscologia Suecica with confidence; it may also here be proper to mention, that having become possessed of the Herbarium of the late Mr Wm Weighell of Sunderland, on whose authority they have inserted several species, they can add their own testimony to his accuracy in those instances.

They have now only to say, that should this result of numerous excursions, often attended with great fatigue, though never with subsequent satiety or disgust, contribute to the entertainment of those who set a value on botanical information, or assist them in their favourite pursuit, the purpose of this publication will be completely answered.

☞The materials for the second volume of this work, in which the Lichens will be Arranged according to the mode adopted by Dr Acharius, in his Methodus Lichenum, are nearly collected, and in a few months will be committed to the press.



1. Salicornia herbacea.

In Salt Marshes upon Tyne and Wear.

2. Hippuris vulgaris.

At Prestwick Carr, N. In the Skern, near the Bridge at Darlington, D. At Hell Kettles, D.—Rev. J.T. Fenwick.

3. Chara vulgaris. In stagnant Waters.

4. Chara hispida.

In a Pond at Hartley old Engine; and in Pools on Hartley Links, near Link House, N.

Chara hispida, var. β tomentosa.—Hudson.

Hell Kettles, Darlington, D.—Mr E. Robson.

5. Chara flexilis.

At Cocken.—W. Weighell. In an old Quarry in Leming-Lane, D. In a Pond at Walker; and in Bromley Lake, near Shewing-Shields, N.

6. Zostera marina. In Jarrow Slake, D.—W Weighell.


7. Callitriche aquatica.

In stagnant Waters.


8. Ligustrum vulgare.

In Woods and Hedges, between Sunderland and Castle Eden, and on Limestone Rocks near the Coast, D.

9. Fraxinus excelsior.

In Woods and Hedges.

10. Circaea lutetiana.

In shady Woods and Hedges.

11. Veronica officinalis.

In barren Pastures and on Hedge Banks.

12. Veronica serpyllifolia.

In Meadows, Pastures, and Corn Fields.

Veronica serpyllifolia, var. β V. humifusa.—Dickson.

By Rivulets on the sides of Cheviot, N.

13. Veronica Beccabunga.

In Rivulets and Ditches.

14. Veronica Anagallis.

In Ouse Born; Prestwick Carr; and Ditches near Tynemouth, N.; In Ditches near West Boldon, and Harton, D.

15. Veronica scutellata.

In Bogs at Prestwick Carr, and on Newcastle Town Moor, N. Near West Boldon, Harton, East Morton, and Bogs near Beamish, D. In Teesdale.—Rev. F. Harriman.

16. Veronica montana.

In Woods.

17. Veronica chamaedrys.

By Hedges.

18. Veronica agrestis.

In cultivated Ground.

19. Veronica arvensis.

On Walls and waste Ground.

20. Veronica hederifolia.

In cultivated Ground.

21. Pinguicula vulgaris.

In Bogs on Moors.

22. Utricularia vulgaris.

At Hell Kettles, and at Polam, near Darlington, D.—Mr F. Backhouse, jun. At Prestwick Carr, N.

23. Utricularia minor.

At Prestwick Carr, N.

24. Lycopus europaeus.

At Prestwick Carr, and Ouse Burn, N. On the Banks of Team, near Urpeth Mill, Team Bridge, and Lamesley, D.

25. Salvia verbenaca.

By the Waggon Way near Newburn, and on the Banks below Tynemouth Castle, N. On the Ballast Hills below Gateshead; by Wall Sides on the Moor at Hartlepool, D.


26. Anthoxanthum odoratum.

In Meadow Fields.


27. Valeriana rubra.

On the Walls of Huln Abbey, near Alnwick, N.

28. Valeriana dioica.

In moist Fields and Marshes.

29. Valeriana officinalis.

On the Banks of Rivulets, and in Meadows.

30. Valeriana Locusta.

In Corn Fields near Benwell, N. Near Boldon, D.

31. Valeriana dentata.

At Fulwell Hills and Cocken, D.

32. Iris Pseudacorus.

In watery Places, frequent.

33, Iris foetidissima.

At Jolby, D.—Mr E. Robson.

34. Schoenus Mariscus.

At Hell Kettles, near Darlington, D.—Mr E. Robson.

35. Schoenus nigricans.

On the Heath at Prestwick Carr, N. In Bogs by Hartlepool, D. In Bogs to the S. E. of Coatham near Darlington, D.—Rev. J.T. Fenwick.

36. Schoenus compressus.

On the Banks of Tyne at Chollerford, and Low Park End; and on the Links near Bamburgh, N. In Bogs near Ryhope, and on the Banks of the Tees, near Middleton; and near Darlington, D.

37. Schoenus rufus.

In Marshes on the Wear, below Southwick; near Hartlepool D.-Rev. J. Dalton.

38. Schoenus albus.

On the Heath at Prestwick Carr, N. On Beamish Moor, D.

39. Schoenus monoicus.—E. Bot. 1410.

On Widdy Bank, Teesdale Forest. Cronkley Fell, D.—This plant was pointed out to N. I. W. by the Rev. John Harriman, August 25th, 1799.

40. Scirpus palustris.

In Marshes on Wear and Tyne, common.

41. Scirpus multicaulis.

On the Heath at Prestwick Carr, N.

42. Scirpus caespitosus.

In Bogs on Moors, frequent.

43. Scirpus pauciflorus.

In a Bog below Hilton Castle, and near Darlington, D. In Bogs at Willington Quay; and at Prestwick Carr, N.

44. Scirpus fluitans.

At Prestwick Carr, N. In Ditches near Cleadon, D. Near Darlington, D. Mr E. Robson.

45. Scirpus lacustris.

In the Pont and Ouse Burn, N. In a Pond at Bensham, near Gateshead, D.

46. Scirpus setaceus.

On Boggy Heaths.

47. Scirpus maritimus.

In Salt Marshes on Tyne and Wear.

48. Scirpus sylvaticus.

On the Banks of Pont, and in Scots Wood, Denton and Walbottle Deans, N. On the Banks of Team, and in Ravensworth Woods, D.

49. Eriophorum vaginatum.

In Bogs on Beamish Moor, and Moors in Teesdale, D. At Prestwick Carr, and on Cheviot, N.

50. Eriophorum polystachion.

In Teesdale Forest, near Widdy Bank, by the Sike that skirts the Fell; and in Waskerly Park, near Wolsingham, D. In Bogs near Halypike Lake, N.

51. Eriophorum angustifolium

In Bogs on Heaths, frequent.

52. Nardus stricta.

On Heaths, frequent.


53. Phalaris canariensis.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear.

54. Phalaris arenaria.

On the Sea coast of N. and D. common.

55. Panicum verticillatum.

On the Sunderland Ballast Hills.—W. Weighell.

56. Panicum viride.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear.

57. Panicum sanguinale.

On the Sunderland Ballast Hills.—W. Weighell.

58. Phleum pratense.

In moist Meadows and Pastures.

Phleum pratense, var. γ P. nodosum.—Sp.pl.

In dry Fields.

59. Phleum crinitum.

On the Sunderland Ballast Hills.—W. Weighell.

60. Alopecurus pratensis.

In Meadows and Pastures.

61. Alopecurus agrestis.

In Corn Fields, on calcareous Soil, near Sunderland, D.

62. Alopecurus geniculatus.

In moist Pastures and Ditches.

63. Milium effusum.

In Woods.

64. Agrostis Spica-venti.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear. At Beamish Mill, D.; but introduced among Corn.

65. Agrostis canina.

On the Heath at Prestwick Carr, N. On Gateshead Fell; and in Waskerly Park. At Birch Carr, near Darlington, D. W. Backhouse, jun.

66. Agrostis vulgaris.

In barren Fields.

Agrostis vulgaris, var. y A. pumila.—Lightf. et Relh.

In Teesdale Forest, D.

Agrostis vulgaris, var. δ

In Fields near Gateshead.

67. Agrostis stotonifera

On the Banks of Tyne and Wear.

68. Agrostis alba.

In marshy Places and wet Meadows.

Agrostis alba, var. β A. sylvatica.—Hudson.

In Woods.

69. Aira cristata.

In Castle Eden Dean; in Limestone Pastures, near Sunderland; at Baydales, near Darlington; and near Egleston, D. On the Links at Dunstenburg, Bambrough, and Holy Island, N.

70. Aira aquatica.

In Ditches and wet Places, common.

71. Aira caespitosa.

In moist Meadows and Woods.

72. Aira flexuosa.

On dry Heaths.

73. Aira praecox.

In barren Fields and on Heaths.

74. Aira caryophyllea.

On Beamish Moor, and on Gateshead Fell, D.

75. Holcus lanatus.

In Meadows and Pastures.

76. Holcus mollis.

In Woods and Hedges.

77. Holcus avenaceus.

In Woods and Hedges.

78. Melica uniflora.

In Woods.

79. Melica nutans.

In Castle Eden Dean, D. In Ticket Wood, near Simonburn, N.

80. Melica coerulea.

On Wet Heaths, frequent.

81. Sesleria coerulea.

On Limestone Rocks and in dry Pastures, on both sides of Wear, above Sunderland. On the Banks of Tees, near Egleston, D.—Rev. F. Harriman.

82. Poa aquatica.

In Ponds and on the Banks of Rivers.

83. Poa fluitans.

In Ditches and Ponds.

84. Poa distans.

In Lanes near Darlington, and in Fields near Painshaw and Whitburn, D. By the Road Side, near Castle Eden, D.—Rev. F.T. Fenwick. Near Hartlepool, D.—Mr. E. Robson. On St Anthony's new Ballast Quay, N.

85. Poa maritima. On the Shores of Tyne and Wear, near the Sea. On Rocks at Dunstenburg Castle, N. Near Hartlepool, D.—E. Robson.

86. Poa procumbens.

In a Limestone Quarry, on the Coast near Whitburn, D. Near Hartlepool.—Mr E. Robson.

87. Poa rigida.

On Limestone Hills, near Sunderland. Near Hartlepool, D.-Mr E. Robson.

88. Poa compressa.

Near Hartlepool, D.-Mr E. Robson. In Fields between East Boldon and Cleadon, D.

89. Poa trivialis.

In Meadows and Pastures.

90. Poa pratensis.

In Meadows and Pastures.

91. Poa humilis.

On the Sea Coast near Sunderland North Pier, D. Near Benton, N.

92. Poa annua.

In Fields, Gardens, and by Road Sides.

93. Poa nemoralis.

In Woods near Darlington.—Mr E. Robson.

94. Poa decumbens.

On Gateshead Fell, D. On Newcastle Town Moor, N.

95. Briza media.

In barren Fields, and on Heaths.

96. Dactylis glomerata.

In Meadows.

97. Cynosorus cristatus.

In Meadows and Pastures.

98. Cynosorus echinatus.

On St Anthony's Ballast Hill, N.

99. Festuca ovina.

On Heaths, and in dry Pastures.

Festuca ovina, var. γ F. tenuifolia.—With.

At Prestwick Carr, N.

100. Festuca vivipara.

In the Neighbourhood of Egleston, D.

101. Festuca duriuscula.

In Meadows and Pastures.

102. Festuca rubra.

On the Coast near Whitburn, D. Near Hartlepool, D,—Mr E. Robson On the Coast at Hartley, and at Holy Island, N.

103. Festuca bromoides.

On Walls, and in barren Places.

104. Festuca gigantea.

In moist Woods and Hedges.

105. Festuca loliacea.

In Meadows near Team, D. Near Darlington, D.—W. Backhouse, jun. In Lambton Park, D.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick.

106. Festuca pratensis.

In Meadows and Pastures.

107. Festuca elatior.

On the Banks of Tyne near Friar's Goose; on the Banks of Team; and near Houghton-le-Spring, D. On Newcastle Town Moor, N.

108. Bromus secalinus.

In Corn Fields near Sunderland.—W. Weighell. Near Darlington.-W. Backhouse, jun.

109. Bromus multiflorus.

Near Seaton, D.—W. Backhouse, jun., At Norwood near Ravensworth, D.

110. Bromus mollis.

In Fields, and by Road Sides.

111. Bromus racemosus.

On St Anthony's Ballast Hills, N. On the Banks of Tees, and in moist Meadows near Darlington, D.

112. Bromus arvensis.

Near Darlington and Hartlepool, D.-W. Backhouse, jun.

113. Bromus asper.

In moist Woods and Hedges.

114. Bromus sterilis.

In Hedges and by Road Sides

115. Bromus diandrus.

On Sunderland Ballast Hills.—W.Weighell.

116. Bromus sylvaticus.

In Woods and Hedges.

117. Avena fatua.

In Corn Fields on Limestone Soil, near Sunderland and Easington, D.

118. Avena pubescens.

In Limestone Pastures, near Sunderland and Castle Eden; and in Pastures near New House, Weardale, D. In Fields near Haddrick's Mill, N.

119. Avena pratensis.

In Limestone Pastures near Sunderland,

120. Avena flavescens.

In Meadows, Pastures, and by Road Sides.

121. Avena strigosa.

In Corn Fields, near Sunderland, D.

122. Arundo Phragmites.

On the Banks of Rivers, and in Ponds and Ditches.

123. Arundo epigejos.

At the Foot of the North Dean at Castle Eden, D. In Woods near Gillsland Wells, N.

124. Arundo Colorata.

On the Banks of Rivulets.

125. Arundo arenaria.

On the Sea Coast of N. and D.

126. Lolium perenne.

In Meadows and Pastures.

Lolium perenne, var. β L. tenue,—Sp. pl.

In Meadows and Pastures.

Lolium perenne, var. γ.

In Meadows and Pastures.

Lolium perenne, var. δ.

In Meadows and Pastures.

127. Lolium temulentum.

In Corn Fields near Sunderland, and near Darlington, D.

128. Lolium arvense.

In Fields between Darlington and Conniscliffe.—W. Backhouse, jun.

129. Rotbollia incurvata.

In Salt Marshes on Tyne and Wear. In Seaton Pasture, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

130. Elymus arenarius,

the Coast near Sunderland, D.

131. Elymus europaeus.

In Ramshaw Wood, and Scotswood Dean, N.

132. Hordeum murinum.

By Road Sides, and among Rubbish.

133. Hordeum pratense.

In Meadows near Jarrow and Monkton, D.

134. Hordeum maritimum.

Near Seaton, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

135. Triticum junceum.

On the Sea Shores of D. and N.

136. Triticum repens.

In Fields and Hedges.

137. Triticum caninum.

In moist Woods near Newcastle.

138. Triticum loliaceum.

Near Seaton, D.-Mr E. Robson.


139. Montia fontana.

By Springs and Streams.


140. Dipsacus sylvestris.

By moist Hedges and Road Sides.

141. Scabiosa succisa.

In moist Meadows and Pastures.

142. Scabiosa arvensis.

In Corn fields and Meadows.

143. Scabiosa columbaria.

In Limestone Fields near Sunderland.

144. Sherardia arvensis.

In fallow Fields and waste Grounds.

145. Asperula odorata.

In Woods and shady Places.

146. Galium cruciatum.

In Woods and Hedges.

147. Galium palustre.

In boggy Places and Ditches.

148. Galium saxatile.

On dry Heaths and barren Grounds.

149. Galium uliginosum.

At Prestwick Carr, N. On Beamish Moor, near Medomsley, and near Winch Bridge, D.

150. Galium tricorne.

On Fulwell Hills near Sunderland.—Mr E. Robson. In Fields near Seaton, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

151. Galium verum.

On dry Banks, and Edges of Corn Fields.

152. Galium Mollugo.

In Hedges, and on waste Grounds.

153. Galium boreale.

On the Banks of Tyne at Bywell, Wylam, and at Low Park End; and on the Banks of the Irthing, near Wardrew, N. On the Banks of Tees, at Winch Bridge and near Egleston, D. On the Banks of the Skern, near Darlington, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

154. Galium Aparine.

In Hedges, common.

155. Plantago major.

In Meadows, Pastures, and by Road Sides.

156. Plantago media.

In Limestone Pastures, and on the Sea Coast.

157. Plantago lanceolata.

In Meadows and Pastures, common.

158. Plantago maritima.

On the Sea Coast of N. and D. common, and at the High Force of Tees, D.

159. Plantago Coronopus.

On the Sea Coast, frequent.

160. Sanguisorba officinalis.

In moist Meadows and Pastures.

161. Cornus sanguinea.

In Woods and Hedges, from Hetton-le-Hole to Castle Eden, D.

162. Parietaria officinalis.

On Newcastle Town Walls, Durham Abbey, and on the Ruins of most old Castles. Also on Limestone Rocks near Southwick, D.

163. Alchemilla vulgaris.

In Meadows, Pastures, and Woods.

164. Alchemilla arvensis.

In fallow Fields and barren Places.


165. Ilex aquifolium.

In Woods and Hedges.

166. Potamogeton natans.

In Ponds and Rivulets.

167. Potamogeton heterophyllum.

At Prestwick Carr, N.

168. Potamogeton fluitans.

In Whey Sike on Teesdale Forest; and in Ditches communicating with Hell Kettles, D.—Mr E. Robson.

169. Potamogeton perfoliatum.

In a Lake, called Dudley Shield, near Nether-Witton, N.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick.

170. Potamogeton densum.

In Ponds at Walker, N. In a Pond at Hebburn; and in the Skern at Darlington, D.

171. Potamogeton lucens.

At Prestwick Carr, Crag Lake, and in the Lake at Dudley-Shield, N.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick. In Whey Sike on Teesdale Forest; and in the Skern, near Darlington, D.

172. Potamogeton crispum.

In Rivulets and Ponds.

173. Potamogeton compressum.

In Ponds at Widehaugh, near Dilston, N. In Stells near Seaton, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

174. Potamogeton pusillum.

In Ditches near Harton. In Ponds at Lambton, D.-Rev. J. T, Fenwick. In Mordent Carrs, D.—W. Backhouse, jun. At Prestwick Carr, N.

175. Potamogeton pectinatum.

At Hell Kettles, near Darlington, in the River at Chester New Bridge, and in the Wear by Lambton Ferry, D.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick.

Potamogeton pectinatum, var. β P. marinum.—Hudson.

In Meggy's Bourn near Seaton Sluice, N.

176. Ruppia maritima.

In a Salt Water Ditch, called Meggy's Bourn, near Seaton Sluice, N. Near Tees Mouth, D.—Mr E. Robson.

177. Sagina procumbens.

On Walls, fallow Fields, and in waste Places:

178. Sagina apetala.

At Blackwell, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

179. Sagina erecta.

On Limestone Hills, near Sunderland.—Weighell.

180. Radiola millegrana.

On Newcastle Town Moor, by the Road leading to Benton, N.—Rev. Mr Burket.


181. Myosotis scorpioides, var. β.

In dry fallow fields.

Myosotis scorpioides, var. β.

On Walls, and in sandy Places.

Myosotis scorpioides, var. δ M. palustris.—With.

In Ditches and by Rivulets.

Myosotis scorpioides.—Alpine Variety.

In Rivulets on Cheviot, N.

182. Lithospermum officinale.

In Hilton Woods, and Castle Eden Dean. Near Darlington, D.—Mr E. Robson.

183. Lithospermum arvense.

In Corn Fields, frequent.

184. Anchusa officinalis.

On the Links at Hartley Pans, N.

185. Cynoglossum officinale.

By Road Sides, and on Rubbish.

186. Pulmonaria officinalis.

In Cliff Wood near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

187. Symphytum officinale.

On the Banks of Pont near Ponteland; in Lanes at Benwell; and in Wall's End Dean, N. By Hedges, between South Shields and Jarrow, D.

Symphytum officinale, var. β S. patens.—Sibth.

On the Banks of Pont near Ponteland, N.

188. Borago officinalis.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear.

189. Lycopsis arvensis.

On the Links at Hartley Pans; and near Ovingham, N. In Corn Fields near Sunderland, and Darlington, D.

190. Echium vulgare.

In Corn Fields and among Rubbish.

191. Primula vulgaris.

In Woods, Hedges, and on dry banks.

192. Primula elatior.

On the Banks of Team near Urpeth; and in Meadows near Chester-le-Street, D.

193. Primula veris.

In Meadows and Pastures.

194. Primula farinosa.

In Bogs and wet Pastures near Easington, Painshaw, Hilton-Castle, and Egleston; also in Teesdale Forest, D.

195. Menyanthes trifoliata.

In Marshes and Bogs, frequent.

196. Hottonia palustris.

In Ditches near Darlington. Rev. J. Harriman. In Mainsforth Carr, near Rushyford, D.

197. Lysimachia vulgaris.

By the Drop Well on the Banks of the Skern, near Darlington.—Rev. J. Harriman.

198, Lysimachia nemorum.

In moist Woods and Bogs.

199. Anagallis arvensis.

In Corn Fields.

Anagallis arvensis, var. γ A. caerulea.—Abbot.

On Hebburn Ballast Hills, D.

200. Anagallis tenella.

In Bogs near Urpeth, and Kyo Heugh; and in Ryhope Dean, near Sunderland, D. On wet Ground, by the Tees, near Egleston, D.—Rev. J. Harriman. Between Darlington and Haughton, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

201. Convolvulus arvensis.

In Fields near the Sea, N. and D.

202. Convolvulus sepium.

In Woods and by Hedges.

203. Campanula rotundifolia.

On dry Banks and Heaths.

204. Campanula latifolia.

In moist Woods and by Hedges, frequent.

205. Campanula glomerata.
On the Banks of Tyne near Wylam, and near St Oswald's and Chollerford, N. In Woods, at Cocken near Chester-le-Street, D. On Barbara Riggs near Barnardcastle; and near Gainforth, D.—Rev, J. Harriman.

206. Campanula hybrida.

On the Sunderland ballast Hills.—W. Weighell.

207. Jasioiie montana.

Near Hamsterly and Witton-le-Wear, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

208. Viola hirta.

On the Banks near Wylam, N. Near Jarrow Slake; in Castle Eden Dean; and near Whitburn, D.

209. Viola odorata.

Near Finchall Abbey; and by Road Sides near Chester-le-Street, D. Near Prudhoe Castle and Ovingham, N.

210. Viola palustris.

In Bogs in Ravensworth Woods, at Witton-le-Wear, at Urpeth, and near Beamish, D. In Teesdale Forest, D.—Rev, J. Harriman.

211. Viola canina.

In Woods and by Hedges, common.

212. Viola tricolor.

In Corn Fields.

Viola tricolor, var. β V. arvensis.—Sibth.

In Corn Fields.

213. Viola lutea.

On Heathy Pastures, near Housesteads, N. On mountainous Pastures in Weardale; and in Teesdale Forest, D.

214. Verbascum Thapsus.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear. On the Bed of Till, near Wooler, N. Near Pierce Bridge, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

215. Verbascum nigrum.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear.

216. Datura Stramonium.

On the Ballast Hills of N. and D., but rare. Near Darlington, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

217. Hyoscyamus niger.

On Rubbish and by Road Sides.

218. Atropa Belladonna.

By the Waggon Way Side, between Walbottle and Newburn, N. On the Banks of Wear, near Durham Abbey, D.

219. Solanum Dulcamara.

In moist Hedges and Woods.

220. Solanum nigrum.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear. Near Chester-le-Street, D.

221. Chironia Centaurium.

In dry barren Pastures, on Heaths, and on the Sea Coast.

Chironia———Vide Fl. Brit. 1392.

On the Links between Marsden Hall and South Shields, D.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick.

222. Chironia pulchella.

Near Hartley, N., rare.

223. Chironia———

On the Links South of Bamborough Castle, and on Holy Island, N.—July the 19th and 20th, 1804.

224. Samolus Valerandi.

In Bogs at Willington Quay, and Prestwick Carr; and on the Coast at Bamborough, N. In the Marsh below Southwick, and on the Coast between Sunderland and Ryhope, D.

225. Lonicera Periclymenum.

In Hedges and Woods.

226. Lonicera Xylosteum.

In Hedges about Alnwick, N. but doubtful whether indigenous.

227. Rhamnus catharticus.

In Ryhope Dean, near Sunderland D.—W. Weighell.

228. Euonymus europaeus.

In Heaton Wood, Scots Wood, and Tecket Wood, N. In Ryhope Dean, and Castle Eden Dean, D. In Shipley Wood, near Egleston, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

229. Ribes rubrum.

In Woods, and on the Banks of Rivulets. Near Egleston, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

230. Ribes alpinum.

In several Woods about Darlington.—Mr E. Robson, In Cliff Wood, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

231. Ribes spicatum.

Between Pierce Bridge and Gainford, D.—Eng. Bot. p. 1290. At present extinct.—Mr. E. Robson.

232. Ribes petraeum.

In Scots Wood Dean, N. Near Egleston, and in Teesdale Forest, D. Near Pierce Bridge, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

233. Ribes nigrum.

In Ravensworth and other Woods, near Newcastle, N. On the Banks of Skern, near Darlington, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

234. Ribes Grossularia

In Woods and Hedges.

235. Ribes Uva-crispa.

In Hedges near Lamesley, D.

236. Hedera Helix.

In Woods, Hedges, and on old Walls.

237. Glaux maritima.

In Salt Marshes upon Tyne and Wear.

238. Vinca minor

Near Blackwell, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.


239. Chenopodium Bonus-Henricus.

On Rubbish, and by Way Sides.

240. Chenopodium urbicum.

Near Darlington, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

241. Chenopodium rubrum.

By the Road Sides near Chirton, N. Near Darlington, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

242. Chenopodium murale.

Upon Rubbish and Ballast near Gateshead; and by Road Sides near Chester-le-Street, D.

243. Chenopodium hybridum.

On St Anthony's Ballast Hill, N.

244. Chenopodium album.

On cultivated Ground and among Rubbish.

Chenopodium album, var. γ C. viride.—Sp. pl.

On cultivated Ground.

245. Chenopodium glaucum.

On Sunderland Ballast Hills.—Weighell. Near Darlington, D.—W. Backhouse, jun. By Road Sides near Ponteland, N.

245. Chenopodium olidum.

On Rubbish at Friar's Goose, and by Road Sides near Westoe, D.

246. Chenopodium polyspermum.

On Sunderland Ballast Hills.—Mr E. Robson.

247. Chenopodium maritimum.

On the Salt Marshes of Tyne and Wear.

248. Beta maritima.

On the Coast near Hartley Pans, N. On the Sea Shore near Sunderland, D.—W. Weighell.

249. Salsola Kali.

On sandy Sea Shores, frequent.

250. Salsola fructicosa.

On Willington Ballast Hills, N.

251. Ulmus campestris.

In Woods and Hedges.

252. Ulmus montana.

In Woods and Hedges.

253. Gentiana verna.

On Teesdale Forest, particularly near Whey Sike House, and between that and Wlddy Bank, upon the Slope that borders the Tees, D.

254. Gentiana Amarella.

On Limestone Pastures, from Sunderland to Castle Eden; in Fields near Greencroft and Butsfield; and in Teesdale Forest, D. Near Hexham, Chollerford, and Hartley, N.

255. Gentiana campestris.

In barren Pastures at Butsfield, and in Teesdale, D. Near Hexham; and on the West Side of Shewing Shields, N.

256. Eryngium maritimum.

In the Sand of the Sea Shore at Shields Law and Castle Eden, D. At Seaton, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

257. Eryngium campestre.

On St Peter's Quay, N. Near Friar's Goose, D.—It was observed in these Habitats in the Time of Ray.

258. Hydrocotyle vulgaris.

In Bogs and marshy Places, frequent.

259. Hydrocotyle inundata.

In marshy Places on Gateshead Fell; in Ditches near West Boldon; and near Harton Down Hill, D. In Ditches near High Elswick, N.

260. Sanicula europaea.

In Woods, very common.

261. Bupleurum tenuissiinum.

By the Tees near Stockton.—Mr E. Robson.

262. Caucalis daucoides.

On Fulwell Hills near Sunderland, D.

263. Caucalis Anthrisciis.

On the Borders of Corn Fields, and by Hedges.

264. Caucalis nodosa.

In Corn Fields near Whitburn, and near Darlington, D.

265. Daucus Carota.

In Pastures, and on the Borders of Corn Fields near the Sea.

Daucus Carota, var. γ D. maritimus.—With.

On the Sea Coast South of Sunderland, D.

266. Bunium flexuosum.

In Pastures and Corn Fields.

267. Conium maculatum.

By Hedges, on Rubbish, and in Lanes.

268. Peucedanum Silaus.

In moist Meadows and Pastures.

269. Heracleum Sphondylium.

By Hedges and Borders of Corn Fields.

270. Ligusticum scoticum.

Amongst Rocks on the North Side of the Ruins of Dunstanbrough Castle, N.—July 18th, 1804.

271. Angelica Archangelica.

On the Banks of Skern near High Helens, and at Birch Carr, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

272. Angelica sylvestris.

In moist Woods and by Rivulets.

273. Sium latifofium.

In a Pond near Friar's Goose, D.

274. Sium angustifolium.

In the Ouse Burn and Prestwick Carr, N. In the Team, and in a Rivulet near Boldon, D.

275. Sium nodiflorum.

In Ditches and Rivulets, frequent.

276. Sison Amomum.

On the Sunderland Ballast Hills.—W. Weighell.

277. Oenanthe fistulosa.

In marshy Places on the Banks of Rivers and Rivulets, not unfrequent.

278. Oenanthe pimpinelloides.

In the Salt Marsh on the Wear near Southwick, D. Near Hartlepool, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

279. Oenanthe crocata.

On the Banks of Rivers and Rivulets.

280. Coriandrum sativum.

On the Ballast Hills of N. and D.

281. Phellandrium aquaticum.

In Bogs at Prestwick Carr, N. At Mordent Carrs, D.—W. Backhouse, jun. In Ponds near Cocken and Durham.—W. Weighell.

282. AEthusa Cynapium.

In Corn Fields and Gardens, common.

283. Scandix odorata.

In Tecket Wood, N. In Cawsey, Beamish, Urpeth, and every other Wood on the Team, undoubtedly wild; on the Banks of Browney near Colpighill and Ruins of Finchall Abbey. In the Neighbourhood of Darlington and Egleston, D. common.—Rev. J. Harriman. In Weardale, frequent.

284. Scandix Pecten-Veneris.

In Corn Fields, very common.

285. Scandix Anthriscus.

On the Borders of Fields, and by Road Sides.

286. Choerophyllum sylvestre.

In Hedges and Woods.

287. Choerophyllum temulentum.

In Hedges and shrubby Places.

288. Imperatoria Ostruthium.

At Newbiggen near Middleton, and in Teesdale Forest.—Rev. F. Harriman. On the Banks of Dadree Burn, between Dadree Shield and the Wear, D.—26th June, 1803.

289. Pastinaca sativa.

On Calcareous Soil near Sunderland, D.

290. Smyrnium Olusatrum.

On the Banks near Tynemouth Castle, plentiful; behind the Town Walls, above the Close Gate, Newcastle; and on the Ruins of Dunstanbrough Castle, N. In Hurworth Church Yard, D.—W. Weighell.

291. Anethum Faeniculum.

On the Ballast Hills at St Anthony's and Willington, N. On the Ballast Hills at Ayre's Quay near Sunderland. D.

292. Carum Carui.

In Corn Fields, but not frequently met with.

293. Pimpinella saxifraga.

In dry barren Pastures, common.

294. Pimpinella magna.

In the Chester Lane at High Barns, near Sunderland, D.

293. Apium graveolens.

In Salt Marshes on the Shores of Tyne and Wear.

296. Aegopodium Podagraria.

Very common on the Banks of Wear, D. On the Banks of Reed near Otterburn, N.


297 Viburnum Opulus.

In moist Woods and Hedges.

298. Sambucus Ebulus.

In Hedges near Deckham's Hall, Gateshead, D. In the old Church Yard at Benwell, N.

299. Sambucus nigra.

In Woods and Hedges.

Sambucus nigra, var. γ S. laciniata folia—Raii.

In Hedges at Earsdon, N.

300. Parnassia palustris.

In boggy Places near Greencroft, Castle Eden, and on the Coast near Sunderland, D. In Teesdale Forest, D.—Rev. J. Harriman, On Bogs in Heaton Wood, in marshy Places on the highest Parts of Northumberland, and on the Links at Bambrough and Holy Island, N.


301. Statice Armeria.

In Salt Marshes, and on Rocks by the Coast, frequent; also in Teesdale Forest, D.

302. Statice Lemonium.

On the North Shore of Wear at Hilton near Sunderland, D. Near the Tees Mouth.—Mr E. Robson.

303. Linum usitatissimum.

In Corn Fields, and on the Ballast Hills. By the Turnpike Side at the Long Bank, D.

304. Linum perenne.

At Baydales near Darlington, and in Meadows on the Coast near Marsden Hall, D.

305. Linum catharticum.

In dry barren Pastures and Meadows.


306. Drosera rotundifolia.

In turfy Bogs on Moors and Heaths.

307. Drosera longifolia.

In Bogs at Prestwick Carr, N.

308. Drosera anglica.

In Bogs at Prestwick Carr, N.


309. Myosurus minimus

In fields near Darlington, D.


310. Galanthus nivalis.

In Scots Wood Dean, and by the Ouse Burn near Newcastle, N.—Near Conniscliffe and Blackwell, D.—Mr E. Robson.

311. Leucojum aestivum.

In a Mill Pond in Ouse Burn, D.; but doubtful whether indigenous.

312. Narcissus biflorus.

Near Dinsdale, D.; but doubtful whether not the Outcast of a Garden.—Mr E. Robson.

313. Narcissus Pseudo-narcissus.

In Ravensworth Woods and Meadows near Butsfield, also in Barley Haugh near Ebchester, D. In Cocken Woods, D.—W. Weighell. Near Pierce Bridge, D.—W. Backhouse, jun. On the Banks of Derwent, near Allans-Ford, N.

314. Allium oleraceum.

In Meadows on the Banks of Tyne near Wylam, N. In Meadows at Silksworth, near Sunderland.—W. Weighell. Near Middleton.-Rev. J. Harriman., On the Walls at Durham Peth.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick. At Baydales near Darlington, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

315. Allium vineale.

Durham Peth.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick. At Baydales near Darlington, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

316. Allium ursinum.

In shady moist Woods.

317. Ornithogalum luteum.

On the Banks of Tees near Egleston and Wycliffe, N. In Fields near Bishop's Auckland.—E. Woodhouse. In Barbara Riggs near Barnardcastle, and near Whorlton.—Rev. J. Harriman. Near Pierce Bridge, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

318. Scilla nutans.

In Woods, Hedges, and Lanes, frequent

319. Narthecium ossifragum.

In turfy Bogs on Moors.

320. Convallaria majalis.

In Scots Wood and Denton Dean, N. In Gibside Woods, Castle Eden Dean, and near Winch Bridge, Teesdale, D.

321. Juncus acutus.

Near Seaton, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

322. Juncus maritimus.

Near Seaton, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

323. Juncus glaucus.

In wet Pastures and by Road Sides.

324. Juncus conglomeratus.

In wet pastures, Meadows, and by Ditches.

325. Juncus effusus.

In wet Pastures, by Road Sides and Rivulets.

326. Juncus squarrosus.

On barren Heaths, frequent.

327. Juncus articulatus.

In boggy Meadows, Pastures, and by Streams.

328. Juncus uliginosus.

On wet turfy Heaths, and in boggy Fields.

329. Juncus bulbosus.

On the Shore of Tyne below Gateshead Park; also by Rivulets and Streams. In Teesdale Forest, D.

330. Juncus bufonius.

Marshy Places and on Heaths.

331. Juncus triglumis.

[On Meldon Fell.] Rev. J. Harriman.

332. Juncus pilosus.

In Woods and on bushy Banks, frequent.

333. Juncus sylvaticus.

In Woods and on dry shrubby Banks.

334. Juncus campestris.

In dry barren Pastures, frequent.

Juncus campestris, var. β.

On boggy Heaths, common.

335. Berberis vulgaris.

In Heaton Woods, N. In Hedges near Witton-le-Wear and Chester-le-Street, D.

336. Frankenia laevis.

On the Sunderland Ballast Hills.—W. Weighell.

331. Peplis Portula.

In marshy Places and on Heaths.


338. Rumex sanguineus.

By Hedge Sides near Houghton-le-Spring, and on Banks at Friar's Goose near Gateshead, D.

339. Rumex crispus.

On Rubbish and by Way Sides.

340. Rumex acutus.

In waste Places mostly by Streams of Water.

341. Rumex obtusifolius.

In waste Places and by Road Sides, common.

342. Rumex pulcher.

On Sunderland Ballast Hills.—W. Weighell.

343. Rumex maritimus.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne, but rare, N.

344. Rumex palustris.

On the Sunderland Ballast Hills.—W. Weighell.

345. Rumex aquaticus.

Near Preston in Skern, and at Polam, D.—Mr E. Robson.

346. Rumex Acetosa.

In Meadows, Pastures, and waste Places.

347. Rumex Acetosella.

In barren Pastures and on Heaths.

348. Tofieldia palustris.

Near Widdy Bank on Teesdale Forest, D. [Also on Cronkley Fell]

349. Triglochin palustre.

In Bogs and marshy Places.

350. Triglochin maritimum.

In Salt Marshes on the Shores of Tyne and Wear.

351. Colchicum autumnale.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr E Robson.


352. Alisma Plantago.

In Ponds and slow Streams.

353. Alisma ranunculoides.

In boggy Places near East Morton, and Ponds near Horton, D. In Clay Pits near Barnardcastle, D.—Rev. J. Harriman. In Bogs at Prestwick Carr, N.


354. Trientalis europaea.

In Waskerly Park near Wolsingham, D.


355. Epilobium angustifolium.

On Rocks by the West Side of Shewing Shields near Cragg Lake; and by a rocky Rivulet above Langley Ford near Cheviot, N.—Near Barnardcastle, Egleston, and High Force, Teesdale.—Rev. J. Harriman. On Rocks above Folden Lead Mill near Edmond Byers, D.

356. Epilobium hirsutum.

In Ditches, and by wet Hedge Sides, frequent.

357. Epilobium parviflorum.

In Bogs, and on the Banks of Rivulets.

358. Epilobium montanum.

In Woods, stony Places, and by Walls.

359. Epilobium tetragonum.

In marshy Places, Ditches and Woods.

360. Epilobium palustre.

In marshy Places and Ditches, frequent.

361. Epilobium ———

On the Banks of a rocky Rivulet on the South Side of Cheviot, N.

362. Vaccinium Myrtillus.

On Heaths, and in Woods, frequent.

363. Vaccinium uliginosum.

[On Meldon Fell.] Rev. J. Harriman.

364. Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea.

On turfy Heaths at Butsfield, Stanhope, and in Teesdale Forest; in Woods at Witton-le-Wear, and Howns near Medomsley; and on the Heath, at the Source of a Roman Aqueduct West of Woodlands, near Butsfield, D. In Allendale, and on Cheviot, N.

365. Vaccinium Oxycoccus.

On Beamish Moor, D. Near Egleston, D.—Rev. J. Harriman. On the Heath at Prestwick Carr, N.

366. Erica vulgaris.

On Moors, and in Woods.

367. Erica Tetralix.

In boggy Places on Moors.

368. Erica cinerea.

On dry Heaths.

369. Daphne Laureola.

In Woods, and by Hedges near Hilton Castle; and in Dawdon and Castle Eden Deans, D. In Whorlton Wood, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

370. Acer Pseudo-platanus.

In Woods and Hedges.

371. Acer campestre.

In Hedges near Darlington, D.


372. Polygonum amphibium.

In Ditches, Ponds, and on the Banks of Rivulets, frequent.

373. Polygonum Persicaria.

In Ditches and watery Places, common.

374. Polygonum lapathifolium.

On Rubbish and cultivated Ground.

375. Polygonum Hydropiper.

In Watery Places and by Ditches, frequent.

376. Polygonum minus.

At Mordent Carrs near Darlington, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

377. Polygonum Bistorta.

In Meadows and Woods, on Tyne, Wear, Tees, and Team.

378. Polygonum viviparum.

In alpine Pastures near Egleston, Middleton, and in Teesdale Forest; and on the Banks of Wear at Burtree Ford, Weardale, D.

379. Polygonum aviculare.

In waste Places and by Road Sides.

380. Polygonum Tagopyrum.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear.

381. Polygonum Convolvulus.

In Corn Fields and Gardens, common.


382. Paris quadrifolia.

In Scots Wood and Heaton Woods, N. In Castle Eden Dean; also in Urpeth, Ravensworth, and Egleston Woods, D.

383. Adoxa Moschatellina.

In Woods and shady Hedges, not unfrequent.


384. Butomus umbellatus.

In the River Skern, near Darlington, D


385. Andromeda polifolia.

On the Heath at Prestwick Carr, N.

386. Arbutus Uva-ursi.

On the Heath at the South Side of East Common Wood near Hexham, N. In the Scar above the High Force, and in Cronkley Scar, Teesdale, D.

387. Pyrola rotundifolia.

In Castle Eden Dean, and Howns Wood, near Medemsley, D.

388. Pyrola minor.

In Scots Wood Dean, N. In Teesdale Forest, D. In Cocken Woods, D.—W. Weighell.


389. Chrysosplenium alternifolium.

On the Banks of Wear opposite Cocken; in Ravensworth Woods above Mill Green; in Woods near Egleston; and by Pont Burn, near Hamsterly. At Baydales, near Darlington, D.—Mr E. Robson.

390. Chrysosplenium oppositifolium.

In shady Woods, and by Springs.

391. Saxifraga stellaris.

By Eglesbourn, and Rills in Egleshope, D.—Rev. Jno. Harriman. In Bogs near Allen Heads and Coal Cleugh, also on Cheviot, N.

392. Saxifraga aizoides.

Near Widdy Bank, on Teesdale Forest, D. On Rocks, by the River Irthing, above Wardrew, N.

393. Saxifraga granulata.

In Ravensworth Woods near Mill Green, and in Woods near Witton-le-Wear, D. In Woods near Finchall Abbey, D.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick. In Scots Wood Dean, and on dry Banks at Wooler-Haugh-Head, N.

394. Saxifraga tridactylites.

On Walls at Egleston in Teesdale, and on Boldon and Cleadon Hills, D On Walls near Barnardcastle, and Darlington, D.—Rev. J. Harriman. Near Shewing Shields, N.

395. Saxifraga hypnoides.

On Rocks below Caldron Snout, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

396. Scleranthus annuus.

In sandy Fields and on Walls, frequent.

397. Scleranthus perennis.

On Gateshead Fell, D.

398. Saponaria officinalis.

On the Banks of Tyne near Friar's Goose, and of Wear at Newbridge near Chester-le-Street, and Low Lambton, D. Near Darlington, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

399. Dianthus Armeria.

On Sunderland Ballast Hills, D.—W. Weighell.

400. Dianthus deltoides.

On hedge Banks between Wooler and Earl, N.—July, 1804.


401. Silene anglica.

On Sunderland Ballast Hills, D.—W. Weighell.

402. Silene inflata.

In Corn Fields, by Hedges and Road Sides.

403. Silene maritima.

On Fullwell Hills, and on the Coast at Whitburn, D.

404. Silene conica.

On Hebburn Ballast Hills, D.

405. Silene noctiflora.

In Corn Fields near Cleadon, D.
406. Stellaria nemorum.

In Horsley Wood near Wylam; on the Banks of Tyne below Newburn; in Tecket Wood near Simonburn; and in Woods on the Banks of Irthing near Wardrew, N. In Egleston, Lambton, Cawsey, Beamish, and Ravensworth Woods; and in Hedges at Witton-le-Wear, Cocken, and Baydales near Darlington, D.

407. Stellaria media.

On cultivated Ground, everywhere.

408. Stellaria holostea.

In dry Woods, and on Hedge Banks.

409. Stellaria graminea.

Among Bushes in waste Ground and Hedges.

410. Stellaria uliginosa.

In Ditches, and by Streamlets.

411. Arenaria peploides.

On sandy Sea Shores.

412. Arenaria trinervis.

In moist Woods and Hedges.

413. Arenaria serpyllifolia.

In barren sandy Fields, and on Walls.

414. Arenaria rubra.

On sandy Banks, and in Corn Fields.

415. Arenaria marina.

In Salt Marshes on Wear and Tyne.

416. Arenaria verna.

In Allendale, N. Upon the Wolds near Caldron Snout, Teesdale; and on old Lead Mine Heaps, Weardale, D. [Upon Cronkley Fell]


417. Sedum Telephium.

By the Road Side near Urpeth; by Hedges near Lanchester Ford; and near Durham. In Hag Crag Wood near the High Force, D.—Rev. J. Harriman. On the Banks of Tyne below Paradise near Elswick, N.

418. Sedum acre.

On Walls and in sandy Places, common.

419. Sedum villosum.

By Whey Syke in Teesdale Forest, and near Widdy Bank by the Road that leads Into Harwood Chase; also by Ditches near Burtree Ford, Weardale, D. By Rivulets at the Foot of Cheviot, N.

420. Sedum album.

On the Abbey Bridge near Barnardcastle, D.—Mr E. Robson.

421. Sedum reflexum.

On Walls and Roofs of Houses near Wycliffe and Witton-le-Wear, D. On the Ruins of Alnwick Abbey, N.

422. Oxalis Acetosella.

In Woods and shady Hedges, frequent.

423. Agrostemma Githago.

In Corn Fields, very common.

424. Lychnis Flos Cuculi.

In moist and boggy Meadows.

425. Lychnis dioica, var. α L. diurna.—Sibth.

In moist Woods and Hedges.

Lychnis dioica, var. β L. vespertina.—Sibth.

In Hedges and Corn Fields.

426. Cerastium vulgatum.

In Pastures and by Road Sides.

427. Cerastium viscosum.

On Walls and by Road Sides.

428. Cerastium semidecandrum.

On Walls and in sandy Places.

Cerastium semidecandrum, var. β C. pumilum.—Curt.

On Walls at the Long Bank near Gateshead Fell, D. On Walls in Gallow-gate, Newcastle.

429. Cerastium tetrandrum.

At Shields Law, and on the Coast near Whitburn and Sunderland North Pier, D. On the Links at Hartley, Bambrough, and Holy Island, N.

430. Cerastium arvense.

On St Peter's Quay, N. At Friar's Goose near Gateshead; on dry Banks and Heaths near Darlington; on Fullwell Hills, Marsden Rocks, and near Chester Bridge, D.

431. Spergula arvensis.

In sandy Corn Fields.

432. Spergula nodosa.

In Bogs near Urpeth; near Fulwell Turnpike Gate; and at Allans Ford, D. In Bogs at Prestwick Carr and Willington Quay; and on the Links at Bambrough and Holy Island, N.


433. Lythrum Salicaria.

On the Banks of Tyne and in Ouse Burn, N. On the Banks of Team, D.


434. Agrimonia Eupatoria.

In Meadows, and on the Borders of Corn Fields.


435. Reseda Luteola.

On Hedge Banks and Rubbish about old Coal Pits.

436. Reseda lutea.

By Road Sides near Tynemouth, N. At Salt Meadows, and between Sunderland and South Shields, D.

437. Euphorbia Peplus.

On cultivated Ground, everywhere.

438. Euphorbia exigua.

In Corn fields near Castle Eden and Fulwell, D.

439. Euphorbia paralia.

On Sunderland Ballast Hills.—W. Weighell.

440. Euphorbia helioscopia.

On cultivated Ground.

441. Euphorbia Cyparissias.

On the Walk of Huln Abbey near Alnwick; on Hedge Banks, four Miles South of Alnwick, N.—July 17th 1804.


442. Sempervivum tectorum.

On Walls and Roofs of Houses.


443. Prunus Padus.

In moist Woods and Hedges.

444. Prunus Cerasus, var. γ P. Avium.—With.

In Woods at Hilton Castle, D.—W. Weighell.

Prunus Cerasus, var. λ.

On the Banks of Tees near Barnardcastle, plentifully.—Ray. At Choudean near Gateshead Fell, D.

445. Prunus domestica.

In Ryhope Dean, D. In Hedges near Morpeth and Alnwick, N.

446. Prunus intititia.

In Ryhope Dean, D.

447. Prunus spinosa.

In Hedges and Woods, frequent.


448. Mespilus Oxyacantha,

In Hedges and Woods.

449. Pyrus Malus.

In Woods and Hedges.

450. Pyrus aucuparia.

In Woods and Hedges.

451. Pyrus Aria.

In Castle Eden, D.—Mr E. Robson. In the Wood near Winch Bridge. D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

452. Spiraea Filipendula.

At Baydales and Conniscliff near Darlington.—Mr E. Robson. In Fields on the Coast near Whitburn, D. In Crag Close near Barwestford, N.

453. Spiraea Ulmaria.

In moist Meadows, and on the Banks of Rivulets.


454. Rosa spinosissima.

On the Borders of Fields, and sandy Sea Banks.

455. Rosa arvensis.

In Woods and Hedges at Friar's Goose near Gateshead. Between, Sadberg and Norton, D.—W. Backhouse, jun. In Woods at St Anthony's, and Elswick near Newcastle, N.

456. Rosa villosa.

In Hedges, and on the Banks of Rivulets.

457. Rosa tomentosa.

In Hedges by Sheriff-Hill Waggon-way near Gateshead; at Hamsterly near Medomsley; and in the Lane between High and Low Team, D. Near Darlington, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

458. Rosa canina.

In Hedges and Woods, frequent.

459. Rosa ———.

By Hedges in the Lane between High and Low Team, D.—June, 1804.

460. Rubus idaeus.

In Woods and waste Places.

461. Rubus caesius.

In Woods, Hedges, and on the Borders of Fields.

462. Rubus corylifolius.

In Hedges near Gateshead, D.

463. Rubus fruticosus.

In Woods and Hedges, frequent.

464. Rubus saxatilis.

In Castle Eden Dean; on the Banks of Tees at High Force; in Hown's Wood near Butsfield; and near Egleston and Middleton, D. In Allendale; on the Banks of Irthing; and on the Rocks at Shewing Shields, N.

465. Rubus chamaemorus.

On Knoutberry Fell near Egleston in Teesdale, D. [On Cronkley Fell] In Mosses above Allen Heads, and on Cheviot N.

466. Fragaria vesca.

In Woods and by Hedges.

467. Fragaria sterilis.

On dry Hedge Banks.

468. Potentilla fruticosa.

On the Banks of Tees at Egleston Abbey; near Winch Bridge, and at the High Force, Teesdale, D.

469. Potentilla anserina.

By Road Sides, and on dry barren Places.

470. Potentilla argentea.

Between Sunderland and Shields, D.—Mr E. Robson.

471. Potentilla aurea.

On Rocks at Winch Bridge, Teesdale, D.

472. Potentilla reptans.

By Road Sides and Borders of Fields.

473. Tormentilla officinalis.

In barren Pastures and on Heaths.

474. Geum urbanum.

In Woods and Hedges, common.

Geum urbanum, var. β.

In Woods at Friar's Goose near Gateshead, D.

475. Geum rivale.

In boggy Woods, and on the Sides of Rivulets.

Geum rivale, var. β.

Near Darlington, frequent.—Mr E. Robson. In Woods at Friar's Goose near Gateshead; also near Saltwell-side, D. In Heaton Wood.

Geum rivale, var. γ.

In Castle Eden Dean, D. In Woods on Irthing near Wardrew, N

476. Dryas octopetala.

[Near the Black Ark or Cronkley Fell, Teesdale.]

477. Comarum palustre.

In spongy Bogs and marshy Places.


478. Chelidonium majus.

On Rubbish and Hedge Banks.

479. Glaucium luteum.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear.

480. Papaver hybridum.

About Durham, Fulwell, and Whitburn.—Mr E. Robson. In Corn Fields near Sunderland, D.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick.

481. Papaver Argemone.

In Corn Fields, and on Hedge Banks.

482. Papaver dubium.

In Corn Fields.

483. Papaver Rhaeas.

In Corn Fields, common.

484. Papaver somniferum.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear.

485. Nymphaea lutea.

In the Pont, Ouse Burn, at Wide-Haugh near Dilston, and in the Loughs near Shewing Shields, N.

486. Nymphaea alba.

In Greenley Lake, and Bromley Lake near Shewing Shields, N.

487. Tilia europaea.

In Woods and Hedges.

488. Cistus marifolius.

[Near the Black Ark on Cronkley Fell in Teesdale.]

489. Cistus Helianthemum.

On Limestone Hills near Sunderland and Castle Eden, and at Winch Bridge, Teesdale, D. On the Banks of Tyne at Whitley Point; by the Turnpike Side near Walbottle Dean; on the Rocks, and on the Roman Wall near Shewing Shield, N.


490. Delphinium Consolida.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear.


491. Aquilegia vulgaris.

In the Ouse Burn, and on the Banks of Derwent near Allens-Ford, N. In the Dean below Dalton-le-Dale, D. Near Middleton.—Rev. J. Harriman. At Baydales, D.—Mr W. Backhouse, jun.


492. Anemone nemorosa.

In Woods and shady Places, frequent.

493. Clematis Vitalba.

On the Ballast Hills at St Anthony's and Willington Quay, N.

494. Thalictrum alpinum.

Near Caldron Snout by the Path that leads from thence to Widdy Bank, D. [Also upon Cronkley Fell.]

495. Thalictrum minus.

On sandy Banks on the Sea Coast of N. and D.

496. Thalictrum majus.

On the Banks of Tees a little above the Foot of Middleton Beck, and near Egleston; also at Baydales near Darlington. Near Coatham, D.-Rev. J.T. Fenwick.

497. Thalictrum flavum.

On the Banks of Tyne above Ovingham, N. On the Banks of Wear near Ayre's Quay, and of Team near Lamesley, D. Near Darlington, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

498. Ranunculus Flammula.

In marshy Places, frequent.

499. Ranunculus Lingua.

In Ditches at Prestwick Carr, In Ponds at Wide Haugh near Dilston, and in Bogs at the West End of Little Cow Lake, N. Near Darlington, D.—W. Weighell.

500. Ranunculus Ficaria.

In Woods and on Hedge Banks.

501. Ranunculus auricomus.

In Woods and shady Hedges.

502. Ranunculus sceleratus.

In Ponds, Ditches, and watery Places.

503. Ranunculus bulbosus.

In Meadows and Pastures.

504. Ranunculus repens.

In moist Meadows and Pastures.

505. Ranunculus acris.

In Meadows and Pastures, common.

Ranunculus acris, var. Fl. pl.

In Meadows at Mill Green near Ravensworth, D.

506. Ranunculus arvensis.

In Corn Fields, frequent.

507. Ranunculus parviflorus.

Near Cockerton, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

508. Ranunculus hederaceus.

In watery Places, Ditches, and by Springs.

509. Ranunculus aquatilis.

In Ditches and Ponds.

Ranunculus aquatilis, var. β.

In deep Ponds.

510. Trollius europaeus.

In Heaton, Ravensworth, and moat of the other shady Woods of N. and D. Common near Egleston, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

511. Helleborus viridis.

Upon the Banks of the Tees near Whorlton.—Rev. J. Harriman. Near Piercebridge, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

512. Helleborus. faetidus.

Upon the Banks of Tees a little below Winston Bridge, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

513. Caltha palustris.

In Marshes and boggy Places, frequent.


514. Ajuga reptans.

In moist Meadows and Woods.

515. Teucrium Scorodonia.

In Woods and on Hedge Banks.

516. Teucrium Chamaedrys.

On old Hedge Banks near Gateshead Park Engine, D.

517. Nepeta cataria.

On Hedge Banks at Ovingham, Bywell, and the Riding, N. On the Ruins of Langley Hall near Witton Gilbert; and at West Boldon, D. Near Haughton, D.-Mr W. Backhouse, jun.

518. Verbena officinalis.

On the Banks of Tyne at Bywell and the Riding, N. Near Darlington, D.—W. Backhouse, jun. In the West Lane at Chester-le-street, D.-Rev. J. T. Fenwick.

519. Mentha hirsuta, var. α. M. aquatica major et minor. Sole.

On the Banks of Rivulets and Ditches.

Mentha hirsuta, var. ζ. M, rivularis β, γ, et δ, nec α. Sole.

At Prestwick Carr, N.

Mentha hirsuta, var. ε.

At Prestwick Carr, N.

520. Mentha rubra. M. sativa. Sole.

On the Banks of Team near the High Forge, D. On the Banks of the Gaunless in the Bishop's Park, Bishop Auckland, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

521. Mentha gentilis, var. α. M. rubra. Sole.

On the Banks of Team near the High Forge, D. By the Road Side near Winston, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

Mentha gentilis, var. y. M. variegata Sole.

In old Gardens about Towns, but scarcely wild.

522. Mentha arvensis, var. α.

In Corn Fields about Beamish and Cawsey, D.

Mentha arvensis, var. δ.

In Ditches at Prestwick Carr, N.

Mentha arvensis, var. i. M. agrestis. Sole.

In Cawsey Wood near Beamish, D.

523. Mentha Pulegium.

On the Borders of a Pond near Winston, D.

524. Glechoma hederacea.

In Woods and Hedges.

525. Lamium album.

On waste Ground and by Road Sides.

526. Lamium purpureum.

On cultivated Ground and by Hedge Sides.

Lamium purpureum, var. β. L. dissectum.—With.

In waste Places about Darlington, D.-Mr E. Robson.

527. Lamium amplexicaule.

On old Walls near Ovingham, N. On Hedge Banks at East Morton, and at the Salt Meadows near Gateshead, D. Near Darlington, D.-Mr E. Robson.

528. Galeopsis Ladanum.

On Limestone Hills at Fulwell near Sunderland, D. Near Darlington, D.-Mr E. Robson. In Fields near Easington, D.—Rev. J.T. Fenwick.

529. Galeopsis Tetrahit.

In Corn Fields.

530. Galeopsis versicolor.

On the Banks of North Tyne at Low Park End near Nunwick, N. Near Cockerton, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

531 Betonica officinalis.

In Woods and on Hedge Banks.

532. Stachys sylvatica.

In Woods and Hedges.

533. Stachys palustris.

On the Banks of Rivulets.

534. Stachys arvensis.

In Gardens and waste Ground at Hexham, N. On the Ballast Hills of the Tyne and Wear.

535. Ballota nigra.

On waste Ground and Hedge Banks.

Ballota nigra, var. β B. alba.—Sp. Pl.

Near Hartlepool, D.—Rev. J.T. Fenwick.

536. Marrubium vulgare.

On waste Ground near Cullercoats, and on the Rocks and Links at Bambrough Castle, N.

537. Leonurus Cardiaca.

[Near Wycliffe] Rev. J. Harriman.

538. Clinopodium vulgare.

In Woods and Hedges, frequent.

539. Origanum vulgare.

In Woods and on gravelly Banks.

540. Thymus Serpyllum.

On dry Heaths, frequent.

541. Thymus Calamintha.

Near Conscliff, D.—Mr E. Robson.

542. Scutellaria galericulata.

On the Shore of Tyne below St Anthony's, N. On the Banks of Team near Team Bridge and Urpeth, D.

543. Prunella vulgaris.

In Meadows and Pastures.


544. Bartsia alpina.

Near Widdy Bank in Teesdale Forest, D.

545. Bartsia Odontites.

In Meadows, Pastures, and Corn Fields.

546. Rhinanthus Crista-galli.

In Meadows and Pastures.

547. Euphrasia officinalis.

On Heaths and in barren Pastures.

548. Melampyrum pratense.

In Woods.

549. Melampyrum sylvaticum.

On the Banks of Tees above Middleton, as also near Winch Bridge, and in Shipley Wood near Egleston, D.

550. Lathraea Squamaria.

In Shipley and Egleston Woods, D . In Cocken Woods, D.—W. Weighell. Near Piercebridge, D.-W. Backhouse, jun.

551. Pedicularis palustris.

In Marshes and boggy Meadows.

552. Pedicularis sylvatica.

On Heaths and barren Pastures.

553. Antirrhinum spurium.

On Sunderland Ballast Hills.—W. Weighell.

554. Antirrhinum Elatine.

On Sunderland Ballast Hills.—W. Weighell. On Hebburn Ballast Hills, D.

555. Antirrhinum repens.

On Hebburn Ballast Hills, D.

556. Antirrhinum Linaria.

In Hedges and on the Borders of Fields.

557. Antirrhinum minus.

On Fulwell Hills near Sunderland, D.

558. Antirrhinum majus.

Near the Hermitage at Warkworth, N. On the Walls of the Castle at Barnardcastle, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

559, Antirrhinum Orontium.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear.

560. Scrophularia nodosa.

In Woods and Hedges.

561. Scrophularia aquatica.

On the Banks of Rivulets.

562. Digitalis purpurea.

On gravelly Hedge Banks and in Woods.

563. Orobanche major.

In Scots Wood Dean, N. Near Beamish and Derwent Bridge, D. Near Staindrop, D.—Rev, J. Harriman.

564. Orobanche elatior.

In Cawsey Wood, D.


565. Draba verna.

On Walls by Road Sides, and in dry Pastures.

566. Draba incana.

On Limestone Rocks north of Middleton, D. [Upon Cronkley Fell, Teesdale.]

567. Alyssum sativum.

On Ballast Hills and waste Ground.

568. Lepdium latifolium.

On the Cliffs between Prior's Haven and Tynemouth Castle, N. Near Seaton, plentifully; and near Durham Abbey by the Wear, D.-Mr E. Robson.

569. Lepidium ruderale.

On St Anthony's Ballast Hills, N. Near Hartlepool, D.—Mr. Robson.

570. Thlaspi arvense.

In Corn Fields near Gateshead, D.

571. Thlaspi campestre.

In Corn Fields and on Hedge Banks.

572. Thlaspi alpestre.

Near Winch Bridge, Teesdale, D. Near Nentwater, N.

573. Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris.

On waste Ground and by Road Sides.

574. Cochlearia officinalis.

On the Sea Coast and Shores of Wear and Tyne.

Cochlearia officinalis, var. γ, c. groenlandica.—With.

On wet Ground near Whey Sike House,Teesdale, D. In wet Place near Coal Cleugh, N.

575. Cochlearia anglica.

On the Shores of Tyne at the Mouth of Coble Dean near North Shields, N.

576. Cochlearia danica.

On the Sea Coast near Cullercoats, N.

577. Cochlearia Armoracia.

On the Banks of Team near Dunston, D. About Alnwick, N.—Ray. On the Banks of Skern near Darlington.—W. Backhouse, jun.

578. Coronopus Ruellii.

On waste Ground and by Road Sides.

579. Coronopus didyma.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear. Near Hartlepool, D.—Mr E. Robson.

580. Isatis tinctoria.

On the Banks of Wear near Durham Abbey, D. Cultivated near Newburn, N.

581. Bunias Cakile.

On the Sand of the Sea Shore, common.


582. Cardamine hirsuta.

In moist Woods and by Streams.

583. Cardamine pratensis.

In moist Meadows and Pastures.

Cardamine pratensis.—Fl. pl.

On Newcastle Town Moor.

584. Cardamine amara.

moist Woods, not unfrequent.

585. Sisymbrium Nasturtium.

By Rivulets and Springs.

586. Sisymbrium sylvestre.

On the Banks of Team near Redheugh, D. On the Shores of Tyne below Benwell, N.

587. Sisymbrium terrestre.

On the Borders of Prestwick Carr, N. Near Darlington, D.—Mr E. Robson.

588. Sisymbrium tenuifolium.

On Rocks at Tynemouth, and on the Ruins of Tynemouth Castle, N. On the Sea Banks near Marsden Rocks, D.

589. Sisymbrium Sophia.

Near Scots Wood and Ovingham, N. At West Boldon, D.

590. Sisymbrium Irio.

On the Walls of Berwick upon Tweed.

591. Erysimum officinale.

On waste Ground and by Road Sides.

592. Erysimum Barbarea.

By Hedges and on the Banks of Rivulets.

593. Erysimum Alliaria.

In Woods and on Hedge Banks.

594. Erysimum cheiranthoides.

On Sunderland Ballast Hills.—W. Weighell.

595. Cheiranthus fruticulosus.

On Rocks at Tynemouth, N. On Rocks at Southwick near Sunderland, D.

596. Arabis thaliana.

On Walls near Ovingham; near Wooler; and on the Ruins of Shewing Shields Castle, N. On the Ruins of the Roman Station at Lanchester; on the Ruins of Finchale Abbey; and on Walls in Weardale, D.

597. Turritis glabra.

On Walls near Ovingham, N. Near Gainford, D.—Mr W. Backhouse, jun.

598. Turritis hirsuta.

On Painshaw, Cleadon, and Fulwell Hills; in Castle Eden Dean; and near Egleston and Middleton in Teesdale, D.

599. Brassica Napus.

In Corn Fields.

600. Brassica Rapa.

On the Borders of Fields.

601. Brassica oleracea.

On Rocks at Tynemouth Castle, N. Near Monkwearmouth, D.

602. Sinapis arvensis.

In Corn Fields and on waste Ground.

603. Sinapis alba.

In Corn Fields and by Road Sides.

604. Sinapis nigra.

In Corn Fields and on waste Ground.

605. Raphanus Raphanistrum.

In Corn Fields and by Road Sides.


606. Erodium cicutarium.

On Hedge Banks; also on barren sandy Ground on the Sea Coast.

Erodium cicutarium, var. γ. E. pimpinellifolium Wilden.—Sp. pl. vol. iii. p. 630.

On the Sea Shore of N. and D.


607. Geranium sylvaticum.

In Woods and shady Places; also in alpine Meadows.

608. Geranium pratense.

In moist Meadows and on the Banks of Rivulets.

609. Geranium robertianum.

On waste Ground, Walls, and by Hedges.

610. Geranium lucidum.

On Walls and Hedge Banks from Middleton in Teesdale to Darlington, D. By the Road Side between Stanhope and Chapel in Weardale, D. By Hedge Sides at the 21 Mile Stone near Chollerford, N.

611. Geranium molle.

In Meadows and Pastures, frequent.

612. Geranium pusillum.

In Lanes near Darlington, D.

613. Geranium pyrenaicum.

On the Ballast Hills at Hebburn Quay, D.

614. Geranium rotundifolium.

On the Hedge Banks at Salt Meadows near Gateshead, D.

615. Geranium dissectum.

On waste Ground and in fallow Fields.

616. Geranium columbinum.

On Willington Ballast Hills, N. At Arncliff near Darlington, D.—Mr E. Robson.

617. Geranium sanguineum.

At the Lower Part of Castle Eden Dean, D. On the Sand Hills at Hartlepool, D.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick. On the Links near Hartley Pans; at Dunstonbrough; and on Holy Island, N.


618. Malva sylvestris.

On waste Ground and by Road Sides.

619. Malva rotundifolia.

On waste Ground and Rubbish.

620. Malva moscata

On the Borders of Fields, and by Road Sides.


621. Fumaria lutea.

On old Walls at Netherwitton, N.—Mr J. Hogg.

622. Fumaria officinalis.

In Corn Fields, Gardens, and Hedges.

623. Fumaria capreolata.

In Hedges near Gateshead and Monkwearmouth, D.

624. Fumaria claviculata.

In Hedges near Beamish and Greencroft, D. On Rocks between Egleston and Staindrop, D.—Rev. J. Harriman. Among Bushes on the Banks of Ouse Burn and on Newcastle Town Moor, N.


625. Polygala vulgaris.

In barren Pastures and on Heaths.


626. Spartium Scoparium.

On gravelly Banks and in dry Pastures.

627. Genista tinctoria.

In dry Pastures and on the Borders of Fields.

628. Genista anglica.

On Newcastle Town Moor, Gateshead Fell, and other Heaths of N. and D. frequent.

629. Ulex europasus.

On Heaths and uncultivated Ground.

630. Ononis arvensis.

In barren Pastures and on the Borders of Fields.

Ononis arvensis, var. β. O. spinosa.—Sp. Pl.

By Road Sides near Hebburn, D.

Ononis arvensis, var. γ. O. repens.—Sp. Pl.

On sandy Banks on the Sea Coast.

631. Anthyllis vulneraria.

In dry Pastures chiefly on calcareous Soil.

632. Orobus tuberosus.

In heathy Pastures and on Hedge Banks.

633. Lathyrus Aphaca.

On Sunderland Ballast Hills.—W. Weighell.

634. Lathyrus hirsutus.

On Sunderland Ballast Hills.—W. Weighell.

635. Lathyrus pratensis.

In Meadows and Pastures, common.

636. Vicia sylvatica.

In Woods on the Banks of Tyne below Newcastle; in Woods near Hexham; and in Ramshaw and Tecket Woods on the North Tyne; also on the Banks of Irthing near Wardrew Spaw, N. In Woods near Barnardcastle and Whorlton; and in Stotley Gill near Egleston, D.—Rev. J. Harriman. In Castle Eden Dean, D.

637. Vicia Cracca.

In Fields and Hedges, frequent

638. Vicia sativa.

In Meadows and among Corn.

Vicia sativa, var. γ.

On sandy Banks on the Sea Coast.

639. Vicia lathyroides.

On Banks at the Salt Meadows near Gateshead, D.

640. Vicia sepium.

In Fields and Hedges, frequent.

641. Ervum tetraspermum.

In Corn Fields and Meadows, rare. Near Lambton.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick. Near Darlington, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

642. Ervum hirsutum.

In Fields and Meadows.

643. Ornithopus perpusillus.

On Sunderland Ballast Hills.—W. Weighell. On dry Banks near Urpeth, D.—Mr John Hogg.

644. Hedysarum Onobrychis.

On Harton Down Hill, and in Fields near Ryhope, D.

645. Astragalus glycyphyllos.

On the Banks of Tyne above Ovingham, N. On the Banks of Wear near Durham; and at Baydales near Darlington, D. On the Banks of Tees a little below the Abbey Bridge near Barnardcastle, D—Rev. J. Harriman.

646. Astragalus hypoglottis.

On sandy Banks on the Sea Coast near South-Shields and Seaton Carew, D. On the Summit of Ratchiff Crag near Alnwick; and on the Links at Tynemouth, Dunstonbrough, and Holy Island, N.

647. Trifolium officinale.

In Corn Fields near Lumley Castle and Hetton, D.

648. Trifolium repens.

In Meadows and Pastures, frequent.

649. Trifolium subterraneum.

On Sunderland Ballast Hills.—W. Weighell.

650. Trifolium ochroleucum.

On Sunderland Ballast Hills.—W. Weighell.

651. Trifolium medium.

On dry Banks and barren Places.

652. Trifolium maritimum

On Willington Ballast Hills, N.

653. Trifolium arvense.

On the Banks at Friar's Goose near Gateshead, and on Fulwell and Tunstal Hills near Sunderland, D. Near Seaton, D.—Mr W. Backhouse, jun. On the Banks of Till near Wooler, and near Barwesford, N.

654. Trifolium scabrum.

In Bishopwearmonth Paddock near Sunderland, D.—W. Weighell.. On Rocks in Holy Island, N.

655. Trifolium glomeratum.

On the Ballast Hills of Wear.—W. Weighell.

656. Trifolium striatum.

On Banks at Friar's Goose, on Hills near Sunderland, and at Baydales near Darlington, D. On Rocks at Holy Island, N.

657. Trifolium fragiferum.

On the Shores of Tyne below Elswick, N. Near Hartlepool and Seaton, D.—Mr E. Robson.

658. Trifolium procumbens.

In Meadows and Pastures.

659. Trifolium filiforme.

On Fulwell Hills near Sunderland, D.

660. Trifolium minus.

In Meadows and Pastures.

661. Lotus corniculatus.

On dry Banks and Heaths.

Lotus corniculatus, var. β.

On the Sea Coast.

Lotus corniculatus, var. γ.

In moist Woods and Hedges.

Lotus corniculatus, var. δ.

In moist Woods and Hedges.

Lotus corniculatus, var, ε.

On the Sea Coast.

662. Medicago sativa.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear. Near Silksworth, D.—W. Weighell.

663. Medicago lupulina.

In Corn Fields and Meadows.

664. Medicago polymorpha.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear.


665. Hypericum Androsaemum.

Near Birch Carr, Three Miles East of Darlington, D.—Mr W. Backhouse, jun.

666. Hypericum quadrangulum.

On the Banks of Rivers and in moist Meadows.

667. Hypericum perforatum.

In Woods and on Hedge Banks.

668. Hypericum dubium.

Near Middleton In Teesdale, D.

669. Hypericum humifusum.

On Banks in Woods, also on Heaths.

670. Hypericum montanum.

In Ryhope, Dalton, and Castle Eden Deans, D. Near Harrington, D.—W. Weighell.

671. Hypericum hirsutum.

In Woods and Hedges.

672. Hypericum pulchrum.

In Woods and on dry Heaths.


673. Tragopogon pratensis.

In Meadows and Pastures.

674. Picris echioides.

On St Anthony's Ballast Hills, N. Between Stockton and Norton, D.—Mr E. Robson. Near Seaton, D.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick.

675. Picris hieracioides.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear. At the lower End of Horden Dean, D.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick. At Baydales near Darlington, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

676. Sonchus arvensis.

In Corn Fields and by Hedges.

677. Sonchus oleraceus.

In cultivated Ground and among Rubbish.

678. Lactuca virosa.

On the Bank between the Castle at Barnardcastle and the River Tees.—Rev. J. Harriman. Near Cocken.—W. Weighell. By the Road Sides near Harton.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick. By Hedge Sides near Low Team, and near Darlington, D. On the Banks of Tweed above Coldstream Bridge, N.

679. Prenanthes muralis.

On damp Rocks in Woods, and on old Walls.

680. Leontodon Taraxacum.

In Pastures and by Road Sides, everywhere.

681. Hedypnois hispida.

In Meadows and Pastures.

682. Hedypnois hirta.

In Pastures and on Heaths.

683. Hedypnois autumnalis.

In Meadows and Pastures, common.

684. Hieracium pilosella.

On dry Banks and In Pastures.

685. Hieracium murorum.

On Limestone Rocks, and in Woods at Hilton, Ryhope, and Castle Eden, D. Near Barnardcastle, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

686. Hieracium ———

In old Coal Pit Heaps and barren Ground near Gateshead, D.

687. Hieracium paludosum.

In moist Woods and boggy Pastures, common.

688. Hieracium sabaudum.

In shrubby Places and Woods.

689. Hieracium umbellatum.

On the Banks forming the Sea Coast at Rooker's Gill near Monkwearmouth, D.

690. Crepis faetida.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear.

691. Crepis tectorum.

In dry Pastures and on Walls, common.

692. Crepis biennis.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear.

693. Hypochaeris radicata.

In Meadows and Pastures, everywhere.

694. Lapsana communis.

On rubbish and cultivated Ground, frequent.

695. Cichorium Intybus.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear. In Fields near Sunderland. W. Weighhell. Near Milkhouse Bourn, D.—Mr E. Woodhouse. In Fields near Merton House, D.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick.

696. Arctium Lappa.

On waste Ground and by Road Sides.

697. Serratula tinctoria.

In Fields near Walker, N. On the Coast near Whitburn; on Banks and Hedge Sides near Hilton Ferry; and near Winch Bridge, Teesdale, D.

698. Carduus lanceolatus.

In Pastures and by Road Sides, frequent.

699. Carduus nutans.

In fallow Fields and on waste Ground.

700. Carduus acanthoides.

On Rubbish and by Road Sides,—more particularly West from Newcastle.

701. Carduus tenuiflorus.

On the Borders of Fields and by Road Sides, very common.

702. Carduus palustris.

In moist Meadows and Pastures.

703. Carduus arvensis.

In Corn Fields and by Road Sides, common.

704. Carduus marianus.

In Tynemouth Castle Yard, and near Close House, N.

705. Carduus eriophorus.

On Fullwell Hills near Sunderland, D. Near Pittington Hall Garth, D.—Mr E. Robson.

706. Carduus heterophyllus.

On the Banks of Tyne at King's Meadows and opposite Scots Wood. Near Allendale Town; at Shewing Shields; on the Banks of Reed; and at the Foot of Cheviot, N. In Teesdale Forest; in Gibside Woods; in Castle Eden Dean; and near Saltwellside, D.

707. Onopordum Acanthiura.

On Rubbish and by Road Sides.

708. Carlina vulgaris.

In barren gravelly Pastures and on Heaths.

709. Bidens tripartita.

In Ditches at Lamesley; also near Chester-le-Street, and near Durham, D. At Prestwick Carr, N.

710. Bidens cernua.

In Ditches near Chester-le-Street, D. At Prestwick Carr, N.

711. Ettpatorium cannabinum.

In moist Woods and boggy Places.


712. Tanacetum vulgare.

On Borders of Fields and Banks of Rivers.

Tanacetum vulgare, var. β.

In a Lane near Wolsington Hall, N.

713. Artemisia maritima.

On the Shores of Wear near Hilton Castle, D. On the Shores of Tyne at Coble Dean, and at the Mouth of Wall's End Bourn, N.

714. Artemisia Absinthium.

On Rubbish and by Road Sides, frequent.

715. Artemesia vulgaris.

On Rubbish and by Hedges.

716. Gnaphalium dioicum.

In dry heathy Pastures and on Moors.

717. Gnaphalium rectum.

In Woods and sandy Pastures.

718. Gnaphalium uliginosum.

In sandy Places where Water has stood during Winter.

719. Gnaphalium minimum.

On sandy Heaths, frequent.

720. Gnaphalium germanicum.

In Pastures, Corn Fields, and by Road Sides.

721. Erigeron canadense.

On Pallion Ballast Hills.—W. Weighell.

722. Erigeron acre.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear. On the Sand Hills near Hartlepool, D.-Rev. J.T. Fenwick.

723. Tussilago Farfara.

In Corn Fields and by Road Sides.

724. Tussilago hybrida.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr E. Robson. On the Banks of Tyne at the Foot of Scots Wood Dean, N.

725. Tussilago Petasites.

In moist Meadows and on the Banks of Rivers.

726. Senecio vulgaris.

In cultivated Ground and on Rubbish, everywhere.

727. Senecio viscosus.

By Road Sides, on Rubbish, and on the Ballast Hills, not unfrequent.

728. Senecio sylvaticus.

On Hedge Banks near Newcastle; also in Teesdale, D.

729. Senecio tenuifolius.

In Woods and Hedges chiefly on calcareous Soils.

780. Senecio Jacobaea.

In Meadows and Pastures, frequent.

731. Senecio aquaticus.

In Ditches and moist Meadows.

732. Aster Tripolium.

In Salt Marshes on Tyne, Wear, and on the Coast of N. and D. frequent.

733. Solidago Virguarea.

In Woods, on dry Banks, and on Heaths.

Solidago Virgaurea, var. γ. S. cambrica.—Huds.

On the Rocks at Winch Bridge, Teesdale, D.

734. Inula Helenium.

In many Places by the River Tees, D.—Robson's Flora.

735. Inula dysenterica.

In watery Places and by Rivulets, common.

736. Bellis perennis.

In Meadows and Pastures, everywhere.

737. Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum.

In Meadows and Corn Fields.

738. Chrysanthemum segetum.

On the Ballast Hills, and rarely among Corn.

739. Pyrethrum Parthenium.

On waste Places and Hedge Banks.

740. Pyrethrum inodorum.

In Corn fields and by Road Sides.

741. Pyrethrum maritimum.

In a Limestone Quarry on the Coast near Whitburn, D. On Rocks at Dunstonbrough Castle, N.

742. Matricaria Chamomilla.

On Rubbish near Gateshead, and on the Ballast Hills, D. By Hedges about Ponteland, N.

743. Anthemis maritima.

On Sunderland Ballast Hills.—W. Weighell.

744. Anthemis nobilis.

Between Lintz Green Hall and the Turnpike, D.

745. Anthemis arvensis.

In Corn Fields and on Rubbish near Gateshead, D.

746. Anthemis Cotula.

By Road Sides near Harton, D. In Corn Fields in N. and D.

747. Anthemis tinctoria.

By the Road Side near St Anthony's, N. On Sunderland Ballast Hills, D.

748. Achillea Ptarmica.

In moist Meadows, by Hedges, and in Woods.

749. Achillea Millefolium.

In Meadows and Pastures, common.


750. Centaurea nigra.

In Pastures and by Road Sides, everywhere.

Centaurea nigra, var. β.

In Wallbottle Dean, and near the Magazine at Walker, N.

751. Centaurea Cyanus.

In Corn Fields near Minfield Plain, N. Near Conscliff, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

752. Centaurea Seabiosa.

On the Borders of Fields, by Roads, and on Limestone Rocks, D.

753. Centaurea Calcitrapa.

On the West End of St Anthony's Ballast Hills, N.


754. Orchis bifolia.

In Meadows at Beamish, Medomsley, and Egleston, and in Castle Eden Dean, D. Near Woolcoats and Shewing Shields, N. Near Cambo, N.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick.

755. Orchis pyramidales.

In Fields near Fulwell, Houghton-le-Spring, and Castle Eden; on the Coast South of Sunderland; and near Rooker's Gill, D. Near Hartlepool, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

756. Orchis Morio.

In marshy Meadows.

757. Orchis mascula.

In Woods near Newcastle, frequent; also on the Sea Coast South from Shields.

758. Orchis ustulata.

On Fulwell Hills; near Marsden Hall; and in a Pasture by the New Bridge near Chester-le-Street, D. At Baydales, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

759. Orchis latifolia.

In Bogs and marshy Meadows.

Orchis latifolia, var. β.

In Bogs at Prestwick Carr, N.

760. Orchis maculata.

In Woods and marshy Meadows.

761. Orchis conopsea.

In Castle Eden Dean, and in Meadows near Urpeth, Beamish, and Sunderland; also on Moors in Teesdale, D. In Meadows at Shewing Shields, and near Wardrew, N.

762. Satyrium viride.

In Meadows at Lambton, and near Beamish, Urpeth, Castle Eden, and Sunderland, D. Near Middleton in Teesdale.—Rev. J. Harriman. At Gilsland and Shewing Shields, N.

765. Satyrium albidum.

In Pastures at Shewing Shields, N. Near Winch Bridge and between Whey Syke and Widdy Bank, D.

764. Ophrys Nidus avis.

In Wharton Haugh Wood, Cocken, D.—W. Weighell.

765. Ophrys ovata.

In Woods, marshy Meadows, and on the Banks of Hedges.

766. Ophrys cordata.

On Egleston Moor, D.—Rev. J. Harriman. At Gold-Hill near Moggleswick, D.

767. Ophrys muscifera.

In Castle Eden Dean, D. Near Middleton one Row, D.—Mr E. Robson.

768. Ophrys apifera.

On the Sea Coast near Ryhope, and at Rooker's Gill, near Sunderland, D.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick and W. Weighell. At Baydales, D.—Mr E. Robson.

769. Malaxis paludosa.

On Egleston Moor, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

770. Cypripedium calceolus.

In Castle Eden Dean, D.

771. Serapias latifolia.

In Woods, frequent.

772. Serapias palustris.

In Bogs at Hilton and Castle Eden Dean, D. Near Polam, D.—W. Backhouse, jun. In Butterby and Cocken Woods, D.—W. Weighell. Near Low Park End, N.


773. Zannichellia palustris.

In Ditches near Gateshead; also in Ponds near Hilton Castle, D. In Ditches near St Peter's Quay; also in Ponds near St Anthony's, N.


774. Lemna trisulca.

In Ditches near Sunderland, D. In Hell Kettles near Darlington, D.—W. Backhouse, jun. In Ditches near Newcastle, N.

775. Lemna minor.

In Ditches and Pools, frequent.


776. Typha latifolia.

In slow Streams and Pools, frequent.

777. Typha angustifolia.

In the Pond near Friar's Goose, D.

778. Sparganium ramosum.

In Pools and slow Streams.

779. Sparganium simplex.

In Pools and slow Streams.

780. Sparganium natans.

In the Ouse Burn and Prestwick Carr, N. In the River Team, D.

781. Carex dioica.

In Bogs near Hilton Castle, on Beamish Moor, Chester Common, and in Teesdale, D. Near Shewing Shields, and at Prestwick Carr, N.

782. Carex pulicaris.

On Moors and in marshy Meadows.

783. Carex pauciflora.

In a Peat Moss between Twice-brewed Ale and the South-west End of Crag Lake near the Roman Wall, N.—June 29, 1803.

784. Carex stellulata.

On Moors and in marshy Meadows.

785. Carex curta.

Near Edmond-byers and Crook Oak, D. In Teesdale.—Rev. J. Harriman. By Halypike Lake; also near Allenheads, N.

786. Carex ovalis.

On Moors and in marshy Meadows.

787. Carex remota.

In Ravensworth and Cawsey Woods; and in all the Woods on the Derwent, D. In Tecket and Ramshaw Woods, N.

788. Carex arenaria.

On the Sea Shore of N. and D.

789. Carex intermedia.

In Bogs and by slow Streams.

790. Carex muricata.

Near Darlington, D.—Rev. J.T. Fenwick.

791. Carex divulsa.

Near Darlington, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

792. Carex vulpina.

On the Shores of Tyne, Wear, Tees, Skern, &c. N. and D.

793. Carex paniculata.

On Moors and in wet Meadows.

794. Carex pendula.

In Scots Wood and Denton Dean, N. By the Tees near Crofft, D.—W. Backhouse, jun. Near Southwick, and in Cocken and Gibside Woods, D.

795. Carex sylvatica.

In Woods, frequent.

796. Carex capillaris.

Near Widdy Bank in Teesdale Forest, D.

797. Carex pallescens.

Near Beamish and the Hounds, D. At Birch Carr near Darlington.—W. Backhouse, jun. Near Gilsland, N.

798. Carex flava.

In Bogs and wet Meadows.

799. Carex fulva.

In Bogs near South-Shields, and at Hilton, D. At Birch Carr near Darlington.—W. Backhouse,jun. At Prestwick Carr, N.

800. Carex extensa.

In a Marsh above Southwick, and near Waskerly, D, Near Seaton.

801. Carex distans.

In a Marsh near Hilton Castle, D. Near Shewing Shields, N.

802. Carex binervis.

On Moors, frequent.

803. Carex praecox.

On Moors and in moist Meadows.

804. Carex pilulifera.

On Moors and in moist Meadows.

805. Carex rigida.

On the Summit of Cheviot, N.—July 22, 1804.

806. Carex panicea.

On Moors and in marshy Meadows.

807. Carex recurva.

In Woods, Meadows, and Bogs.

808. Carex caepitosa.

On Moors and in wet Meadows.

809. Carex striata.

In the Marsh behind St Anthony's Ballast Hills; on the Banks of Ouse Burn near. Haddrick's Mill; and in Heaton Wood, N. At Hell Kettles, D.-W. Backhouse, jun.

810. Carex acuta.

In the Skern near Darlington.—W. Backhouse, jun.

811. Carex paludosa.

In Bogs and on the Banks of slow Streams.

812. Carex riparia.

In Bogs and on the Banks of slow Streams.

813. Carex vesicaria.

On the Banks of Team; also near Castle Eden and Darlington, D. In Heaton Wood and at Prestwick Carr, N.

814. Carex ampullacea.

On the Banks of Lakes, Rivers, and in Bogs, N. and D.

815. Carex hirta.

In Bogs and marshy Meadows.


816. Littorella lacustris.

At Prestwick Carr, N.

817. Betula alba.

In Woods and Hedges.

Betula alba, var. β.

In Woods.

818. Betula alnus.

On the Banks of Rivers.

819. Urtica pilulifera.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear.

820. Urtica urens.

On Hedge Banks and in waste Places.

821. Urtica dioica.

On cultivated Ground and in waste Places.


822. Bryonia dioica.

In Hedges near Birtley, Gainford, Darlingon, and Bishop-Auckland, B.


823. Myriophyllum spicatum.

In Ponds and Rivulets, frequent.

824. Myriophyllum verticellatum.

At Polam, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

825. Sagittarea sagittifolia.

Near Bellingham and Norton, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

826. Arum maculatum.

In Woods and on Hedge Banks.

827. Poterium Sanguisorba.

On dry Limestone Hills, D.

828. Quercus Robur.

In Woods.

829. Quercus. sissiliflora.

In Woods.

830. Fagus Castanea.

In Woods.

831. Fagus sylvatica.

In Woods.

832. Carpinus Betulus.

In Woods and Hedges.

833. Corylus Avellana.

In Woods and Hedges.


834. Pynus sylvestris.

In Woods and Plantations.


835. Salix Helix.

On the Banks of Rivers, frequent.

836. Salix Forbyana.

On the Banks of Rivers.

837. Salix rubra.

On the Banks of Derwent near Ebchester, D. On the Banks of Tyne near Newburn, N.

838. Salix Croweana Mas.

Near Cambo, N.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick.

Salix Croweana Fern.

Near Egleston in Teesdale, and Burtreeford in Weardale, D. and N.

839. Salix triandra.

On the Banks of Rivers frequent.

840. Salix amygdalina.

In Heaton Wood; in Hedges near Gilsland; at Allen Heads, and on the Banks of Little Cow Lake; also near the Roman Station at Risingham, N. Near Chester-le-Street New Bridge, Beamish, and on the Banks of Derwent, D.

841. Salix Russelliania.

On the Banks of Tees, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

842. Salix pentandra.

In Hedges near Gisland, in Heaton Wood, and on the Banks of North Tyne, N. On the Banks of Wear near Chester New Bridge, D. On the Banks of Tees, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

843. Salix bicolor.

Near Cambo, N.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick. On the Banks of Wear near Lumley Castle, D.

844. Salix vitellina.

On the Banks of Team, D.

845. Salix fragilis.

On the Banks of Rivers.

846. Salix arenaria.

Near Egleston, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

847. Salix argentea.

Near Percy's Cross, N.

848. Salix fusca.

In barren Pastures at Shewing Shields, N. On the Banks of Waskerly Bourn, D.

849. Salix repens.

Oh Newcastle Town Moor, N. On Gateshead Fell, D. &c. &c.

850. Salix rosmarinifolia.

On the Banks of Derwent near Friarside, D.

851. Salix aurita.

In Woods and Hedges.

Salix aurita var. β.

On Moors, frequent.

852. Salix aquatica.

In Woods and Hedges.

853. Salix oleifolia.

0n the Banks of Tyne, Wear, Team, and Derwent, N. and D.

854. Salix caprea.

On the Banks of Rivers, and in Hedges.

855. Salix mollissima.

In Hedges near Prestwick Carr, N.

856. Salix viminalis.

On the Banks of Rivers.

857. Salix alba.

Near Chirton, N.

858. Salix decipiens.—Hoffm.

On the Banks of Tyne, Wear, Team, and Derwent, N. and D.


859. Empetrum nigrum.

On Moors, frequent.


860. Myrica Gale.

On Moors near Harbottle, N.


861. Humulus Lupulus.

On the Banks of Hyshope Bourn, D. In Hedges near Ovingham, Dilston, and Wylam, N.


862. Tamus communis.

In Woods at Hetton, and in Castle Eden Dean, D.


863. Populus alba.

In Woods and Hedges.

864. Populus canescens.

On the Banks of Rivers.

865. Populus tremula.

In Woods and Hedges.

866. Populus nigra.

On the Banks of Rivers.


867. Mercuriales perennis.

In Woods and on Hedge Bank.

868. Mercuriales annua.

In neglected Gardens near Newcastle.


869. Juniperus communis.

On Bede Hills, N. On Lanchester Moor, &c. D. In Woods near Egleston, and above the High Force, D.—Rev. J. Harriman. Near Castle Eden, D.

870. Taxus baccata.

In Castle Eden Dean, and on the Banks of the Derwent above Gibside, D. In Shipley Wood near Egleston, D.—Rev. Jno. Harriman.


871. Atriplex portulacoides.

At the Mouth of Willngton Bourn, N. Near Hartlepool, D.—Mr E. Robson

872. Atriplex laciniata.

On Sea Shores.

873. Atriplex patula.

In waste Places.

Atriplex patula, var. β.

On Sea Shores.

874. Atriplex angustifolia.

In waste Places.

875. Atriplex littoralis.

On Sea Shores.


876. Equisetum sylvaticum.—Bolt Fil. t. 32, 33.

In Woods and fallow Fields.

877. Equisetum arvense.—Curt. Lond. fasc. 4, t. 64. Bolt. Fil. t. 34.

In Woods and fallow Fields.

878. Equisetum palustre.—Bolt. Fil. t. 35.

In Ditches and by slow Streams.

879. Equisetum fluviatile.—Bolt. Fil. t. 36, 37.

In boggy Woods.

880. Equisetum limosum.—Bolt. Fil. t. 38. Eng. Bot. t. 929.

In Ponds and Mill Dams.

881. Equisetum hyemale.—Bolt. Fil. t. 39. Eng. Bot. t. 915.

In Woods.

882. Ophioglossum vulgatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 108. Bolt. Fil. t. 3.

In Meadows near Gateshead.

883. Osmunda Lunarea.—Eng. Bot. t. 318. Bolt. Fil. t. 4.

On the Sea Coast between South Shields and Sunderland. On Lanchester Fell and near the High Force, Teesdale, D.

884. Lycopodium clavatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 224.

On Moors, frequent.

885. Lycopodium Selaginoides.—Eng. Bot. t. 1148.

In Bogs.

886. Lycopodium Selago.—Eng. Bot. t 233.

On Moors.

887. Lycopodium alpinum.—Eng. Bot. t. 234.

On alpine Moors, frequent

888. Polypodium vulgare.—Eng. Bot. t. 1149. Bolt. Fil. t. 18.

In Woods.

889. Polypodium Phegopteris.—Bolt. Fil. t. 20.

In Cawsey Wood, and in Waskerly Bourn, D. On Rocks at the Foot of Cheviot above Langley Ford; also at Shewing Shields, N.

890. Polypodium Dryopteris.—Bolt, Fil. t. 28. Eng. Bot. t. 616.

In Cawsey Wood, Feldon Bourne, Waskerly Bourn, and Howns Wood, D. Above Winch Bridge, Teesdale, D.—Rev. J. Harriman. In Walbottle and Scots Wood Deans; on Rocks at the Foot of Cheviot above Langley Ford; and at Shewing Shields, N.

891. Aspidium Lonchitis. Polypodium Lonchitis.—Bolt. Fil. t. 19. Eng. Bot. t. 797.

In the Fissures of Rocks between Widdy Bank and Caldron Snout, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

892. Aspidium Oreopteris. Polypodium Oreopteris.—Eng. Bot. t. 1019. Polypodium Theylepteris.—Bolt. Fil. t. 22.

In Cawsey Wood, on Gateshead Fell, on Beamish Moor near Urpeth, and on the Banks of Pont, D. At the Foot of Cheviot above Langley Ford, N.

893. Aspidium Filix mas. Polypodium Filix mas.—Eng. Bot. t. 1458. Bolt Fil. t. 24.

In Woods and on Hedge Banks.

894. Aspidium aculeatum. Polypodium aculeatum.—Bolt. Fil. t. 26.

In Woods, frequent.

895. Aspidium lobatum.—Pluk. Phyt. t. 180, f. 3.

In Woods.

896. Aspidium Filix faemina. Polypodium Filix faemina.—Eng. Bot. t. 1459. Bolt Fil. t. 25.

In Woods.

897. Aspidium dilatatum. Polypodium cristatum.—Eng. Bot, t. 1461. Bolt. Fil t. 23.

In Woods.

898. Asplenium Trichomanes.—Eng. Bot. t. 576. Bolt. Fil. t. 13.

In Cawsey and Gibside Woods, and on the Rocks at Boldon, Cleadon, and Castle Eden, D. On the Ruins of Huln Abbey, N.

899. Asplenium viride.—Bolt, Fil t. 14.

Between Widdy Bank and Caldron Snout, D.

900. Asplenium marinum.—Eng. Bot. t. 392. Bolt. Fil. t. 15.

On Rocks by the Coast near Whitburn, D. On Rocks near Seaton, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

901. Asplenium Ruta muraria.—Eng. Bot. t. 150. Bolt. Fil. t. 16.

On Rocks on Boldon Hills and at Castle Eden Dean, and on the Walls near Hilton Castle, D. At the Roman Station near Lanchester, D. On Ovingham Church Walls, and on the Roman Wall at Shewing Shields, N.

902. Asplenium Adiantum nigrum.—Bolt. Fil. t. 17.

On Newcastle Town Walls, and on Rocks at Warkworth Hermitage, N. On Rocks in Cawsey Wood, and near the High Force, Teesdale, D. On Walls at Lumley Castle, D.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick.

Asplenium Adiantum nigrum, var. β.—Pluk. Phyt. t. 282, f. 3.

On Rocks at Cocken, D.

903. Scolopendrium vulgare.-Eng. Bot. t. 1150. Asplenium scolopendrium.—Bolt. Fil. t. 11.

In Benwell Dean, N. In Cawsey and Cocken Woods; in Castle Eden Dean; and on the Roman Station near Lanchester, D.

904. Blechnum boreale.—Eng. Bot. t. 1159. Osmunda spicant.—Bolt. Fil. t. 6.

In Woods and on Moors.

905. Pteris aquiline.—Bolt. Fil. t. 10.

On Moors and in Woods.

906. Pteris crispa.—Eng. Bot. t. 1140. Osmunda crispa.—Bolt. Fil. t. 7.

On Rocks at Crag Lake, and at the Foot of Cheviot above Langley Ford, N. In Waskerly Park, and on Stone Walls in Teesdale Forest, D.

907. Cyathea fragilis. Polypodium fragilis.—Bolt. Fil. t. 27.

In Cawsey Wood; on Walls at Beamish and Stanhope; on Rocks at the Gunner's Pool in Castle Eden Dean; and in Ravensworth Woods, D. On Rocks at Shewing Shields, and near Tecket Water Fall, N.

908. Cyathea dentata. Polypodium dentatum.—Dicks. Crypt. t. 7, f. 1.

On Rocks between Widdy Bank and Caldron Snout, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

909. Pilularia globulifera.—Eng. Bot. t. 521. Bolt. Fil. t. 40.

At Prestwick Carr, N.


910. Sphagnum latifolium.—Eng. Bot. t. 1405.

In Bogs.

911. Sphagnum capillifolium.—Eng. Bot. t. 1406.

In Bogs.

912. Phascum subulatum.—Dill. Musc. t. 32, f. 10.

On Banks near Gateshead, D. On the Roman Wall near Denton Bourn, N.

913. Phascum cuspidatum.—Dill. Musc. t. 32, f. 11.

On Hedge Banks near East Morton, and near Medomsley, D.

914. Gymnostomum truncatulum.———Curt. Lond. fasc. 2, t. 71. Musc. Hibern. t. 1, fig. d. f.

On Walls and Hedge Banks.

915. Gymnostomum intermedium.———Musc. Hibern. t. l, fig. a, c.

In Cawsey Wood on the Bank near the Bridge; also on Walls near the Long Bank between Newcastle and Chester-le-Street. Near Backworth and Killingworth, N.

916. Gymnostomum fasciculare.—Eng. Bot. t. 1245.

On Stones and Rocks in an alpine Rivulet near Edmondbyers, D.

917. Gymnostomum pyriforme. Bryum pyriforme.—Eng. Bot. t. 413.

Near Lemington and Gosforth, N. At Kipp Hill and near Medomsley, D.

918. Gymnostomum ciliatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1175.

Near Waskerley, D. In Teesdale.—Rev. J. Harriman; Eng. Bot. On Trees at Wardrew, N.

919. Splachnum sphaericum—Eng. Bot. t. 785.

At Prestwick Carr, N.

920. Splachnum ampullaceum.—Eng. Bot. t. 144.

At Prestwick Carr, N. On the Heath near Gold Hill, D.

921. Andraea rupestris.—Eng. Bot. t. 1277.

Sent from the County of Durham by Mr E. Robson to Mr Sowerby.—See Eng. Bot.

922. Tetraphis pellucida.—Eng. Bot. t. 1020.

In Ravensworth Wood, and on the Banks of Derwent above Gibside, D.

923. Encalypta vulgaris. Bryum extinctorium.—Eng. Bot. t. 558.

On the Walls of the Roman Station near Lanchester; also on Walls at East Morton and Dawdon Tower, D.

924. Grimmia recurvata.

On dripping Rocks in Cawsey Wood, and on Rocks at Pont Bourn near Hamsterly, D.

925. Grimmia controversa.—Eng. Bot. t. 1367.

In Meadows and on Hedge Banks.

926. Grimmia Dicksoni.—Eng. Bot. t. 1420.

In Meadows and on Hedge Banks.

927. Grimmia recurvirostra.—Eng. Bot. t. 1438.

On Walls in a Lane near Beamish Hall, and on Gateshead Fell, D. Cheviot; also on Walls near West Denton, N.

928. Grimmia heteromalla.

In Feldon Bourn, D.

929. Grimmia homomalla.

In Winlaton Bourn, D. On Cheviot, N.

930. Grimmia maritima.—Musc. Hiber. t. 3, f. 2.

Near Dalton-le-Dale, D.

931. Grimmia rivularis.—Eng. Bot. t. 1345. Musc. Hiber. t. 2, f. 2.

In alpine Rivulets, frequent.

933. Grimmia apocarpa.—Eng. Bot. t. 1134.

On Rocks and in Woods.

933. Dicranum scoparium. Bryum scoparium.—Eng. Bot. t. 354.

On Moors and in Woods.

934. Dicranum majus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1409. Musc. Hiber. t. 4.

In Woods, frequent.

935. Dicranum undulatum. Dicranum polysetum.—Swartz. Musc. Suec. t. 3, f. 5.

On Gateshead and Ravensworth Fells, D.

936. Dicranum fuscessens.—Musc. Hiber. t. 5, f. 1.

On Stone Walls at Muggleswick, and in Waskerly Park and Bourn, IX

937. Dicranum heteromallum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1272.

On Moors and in Woods.

938. Dicranum interruptum.—Dill. t. 47, f. 38.

On Banks near Gateshead, D.

Dicranum flagellare.

In Waskerly Park, D.

939. Dicranum fulvellum.—Dicks. t. 11, f. 1.

On Beamish Moor, D.

940. Dicranum varium.—Eng. Bot. t. 1215.

In Fields and Meadows.

941. Dicranum rigidulum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1439.

On the Banks of Tyne above Gateshead, D. On Clay Banks, not rare.

942. Dicranum aciculare.—Dill. t. 46, f. 25.

On Stones and Rocks in alpine Rivulets, frequent.

Dicranum aciculare, var. β.—Dill. t. 46, f. 26.

In alpine Rivulets.

Dicranum aciculare, var. δ.—Musc. Hiber.

In Hyshope and Waskerly Bourn, D.

943. Dicranum ovale.

On the Banks of Waskerly Bourn, D.

944. Dicranum pulvinatum.—Dill. t. 50, f. 65.

On Want and Hedge Banks.

Dicranum pulvinatum, var. β.—Musc. Hiber. t. 3, f. 1.

On Boldon and Cleadon Hills, D. On the Banks of Derwent near Allansford, N.

945. Dicranum sciuroides.—Dill. t. 41, f. 54.

On Trees near Lamesley, Beamish, Cawsey, &c. D.

946. Dicranum glaucum.—Dill. t. 46, f. 20.

In Bogs on Moors.

947. Dicranum purpureum.—Dill. t. 49, f. 51.

On Walls and Hedge Banks.

Dicranum purpureum, var. β. Bryum tenue.—Dicks.

In Ravensworth Wood, D. Near Allansford, N.

948. Dicranum strictum.—Dill. t. 49, f. 52.

On Gateshead Fell and Beamish Moor, D.

949. Dicranum pellucidum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1346.

In Cawsey Wood, on Beamish Moor, and by the Pont, D. In Scots Wood Dean and at Prestwick Carr, N.

950. Dicranum squarrosum.—Dill. t. 46, f. 54.

On Beamish Moor and on the Banks of Hyshope Bourn, D.

951. Dicranum bryoides. Hypnum bryoides.—Eng. Bot. t. 625.

In Fields, Meadows, and Woods.

952. Dicranum osmundioides. Hypnum asplenioides.—Dicks. t. 5, f. 5.

On the Heath at Prestwick Carr, N.

953. Dicranum taxifolium. Hypnum taxifolium.—Eng. Bot. t. 426.

In Fields, Meadows, and Woods.

954. Dicranum adiantoides. Hypnum adiantoides.—Eng. Bot. t. 264.

In Fields, Meadows, and Woods.

955. Trichostomum capillaceum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1152.

On Cheviot, N. On Boldon Hills, in Bollihope Bourn, also near Stanhope, D.

956. Trichostomum heterostichum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1347.

On Stones in the West of the County of Durham, frequent. On Cheviot and near Wardrew, N.

957. Trichostomum lanugenosum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1348.

On Rocks at Shewing Shields and Cheviot, N. On Moors in Teesdale, and in the North West of the County of Durham, abundant.

958. Trichostomum ericoides.—Dill. t. 47, f. 31.

On Rocks near Cawsey Bridge, and on Gateshead Fell, D. On Cheviot, N.

959. Trichostomum canescens.—Dill. t. 47, f. 272.

On Ravensworth Fell, D.

960. Trichostomum fasciculare.—Dill. t. 47, f. 28.

On Cheviot, N. On Stones near alpine Rivulets in the West of the County of Durham.

961. Trichostomum microcarpon.—Eng. Bot. t. 426.

On Cheviot, N.

962. Trichostomum liniare.—Dicks. t. 8, f. 2.

On Rocks in the Ouse Bourn near Haddrick's Mill, N.

963. Trichostomum fontinaloides. Fontinalis minor.—Eng. Bot. t. 557.

In Dalton Bourn within 100 Yards of the Sea, D.

Trichostomum fontinaloides, var. β. Fontinalis alpina.—Dicks. t. 4, f. 1.

In the Wear near Chester-le-Street New Bridge, D.

964. Tortula rigida. Bryum rigidum.—Eng. Bot. t. 180.

On Walls near Beamish Hall, D.

965. Tortula mucronulata.—Dill. t. 48, f. 49. Eng. Bot. t. 1299.

On Walls near Beamish, D.

966. Tortula unguiculata.—Dill. t. 48, f. 57.

On Walls and Hedge Banks.

967. Tortula fallax.

On Gateshead Fell and Beamish Moor; also near Sunnyside, D.

968. Tortula ruralis.—Dill. t. 45. f. 12.

At Seggerson Heugh, Muggleswick, &c. In the South of the County of Durham, frequent.

969. Tortula subulata.—Eng. Bot. t. 1101.

On Hedge Banks.

970. Tortula muralis.—Dill. t. 45, f. 14.

On Walls.

971. Tortula cuneifolia.-Dill. t. 45, f. 15.

On Painshaw, Boldon, and Cleadon Hills, D.

972. Tortula tortuosa.—Dill. t. 48, f. 40.

On Rocks at Cleadon and Fawdon Slate; also in Bollihope Bourn and near Stanhope, D.

973. Tortula barbata.—Dill. t. 48, f. 48.

On Walls on Newcastle Leases, N.

974. Tortula aristata.—Dicks. t. 11, f. 7.

On Rocks at Dalton-le-Dale, and on the Walls at Dawdon Tower, D.

975. Orthotricmn striatum.—Dill. t. 55, f. 8.

On Trees.

976. Orthotricum affine.—Eng. Bot. t. 1323.

On Trees, frequent.

977. Orthotricum pumilum.—Swartz, Musc. Suec. t. 4, f. 9.

On Trees in Cawsey Wood, and near Hamsterly, D.

978. Orthotricum diaphanum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1324. Musc. Hiber. t. 9, f. 1.

On Trees near Painshaw, Hollenside, and Cawsey, &c. D. Near Jesmond, &c. &c. N.

979. Orthotricum aristatum.—Dicks. t. 10, f. 12. Musc. Hiber. t. 9, f. 2.

On Stones near Medomsley, and on Trees near East Morton, D.

980. Orthotricum rivulare.—Musc. Hiber. t. 8.

In Cawsey Bourn, and on Stones in the Wear at the New Bridge near Chester-le-Street, D.

981. Orthotricum crispum,—Eng. Bot. t. 996.

On Trees.

982. Orthotricum anomalum.—Eng. Bot, t. 1423.

On Rocks near Cleadon and Boldon; also near Saltwellside, D.

985. Orthotricum nudum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1325.

On Stones in the River Wear near Chester-le-Street New Bridge, D.

984. Neckera crispa. Hypnum crispum.—Eng. Bot. t. 617.

In Cawsey, Painshaw, and Friarside Woods. In Castle Eden Dean, and Woods above Derwent Bridge, D, In Woods on the Banks of Irthing near Wardrew, N.

985. Neckera heteromalla.—Eng. Bot. t. 1180.

On Trees near Kibblesworth, D. On Trees at Wardrew, N.

986. Neckera curtipendula.—Eng. Bot. t. 1444.

On Trees in Waskerly Bourn, D.

987. Neckera viticulosa.
Hypnum viticulosum.—Eng. Bot. t. 265.

In Woods and on Limestone Rocks, N. and D.

988. Hypnum polyanthos.—Dill. t. 42, f. 62.

On the Trunks of Trees in Woods.

989. Hypnum sericeum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1445.

On Rocks, Walls, and the Trunks of Trees.

990. Hypnum dendroides.—Dill. t. 40, f. 48.

In Bogs near the Redheugh, and in Cawsey Wood, D. In Woods at Gilsland, D.

991. Hypnum curvatum.—Dill. t. 41, f. 50.

On Trees.

992. Hypnum myosuroides.—Dill. t. 41, f. 51.

In Cawsey and Ravensworth Woods, D.

993. Hypnum nigro viride.

On Rocks in Cawsey Wood, D.

994. Hypnum complanatum.—Dill. t. 34, f. 7.

On Trees in Woods.

995. Hypnum trichomanoides.—Dill. t. 34, f. 8.

In Woods, frequent.

996. Hypnum deriticulatum. Eng. Bot. t. 1260.

In Woods and on Hedge Banks.

997. Hypnum crenulatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1261.

On Trees in Cawsey Wood, and in Waskerly Bourn, D.

998. Hypnum serrulatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1262.

On Trees in Cawsey Wood, D.

999. Hypnum Teesdalii. Hypnum intricatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 202.

Near Medomsley, D.

1000. Hypnum riparium.—Dill. t. 40, f. 44.

In the Water Course of Derwent Coat Forge, D.

1001. Hypnum ruscifolium.—Eng. Bot. t. 1275.

In Rivulets.

1002. Hypnum undulatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1181.

In Woods, frequent.

1003. Hypnuni lucens.—Dill. t. 34, f. 10.

On the Banks of the Wood at Ouse Burn, and in Scots Wood, N. In Cawsey and Ravensworth Woods, D.

1004. Hypnum splendens.—Eng. Bot. t. 1424.

In Woods and on Moors.

1005. Hypnum proliferum.—Dill. t. 35, f. 14. Curt. Lond. fasc. 1, t. 72.

In Woods, frequent.

1006. Hypnum praelongum.—Dill. t. 35, f. 15. A. & C.

In Woods.

Hypnum praelongum, var. β.—Dill. t. 35, f. 15. B.

On Rocks in Cawsey Wood, D.

1007. Hypnum Stokesii.—Musc. Hibern. t. 15, f. 2.

On the Banks of Hyshope Bourn, and in Cawsey Wood, D.

1008. Hypnum alopecurum.———Eng. Bot. t. 1128.

In Cawsey Wood; also in most of the Woods in the West of Durham. In Woods on the Banks of the Irthing near Wardrew, N.

1009. Hypnum stramineum.—Dicks, t. 1, f. 9.

In Springs near Muggleswick, D.

1010. Hypnum confertum.—Dicks. t. 11, f. 14.

On Gateshead Fell, and at Spring Houses near Muggleswick, D.

1011. Hypnum murale. Hypnum confertum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1038.

On Stones in a Rivulet near Ravensworth, D. In Walbottle Dean, N.

1012. Hypnum velutinum.—Dill. t. 42, f. 61.

In Woods.

1013. Hypnum intricatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 222.

In Cawsey and Ravensworth Woods, D. In Scots Wood Dean, N.

1014. Hypnum serpens.—Eng. Bot. t. 1037.

In Woods.

1015. Hypnum tenellum.—Dicks. t. 11, f. 12.

In Cawsey Wood, D.

1016. Hypnum albicans.—Eng. Bot. t, 1300.

On Gateshead Fell, D.

1017. Hypnum plumosum.—Dill. t. 35, f. 16. Musc. Hiber. t. 15, f. 1.

On Stones in Cawsey Wood, and in the Derwent near Derwent Coat, D.

1018. Hypnum implexum.—Musc. Hiber. t. 16. Dill. t. 35, f. 16.

On Stones and in Fields near Gateshead; also in Cawsey Wood, D. In Horsley Wood, N.

1019. Hypnum lutescens.—Eng. Bot. t. 1301.

At Painshaw, and on Boldon and Cleadon Hills, D.

1020. Hypnum purum.—Curt. Lond. fasc. 3, t. 65.

In Woods and on Moors.

1021. Hypnum illicebrum.—Dill. t. 40, f. 46.

On Moors.

1022. Hypnum Schreberi.—Dill. t. 40, f. 47.

In Cawsey Wood, D. On Newcastle Town Moor, &c. N.

1023. Hypnum cuspidatum.———Eng. Bot. t. 1425.

In Bogs.

1024. Hypnum cordifolium.-—Eng. Bot. t. 1447.

On Newcastle Town Moor in old Pit Holes, N. At the Source of Horsleyhope Bourn, D.

1025. Hypnum fluitans.—Eng. Bot. t. 1448. Dill. t. 38, f. 33.

On Gateshead Fell, and on the Moor at Sunnyside near Whickham, D. On Newcastle Town Moor, N.

1026. Hypnum Rutabulum.—Dill. t. 38, f. 59.

On Trees and Hedge Banks; also in Rivulets.

1027. Hypnum striatum.—Dill. t. 38, f. 30.

In Woods.

1028. Hypnum stellatum,—Eng. Bot. t. 1302.

In Bogs on Ravensworth Fell, D. At Prestwick Carr, N.

1029. Hypnum squarrosum.—Dill t. 39, f. 38.

In Woods and on Moors.

1030. Hypnum loreum.—Dill t. 39, f. 40.

In Woods.

1031. Hypnum triquetrum.—Dill t. 38, f. 28.

In Woods and on Moors.

1032. Hypnum rugosum.—Dill. t. 37, f. 24.

At Prestwick Carr, N. On the South Bank of the Derwent near Crook Oak, D.

1033. Hypnum scorpioides.—Eng. Bot. t. 1039.

At Prestwick Carr, N.

1034. Hypnum revolvens.—Swartz. Musc. Suec. t. 7, f. 14.

In the Black Syke near Spring Houses, D.

1035. Hypnum aduncum.—Dill. t. 37, f. 26.

In Bogs in the County of Durham, frequent. At Prestwick Carr, N.

1036. Hypnum uncinatum.

On Gateshead Fell and in Cawsey and Friarside Woods; also near Hilton Castle, D.

1037. Hypnum palustre.—Dill. t. 37, f. 27. A.

In Waskerly Bourn near Wolsingham, D. On the Moor at Sunnyside S.W. from Gateshead, D.

1038. Hypnum fluveatile.—Eng. Bot. t. 1303.

In Pont, Derwent, and the Rivulet in Cawsey Wood, D.

1039. Hypnum alpinum.

In Pont Bourn, D.

1040. Hypnum cupressiforme.—Dill. t. 37, f. 23.

In Woods and on Rocks.

Hypnum cupressiforme, var. β.—Dill. t. 36, f. 22.

On Moors, frequent.

1041. Hypnum commutatum.—Dill. t. 36, f. 19. B. C. D.

In Castle Eden Dean, and on Ravensworth Fell, D.

1042. Hypnum felicinum.—Dill. t. 36, f. 19. A. E. F.

On Moors.

1043. Hypnum molluscum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1327.

On Moors, frequent.

1044. Hypnum abbreviatum, Hedw.

On Stones at Painshaw, and in Dalton Dean; also on the Banks near the Red Heugh, D.

1045. Hypnum chrysophyllum Bridel.

In Ravensworth Woods, D.

1046. Fontinalis antipyretica.—Eng. Bot. t. 359.

In Rivers and Brooks.

1047. Fontinalis squamosa.—Dill. t. 33, f. 3.

In the River Wear near Lumley Castle, D.

1048. Fontinalis capillacea.—Dill. t. 33, f. 5.

In Pools on Gateshead Fell, D.

1049. Funaria hygrometrica. Bryum hygrometricum.—Eng.Bot. t. 342.

On Moors and Hedge Banks.

1050. Bartramia pomiformis.—Eng. Bot. t. 998.

On Hedge Banks near Gateshead, Gibside, and Bosty Bank, D.

1051. Bartramia crispa.—Swartz. Musc. Suec. p. 73.

On Rocks at Shewing Shields, and on Cheviot, N. On Redwell Hills near Pontopike; in Waskerly Bourn; also in Feldon Bourn, D.

1052. Bartramia ithyphylla.

On Cheviot and in Allendale, N. Near Edmond Byers and at Healy Field, D.

1053. Bartramia arcuata.—Eng. Bot. t. 1237.

On the Moor near Feldon Lead Mill, D.

1054. Bartramia fontana. Bryum fontanum.—Eng. Bot. t. 390.

In Bogs.

1055. Mnium androgynum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1238.

At Prestwick Carr, N. In Cawsey Wood and Waskerly Bourn, D.

1056. Mnium palustre. Bryum palustre.—Eng. Bot. t. 391.

In Bogs and Marshes.

1057. Bryum nutans.—Eng. Bot. t. 1240.

At Prestwick Carr, and on Newcastle Town Moor, N. In Bogs near the Redheugh, D.

1058. Bryum trichodes.—Dill. t. 49, f. 58.

In Bogs near Feldon Lead Mill, and in Nuckton Bourn, D.

1059. Bryum carneum.—Eng. Bot. t. 360.

On boggy Ground near the Redheugh, D.

1060. Bryum caespetitium.—Curt. Lond. fasc. 3, t. 67, f. 1.

On Walls and Hedge Banks.

1061. Bryum bicolor.—Musc. Hiber. t. 4, f. 2.

On Gateshead Fell, and near Medomsley; also near Healy Field, D. Near Allansford, and at Prestwick Carr, N.

1062. Bryum argenteum.—Curt. Lond. fasc. 3, t. 67, f. 2.

On Hedge Banks.

1063. Bryum capillare.—Dill. t. 50, f. 67.

In Bogs, Woods, &c.

1064. Bryum annotinum.—Dill. Musc. t. 50, f.68.

At Prestwick Carr, N.

1065. Bryum hornum.—Curt. Lond. fasc. 1, t. 71.

In Woods.

1066. Bryum crudum.—Dill, t. 51, f. 70.

On the Banks of Nuckton Bourn, D.

1067. Bryum nigricans.—Dicks. t. 11, f. 10.

In Bogs near the Redheugh, and at Feldon Bourn; also on the Banks of Nuckton Bourn, D.

1068. Bryum ventricosum.—Dill. t. 5l, f. 72.

In Bogs near the Redheugh, and on Beamish Moor, D. At Prestwick Carr,N. In Holliwell Moss, D. and N.

1069. Bryum bimum.—Dill. t. 51, f. 73.

In Bogs near the Redheugh, D. At Prestwick Carr, N. In Holliwell Moss, D. and N.

1070. Bryum turbinatum.—Dill. t. 51, f. 74.

At Prestwick Carr, and in Scots Wood, N. On Beamish Moor, and in Cawsey and Ravensworth Woods, D.

1071. Bryum cuspidatum.—Dill. t. 53, f, 79.

In Woods.

1072. Bryum punctatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1183.

In shady Woods, frequent.

1073. Bryum rostrutum.—Dill. t. 53, f. 80. Eng. Bot. t. 1475.

In Waskerly Bourn near Wolsingham, D.

1074. Bryum roseum.—Dill. t. 52, f. 77.

In Ravensworth and Cawsey Woods, D. In Scots Wood, and Wallbottle Dean, N.

1075. Brymn ligulatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1449. Dill. t. 52, f. 76.

In Woods, frequent.

1076. Polytrichum commune.—Eng. Bot. t. 1197.

In Bogs.

1077. Polytrichum piliferum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1199.

On Moors.

1078. Polytrichmn juniperinum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1200.

On Moors.

1079. Polytrichum alpinum.—Dill. t. 53, f. 4.

On Cheviot, N.

1080. Polytrichum urnigerum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1218.

On wet sandy Banks in the County of Durham, frequent. On Cheviot, N.

1081. Polytrichum subrotundum. Polytrichum pumilum.—Swartz Musc. Suec. t. 9, f. 18.

On Newcastle Town Moor, N.

1082. Polytrichum nanum. Polytrichum subrotundum.—Curt. Lond. fasc. 2, t. 68.

On Moors near Stanhope, D.

1083. Polytrichum aloides.—Dill. Musc. t. 55, f. 7.

On Clay Banks, frequent, D. and N.

1084. Polytrichum undulatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1220.

On Hedge Banks.

A D D E N D A.

25. Salvia verbenaca.

On the Banks of Hawthorn Dean near Sailor's Hall, D.

35. Schaenus nigricans.

In Bogs near Murton Moor, D.

183. Lithospermum officinale.

In Dalton Dean, D.

192. Primula elatior.

In Dalton Dean, D.

194. Primula farinosa.

In Bogs near East Murton, and Dalton-le-Dale, D.

209. Viola odorata.

On Hedge Banks at Hetton-le-Hole, and Dalton-le-Dale, D.

218. Atropa Bella donna.

On the Banks of Wooler Water, near Wooler, N.

223. Chironia littoralis.—MSS. Dawson Turner, Esq.Vide page 22.

230. Ribes alpinum.

In Hedges near Merton House, D.—Rev. J. T. Fenwick.

283. Scandix odorata.

In Dalton Dean, D.

338. Rumex sanguineus.

In Pastures near Merton House, D.—Rev. J.T. Fenwick.

369. Daphne Laureola.

In Dalton Dean, D.

371. Acer campestre.

In Hedges near Sunderland and Norton, D.

382. Paris quadrifolia.

In Hawthorn Dean, D.

391. Saxifraga stellaris.

On Moors near Beldon Bourn, N. and D.

394. Saxifraga tridactylites.

On limestone Rocks near Dalton Field House, D.

405. Silene nodiflora.

In Meadows bordering on Gateshead Fell, D.

421. Sedum reflexum.

On Walls at Crook Oak, N.

475. Geum rivale, var. β

In Hedges near Norton, D.

491 Aquilegia vulgaris.

In Dalton Dean, D.

582. Cheiranthus fruticulosus.

On the Ruins of Dawdon Hall, D.

616. Geranium columbinum.

On Cleadon Hills, D.

617. Geranium sanguineum.

On the Sea-coast below Easington, D.

670. Hypericum montanum.

In Hawthorn Dean, D.

741. Pyrethrum maritimum.

On Rocks below Hawthorn Dean, D.

763. Satyrium albidum.

On the Banks of Nuckton Bourn, D.

766. Ophrys cordata.

On Moors near Beldon Bourn, N. and D.

797. Carex pallescens.

On the Banks of Nuckton Bourn, D.

816. Litorella lacustris.

On the Shores of Bromley and Greenly Lake, N.

837. Salix rubra.

On the Banks of Wear near Chester-le-Street, D.

838. Salix Croweania.

On the Banks of Nuckton Bourn, D.

842. Salix pentandra.

In Hedges near Norton, D.

862. Tamus communis.

In Dalton and Hawthorn Deans, D.

916. Gymnostomum fasciculare.

On boggy Ground near the Redheugh, D.

919. Splachnum sphaericum.

In Bogs on Holliwell Moss, D. and N.

928. Grimmia heteromalla.

On the Banks of Beldon Bourn, N.; and of Nuckton Bourn, D.

935. Dicranum undulatum.

In Bogs near Feldon Lead Mill, D.

952. Dicranum osmundaceum.

In Bogs on Moors near Blanchland, N.

959. Trichostomum canescens.

On the Banks of Beldon Bourn, D. and N.

1017. Hypnum plumosum.

On the Banks of Derwent above Blanchland, N.

1036. Hypnum uncinatum.

In Bogs near Blanchland, N. and D.

1085. Salix nigricans.

On the Banks of Ntickton Bourn, D.

1086. Salix Dicksoniana.—Eng. Bot. t. 1390.

On the Banks of Nuckton Bourn, D.

1087. Salix venulosa.

On the Banks of Nuckton Bourn, D.

1088. Salix acuminata.—Eng. Bot. t. 1434.

On the Banks of Irthing at Gilsland, N. On the Banks of Nuckton Bourn, D.

1089. Splachnum squarrosum.—Vide Muse. Hiber. p. 6.

In Bogs, frequent.

1090. Gymnostomum ———

On the Banks of Rivulets near Edmond Byers, D.

1091. Gymnostomum Heimii.

In Meadows near Beamish, D.

1092. Gymnostomum miscrostomum.

In Fields near Gateshead, D.

1093. Andraea alpina.—Eng. Bot. t. 1278. Dill Musc. t. 73, f. 39.

On Rocks and Stones in Nuckton Bourn, D.

1094. Grimmia verticillata.—Dill. t. 47, f. 35. Eng. Bot. t. 1258.

On the Banks of Dillswater, N.

1095. Grimmia acuta.—Dill. t. 47, f. 34.

On the Banks of Beldon Bourn above Blanchland, N.

1096. Dicranum flexuosum.—Dill. t. 47, f. 33. A. E.

On the Heath at Prestwick Carr, N. On Hollywell Moss between Beldon and Nuckton Bourns, N. and D.

1097. Dicranum virens.—Eng. Bot. t. 1462.

On Moors at the Head of Derwent, N. and D.

1098. Bryum dealbatum.—Dicks. t. 5, f. 3. Meesia dealbata.—Swartz Musc. Suec. t. 5, f. 10.

On the Banks of Feldon and Nuckton Bourns, D.; and of Beldon Bourn, N.

1099. Bryum aristatum.—Sp. Nov. MSS. of Dawson Turner, Esq.

On Walls near Elswick, N.

Finis partis primae.


To which is added




Gateshead upon Tyne:



P R E F A C E.

SINCE publishing the first part of this litte work the surviving Editors have been furnished with a list of phoenogamous Plants, indigenous to the county of Durham, by the Rev. J. Symons, F.L.S. and Mr. F. Scott having communicated the result of his botanic researches in the vicinity of Hexham, a copious Addenda has been formed from these materials. Nor should they omit to mention the assistance afforded by Mr. R. Wilson, of Medomsley; who, through the medium of numerous and correct drawings, has enabled them to ascertain many species of Fungi, which, from their evanescent nature, could only have been identified by these means. To these correspondents they acknowledge great obligations: and for the new and valuable observations of the Rev. J. Harriman, on many species of those obscure tribes of Plants formerly known by the generic name of Lichen, (being the result of long experience, and confirmed by Swedish specimens, presented by Dr. Swartz) they feel themselves particularly indebted.

In this place it may not be improper also to observe, that the Editors would have benefited by a judicious hint in the 4th. volume of Aikin's Review, at page 790, relative to three or four nondescript Plants, mentioned in the former part of their work; but the present season of the year precludes specific description from recent specimens, and an attempt to describe from dried ones might, in some respects, tend to mislead future Botanists. Under these circumstances, a few general observations, with respect to habit, &c. are all they shall now offer.

No. 1102. Festuca Glauca.—Turner's Botanist's Guide, p. 242. The roots of this Plant extend to a considerable distance in the loose sand of our sea coast: its narrow, involute, sharp-pointed leaves, form matted tufts, from which a few stiff reed-like flower-stems spring to the height of from twelve to eighteen inches, and bear a panicle compact when in flower, but afterwards, becoming loose and spreading by the elongation of the flower-stalks: its numerous spikets are composed of from seven to eleven florets terminated, by very short awns. Glaucus green is constantly the colour of the whole Plant. Festuca rubra, which it resembles more than any other Grass, has a much slenderer flower stem, upright panicle, fewer spikets, flowers from five to seven, glumes terminated by long awns; and, wherever we have observed it, is constantly tinged with a red hue.

All the habitats of Festuca rubra, p. 11. belong to Festuca glauca, with the exception of the coast on Holy Island, N.

No. 223. Chironia littoralis.—Turner's Botanist's Guide, p. 469. This Plant never exceeds three inches in height; its stems are erect, unbranched, stiff, bearing numerous sessile flowers. The segments of the corolla are obtuse, and the flowers much larger and more beautiful than those of Chironia centaurium, and are arranged in a dense corymbus. The leaves are numerous, three-nerved, between oblong and linear, the radicle not exceeding the floral, or those of the stem in size. It flowers from three weeks to a month before Chironia centaurium.

Gathered in abundance on the Links south of Bamborough Castle, and on Holy Island, N.— June, 19 and 20, 1804.

No. 321. Juncus——, Though this Plant did not agree very well with the description of Juncus acutus in Flora Britannica, yet unwilling to admit a new species into our catalogue until we were confident of its being so, we adoped that Synonym: but specimens communicated by Mr. D. Turner, from Swansea, and the figures at p. 1614. and 1725. in English Botany, have convinced us of our error. The thickness of its culm does not much exceed that of Juncus maritimus, and is terminated by a slender leaf, from nine to ten inches in length: the flowers are few in number, supported by flower stalks from one to seven inches long, not. stiff and erect, as in that Plant. Never having seen this species in the recent state, we are unable to point out other differences be tween it and Juncus maritimus, which it more nearly resembles than Juncus acutus.

Near Hartlepool, D.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun,

No. 361. Epilobium.——,

In Ray's Synopsis, Cheviot is mentioned as a habitat of Epilobium alpinum, and in searching for that species this Plant was discovered. On the side of a rivulet, springing near the summit of the mountain, its height was only four inches, but near the base exceeded eighteen; and cultivated in a situation not altogether dissimilar, its wild habitat is still retained.

In winter it is not deciduous, but forms widespreading matted tufts of small leaves, among which fibrous roots shout out, as in proliferous Plants. The flower-stems are partially decumbent cylindrical, at first simple, afterwards much branched, and furnished with numerous eliptical, slightly-toothed, soft leaves; the flowers are few and the style undivided.

Dr. Smith informs us, that he observed this Plant on the Glaciers of Chamouni, in Savoy. Would not the trivial name caespitosum express its mode of growth?

On Cheviot,—June 23, 1804.

No. 459. Rosa.—We have Dr. Smith's authority for considering this Plant distinct from Rosa tomentosa. Its leaflets are densely covered with down; aculei long and straight; flowers numerous, large, and always white, tinged with red at the extremity of the petals: its fruit is large, in shape rather resembling that of Rosa villosa, than of Rosa tomentosa.

In lanes between High and Low Team, and in hedges at Bensham, D.—July,——1804. In the lane leading from Denton Bourn to Scots-Wood, N.—July, 1797.

No. 686. Hieracium——,

H. murorum, Var. γ. Fl. Brit. 831.

H. sylvaticum—With. 687. Hull. 176.

By a Note at page 706. in Tumer’s Botanist's Guide, we observe that the late Mr. Teesdale considered the spotted variety of this Plant distinct from Hieracium murorum, finding it to be reproduced from seed, for many successive years, without variation: and, from our own experience, we know this feet to be correct. In our neighbourhood, however, the Plant, when in a wild state, is without spotted leaves; and we strongly suspect it to be Hieracium sylvaticum of Withering and Hull, agreeing in every particular with the descriptions of those Authors.

Grows on the Banks of Hedges and old Pit Heaps, in. the the vicinity of Gateshead, D.

As a considerable number of British Lichens are now, for the first time, arranged according to the Methodus Lichenum of Acharius, the Editors flatter themselves that this part of their publication will prove acceptable to scientific Botanists; and the Index of English Names, to such as merely wish to be acquainted with the more obvious Plants comprised in the Northumberland and Durham Flora.


Newcastle, April 22, 1807.


Vol. I. Page iv. line 6, for ornithogelum, read ornithogalum.

10, 16 and 18, for Cynosorus read Cynosurus.

66, 7, for Malva moscata read Malva moschata.

76, 13, for Artemesia read Artemisia.

87, 14, for Saggitarea read Saggitaria.

95. 5, for Lunarea read Lunaria.

96, 9, for Theylepteris read Thelypteris.

88, 4, for sissiliflora read sessiliflora.

93, 1 and 13, for Monoecia Polygamia read Polygamia Monoecia.

106, 11, &c. for Orthotricum read Orthotrichum.

110, 20, for illicebrum read illecebrum.

114, 16, for Bryum caespetitium read caespititium.

115, 26, for Bryum rostrutum read rostratum.

121, 18, for Salix Croweania read Salix Croweana.

121, 14, for Litorella read Littorella.

122, 21, for Splachnum read Sphagnum.

Vol. II. Page 10, line 12, for the Banks at Derwent read of Derwent

29, 20, for quadricolar read quadricolor.

29, 20, for botroyoides read botryoides, and add With.

48, 27, for pyxidalus read pyxidatus.

N.B. Waskerley Bourn, in Vol. I. and Westcrow Bourn, in Vol. II. are only different names for the same place.



5. Chara flexilis. Near Darlington—Mr W. Backhouse, jun.
6. Zostera marina. On Whitburn Beach, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.
14. Veronica Anagallis. In Whitburn Moor Lane, D.—Ditto.
15. Veronica scutellata. Near Castle Eden, D.—Ditto.
30. Valeriana Locusta. Near Whitburn, D.—Ditto.
44. Scirpus fluitans. In a Rivulet near Cleadon, D.
50. Eriophorum polystachion. In Bogs on the North Side of West Crow Bourn, above Wolsingham, D.
66. Agrostis vulgaris, var. γ.

This Plant is an annual. Can it be a Variety of A. vulgaris? On Moors near Knitsley, and in Alpine Pastures near Hamsterley, D.

68. Agrostis alba.

On the Sea Coast, N. and D.

74. Aira caryophyllea.

In Fields near Hexham Fell, N.—Mr F. Scott.

79. Melica nutans.

In Cocken Woods, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

86. Poa procumbens.

Near Fulwell. In Byers Quarry, near Whitburn, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

87. Poa rigida.

At the Lizards, near Whitburn, D.—Ditto.

88. Poa compressa.

Near the White Lead Factory, above Skinner's Bourn, Newcastle.—Mr Wm. Robertson.

93. Poa nemoralis.

In Cocken Woods, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

111. Bromus racemosus.

On the Banks of Team, near the High Forge, D.

117. Avena fatua.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr W. Brunton, jun.

123. Arundo epigejos.

On the Banks of North Tyne, near Warden Mill, N.

131. Elymus europaeus.

On the East Bank of West Crow Bourn, four Miles North of Wolsingham, D.

134. Hordeum maritimum.

Near Hartlepool, D.—Rev. J. Dalton.

138. Triticum loliaceum.

Near Hartlepool, D.—Rev. J. Dalton.

143. Scabiosa columbaria.

On Warden Hills, near Hexham, N.—Mr F. Scott.

150. Galium tricorne.

Near Teasmouth, D.-Mr Jansen.

153. Galium boreale.

On the Banks of North Tyne, near Warden Mill, N.

167. Potamogeton heterophyllum.

In Pools near West Crow Bourn, North of Wolsingham, D.

175. Potamogeton pectinatum. var. β.

In Salt Marshes, near Hilton, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

179. Sagina erecta.

In Gravel Pits on Durham Moor. Ditto.

186. Pulmonaria officinalis.

In a Wood at Howick, N.—Rev. J. Dodd.

192. Primula elatior.

At Sniperley, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun. On the Spittle Grounds, near Hexham, N.—Mr F. Scott.

196, Hottonia palustris.

In a Pool below East Boldon, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

206. Campanula hybrida.

In Corn Fields at Tunstall Hills, near Sunderland, D.—Mr W. Backhouse, jun.

207. Jasione montana.

On the Banks of Hedges near Haltwhistle, N.—Mr. F. Scott.

209. Viola odorata.

On Hedge Banks, near Hexham, Mr F. Scott.

210. Viola palustris.

On marshy Ground, in East Common Wood, near Hexham, N.—Ditto.

213. Viola lutea.

In Boldon Bourn, N.

214. Verbascum Thapsus.

By Road Sides, near East Harrington, D.—Rev. F. Symons, jun

218. Atropa Belladonna.

Near Pierce Bridge, D.—Mr E. Robson.

238. Vinca minor.

In Hilton Lane, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

240. Chenopodium urbicum.

Near Field Houses, Durham.—Ditto.

245. Chenopodium glaucum.

In Fulwell Lane, D.—Ditto.

254. Gentiana Amarella.

On Lizard Hills, and near Ryhope, D.

257. Eryngium campestre.

On Sunderland Ballast Hills, D.

259. Hydrocotyle inundata.

In Swamps, near Bears Park, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

276. Sison amomum.

On Ballast Hills, near Southwick, D.—

281. Phellandrium aquaticum.

In Swamps, near Bears Park, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

294. Pimpinella magna.

At West Dipton, near Hexham, N.—Mr F. Scott.

310. Galanthus nivalis.

On the Lambshield Banks, near Hexham, N.—Ditto.

317. Ornithogalum luteum.

On Widehaugh Bank, near Hexham, N.—Ditto.

320. Convallaria majalis.

At Warden Mill, near Hexham, N.—Ditto.

335. Berberis vulgaris.

At Bears Park, D.—J. Symons, jun.

343. Rumex maritimus.

On Sunderland Ballast Hills, D.—Ditto.

350. Triglochin maritimum.

On the Coast near Ryhope and Seaton, D.

353. Alisma ranunculoides.

In Whitburn Moor Lane, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

354. Trientalis europaea.

Near Butsfield and Spring Houses. In Muggleswick Park. D.—Mr R. Wilson.

355. Epilobium augustifolium.

On the Banks of Derwent, near Blanchland, N.

364. Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea.

In East Common Wood, and on the Banks at West Dipton, near Hexham, N.—Mr F. Scott.

365. Vaccinium Oxycoccus.

In Mosses North of Gunnerton Crags, N.—Ditto.

382. Paris quadrifolia.

In Raby Park, D. In Woods, near Hexham, N.—Ditto.

384. Butomus umbellatus.

In the Browney, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

385. Andromeda polifolia.

On the Muckle Moss on the North Side of the Roman Wall, West of Shewing Shields, N.—Mr F. Scott.

386. Arbutus Uva-ursi.

On Acton Cleugh,5 Miles North of Blanchland, N.—Mr William Richardson.

387. Pyrola rotundifolia.

In Gibside Woods, D.—Mr E. Woodhouse. At Birch Car, D.—Mr Jansen.

388. Pyrola minor.

In East Common Wood, near Hexham, N.

391. Saxifraga stellaris.

In Beldon Bourne N.

393. Saxifraga granulata.

On Widehaugh Banks, near Hexham, N.—Mr F. Scott.

397. Scleranthus perennis.

On Durham Moor.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

400. Dianthus deltoides.

On the High Pastures above Gunnerston Crags, N.—Mr F. Scott.

417. Sedum Telephium.

On the Banks of Hedges, near Hexham, N.—Ditto.

421. Sedum reflexum.

On Rocks at Cocken, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

433. Lythrum Salicaria.

on the Banks of the Browney, D.—Ditto.

436. Reseda lutea.

Near Monkwearmouth, D.—Ditto.

444. Prunus Cerasus. var. β.

In Woods about Durham.—Ditto.

445. Prunus domestica.

Near Witton-Gilbert, D.—Ditto.

452. Spiraea Filipendula.

In Byers Quarry Field, near Whitburn, D.—Ditto.

462. Rubus corylifolius.

In Boldon Lane, D.—Ditto.

464. Rubus saxatilis.

On the Banks at West Dipton, near Hexham, N.—Mr F. Scott.

471. Potentilla aurea.

Near Corbridge Mill, N.—Ditto.

480. Papaver hybridum.

By the Road Side near Fulwell Turnpike-gate. D.

485 Nymphaea lutea.

In the Skirn, near Darlington, D. Rev. J. Symons, jun.

489. Cistus Helianthemum.

On the Lizard Hills, D. Near Warden Mill, N. —Mr F. Scott.

490. Delphinium Consolida.

In a Limestone Quarry, near Bishopwearmouth, D. —Mr W. Backhouse, jun.

507. Ranunculus parviflorus.

By the Road Side between Cockerton and Newton, D.—Ditto.

517. Nepeta cataria.

On Tyne Green, near Hexham, N.—Mr F. Scott. Also near Chirton, N.

518. Verbena officinalis.

Near Corbridge Mill, N.—Ditto.

522. Mentha arvensis.

Near Darlington, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

527. Lamium amplexicaule.

Near Whitburn, D.—Ditto.

534. Stachys arvensis.

In neglected Gardens, near Barras Bridge, Newcastle.

536. Marrubium vulgare.

On the Island at Hexham Bridge, N.—Mr F. Scott.

541. Thymus Calamintha.

Near Gateshead Ropery, D.—Mr W. Robertson.

549. Melampyrum sylvaticum.

In Woods near Hexham, N.—Mr F. Scott.

563. Orobanche major.

In East Common Wood, near Hexham, N.—Ditto.

568. Lepidium latifolium.

On the Banks of Hedges, at the Hermitage, near Hexham, N.—Ditto.

579. Coronopus didyma.

By the Wear, above Sunderland, D.—Mr E. Robson.

597. Turritis glabra.

On the Banks of Hedges between Alnwick Grange and Corbridge, N.—Mr F. Scott.

598. Turritis hirsuta.

On the Banks of Hedges between Alnwick Grange and Corbridge, N.—Ditto.

610. Geranium lucidum.

At Cocken, D. Rev. J. Symons, jun.

612. Geranium pusillum.

In the Lane near Alnwick Grange, N.—Mr F. Scott.

614. Geranium rotundifolium.

By the Wear, near Sunderland, D.—Mr E. Robson. In the Lane near Alnwick Grange, near Hexham, N.—Mr F. Scott.

616. Geranium columbinum.

In the Lane near Alnwick Grange, N.—Ditto.

623. Fumaria capreolata.

On the Oak Wood Banks, near Hexham, N.—Mr F. Scott.

645. Astragalus glycyphyllos.

At the Hermitage, near Hexham, N.—Ditto.

646. Astragalus hypoglottis.

On the Sea Coast, near Whitburn, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

662. Medicago sativa.

Near Croft, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

674. Picris echioides.

On Cleadon Hills, and near Suta Point, D.-Ditto.

689. Hieracium umbellatum.

On the North Bank of Roco Battery, near Monkwearmouth, D.—Ditto.

692. Crepis biennis.

In Cornfields, near Team, D.

695. Cichorium Intybus.

Near Snipperly, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

697. Serratula tinctoria.

On the Banks at West Dipton, near Hexham, N.—Mr F. Scott. On Cleadon Hills, D.

704. Carduus marianus.

At Haughton, D.—Mr W. Backhouse, jun.

706. Carduus heterophyllus.

By the Road Side, near Haltwhistle, N.—Ditto.

709. Bidens tripartita.

In a Ditch near Corbridge Mill, N.-Mr F. Scott.

722. Erigeron acre.

At Fawdon Slate, and Byers Quarry. On the Coast, near Whitburn, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

724. Tussiago hybrida.

On the Banks at Derwent, at Derwent Heugh, D.

738. Chrysanthemum segetum.

In Corn Fields, near Haltwhistle, N.-Mr F. Scott.

752. Centaurea Scabiosa.

In Fields between Alnwick Grange and Corbridge, N.—Ditto.

753. Centaurea Calcitrapa.

On Sunderland Ballast Hills, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

755. Orchis pyramidales.

On the Coast near Whitburn, D.—Ditto.

762. Satyrium viride.

In Meadows near Blanchland, N.

763. Satyrium albidum.

In Pastures near Baybridge, above Blanchland, N.

766. Ophrys cordata.

On the Banks of Beldon Bourn, N

768. Ophrys apifera.

On the Bank by Roco Battery, near Monkwearmouth, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

773. Zannichellia pahistris.

In Ponds near Monkwearmouth, Ditto.

774. Lemna trisulca.

In Ditches on Boldon Hills, Ditto.

777. Typha angustifolia.

In a large Pond, near the Road to Neisham, D.—Mr J. Janson.

781. Carex dioica.

On Moors near Blanchland, N.

785. Carex curta.

In Bogs in Beldon Bourn, N.

792. Carex vulpina.

On the Banks of West Crow Bourn, D.

794. Carex pendula.

On the Banks of Team, above Urpeth, D.

799. Carex fulva.

In Bogs on the Banks of West Crow, and Nuckton, D.

800. Carex extensa.

Near Hartlepool, D.—Rev. J. Dalton.

809. Carex striata.

In Bogs near West Crow Bourn, D.

837. Salix rubra.

At Morton Cars, D.—Mr J. Jansen.

838. Salix Croweana. Mas. and Fem.

On the Banks of Derwent, and of Beldon Bourn, above Blanchland, N. Also near Darlington.—Mr W. Backhouse.

841. Salix Russelliana.

Near Haughton and Cockerton, D.—Mr J. Jansen.

843. Salix bicolor.

On the Banks of Derwent, of Beldon and Nuckton Bourns, above Blanchland, N. and D.

844. Salix vitellina.

At Morton Cars, D.—Mr J. Jansen.

847. Salix argentea.

At Birch Car, D.—Ditto.

848. Salix fusca.

At Birch Car, D.—Ditto.

855. Salix mollissima.

At Chirton, H.

857. Salix alba.

Near Darlington, N.

861. Humulus Lupulus.

In Hedges near Hexham, N.—Mr F. Scott.

869. Juniperus communis.

On the Banks at West Dipton, near Hexham, N.—Ditto.

883. Osmunda Lunarea.

On Hexham Fell, and at Brady's Crags, near Saint Oswald, N.—Mr. F. Scott. In Fields West of Blanchland, N.

889. Polypodium Phegopteris.

On the Banks of Derwent, of Beldon and Nuckton Bourns, above Blanchland, N. and D. and of West Crow Bourn, above Wolsingham, D.

890. Polypodium Dryopteris.

On the Banks of Derwent, of Beldon and Nuckton Bourns, above Blanchland, N. and D. and of West Crow Bourn, above Wolsingham, D. In Woods near Darlington, D.—Mr E. Robson. On the Banks at West Dipton, near Hexham, N.—Mr F. Scott.

892. Aspidium Oreoperis.

On the Banks of Derwent, of Beldon and Nuckton Bourns above Blanchland, N. and D. and of West Crow Bourn, above Wolsingham, D. In Woods near Darlington, and Pastures near Medomsley, D.

694. Aspidium aculeatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1562.

896. Aspidum lobatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1563.

898, Asplenium Trichomanes.

On Gunnerton Crags, N.—Mr F, Scott. On Whitburn Church, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

900. Asplenium marinum.

In Caves at Byers Quarry, near Whitburn, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

901. Asplenium Ruta muraria.

In Fissures of Rocks on Cleadon Hills, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun. On both sides of the Bridge at Corbridge, N.—Mr F. Scott.

902. Asplenium Adiantum nigrum.

On the Walls of Blanchland Church, N. On the Crags at West Dipton, N.—Mr F. Scott. On the Ruins at Bears Park, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

905. Pteris aquilina.—Eng. Bot. t. 679.

907. Cyathea fragilis.—Eng. Bot. t. 1587.

908. Cyathea dentata.—Eng. Bot. t. 1588.

918. Gymnostomum ciliatum.

On the Banks of the Derwent, above Blachland, N.

923. Encalypta vulgaris.

Near Ovingham, N.

924. Grimmia recurvata.—Eng. Bot. t. 1489.

930. Grimmia maritima.—Eng. Bot. t. 1645.

936. Dicranum fuscescens.—Eng. Bot. t. 1597.

On Rocks near Heddon on the Wall, N.

938. Dicranum interruptum.

In Longacre Wood, near Lamesley, D.

943. Dicranum ovale.

Near Allansford, D.

952. Dicranum osmundioides.—Eng. Bot. t. 1662.

958. Trichostomum ericoides.

On Stones near Urpeth, D.

961. Trichostomum microcarpon.—Eng. Bot. t. 1598.

962. Trichostomum lineare.—Eng. Bot. t. 1598.

Near Wylam, N. On the Banks of Feldon and Pont Bourn, D.

973. Tortula barbata.

Near Wylam, N. On Cleadon Hills, D.

979. Orthotrichum aristatum.

On Trees in Longacre Wood, near Lamesly, D.

982. Orthotrichum anomalum.

On Rocks in West Crow Bourn, near Wolsingham, D.

986. Neckera curtipendula.

Oh Muggleswick Park Wall. On the Banks of the Derwent, near Allansford; and in the Howns Wood, near Lanchester, D.

988. Hypnum polyanthos.—Eng. Bot. t. 1664.

990. Hypnum dendroides.—Eng. Bot. t. 1565.

Near Lamesley, D.

991. Hypnum curvatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1566

992. Hypnum myosuroides.—Eng. Bot t. 1567.

993. Hypnum nigro viride.—Eng. Bot. t. 1620.

924. Hypnum complanatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1492.

995. Hypnum trichomanoides.—Eng. Bot. t. 1493.

998. Hypnum serrulatum.

On Walls near Urpeth, D.

1005. Hypnum proliferum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1494.

1011. Hypnum murale.

In Woods near Blanchland, D.

1012. Hypnum velutinum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1568.

1013. Hypnum intricatum.

On Trees in Boltshope Bourn, D.

1018. Hypnum implexum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1585.

1020. Hypnum purum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1599.

1022. Hypnum Schreberi.—Eng. Bot. t. 1621.

In Woods near Blanchland, D.

1024. Hypnum cordifolium.

In Bogs on Moors, near Blanchland, N. In a Mill-Dam, near the Smelt-Mill Forge Team, D.

1026. Hypnum Rutabulum. Hypnum brevirostre.—Eng. Bot. t. 1647.

1027. Hypnum striatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1648.

1028. Hypnum stellatum.

In Bogs on Moors, near Blanchland, N. and Feldon Lead-Mill, D.

1031. Hypenum triquetrum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1622.

1034. Hypnum revolvens.

In Bogs on Moors, near Blanchland, N. and Feldon Lead-Mill, D.

1035. Hypnum aduncum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1600.

1037. Hypnum palustre.—Eng. Bot. t. 1665.

1039. Hypnum alpinum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1496.

1041. Hypnum commutatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1569.

In Bogs on Moors, near Blanchland, N. and D.

1043. Hypnum filicinum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1570.

1051. Bartramia crispa.—Eng. Bot. t. 1526.

On Rocks above Blanchland, and in the Roman Foss, near Walwick, N.

1052. Bartramia ithyphylla.—Eng. Bot. t. 1710.—Bridel. t. 1. f. 6.

On a Wall at Eals-Bridge, near Blanchland, D. Note, This is Bartramia pomiformes of Swartz, p. 73, according to Specimens received from that Author.

1058. Bryum trichodes.—Eng. Bot. t. 1517.

In Bogs on Holliwell Moss, N.

1059. Bryum carneum.

On Gateshead Fell, D.

1061. Bryum bicolor—Eng. Bot. t. 1601.

1062. Bryum argenteum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1602.

1064. Bryum annotinum.

On the Banks of Derwent and of Nuckton Bourn, above Blancheland, N. and D.

1067. Bryum nigricans.—Eng. Bot. t. 1528.

1069. Bryum bimum—Eng. Bot. t. 1518.

1070. Bryum turbinatum—Eng. Bot. t. 1572.

On Gateshead Fell, D. On the Banks of Beldon Bourn, N.

1071. Bryum cuspidatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1474.

1079. Polytrichum alpinum.

On the South Bank of Beldon Bourn, N.

1080. Polytrichum urnigerum.

Near Harlow Hill, N.

1081. Polytrichum pumilum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1624.

In the West of the County of Durham.

1082. Polytrichum nanum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1625.

Near Heddon on the Wall, N.

1084. Polytrichum aloides.—Eng. Bot. t. 1649.

1088. Salix acuminata.

At Morton Cars, near Darlington, D,—Mr. J. Janson.

1089. Sphagnum squarrosum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1498.

1092. Gymnostomum microstomum.

At Prestwich Car, N. and near Maiden-Law, D.

1094. Grimmia verticillata.—Eng. Bot. t. 1644.

On the Banks of North Tyne, near Warden Mill, N.

1096. Dicranum flexuosum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1491.

Dicranum flexuosum, var. β.

Bryum fragile.—Dick. Cryp. Fas. 3. p. 5. Dill. Musc. t. 47. f. 33. F. G.

In Bogs on the Moors near Blanchland, N. and D.

1098. Bryum dealbatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1571.

In Bogs near Feldon Lead Mill, D.

1100. Alopecurus bulbosus.

Near Hartlepool, D.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.

1101. Festuca myurus.

On Hebburn Ballast Hills, D.

1102. Festuca glauca.—Nova Species.

On the Sea Coast, of N. and D.

1103. Bromus arvensis.

In Fields near Darlington, D.—Mr, W, Backhouse, jun.

1104. Bromus spiculi-tenuata.—Knap.

Near Hartlepool.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.

1105. Dipsacus pilosus.

On the Ballast Hills, West of Bishopwearmouth, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

1106. Chenopodium ficifolium.

By Road Sides and on Dunghills.

1107. Cuscuta Epithymum.

In the Year 1805 this proved a destructive Weed among the Heaths in the Greenhouse of Mr. Falla, of Gateshead.

1108. Scandix Cerefolium.

By the Road Side, near the Red-Heugh, D.—Mr. W. Robertson.

1109. Convallaria multiftora.

In the Lane between Stockton and Stainton, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1110. Daphne Mezereum.

In a Wood among the Tunstal Hills, South of Sunderland, D.—Mr. T. Robsen.

1111. Pyrola media.—Swartz.

In Hounds Wood and Blackstone Bank Wood, four Miles North of Wolsingham, D. In Scotch Wood Dean, near Denton; and East Common Wood, near Hexham

Obs. Pyrola media and Pyrola minor both grow in East Common Wood; Pyrola media alone in Scots-Wood Dean.—See page 40, No. 388.

1112. Stellaria glauca.

At Rice Car, near Darlington, D.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.

1113. Spergula pentandra.

On the Coast, South of Sunderland, D.—Ditto.

1114. Rosa rubiginosa.

In Roco Lane, near Monkwearmouth, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun. Near High Conscliff, D.—Mr. J. Janson.

1115. Tormentilla reptans.

In the Lane leading to Lumley Ford, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

1116. Mentha viridis.

In Blackstone Bank Wood, on the East Side of the Bourn, four Miles North of Wolsingham, D. By the Tees, near Neisham, D.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.

1117. Mentha piperita, α. and β.

Mentha piperita offidnalis.-Sole. In Dean Lane near Darlington, D.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.

1118. Thymus Ascinos.

In a Field bordering on East Common Wood, near Hexham, N.—Mr. F. Scott.

1119. Limosella aquatica.

Found by the late Mr. W. Weighell, in Ditches near Cocken, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

1120. Sisymbrium amphibium.

On the Ballast Hills near Sunderland, D.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.

1121. Sisymbrium murale.

Near Sunderland, D.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

1122. Brassica orientalis.

On the Ballast Hills near Bishopwearmouth, D.—Ditto.

1123. Erodium maritimum.

Near Marsden, D.—Mr. Lane.

1124. Ulex nanus.

On Durham Moor.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

1125. Trifolium pratense.

In Meadows and Pastures.

1126. Artemisia gallica.—Willdenow Sp. Pl. vol. 3. p. 1834.

A maritama γ.—Fl. Brit. 864.

A. maritima.—Eng. Bot. t. 1001.

On Willington Ballast Hills, N.

1127. Centaurea Jacea.—Willdenow Sp. Pl. vol. 3. p. 2303.—Eng. Bot. t. 1678.

On Willington Ballast Hills, N.

1128. Carex Oederi.—Ehrhart.

C. flava. var. β.—Wahlenberg. syn. p. 12.

On Moors and in marshy Meadows.

1129. Ceratophyllum demersum.

In Ditches on Durham Moor.—Rev. J. Symons, jun.

1130. Salix radicans.

By Ditches communicating with Prestwick Car, N.

1131. Atriplex pedunculata.

Found by the late Mr. Weighell, near Sunderland, Rev. J. Symons, jun.

1132. Aspidium spinulosum.—Pluk. Phyt. t. 179. f. 5.

In Cawsey Wood.

1133. Phascum curvicollum.—Eng. Bot. t. 905.

In Gravel Pits, near Darlington, D.—Mr. W, Backhouse, jun.

1134. Phascum bryoides.—Dicks. Crypt, fasc. 4. 3. t. 10. f. 3.—Eng. Bot. t. 1280.

On Gravel Walks, near Darlington, D.—Mr. Janson.

1135. Phascum curvisetum.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 4. 2. t. 10. f. 4.

On Hedge Banks, near East Morton, D. Near Darlington, frequent.-Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.

1136. Phascum Schreberianum

In cultivated Places, near Darlington, D.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.

1137. Gymnostomum ovatum.—Hedwig. Descr. Crypt. 1. p. 16. t. 6.

On Walls between the West-Gate and Denton; also near Bywell,N.

1138. Encalypta ciliata.—Dill. Musc. t. 45. f. 9. Eng. Bot. t. 1418.

Near the High Force, Teesdale, D.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.

1139. Dicranum cerviculatum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1661.

At Prestwick Car, N. In Bogs on the Banks of Beldon and Nuckton Bourns, D.

1140. Dicranum polyphyllum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1217.

Trichostomum polyphyllum.—Musc. Hiber. t. 7. Dill. Musc. t. 48. f. 41.

On Rocks and Stones in Holliweil Moss, above Blanchland, N.

1141. Trichostomum trifarium.—Eng. Bot. t. 1707.

At Prestwick Car, N.

1142. Tortula brevifolia.—Dill. Musc. t. 47. f. 39.

In Bogs on the Moors near Blanchland, N. and D.

1143. Orthotrichum pulchellum.—Nova Species.

Foliis lanceolatis carinatis, revolutis siccitate parum tortuosis, capsula octo striata, peristomio externo, dentibus distinctis, interno sedecim capilliformibus, calyptra calva lucida.—Obs. Caules pulvinati, trilineares ramosi folia laete viridia, lanceolata, acuta, carinata, margine revoluta, patula, nervo concolore, siccitate tortuosa, pedicelli elongati, capsulae cylindriaceae octa striata lutea; operculum conicum brevi rostratum rubrum; calyptra calva, lucida margine crenata, Peristomii externi dentes distincti patuli, erocei interni sedecim capilliformes inflexi albi.

MSS. of the late Mr. W. Brunton, jun.

On Trees in Causey Wood; also near Hamsterly, Gibside, and Allans Ford, D.

1144. Hypnum recognitum.—Hedwig. Sp. Musc. 261. Crypt. v. 4. 92. t. 35.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.

1145. Hypnum umbratum.—Hedwig. Sp. Musc. 263. t. 67. f. 10. 12.

On dripping Rocks at the upper End of Westcrow Bourn, North of Wolsingham, D.

1146. Hypnum piliferum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1516.

Near Painshaw, D.

1147. Hypnum polymorphum.—Hedwig. Sp. Musc. p. 259. t. 66. upper figure.

In Fallow Fields, near Medomsley, D.

1148. Bryum aureum.—Eng. Bot. t. 389. Dill. Musc. t. 50. f. 60.

In Flower Pots, in Mr. Falla's Nursery, near Gateshead, D.

1149. Bryum compactum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1527. Dicks. Crypt. 4. 15. t. 11. f. 11.

On Boggy Ground, near the Red Heugh, D.

128. Lolium arvense

On the Borders of Fields at Whickham, D.

218. Atropa Bella Donna.

Near the Old Mill, in Conscliff Parish, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

697. Serratula tinctoria.

Near Hamsterley, D.

972. Tortula tortuosa.—Eng. Bot. t. 1708.

1044. Hypnum abbreviatum.—Hedwig. Sp. Musc. p. 429. t. 65. f. 1. 4.

Near Bywell, N.

1045. Hypnum chrysophyllum.—Bridel. Musc. p. 84. t. 2. f. 2.

In Hag-Wood, near Lamesley, D.



1150. Jungermannia epiphylla.—Eng. Bot. t.

771. Dill. Musc. t. 74 f. 41.

In Heaton and Scots Wood Dean, N. In Ravensworth, Longacre, and Gibside Woods, D.

1151. Jungermannia furcata.—Eng. Bot. t.

1632. Dill. Musc. t. 74. f. 45.

In Woods near Newcastle: common.

1152. Jungermannia sinuata.—Eng. Bot. t.

1476. Dill. Musc. t. 74. f. 44.

In marshy Places in Fields near Gateshead and the Red-Heugh, D.

1153. Jungermannia pinguis.—Eng. Bot. t.

185. Dill. Musc. t. 74. f. 42.

At an Outburst of Cawsey Colliery, near Cawsey-Hall, D. In. boggy and marshy Places frequent, N. and D.

1154. Jungermannia multifida.—Eng. Bot. t. 186. Dill Musc. t. 74. f. 43.

In Woods near Newcastle: rare.

1155. Jungermannia asplenioides.—Dill. Musc. t. 69. f. 5.

In every Wood near Newcastle.

1156. Jungermannia scalaris.—Dill. Musc. t. 31. f. 5.

In every Wood near Newcastle.

1157. Jungermannia lanceolata.—Eng. Bot. t. 605. Dill. Musc. t. 70. f. 10.

In Woods near Newcastle.

1158. Jungermannia bidentata.—Eng. Bot. t. 606. Dill. Musc. t. 70. f. 11.

In Woods near Newcastle; common.

1159. Jungermannia quinquedentata.—Dill. Musc. t. 71. f. 23.

In Woods near Newcastle.

1160. Jungermannia macrorhiza.—Dicks. Crypt. t. 5. f. 10.

Jungermannia emarginata.—Eng. Bot. t. 1022.

At the foot of Bolts Law, on Muggleswick Fell, D.

1161. Jungermannia viticulosa.—Dill. Musc. t. 69. f. 7.

In Cocken Woods, D.

1162. Jungermannia bicuspidata.—Eng. Bot. t. 281. Dill. Musc. t. 70. f. 13.

In Woods near Newcastle.

1163. Jungermannia nemorosa.—Eng. Bot. t. 607. Dill. Musc. t. 71. f. 18.

On Gateshead Fell, D.

1164. Jungermannia albicans.—Dill. Musc. t. 71. f. 20.

In Woods near Newcastle; frequent.

1165. Jungermannia cochleariformis.

Jungermannia purpurea.—Eng. Bot. t. 1023.

Dill. Musc. t. 69. f. 1.

In Rivulets near the Roman Aqueduct, West of Woodlands; in Gibside and Ravensworth Woods; also in Westcrow Bourn, D.

1166. Jungermannia reptans.—Eng. Bot. t. 608. Dill. Musc. t. 71. f. 24.

In Woods near Newcastle.

1167. Jungermannia complanata.—Dill. Musc. t. 72. f. 26.

On the Bark of Trees in Woods near Newcastle.

1168. Jungermannia dilatata.—Dill. Musc. t. 72. 'f. 27.

On the Bark of Trees in Woods near Newcastle.

1169. Jungermannia tamariscifolia.—Eng. Bot. t. 1086. Dill. Musc. t. 72. f. 31.

On the Bark of Trees; common.

1170. Jungermannia platyphylla.—Eng. Bot. t. 798. Dill. Musc. t. 72. f. 32.

On Trees near Lanchester, D.

1171. Jungermannia ciliaris.—Dill. Musc. t. 73. f. 35.

Jungermannia Tomentella.—Dicks.

Near Allansford, D.

1172. Jungermannia curvifolia.—Eng. Bot. t. 1304. Dicks. Crypt. t. 5. f. 9.

On Rocks in Heaton Dean, N.

*1173. Jungermannia divaricata.—Eng. Bot. t. 719.

On Rocks in Heaton Dean, N. and on Stones near Red-Heugh, D.

*1174. Jungermannia crenulata.—Eng. Bot. t. 1463.

At the Foot of Bolts-Law, on Muggleswick Fell, D.

*1175. Jungermannia minutissima.—Eng. Bot. t. 1633.

In Heaton Wood, N.

1176. Marchantia polymorpha.—Eng. Bot. t. 210. Dill. Musc. t. 76. f. 6. E. F.

On Rocks and Stones in damp shady Places.

Var. γ.—Linn. Sp. Pl. 1603.

Near Medomsley, D.

1177. Marchantia hemisphaerica.—Eng. Bot. t. 503. Dill. Musc. t. 75. f. 2.

On moist Rocks and in Ditches, N. and D.

1178. Marchantia conica.—Eng. Bot. t. 504. Dill. Musc. t. 75. f. 1.

On Rocks in Woods, and on damp Stone Walls, N. and D.


1179. Pulveraria chlorina.

On Rocks and Fissures.

1180. Pulveraria latebrarum.

On Rocks in Caverns.

1181. Lepraria alba.

Lichen albus.—With. 4. 2.—Eng. Bot. t. 1349.

On Mosses and Heath.

1182. Lepraria flava.—Eng. Bot. t. 1350.

On old Trees, &c.

Lepraria incana. See Lecidea incana.

1183. Leprsiria lutescens.

Lichen lutescens.—Eng. Bot. t. 1529.

On the Bark and Wood of old Trees, In the Park at Bishop Auckland; also in Newton-Cap Wood, D.

1184. Lepraria rubens.

On trees in Causey Wood, and every Wood on the Derwent, D.

1185. Lepraria botryoides.

Lichen botroyoides. 4. 3.

On Trees and Earth.

1186. Lepraria antiquitatis

Lichen antiquitatis.—With. 4. 3.

On old Walls and Rocks.

1187. Lepraria Segestria. Lichen cinereus.—With. 4. 2.

On Rocks and Stones.

1188. Variolaria faginea. Lichen fagineus.—With. 4. 4.

On Trees.

1189. Variolaria aspergilla.

On Trees in Conset Park, D.

1190. Opegrapha Persoonii.

On Limestone Rocks near Whitburn and Sunderland, D.

1191. Opegrapha notha.

On Trees near Egleston, and on Trees near Cawsey Wood, D.

1192. Opegrapha diaphora.

On Trees near Egleston, and in Ravensworth and Cawsey Woods, D.

1193. Opegrapha parallela.

On old Pales, near Gainford, D. Near Newcastle, N.

1194. Opegrapha vulgata.

On Trees near Egleston, D. Near Newcastle.

1195. Opegrapha rubella.

On Trees near Egleston, D. Obs. This certainly is not distinct from O. vulgata.

1196. Opegrapha herpetica.

On Trees in Woods near Newcastle.

1197. Opegrapha epiphega.

Lichen rugosus.—With. 4. 4.

Near Newcastle, frequent. On Trees near Egleston, D.

1198. Opegrapha astroites.

On Trees near Egleston, D. On Trees in Woods near Newcastle, N.

1199. Opegrapha pulverulenta.

On Trees in Woods near Newcastle, N.

Opegrapha astroites. var. β. radiata.

On Trees in Woods near Newcastle, N.

1200. Opegrapha serpentina.

On Trees in Woods near Newcastle, N. On Trees near Egleston, D

Opegrapha serpentina, var. β. litterella.

On the Bark of Trees near Egleston, D.

1201. Opegrapha scripta. Lichen scriptus.—With. 4. 4.

On Trees near Egleston, D. On Trees near Newcastle, N.

1202. Opegrapha abnea.

On the Bark of Trees near Newcastle.

1203. Opegrapha congesta.

On the Bark of Trees near Teesdale, D.

1204. Lecidea muscorum. Lichen muscorum.—With. 4. 7. Eng. Bot. t 626.

On decayed Mosses at Fawdon Slate, and near Hilton Castle; also in Teesdale Forest, D. See Obs. under L. sanguinaria.

1205. Lecidea immersa. Lichen immersus.—With. 4. 6. Eng. Bot. t. 193.

On Limestone Rocks, common.

1206. Lecidea parasema. Lichen parasemus.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 4. 21. Eng. Bot. t. 1450.

On the Bark of Trees.

1207. Lecidea petraea.

Lichen concentricus.—Eng. Bot. t. 246. With. 4. 18.

On Rocks in Heaton Dean, N. On Sandstone near Egleston, and on the same Material in the Neighbourhood of Gainford; also on Rocks in Cawsey Wood, D.

1209. Lecidea lapicidea.

On Rocks and Stones on Gateshead Fell, D.

Lecidea miscella.

1209. Lichen escharoides.—Eng. Bot. t. 1247.

On Whinstone near Winch Bridge; and Whey Syke, in Harwood, D.—H. On compact Sandstone in Horsley Hope Bourn, D.

1210. Lecidea rivulosa.

On Porphyry in Horsley Hope Bourn, D.

1211. Lecidea sanguinaria.

Lichen sanguinarius.—Eng. Bot. t. 155. With. 4. 6.

On Stones upon Gateshead Fell; and on Stones, decayed Mosses, and old Trees, in the Neighbourhood of Egleston,D. [also on the Walk of Doe Park, near Romaldkirk, Yorkshire.]

Obs. The circumstance on account of which the name Sanguinaria is given, is a disease to which several Lichens are subject, and some that one would not certainly suspect; as for instance, Lecidea muscorum and Parmelia quadricoior: and it is not confined to the Apothecia only, the whole inside of the crust is frequently diseased and becomes crimsons.—H.

1212. Lecidea confluens.

Lichen confluens.—With. 4. 8.

On Stones and in mountainous Situations, frequent.

1213. Lecidea fumosa.

Lichen contiguus.—Eng. Bot. t. 821.

On Walls between Barnardcastle and Early-banks,—H. On Rocks and Stones in Cawsey Wood. On Gateshead Fell and in Horsley Hope Dean, D.

1214. Lecidea athroocarpa

On Sandstone, in Sharnberry Gill, near Egleston, D; [also on Whinstone upon Cronkley Fell, Yorkshire.]—H. See Obs, under Urceolaria cinerea.

1215. Lecidea cachumena.

On Rocks in Horsley Hope Dean, D.

Var. diffracta.

[On Stones upon the Fell, above Holwick, Yorkshire.-H.]

1216. Lecidea uliginosa, Var. geomaea.

Lichen uliginosus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1466.

Lecidea uliginosa, Var. humosa.

On Cheviot, N. On Peat Bogs near Egleston, D.

1217. Lecidea fusco-atra.

Lichen fusco-ater.—With. 4. 11.

On Stones upon Gateshead Fell, and near Egleston, D.

1218. Lecidea dendritica.

On Pieces of Quartz in Sandstone, in the Neighbourhood of Egleston, D.

Obs, This, the preceding L. atro-alba, L. Oederi, V. acrotella, and U. fimbriata, are merely different Modifications of the same species.—H.

1219. Lecidea atro-alba.

Lichen atro-albus.—With. 4. 5.

On Muggleswick Fell, D. On Stones near Egleston, D.—H. See the preceding Obs.

1220. Lecidea atro-virens.

Lichen atro-virens.—With. 4. 13.

Var. geographica.

Lichen geographicus.—Eng. Bot. t. 245.—With. 4. 12.

On Rocks and Stones upon Gateshead Fell, and in the Neighbourhood of Egleston, D. On Rocks at Shewing Shields; on Cheviot, &c. N.

1221. Lecidea citrinella.

Lichen flavo-virescens.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 4. 13. pl. 8. 9.—With. 4. 12.

On Earth upon the tops of Walls near Egleston, D.—H.

1222. Lecidea silacea.

Lichen silaceus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1118.

On Rocks and Stones in Teesdale Forest, D. On Cheviot, N.

Obs. This Lecidea, which is Lichen silaceus of E. Bot. appears to agree with the Figure and Description of Patellaria silacea in Hoff. Pl. Lich. but is certainly different from Acharius's L. silacea. Rust-colour is not natural to this Plant.

1223. Lecidea Œderi.

On Stones in the Neighbourhood of Egleston, D.

Obs. This is very different from Lichen Œderi of Eng. Bot. t. 1117. which is Lichen cæsius of Dicks. and Dicksoni of With. Rusty red is not the natural Colour of the Crust.—H.

See Obs. under Lecidea dendritica.

1224. Lecidea privigna.

On Sandstones upon Gateshead Fell, and near Egleston, D.

Obs. This was sent to Dr. Acharius as Lichen simplex of the Linn. Trans. and therefore that Lichen is quoted as a Synonym of it, in Methodus Lichenum: it is, however, very distinct from Lichen simplex.—H.

See Obs. under L. polytropa.

1225. Lecidea niveo-ater.

See Lecidea epipolia.

1226. Lecidea picea.

Lichen piceus.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 4. 22. p. 12. 5.

On Stones near Egleston, D.-H.

1227. Lecidea lyncea. Lichen lynceus.—Eng. Bot. t. 809.

On old Oaks in Newton-Cap Wood, near Bishop Auckland; also in the Bishop's Park, D.

Obs. Is it not an Opegrapha?

1228. Lecidea speirea.

On Sandstones on the Banks of Derwent, near Gibside, D.

1229. Lecidea epipolia.

Lichen epipolius.—Eng. Bot. t. 1138.

Lichen niveo-ater.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 4. 21. pl. 12. f. 3.

On old Walls near Gainford; and on Fulwell, Cleadon, and Boldon Hills, D. [On the Walls of Wycliffe Church, Yorkshire.]—H.

1230. Lecidea corticola.

On old Trees near Gainford; also near Medomsley, D.

1231. Lecidea abietina. Lichen abietinus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1682.

On old Trees in Sharnberry Gill, near Egleston, D.—H.

Obs. Is this a good Species?—H.

1232. Lecidea pruinosa.

Lichen pruinatus.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 3. 15. pl. 9. 4. With. 4. 20.

On Walls near Gainford, D.—H.

Obs. The Crust is naturally white, or Ash-colour.

1233. Lecidea Dicksonii.

Lichen caesius.—Dicks. Cryp. fasc. 2. 19. pl. 6. 6.

Lichen Dicksoni.—With. 4. 20.

Lichen Oederi.—Eng. Bot. t. 1117.

On Stones upon Gateshead Fell, and on Walls near Middleton in Teesdale; [also upon Walls and Stones in Holwick, Yorkshire.] On Rocks at the foot of Cheviot, N.

1234. Lecidea cupularis.

Lichen marmoreus.—With. 4. 22. Eng. Bot. t. 739.

On Rocks at Fawdon Slate and Bolyhope Bourn. On the Marble Stone near Middleton in Teesdale, and on calcareous Rocks and Mosses in Harwood, D.; [also on calcareous Rocks near Wycliffe, Yorkshire.]—H.

Obs. These Words of Withering's Account of L. tricolor, "Mr. Griffith has lately met with it on calcareous Sandstone, the Saucers considerably raised above the Crust," appear to have Reference to Lichen marmoreus; and he has clearly got hold of another in the Paragraph which follows the one quoted from, which is the third he has introduced under the Name of tricolor.—H.

1235. Lecidea tricolor.

Lichen tricolor.—With. vol. 4. 23, pl. 3. 6.

On old Oaks in a Wood near Gainford, and in Newton-Cap Wood, near Bishop Auckland; also in the Bishop's Park, D.-H.

Obs. This is given as Lichen tricolor of With. on the Authority of Dr. Smith. It agrees pretty well with Acharius's Character of Lecidea anceps.—H.

See Obs. under Lecidea cupularis.

1236. Lecidea cornea.

Lichen corneus.—Eng. Bot. t. 965.

On old Oaks in a Wood near Egleston, D.—H.

1237. Lecidea rosella. Var. anceps.

See Obs. under L. tricolor.

1238. Lecidea icmadophila.

Lichen ericetorum.—With. 4. 14. Eng. Bot. t. 372.

On Peat Bogs.

1239. Lecidea incana.

Lepraria incana.—Ach. Method.

Lichen incanus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1683.

On Mosses and the Bark of Trees,

1240. Lecidea luteola.

Lichen vernalis.—Eng. Bot. t. 846.

Lichen porrigenosus.—Turn. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 7. 94. pl. 8. 4.

On Trees near Ryton. On Mosses and Trees near Egleston; and on Trees near Oxford, D.

Obs. This Lecidea assumes various Appearances, which may probably have been considered as so many distinct Species, and published under so many different names. L. porriginosus of Turner, no doubt is one of these Appearances; and Acharius’s own vernalis is probably another.—H.

1241. Lecidea hypnophila.—Nova Species.—MSS. of D. Turner, Esq.

A Specimen of this Plant, growing on Hypnum sericeum, was communicated by the Rev. J. Harriman, from Teesdale, D.

1242. Lecidea quernea.

Lichen querneus,—Dicks. Crypt, fasc. 1. 9. pl. 2. 3.—With. 4. II.—Eng. Bot. t. 485.

On old Trees near Newcastle, N. In Newton-Cap Wood, Bishop Aukland; and in Woods near Egleston, D.

1243. Lecidea hæmatomma.

Lichen coccineus.—Eng. Bot. t. 223. Dicks. Crypt, fasc. 1. S. pl. 2. I.—With. 9. 16.

Lichen haematomma.—Eng. Bot. t. 486.

On Rocks near Heddon on the Wall, and at Harlow Hill, N. On the Walls of Muggleswick Park, and on Whin-Rocks and old Trees near the High Force, in Teesdale; also on Walls near Egleston, D. [On Walls between Cotherston and Romaldkirk, Yorkshire.—H.]

1244. Lecidea Stonei.

See Lecidea haematomma.

1245. Lecidea granulosa.—var. α. decolorata.

Lichen quadricolar.—Eng. Bot. t. 1185.

Peat Bogs in the Neighbourhood of Eglesston, and on Muggleswick Fell; also near Medomsley, D.

Obs. There can be doubt that this is Verrucaria granulosa, and Patellaria decolorans of Hoffman's Pl. Lich. the Figures in that Work under these names, represent two different states of it so strikingly. Dickson's Lichen granulosus is quite distinct from this Lecidea, though he considers, it as the same; and so it likewise his L. quadricolor, which is quoted by Acharius as a Synonym of it; they are not indeed of the same Genus being both Parmeliae. One state of Dickson's L. granulosus accords extremely well with the character of his own Lichen pezizoides; and Acharius's P. lepidora very evidently is nothing but a modification of it.—H.

1246. Lecidea quadricolor.—Dick.

This is a Parmelia.

On the Ground upon Gateshead Fell, and en Earth upon the Tops. of Walls near Egleston, D.

See Obs. under Lecidea granulosa.

1247. Lecidea cyrtella.

On Trees near Gainford, D.

Obs. This perhaps may turn out to be not a distinct Species.

1248, Lecidea vernalis.

See Obs. under Lecidea luteola.

Lecidea vernalis, var. β.

Lichen sphaeroides.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 1. 9. Pl. 2. 2.

In Bradley Wood, near Medomsley, D.

1249. Lecidea cinereo-fusca.

Lichen crenularius.—With. 4. 22.

On Walls in the Neighbourhood of Lanchester. On Trees and Walls near Egleston, D.-H.

Obs. This and Acharius's own Lecidea caesio-rufa, are no doubt one and the same.—H.

1250. Lecidea aurantiaca.

Lichen salicinus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1305.

Lichen flavo-rubescens.—With. 4 15.

On Trees and Stones.—H. On Trees in Castle Eden and Dalton Deans, and on the Banks of Derwent, D.

1251. Lecidea Jungermanniae.

On Mosses and Jungermanniae in a Wood near Egleston, D.

Obs. This Lecidea, which agrees pretty well with Acharius's Character of Jungermanniae, in Meth Lich. is only a var. of luteola, H.—(Lichen vernalis of E. Bot.) See Obs. under luteola.

1252. Lecidea luteo-alba.

Lichen luteo albus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1426.

On the Bark of Trees in West Crow Wood, near Wolsingham; also near Gainford, D.—H.

1153. Lecidea rupestris.

On old Wails in the Neighbourhood of Gainford; and on Walls behind Beamish Hall, D.

Obs. Dr. Acharius considers this as not distinct from Lichen calvus of Dicks. and Dr. Smith entertains the same opinion: it certainly is, however, a very different Species. The Crust of the present one is cracked, and green within; whereas that of L. calvus is contiguous, and white within.—H.

1554. Lecidea calva.

Lichen calvus.—Dicks. Crypt, fasc. 2. 18. pl. 6. 4. With. 4. 14. Eng. Bot. t. 948.

On Cleadon and Fulwell Hills, D. On the Marble Stone and limestone Rocks near Middleton; and on Limestone Rocks near the new Bridge, below Barnardcastle, D.—H.

See Obs. under L. rupestris.

1255. Lecidea caesio-rufa.

Lichen ferrugineus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1650.

Lichen crenularius.—With. 4. 22. t. 31.

On Walls and Trees in the Neighbourhood of Lanchester; also near Egleston, D. Dr. Withering has considered this and Lecidea cinerio-fusca, as one and the same in his Arrangement, and described under the name of Lichen crenularius. They are clearly not distinct.—Dr, Smith.—H.

1256. Lecidea crenulata.

Lichen crenulatus.—Dicks. Crypt, fasc. 3. 14. pl. 9. 1. With. 4. 17. Eng. Bot. t. 930.

Lichen byssinus.—Eng. Bot. t. 432.

On Boldon and Cleadon Hills; common. On Limestone Rocks by Middleton Beck, a little above the Town; and on Limestone Walls near Barnardcastle.—H. On Fulwell Hills, D.

Obs. This is a Parmelia, and the same as Parmelia dispersa, Urcolaria Hoffmanni is only a certain state of it.—H.

1257. Lecidea orosthea.

Lichen orostheus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1549.

On the Bark of Trees in Woods on the Derwent, D.

1258. Lecidea polytropa.

Lichen polytropus.—Dicks. Crypt, fasc. 4. 22. Eng. Bot. t. 1204.

On Stones on Gateshead Fell, and near Newcastle, D, and N. On Stones in the Neighbourhood of Egleston, D.

Obs. This Lecidea, under one Appearance, agrees pretty well with Acharius's Character of L. orosthea; under another, it is certainly his Parmelia squamulosa; and under a third, without doubt, it is Parmelia privigna of that Author. Its Apothecia really become the Crust of squamulosa and privigna, and produce other Apothecia, which, at their first Appearance, resemle those of the Endocarpon; and the Plant therefore probably has passed, with some Lichenists at least, under different Forms, as so many different Species of that Genus; and indeed it appears to have as good a Claim so to pass, as some others which do.—H.

1259. Lecidea atro-rufa.

Lichen atro-rufus.—Dicks. Crypt, fasc. 4. 22. pl. 12. 4. Eng. Bot. t. 1102.

On Earth upon Wall Tops at Bowles, in Teesdale Forest, D. [also on Earth upon Wall Tops in Lunedale, Yorkshire.]—H.

1260. Lecidea microphylla.

On Stones near Egleston, D; but extremely scarce.—H.

Obs. This surely is not a Var. of Dickson's Lichen carnosus, as Acharius thinks.—H.

1261. Lecidea nigra.

Lichen niger.—With. 4. 10. Eng. Bot. t. 1161. On calcareous Rocks on Cleadon Hills; upon Stones on Gateshead Fell; and on calcareous Rocks and Stones in the Neighbourhood of Egleston, D.

1262. Lecidea carnosa.

Lichen carnosus.—Dicks. Crypt. fusc. 2. 21. t. 6. f. 7.—Eng. Bot. t. 1684.

On Stones in Hag Crag Wood, in Teesdale Forest, D.—H.

1263. Lecidea lurida.

Lichen luridus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1329.

Lichen squamatus.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 2. 20.

On Earth upon the Marble Stone near Middleton in Teesdale, D.—H.

1264. Lecidea vesicularis.

Lichen coeruleo-nigricans. With. 4. 10. Eng. Bot. t. 1139.

On Limestone Rocks at Fawdon Slate. On Earth upon Limestone Rocks near Middleton in Teesdale, D.—H.

1265. Lecidea testacea.

Abundant on Rocks at Lanchester and Walls at Knitsley, D.

Obs. The Description of Acharius and Opinion of the Rev. Mr. Borrer, has induced us to insert this rare Plant in our Catalogue: though we must acknowledge that Mr. Turner, whose authority, in this Class, is very great, will not allow it to be Lichen saxifraga of Dr. Smith, in the Linnaean Transactions, which is a Synonym of Acharius.

1266. Lecidea canescens.

Lichen canescens.—Dicks. Crypt, fasc. 1. 10. pl. 25. With. 4. 9. Eng. Bot. t. 582.

On old Walls and Trees near Gainford, D.—H.

1267. Calicium daviculare.

Lichen clavellus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1465.

Calicium claviculare, var. β. roscidum.

Lichen graniformis.—Eng. Bot. t. 1464.

On old Trees near Egleston. On Trees in Cawsey Wood, D.

1268. Calicium sphaerocephalum.

Lichen sphaerocephalus.—Eng. Bot. t. 414.

On old Trees and on Wood, near Egleston, D.

1269. Calicium peronellum.

On decayed Wood near Egleston, D.

1270. Gyrophora glabra, and its Var. β. Gyrophora polyphylla.

Lichen polyphyllus.-With. 65. Eng. Bot. t. 1285.

On Cheviot, N. In Fructification on Rocks at the foot of Huntersley Peak, between West Crow Park and Hishope, D. On Walls at Healy Field and Conset. On Rocks and Stones in the neighbourhood of Egleston, D.—H.

See Obs. under E. complicatum.

1271. Gyrophora erosa. Lichen torrefactus.—With. 4. 62.

On Rocks near Huntersley Peak, North of West Crow Park. On Rocks and Stones in the Neighbourhood of Egleston, particularly above Blackton, D; [also on Rocks and Stones upon Cronkley, Yorkshire.]—H.

1272. Gyrophora proboscidea.

Lichen proboscideus.—Eng. Bot. t. 522.

Lichen deustus.—With. 4. 65.

On Cheviot, N. On Walk near the High Force, D. [also on Rocks and Stones upon Cronkley, Yorkshire.]—H.

Obs. This is certainly nothing but a Var. of G. cylindrica, See Obs. under E. complicatum.

1273. Gyrophora cylindrica.

On Rocks and Stones in Harwood, particularly between Widdy Bank and Caldron Snout, D; [also on Rocks and Stones upon Cronkley, Yorkshire.]—H.

See Obs. under Endocarpon complicatum, and under Gyrophora proboscidea.

Obs. This is a Var. of Gyrophora proboscidea, as Endocarpon complicatum is of E. miniatum; and why Acharius should consider these as distinct Species, and yet have given G. polyphylla as a Var. of G. glabra, is not very easy to account for.—H.

1274. Gyrophora pellita.

Lichen polyrhizos.—With. 4. 64.

Lichen pellitus.—Eng. Bot. t. 931.

On Muggleswick Fell, D. On Cheviot On Hexham Fell, N.—Mr. F. Scott. [On Rocks and Stones upon Cronkley, Yorkshire.]—H.

1275. Verrucaria Schraderi.

Lichen Schraderi.—Eng. Bot. t. 1711.

On calcareous Rocks and Stones near Middleton, and between Widdy Bank and Caldron Snout. On Limestone Rocks on Cleadon and Boldon Hills, D.—H.

1276. Verrucaria muralis.

On Limestone Rocks on Cleadon and Boldon Hills, D. On the Walls of Gainford Church. D.—H.

Var. V. tessellata.

L. tessellatus.—Eng. Bot. t. 533.

On Stones near Gainford, D.

1277. Verrucaria stigmatella, Var. atomaria.

On Trees near Egleston, D. In Woods near Newcastle, N.

1278. Verrucaria epidermidis.

On the Epidermis of Birch.

1279. Verrucaria punctiformis.

On Trees near Egleston, D.

1280. Verrucaria thelostoma (Ach.) Nova Species.

Crusta tenui suborbiculari tenuissime rimosa fusca; Tuberculis hemisphaericis umbilicatis concoloribus.

On Whinstone near Egleston, D.—H.

Obs. Tubercula madefacta rubida

1281. Verrucaria analepta.

On Trees near Newcastle, N. and Egleston, D.

1282. Verrucaria gemmata.

On the Bark of Trees near the Head of Derwent, D.

1283. Verrucaria nitida.

On Trees near Egleston. On Trees in Horsley Hope Bourn, D.

1284. Verrucaria maura.

On Limestone Rocks in Teesdale; also on Boldon and Cleadon Hills, and in Castle Eden Dean, D.

1285. Verrucaria umbrina.

Lichen umbrinus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1499.

On Stones near Gainford. On Rocks near Sunderland, D.

1286. Verrucaria aethiobola.

On calcareous Rocks in the Neighbourhood, of Egleston; also in Castle Eden Dean, and on Fulwell Hills, D.

1287. Verrucaria acrotella.

Lichen acrotillus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1712.

On Quartz in Sandstone near Egleston, D.—H.

See Obs. under Lecidea dendritica.

1288. Verrucaria spongiosa.

On Earth upon Wall Tops near Middleton; [also on Earth upon Wall Tops near Romaldkirk, Yorkshire.]

Obs. Perhaps this is nothing but Byssus velutina, in old Age.—H.

1289. Verrucaria fuscella.

Lichen fuscellus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1500.

On Rocks and Stones near Egleston, D.

Obs. Does not this Plant belong to the Tribe Endocarpon? Dr. Smith, in Eng. Bot.

1290. Endocarpon Hedwigii.

Lichen trapeziformis.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 2. 22. Eng. Bot. t. 593.

Lichen Endocarpon.—With. 4. 52.

On Earth in the Neighbourhood of Egleston, D.—H.

1291. Endocarpon Smaragdulum.

Lichen Sinaragdulus. Eng. Bot. t. 1512.

On Walls near Egleston. D.—H. On Walls near the Woodlands and Batsfield, D.

Obs. This perhaps has been originally something else. The Thallus is not naturally greenish yellow.

1292. Endocarpon miniatum.

On Rocks at the Gunners Pool, Castle Eden Dean; also near Stanhope, in Weardale. On Rocks near Egleston, and on Rocks near Middleton, in Teesdale, D.—H.

1293. Endocarpon complicatum.

On Rocks near Middleton, along with the preceding.

Obs. This is only a Var. of the preceding, to which it bears the same Relation that G. polyphylla does to glabra, and G. cylindrica to proboscidea.

1294. Endocarpon Weberi.

Lichen aquaticus.—With. 4. 67. Eng. Bot. t. 594.

On Stones ia a Bourn on the North Side of the Derwent, opposite Gibside, D; [also on a Rock in a Rivulet in Holwick Yorkshire.]

1295. Thelotrema pertusum.

Lichen pertusum.—With. 4. 15. Eng. Bot. t. 677.

On Trees.

1296. Thelotrema lepadinum.

On the Bark of Trees near Egleston, D.

Var. Thelotrema inclusum.

Lichen inclusus.—Bot. Eng. t. 678.

On Trees in Ravensworth, Cawsey, and Gibside Woods; also on Rocks and Trees near Egleston, D. On Trees in Bearl Wood, N.

1297. Thelotrema hymeneum.

On Trees near Egleston; also on the Banks of Derwent, and in Horsley Hope Bourn, D.

1298. Sphaerophoron coralloides.

Lichen globiferus.-With. 4. 40.—Eng. Bot. t. 115.

On Rocks and Stones in mountainous Situations, D. On Cheviot; also near Harbottle and Heddon on the Wall, N.

1299. Sphaerophoron compressum.

Lichen fragilis.—With. 4. 41. Eng. Bot. t. 114.

On Cheviot and near Harbottle, N. On Rocks at Muggleswick, at Knitsley, and near Egleston, D.

1300. Isidium corallinum.

Lichen corallinus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1541.

On Rocks and Stones in mountainous Situations.

1301. Isidium Westringii.

Lichen Westringii.-Dicks. Crypt, fasc. 4. 20.

On Walls in Teesdale Forest; [also on Walls in Holwick, Yorkshire.]

Obs. Lichen punctatus of Dickson is nothing but this in a young State: that of Dr. Smith, though it resembles it very much, is nevertheless very distinct from it, and probably only a Var. of Lichen subfuscus: Dr. Acharius thinks, however, that it is a Modification of his Parmelia ostracoderma in Meth Lich.—H.

1302. Isidium phymatodes.

In Newton Cap Wood; also in the Park at Bishop Auckland, D.

1303. Urceolaria calcarea.

Lichen cinereus.—Eng. Bot. t. 826.

On Limestone Rocks on Cleadon, Boldon and Fulwell Hills; also at Castle Eden Dean, D.

1304. Urceolaria cinerea.

On Stones near Egleston, D.—H.

Obs. What is given in another Part of this Book, on the Authority of Dr. Acharius, as Lecidea athroocarpa, is certainly nothing but a Modification of the present Urceolaria.—H.

1305. Urceolaria fimbriata.

On Quartz in Sandstone near Egleston, D.

See Obs. under Lecidea dendritica.

1306. Urceolaria Hoffmanni.

On calcareous Rocks and Stones near Egleston; also on Cleadon and Boldon Hills, D.

See Obs. under Lecidea crenulata.

1307. Urceolaria exanthematica.

Lichen exanthematicus.—Sm. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 1. 81. pl. 41. With. 4. 22. Eng. Bot. t. 1184.

On calcareous Rocks near the new Bridge below Barnardcastle, D.

1308. Urceolaria scruposa.

Lichen scruposus.—With. 4. 19. Eng. Bot. t. 266.

On Earth upon the Tops of Walls and on Stones in the Neighbourhood of Egleston, D.

Var. Urceolaria bryophila.

On Baemyces pyxidalus among the Rocks between Widdy Bank and Caldron Snout, in Harwood.

1309. Urceolaria epulotica, (Ach.) Nova Species.

Crusta subtartarea leprosa pulverulenta contigua incarnata-lutescente; Apotheciis immersis concavis concoloribus, Margine Richa subcincto.

On calcareous Rocks near Middleton, in Teesdale, D. On Rocks in Boltshope Bourn, D.

Obs. This perhaps will turn out to be not a good Species.—H.

1310. Urceolaria Acharii.

Lichen lacustris.—With. 4. 21. pl. 31. 4. Eng. Bot. t. 1087.

On Stones in Horsley Hope Bourn, and Boltshope; and on Stones in the Tees and Rivulets in the Neighbourhood of Egleston, D.

Var. Urceolaria cyrtaspis.

On Stones in the Tees. On Stones in Horsley Hope Bourn, D.

Obs. The next Step would show, perhaps, that U. Acharii is not a distinct Species.—H.

1311. Parmelia atra.

Lichen ater.—With. 4. 18. Eng. Bot. t. 948.

On Stones and Trees.

1312. Parmelia exigua.

On Trees in Newton Cap Wood, near Bishop Auckland, D.

1313. Parmelia pinicola.

On Fir Trees in the Neighbourhood of Gainford. On Trees at Ryton, D.

Obs. This is no doubt a Lecidea, and therefore cannot be a Var. of P. exigua, as Acharius supposes; it is clearly a Var. of L. parasema.

1314. Parmelia sophodes.

On Trees in Newton Cap Wood, near Bishop Auckland, D.

1315. Parmelia ostracoderma.

Lichen punctatus.—Eng. Bot. t. 450.

On Rocks in Ouse-Bourn, N. On Rocks near Egleston; and on Gateshead Fell, D.

See Obs. under Isidium Westringii.

1316. Parmelia coarctata.

Lichen coarctatus.—Eng. Bot. t. 534.

On Stones upon Gateshead Fell; and on Stones about Egleston and Gainford, D.

1317. Parmelia amylacea.

On limestone Rocks in Teesdale; and on Boldon and Cleadon Hills, D.

1318. Parmelia sulphurea.

Lichen sulphureus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1186.

On Stones in the Neighbourhood of Egleston; but rare. On Rocks in Horsley Hope Bourn, D.

Obs, Parmelia sulphurea is only a diseased State of P. glaucoma.

1319. Parmelia impolita.

On old Oaks in Newton Cap Wood, near Bishop Auckland; also in the Bishop's Park, D.

Obs. This is perhaps nothings but P. tricolor in extreme old Age.

See 0bs. under tricolor.

1320. Parmelia glaucoma.

On Stones.

Obs. This Parmelia, and Lichen varians and compositus of Bot. Arr. are only different Modifications of one Species; and Parmelia Swartzii must be reduced to another, as its dendritic Crust, the only thing in which it differs from glaucoma, is without doubt, merely accidental. It is not the only Lichen that occasionally appears under this Form: Lecidea fusco-atra, Parmelia parella, and others, sometimes assume this Appearance. Parmelia sulphurea is likewise only a diseased State of P. glaucoma. Withering*s Description of Lichen rupicola, in Bot. Arr. seems also to respect this Parmelia; but those of Linnaeus and Hoffman, which appear along with it, have no doubt. Reference to Hoffman's Lichen rupicola in En. Lich. which is his Verrucaria contorta in Pl. Lich. and Urceolaria Hoffmanni of Ach. and a very different thing from the present Parmelia.-H.

See Obs, under P. sulphurea, and also under L. crenulata.

1821. Parmelia diacapsis, (Ach.) Nova Species.

Crusta tartarea gyrosa-verrucosa pulverrulenta cinerascente; Scutellis congestis convexiusculis nigro-caesiis, Margine inflexo flexmosa Crustae concolori.

On Stones between Barnardcastle and Earley Banks, D.—H.

1322. Parmelia angulosa.

On Trees.

1323. Parmelia Hageni.

On Trees.

1324. Parmelia parella.

Lichen parellus.—With. 4. 17. Eng. Bot. t. 727.

On Stones and on the Bark of Trees.

See Obs. under P. tartarea.

1325. Parmelia Turneri.

Lichen Turneri.—Eng. Bot. t. 857.

On Trees near Egleston and Gainford, D.

Obs. This is only a State of P. tartarea.

1326. Parmelia tartarea.

Lichen tartareus.—With. 4. 23.—Eng. Bot. t. 156.

On Rocks near Heddon on the Wall, N. On Sandstone about Egleston and Middleton in Teesdale, D.

See Obs. under P. Turneri.

Var. Parmelia frigida.

Lichen frigidus.—With. 22.

[On Earth upon Moss above Lonton, Yorkshire.]<

Obs. P. Upsaliensis, Lichen Upsaliensis, Eng. Bot. t. 1634. appears to be rather a Var. of the present Parmelia, than of P. parella.

1327. Parmelia subfusca.

Lichen subfuscus.—With. 4. 21.

On Trees and Walls.

Obs. Lichen cupularis of Dicks. upon the Bark of Trees, appears to be only a Var. of this, as well as his pallidus. This Parmelia occurs about Egleston and Gainford, in most of the States which Acharius gives as Varieties.

See Obs. under Isidium Westringii.

1328, Parmelia dispersa.

Lichen crenulatus.—Dick.

Lichen byssinus.—Eng. Bot. t. 432.

See Lecidea crenulata.

1329. Parmelia marmorea.

See Lecidea cupularis.

1330. Parmelia frustulosa.

Lichen frustulosus.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 3. 13. pl. 8. 10.—With. 4. 19.

On Tiles upon Roofs of Houses in and aboat Gainford, D.

1331. Parmelia cerina.

Lichen cerinus.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 3. 14. With. 4. 24.—Eng. Bot. t. 672.

On Trees in Woods near Healy Field, and on the Derwent; also on Trees about Gainford, D.

Var. Parmelia stillicidiorum.

On the thatched Roof of a House at Egleston, D.

1332. Parmelia chloroleuca.

Lichen chloraleucus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1376.

On Fulwell Hills. On Moss upon calcareous Stones near Middleton, and between Widdy Bank and Caldron Snout, Harwood, D.

1333. Parmelia vitellina.

On old Gates and Pales about Gainford, D. Near Newcastle, frequent, N.

1334. Parmelia varia.

Lichen varitis.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 4. 22.

On an old Gate Post near Gainford; and Newcastle, D. and N.

1335. Parmelia squamulosa.

On Stone Walls near Gateshead, and Saltwellside, D.

See Obs. under Lecidea polytropa.

1336. Parmelia crassa.

Lichen cartilagineus.—With. 4. 29.

On the Marble Stone near Middleton, in Teesdale, D.

Obs. Specimens of this occur sometimes, which approach very near to Lichen saxifragus, Tr. of Linn. Soc. if they be not the same. This Parmelia has long branched Roots, like those of Lichen saxifragus.

1337. Parmelia hypnorum.

Lichen hypnorum.—Dick. Crypt. fasc. 3. 14. With. 4. 22. Eng. Bot. t. 740.

On Moss upon Stones, and at the Roots of Trees in Hag Crag Wood, in Teesdale Forest, D.

1338. Parmelia lepidora.

On Earth and decayed Moss about Egleston and Middleton, D.

See Obs. under Lecidea granulosa.

1339. Parmelia spongiosa.

Lichen spongiosus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1374.

On Earth upon Egleston and Middleton Moors; and on Earth near the Smelt Mill, in Harwood, D.

Obs. This is very distinct from the preceding, though Dr. Acharius thinks it the same. See Obs. under Lecidea granulosa.

1340. Parmelia brunnea.

Lichen brunneus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1246.

Lichen pezizoides.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 1. 10. pl. 2. 4.

In Howns Wood, near Lanchester; and in Teesdaie Forest, D. On the South Bank of the Derwent, above Blanchland, N.

1341. Permelia candelaria.

Lichen concolor.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 3. 18. pl. 9. 8. With. 4. 62.

On Trees and Stones about Egleston; and on Stones near Muggleswick, D.

1342. Parmelia gelida.

Lichen gelidus.—With. 4. 26. Eng. Bot. t. 699.

On Stones in Sharnberry, near Egleston; and in Teesdale Forest, D. [also on Stones in Holwick, and upon Cronkley, Yorkshire.]

1343. Parmelia circinata.

Lichen subimbricatus.—With. 4. 18.

On calcareous Rocks near the new Bridge, below Barnardcastle, D.

1344. Parmelia epigea.

Lichen candicans.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 3. 15. t. 9. f. 5.

On Limestone Rocks on Cleadon and Boldon Hills, D.

1345. Parmelia saxicola.

Lichen saxicola.—Eng. Bot. t. 1695.

Lichen muralis.—With. 4. 29.

On Walls near Urpeth, and at Cawsey Hall; and on Stones about Egleston and Gainford, D. On Rocks near Warden Mill, North Tyne, N.

1346. Parmelia elegans.

Lichen fulvus.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 3. 16.—With. 4. 33.

On Rocks near Whitburn, Sunderland, &c. and on calcareous Stones in Teesdale Forest, D.

1347. Parmelia miniata.

On Gainford Church, D.

1348. Parmelia murorum.

On old Walls near Gainford, D.

1549. Pannelia caesia.

Lichen Psora.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 3. 17. With. 4. 16.

Lichen caesius.—Eng. Bot. t. 1052.

On Tiles upon Roofs of Houses in and about Gainford, D.-H. At Fawdon Slate, D.

1350. Parmelia leptalea.

On Stones near Gainford, D.

1351. Parmelia virella.

Lichen virellus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1696.

On Stones about Gainford; on Walls near Saltwellside; and in the West of the County of Durham; frequent.

1352. Parmelia recurva.

Lichen multifidus.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 3. 16. pl. 9. 7. With. 4. 28.

Lichen incurvus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1375.

On Rocks upon Beamish Moor; and on Stones upon Egleston Moor, D

1353. Parmelia fahlunensis

Lichen fahlunensis.—With. 4. 30.—Eng. Bot. t. 653.

On Stones upon the Mountains in the Neighbourhood of Egleston, D.

1354. Parmelia omphalodes.

Lichen omphalodes.—With. 4. 34.—Eng. Bot. t. 604.

On Stones upon Moors, and on Rocks and Stones upon the Mountains in the Neighbourhood of Egleston, D. On Cheviot and near Heddon on the Wall; also at Harbottle, N.

1355. Parmelia saxatilis.

Lichen saxatilis.—With. 4. 33.-Eng. Bot. t. 603.

On Rocks, Stones, and Trees, N. and D.

1356. Parmelia conspersa.

Lichen centrifugus.—With. 4. 32.

On Walls near Middleton in Teesdale, D. On Rocks on the Banks of North Tyne, near Warden Mill, N.

1357. Parmelia stellaris.

Lichen stellaris.—Eng. Bot. t. 1697.

On Trees in Ravensworth and Cawsey Woods, D.

1358. Parmelia aipolia.

On Trees near Gainford, and in the North West of the County of Durham.

1359. Parmelia pulverulenta.

On Trees.

1360. Parmelia affinis.

Lichen affinis.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 4. 24. pl. 12. 6. Eng. Bot. t. 983.

On Trees in Shamberry and Egleston Woods, D.

1361. Parmelia plumbea.

Lichen plumbeus.—With. 4. 60.—Eng. Bot. t. 353.

On Trees at Healy Field; also near Middleton in Teesdale; and on Trees and Stones in the Woods near Egleston, D. [On Trees in Lonton, Yorkshire.]

1362. Parmelia parietina.

Lichen parietinus.—With. 4. 34.—Eng. Bot. t. 194.

On Trees, Walls, and Stones.

1363. Parmelia olivacea.

Lichen olivaceus.—With. 4. 35.

On Trees.

1364. Parmelia scortea.

On the thatched Roof of the Home, and on Trees at Foggerforth, near Egleston, D.

1365. Parmelia caperata.

Lichen caperatus.—With. 4. 58. Eng. Bot. 654.

On Rocks near Heddon on the Wall, N. [In the Neighbourhood of Romaldkirk, Yorkshire.]

1366. Parmelia herbacea.

Lichen laete-virens.—With. 4. 58. Eng. Bot. t. 294.

On Trees on the Banks of Horsleyhope and Hishope Bourns; and on Trees in Woods near Healy Field. On Stones and Trees, in Shipley Wood, near Egleston, D.

1367. Parmelia glomulifera.

Lichen glomuliferus.—With. 4. 57. Eng. Bot. t. 293.

On Trees near Hexham, N.—Mr F. Scott. On old Trees on the Banks of Horsleyhope and Hishope Bourns, D. [On Trees in the Neighbourhood of Romaldkirk, Yorkshire.]

1368. Parmelia scrobiculata.

Lichen scrobiculatus.—With. 4. 59.—Eng. Bot. t. 497.

At the foot of Cheviot, above Langley Ford, N. On Trees and Stones in Shipley Wood, near Egleston; and on Trees on the Banks of Westcrow Bourn, D.

1369. Parmelia pulmonacea.

Lichen pnlmonarius.—With. 4. 54.—Eng. Bot. t. 572.

On Trees near Healy Field and Allansford. On Trees and Stones near Egleston and Middleton; also in Blackstone Bank Wood, near Wolsingham, D. Near Unthank, N.

1370. Parmelia saturnina.

Lichen saturninus.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 2. 21. pl. 6. 8.—With. 4. 60.

On Trees and Stones near Egleston, but very scarce.—H. In Cawsey Wood, D.

1371. Parmelia lacera.

In Cawsey Wood, D. [Among Moss upon Cronkley, Yorkshire.]

1372. Parmelia tunaeformis.

On calcareous Rocks about Egleston and Middleton in Teesdale.—H. Also on the Banks of Tees, below Wycliffe, D.

1373. Parmelia nigrescens.

Lichen nigrescens.—With. 4. 74.—Eng. Bot. t. 345.

On Trees at Healy Field. On Trees and Stones about Egleston and Middleton in Teesdale, D.

1374. Parmelia flaccida, Var. rivularis.

Lichen flaccidus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1653.

[On Stones in a Rivulet in Holwick, Yorkshire.]—H.

1375. Parmelia furva.

On Trees in the Neighbourhood of Egleston, D.

1376. Parmelia crispa.

Lichen crispus.—Eng. Bot. t. 834.

On the Ground in the Neighbourhood of Egleston, D.

Var. β. cristata.

On the Ground about Egleston, D.

1377. Parmelia scotina.

On the Ground about Egleston, D.

Var. β. sinuata.

Lichen sinuatus.—Eng. Bot. t. 772.

On Stones about Egleston, D.

1378. Parmelia fascicularis.

Lichen fascicularis.—With. 4. 76.—Eng. Bot. t. 1162

On calcareous Stones near Middleton in Teesdale, D.

1379. Parmelia melaena.

On Stones in the Neighbourhood of Egleston, D.

1380. Parmelia muscicola.

Lichen muscicola.—With. 4. 46.

On Cheviot, N. On Stones upon Hag Crag, in Teesdale Forest, D.

1881. Paripelia tenella.

Lichen tenellus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1311.

On Trees and Stones.

1382. Parmelia physodes.

Lichen physodes.—Eng. Bot. t. 126.—With. 4. 32.

On Trees and Stones.

Var. γ. platyphylla.

On Trees in Westcrow Bourn, and on the Walls of Wolsingham Park, D.

1383. Parmelia furfuracea.

Lichen furfuraceus.—With. 4. 56.—Eng. Bot. t. 984.

On the Walls of Conset and West Crow Park; and on Walls in the Neighbourhood of Egleston; also at Water Gate, near Healy Field, D. Near Harbottle, N.

Obs. There is a Var. of this, which approaches very near at least to P. encausta.

1384. Parmelia ciliaris.

Lichen ciliaris.—With. 4. 55. Eng. Bot. t. 1352.

On Trees.

1385. Parmelia prunastri.

Lichen prunastri.—With. 4. 52. Eng. Bot. f. 859.

On Trees.

1386. Parmelia fraxinea.

Lichen fraxineus.—With. 4. 56.

On Trees.

1387. Parmelia fastigiata.

Lichen fastigiatus.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 4. 26.

Var. β. calicaris.—With. 4. 51. Eng. Bot. t. 890.

On Trees and Pales.

1388. Parmelia scopulorum.

Lichen scopulorum.—Eng. Bot. t. 688.

On Rocks near Hartley, and at Dunstonborough Castle, N.

1389. Parmelia siliquosa.

Lichen siliquosus.—With. 4. 40.

[On the Top of a Wall in Lune, Yorkshire.]—H.

1390. Parmelia farinacea.

Lichen farinaceus.—With. 4. 50. Eng. Bot. 889.

On Trees.

1391. Parmelia pollinaria.

Lichen pollinarius.—Eng. Bot. t. 1607.

On old Pales and Rocks.

1392. Parmelia polymorpha.

On Rocks and Stones in the Neighbourhood of Egleston, D.

1393. Parmelia jubata.

Lichen jubatus.—With. 4. 46.

On Rocks at Harlow Hill; on Cheviot; at Shewing Shields; and near Rothbury, N. On Erica vulgaris upon Gateshead Fell; and on Rocks and Trees near Egleston, D.

Var. γ. implexa.

On Rocks andJStones near Egleston, D.

Var. δ chalybeiformis.

Lichen chalybeiformis.—With. 4. 47.

On Trees in Sharnberry near Egleston, D.

1394. Sticta limbata.

Lichen limbatus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1104.

On Rocks among Moss near Egleston, D.

1395. Sticta sylvatica.

Lichen sylvaticus.—With. 4. 71.

On Rocks among Moss in Cawsey Wood; and in the Woods near Egleston, D.

1396. Peltidea canina.

Lichen caninus.—With. 4. 69.

On Earth and Stones.

1397. Peltidea rufescens.

Lichen rufescens.—With. 4. 70.

On Earth and Stones.

1398. Peltidea polydactyla.

Lichen polytactylus.—With. 4. 69.

On the Earth among Moss in the Woods near Egleston, and on the Banks of Derwent near Gibside, D.

1399. Peltidea aphthosa.

Lichen aphthosus.—With. 4. 70.—Eng. Bot. t. 1119.

On Rocks at Shewing Shields, N. On Stones among Moss in Hag Crag Wood, in Teesdale Forest; [also on Stones among Moss in Holwick, Yorkshire.]

1400. Peltidea horizontalis.

Lichen horizontalis.—With. 4. 72.—Eng. Bot. t. 888.

On Stones among Mow in Hag Crag Wood, in Teesdale Forest, D.

1401. Peltidea resupinata.

Lichen resupinatus.—Eng. Bot. t. 305.—With. 4. 71.

At Healy Field, and Beamish; on Stones in Cawsey Wood; and on Trees and Stones in the Woods near Egleston, D.

1402. Peltidea saccata

Lichen saccatus. Eng. Bot. t. 288. With. 4. 68.

On Earth upon calcareous Rocks near Middleton, in Teesdale, D.

1403. Cetraria islandica.

Lichen islandicus.—With. 54. Eng. Bot. t. 1330.

On Cheviot, N. On Muggleswick Fell; and among Moss on Stones upon Gateshead Fell, D. [Also among Moss on Stones upon Cronkley, Yorkshire.]

1404. Cetraria glauca.

Lichen glaucus.—With. 4. 53. Eng. Bot. t. 1606.

On Rocks near Heddon on the Wall, N. On Rocks and Stones in mountainous Situations, D.

1405. Cetraria juniperina, Var. pinastri.

Lichen pinastri.-With. 4. 51.

On Juniper near High Force. Teesdale, on the Yorkshire Side of the Tees,—H.

1406. Cornicularia tristis.

Lichen tristis.—With. 4. 43. Eng. Bot. t. 720.

On Rocks above Blackton, near Egleston; and on Rocks in the Neighbourhood of Middleton, in Teesdale, D. [also on Rocks upon Cronkley, Yorkshire.]

1407. Cormcularia spadicea.

Lichen hispidus.—With. 4. 43. Eng. Bot. t. 452.

On Rocks and Stones in mountainous Situations. On the Heath at Prestwick Car, N.

1408. Cornicularia muricata.—Ach. Method. t. 6. f. 2.

On Rocks and Stones in the West of Northumberland and Durham.

1409. Cornicularia aculeata.

On Rocks and Stones in mountainous Situations.

1410. Cornicularia lanata.

Lichen lanatus.—Eng. Bot. t. 846.

On Cheviot, N. On Stones in the Neighbourhood of Middleton, in Teesdale, D.

1411. Cornicularia pubescens.

On Cheviot, N. On Rocks in Cawsey Wood; and on Stones in Hag Crag, in Teesdale Forest, D.

1412. Usnea florida.

Lichen floridus.—With. 4. 50. Eng. Bot. t. 872.

On Trees on the Banks of West Crow and Hishope Bourns; also in Fructification in Gibside Wood, D.

Var. β. hirta.

Lichen hirtus.—With. 4. 46. Eng. Bot. t. 1356.

On Trees in Woods near Newcastle, N. And on Trees in the Neighbourhood of Egleston, D.

1413. Usnea plicata.

Lichen plicatus.—Eng. Bot. t. 257. With. 4. 50.

On Trees on the Banks of West Crow Bourn, near Wolsingham, D.

1414. Stereocaulon paschale.

Lichen paschalis.—Eng. Bot. 282. With. 4. 44.

On Stones in mountainous Situations.—H. On Mud Wall near Edmond-byers, D.

1415. Baeomyces roseus.

Lichen Baeomyces.—Eng. Bot. t. 374.

On the Earth in mountainous Situations.

1416. Baeomyces rupestris.

Lichen byssoides.—Eng. Bot. t. 373.

On Earth and Stones in mountainous Situations.

1417. Baeomyces placophyllus.

On the Moors about Egleston, D. but rare.-H.

Obs. This appears, from a Specimen famished by Dr. Swarts, to be nothing but the Apothecia of Baeomyces rupestris, upon the Thallus of one of that Subdivision of the Baeomyces called Scyphophoron. The Crust of the Egleston Moor Plant is exactly like that of Swarts's Specimen; but its Apothecia more resemble those of Lichen Baeomyces of Eng. Bot.

1418. Baeomyces papillaria.

Lichen papillaria.—With. 4. 45. Eng. Bot. t. 907.

On Moors near Butsfield, the Woodlands, &c. on the Ground upon Ravensworth Fell, and upon Egleston Moor, D.

1419. Baeomyces caespiticius.

On an old Stone Wall in Jesmond Dean, above Hadrick's Mill, N.

1420. Baeomyces cocciferus.

On Earth in mountainous Situations.

1421. Baeomyces cornucopioides.

On Earth in mountainous Situations.

1422. Baeomyces digitatus.

On decayed Trees, and on the Ground in mountainous Situations.

1423. Baeomyces deformis.

Lichen deformis.—Eng. Bot. t. 1394.

On the Ground in mountainous Situations.

1424. Baeomyces bellidiflorus.

At Prestwick Car, and on Cheviot, N. On the Mountains in the Neighbourhood of Egleston, D.

1425. Baeomyces cervicornis.

On the Moor at Butsfield, near the Roman Aquaduct, D.

1426. Baeomyces pocillum.

[Upon Cronkley, Yorkshire.]

1427. Baeomyces pyxidatus.

Lichen pyxidatus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1393.

On Earth and Stones in mountainous Situations.

1428. Baeomyces fimbriatus.

On Earth in mountainous Situations.

1429. Baeomyces cornutus.

On Moors in the West of the County of Durham.

1430. Baeomyces gracilis.

Lichen gracilis.—Eng. Bot. t. 1284.

In mountainous Situations.

1431. Baeomyces cenoteus.—Ach. t. 7. f. 7.

On the Heath near Edmond-Byer, D.

1432. Baeomyces alcicornis

Lichen foliaceus.—With. 4. 35.

Lichen alcicornis.—Eng. Bot. t. 1392.

Upon the Moors near Newcastle, N. and in Teesdale Forest, D.

1433. Baeomyces unciales.

Lichen unciales.—Eng. Bot. t. 174. With. 4. 44.

On the Moors near Newcastle; and scar Egleston, D.

1434. Baeomyces rangiferinus.

Lichen rangeiferinus.—Eng. Bot. t. 173. With. 4. 41.

In mountainous Situations.

1435. Baeomyces furcatus.

Lichen furcatus.—With. 4. 45.

On Heaths near the Roman Aqueduct, at Butsfield; and in the Neighbourhood of Egleston, D.

1436. Baeomyces subulatus.

Lichen subulatus.—With. 4. 42.

On the Moors near Newcastle.

1437. Baeomyces spinosus.

Lichen spinosus.—With. 4. 45.

On Walls near Lanchester, D.


Tremella cinerea.

See Pexiza cinerea.

1438. Tremella arborea.—Dill. Musc. t. 10. f. 15. Bull. 420.

On dead Branches and Trunks of Trees.

1439. Tremella sarcoides.—Bolt. 101. 2. Schaeff. 323, 324. Batsch. 53.

On rotten Wood.

1440. Tremella mesenterica.—Eng. Bot. t. 719. Bull. 406. Schoeff. 168. 1, 2. 3.

On rotten Wood.

1441. Tremella Nostoc—Eng. Bot. t. 461. Bull. 174, 184.

In Meadows and Pastures.

1442. Tremella granulosa.—Eng. Bot. t. 324.

In Bradley Wood, D.

1443. Tremella crispa.—Dill. Musc. t. 10. f. 12.

On Walls near Harton D. Also in W. Weighell's H. S.

1444. Tremella verrucosa.

In Horsleyhope Bourn, D.

Tremella auricula.

See Pezlza auricula.

[5]1445. Fucus sinuosus.—Turn. Syn. 1. Eng. Bot. t. 822. Ner. Brit. p. 18. t. 7.

Among other Rejectamenta on the Sea Coast.

1446. Fucus sanguineus.—Turn. Syn. 2. Eng. Bot. t. 1041. Ner. Brit. p. 20. t. 7.

Among other Rejectamenta on the Sea Coast.

1447. Fucus ruscifolius.—Turn. Syn. 3. Eng. Bot. t. 1395. Linn. Trans. v. 4. t. 8.

Among other Rejectamenta of the Sea, near Sunderland.—Mr. J. Robson, and Mr. W. Weighell, H. S.

1448. Fucus hypoglossum.—Turn Syn. 4. Eng. Bot. t. 1396. Linn. Trans. v. 2. p. 30. t. 7. and v. 3. p. 113.

Among other Rejectamenta of the Sea, near Sunderland, D.—Mr. J. Robson.

1449. Fucus membranifolius.—Turn. Syn. 6. Linn. Trans. v. 3. p. 128. t. 16. f. 1.

Var. β.

Var. γ.—Linn. Trans. v. 3. p. 120.

Var. δ.

On Rocks on the Coasts of N. and D.

1450. Fucus natans.—Turn. Syn. 11.

Among the Rejectamena of the Sea at the foot of Castle Eden Dean.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun. And on the Coast of Northumberland, Withering, v 4. 86.

1451. Fucus siliquosus.—Turn. Syn. 13. Eng. Bot. t. 474. Ner. Brit. p. 8. t. 5.

On Rocks on the Coast of N. and D.

1452. Fucus tamariscifolius?—Turn. Syn. 19. Ner. Brit. p. 44. t. 11.

Among the Rejectamenta of the Sea on the Coast, near Sunderland, D.—Mr. W. Weighell's H. S.

1453. Fucus esculentus.—Turn. Syn. 22.

On Rocks on the Coasts of K. and D.

1454. Fucus serratus.—Turn. Syn. 23. Eng. Bot. t. 1221. Ner. Brit. p. 1. t. 1.

On Rocks on the Coasts of N. and D.

1455. Fucus vesiculosus.—Turn. Syn. 24. Eng. Bot. t. 1066. Ner. Brit. p. 3. t. 2. and p. 12. t. 6.

Var. β. γ. δ.

On Rocks and Stones on the Coast.

Var. ε.—F. spiralis. Eng. Bot. t. 1685. Ner. Brit. t. 10. f. 5.

On Rocks on the Coast.

1456. Fucus alatus.—Turn. Syn. 27. Ner. Brit. p. 79. t. 13.

On Stones and Rocks in the Sea, common.

1457. Fucus dentatus.—Turn. Syn. 28 Eng. Bot. t. 1241. Ner. Brit. p. 95. t. 15.

On Rocks at Bates's Island, near Hartley, N. and among the Rejectamenta of the Sea, N. and D.

1458. Fucus laceratus.—Turn. Syn. 29. Eng. Bot. t. 1067. Ner. Brit. p. 77. t. 13.

On Rocks and Stones in the Sea, frequent.

1459. Fucus laciniatus.—Turn. Syn. 30. Eng. Bot. t. 1068. Ner. Brit. p. 92. t. 15.

On Rocks and Stones on the Coast.

1460. Fucus bifidus.—Turn. Syn. 31. Eng. Bot. t. 773. Linn. Trans. v. 3. p. 159. t. 17. f. 1.

Among the Rejectamenta of the Sea on the Coast near Whitburn, D and Tynemouth, N. rare. Grows on Rocks in the Sea, near Seaton Sluice.

1461. Fucus ciliatus.—Turn. Syn. 32. Eng. Bot. t. 1069. Ner. Brit. p. 90. t. 15.

Among the Rejectamenta of the Sea on the Coast of Durham, rare.

1462. Fucus palmatus.—Turn. Syn. 33. Eng. Bot. t. 1306.

Var. β.—Ner. Brit. 54. p. 12.

On the Coast, N. and D.

1463. Fucus edulis.—Turn. Syn. 34. Eng. Bot. t. 1307. Ner. Brit. p. 57. t.. 12.

On Rocks on the Coast.

1464. Fucus Phyllitis.—Turn. Syn. 36. Eng. Bot. t. 1331. Ner. Brit. p. 33. t. 9.

Among the Rejectamenta of the Sea on the Beach near Sunderland, D.

1465. Fucus saccharinus.—Turn. Syn. 37. Eng. Bot. t. 1376.

Var. β.—Ner. Brit. p. 31. t. 9.

On Rocks, common.

1466. Fucus digitatus.—Turn. Syn. 38. Ner. Brit. p. 5. t. 3.

On Rocks, frequent.

1467. Fucus rubens.—Turn. Syn. 40. Eng. Bot. t. 1053. Linn. Trans. v. 3. p. 165.

On Rocks and Stones; rare.

1468. Fucus crispus.—Turn. Syn. 42.

Var. β. Linn. Trans, v. 3. p. 169.

Var. γ. Ner. Brit. p. 53. t. 12.

Var. δ. Ner. Brit. p. 63. t. 12.

Var. ε. Linn. Trans. v. p. 169.

Var. ζ Linn. Trans. v. 3. p. 173.

Var. η. Ner. Brit. p. 50. t. 11.

On Rocks and Stone, frequent.

1469. Fucus mammillosus.—Turn. Syn. 43. Eng. Bot. t. 1054.

On Stones and Rocks.

1470. Fucus canaliculatus.—Turn. Syn. 44. Eng. Bot. t. 833.

On Rocks on the Coast, common.

1471. Fucus loreus.—Turn. Syn. 45. Eng. Bot. t. 569. Ner. Brit. p. 37. t. 10.

On Rocks on the Coast, near Bates's Island, N.

1472. Fucus nodosus.—Turn. Syn. 46. Eng Bot. t. 570. Ner. Brit. p. 35. t. 10.

On Rocks and Stones.

1473. Fucus pygmaeus.—Turn. Syn. 47. Eng. Bot. t. 1332.

On Rocks on the Coast.

1474. Fucus. aculeatus.—Turn. Syn. 48. Ner. Brit. p. 24. t. 8.

On Rocks and Stones.

1475. Fucus pinnatifidus.—Turn. Syn. 49. Eng. Bot. t. 1202. Ner. Brit. p. 48. t. 11.

On Rocks and Stones, common.

1476. Fucus coccineus.—Turn. Syn. 54. Eng. Bot. t. 1242. Ner. Brit. p. 186. Figure at the Frontispiece.

On Rocks and Stones, frequent.

1477. Fucus plumosus.—Turn. Syn. 55. Eng. Bot. t. 1308. Ner. Brit. p. 105. t. 15.

On Rocks and Stones.

1478. Fucus rotundus.—Turn. Syn. 58. Ner. Brit. p. 15. t. 6.

On Stones and Rocks.

1479. Fucus lumbricalis.—Turn. Syn. 59. Eng. Bot. t. 824. Ner. Brit. p. 15. t. 6. (quoad fig. maj.)

On Rocks, &c.

1480. Fucus plicatus—Turn. Syn. 60. Eng. Bot. t. 1089. Ner. Brit. p. 23. t. 7.

On Rocks, Stones, &c.

1481. Fucus confervoides.—Turn. Syn. 61. Eng. Bot. t. 1668. Ner. Brit. F. verrucosus, p. 27. t. 8. 96. t. 15.

On Stones, Rocks, &c.

1482. Fucus flagelliformis—Turn. Syn. 62. Eng. Bot. t. 1222.

On Rocks and Stones on the Coast.

1483. Fucus filum.—Turn Syn. 63. Ner. Brit. p. 40. t. 10.

On the Coast of N. and D.

1484. Fucus lycopodioides.—Turn. Syn. 64. Eng. Bot. t. 1163. Ner. Brit. F. lycopodium, p. 107. t. 17.

On the Stems of Fucus digitatus at Bates's Island, near Hartley and on the Coast near Tynemouth, N. in abundance.

1485. Fucus subfuscus—Turn. Syn. 66. Eng. Bot. t. 1164. Linn. Trans. v. 1. p. 131. t. 12. v. 3. p. 112. F. variabilis, v. 3. p. 220.

On Rocks on the Coasts of N. and D.

1486. Fucus purpurascens.—Turn. Syn. 67. Eng. Bot. t. 1243. Linn. Trans. v. 3. p. 225.

On Rocks on the Coasts of N. and D.

1487. Fucus asparagoides.—Turn. Syn. 69. Eng. Bot. t. 571. Linn. Trans. v. 2. p. 29. t. 6 and 3. p. 241.

Among the Rejectamenta of the Sea, near Sunderland, D. Mr. W. Weighell's H.S.

1488. Fucus clavellosus—Turn. Syn. 72. Eng. Bot. t. 1203. Linn. Trans. v. 6. t. 10.

Among the Rejectamenta of the Sea, near Sunderland, D. in Abundance.

1489. Fucus articulatus.—Turn. Syn. 74. Eng. Bot. t. 1574. Ner. Brit. p. 28. t. 8.

On Rocks on the Coast of N. and D.

1490. Fucus opuntia.—Turn. Syn. 75. Ner. Brit. p. 104. t. 16.

Among the Rejectamenta of the Sea on the Coast of N. and D.

1491. Fucus viridis.—Turn. Syn. 78. Eng. Bot. t. 1669.

Among the Rejectamenta of the Sea, near Sunderland, D.—Mr. W. Weighell's H. S.

[6]1492. Ulva umbilicalis.—Dill. 8. 3.

On Rocks on the Sea Coast, N. and D.

1493. Ulva lanceolata.—Dill. 9. 5.

On the Beach near Sunderland, D.—Mr. Weighell.

1494. Ulva Linza.—Dill. 9. 6.

On the Beach near Sunderland, D.—Mr. Weighhell. Near Hartley, N.

1495. Ulva latissima.

On the Beach near Sunderland, D.—Mr, Weighell. Near Hartley, N.

1496. Ulva laciniata.—Lightf. 33. p. 974.

Among other Rejectamenta of the Sea, between Shields and Sunderland, D.

1497. Ulva lactuca.—Eng. Bot. t. 1551. Dill. Musc. t. 8. f. 1.

On Rocks on the Coasts of N. and D.

1498. Ulva incrassata.—Eng. Bot. t. 967. Dill. Musc. t. 10. f. 10.

Among other Rectamenta of the Sea, on the Coast near Whitburn, D.—Mr. Weighell.

1499. Ulva. defracta.—Eng. Bot. t. 1626. With. plate 18.

Among other Rejectamenta of the Sea, near Sunderland, D.

1500. Ulva elminthoides.—With. pl. 17. f. 2.

Among the Rejectamenta of the Sea on the Beach near Sunderland, D.

1501. Ulva intestinalis.—Dill. 9. 7.

At Jarrow Slake and Coble Dean, on the Tyne, and Pallion, on the Wear, N. and D.

1502. Ulva fislulosa.—Eng. Bot. t. 642.

On the Beach near Sunderland, D. and Cullercoats, N.

1503. Ulva compressa.—Dill. 9. 8.

On Rocks on the Coasts of N. and D.

1504. Ulva purpurascens.

Ulva filiformus. (Huds.)Eng. Bot. t. 641

On the Beach, N. and D.

1505. Ulva plumosa.

On the Beach near Whitburn, D.

1506. Conferva rivularis.—Eng. Bot. t. 1654. Dillwjn t. 39. Dill. Musc. t. f. 1

In Brooks and Rivers.

[5]1507. Conferva nitida.—Dillwyn t. 4. Dill. Musc. t. 2. f. 2.

In Ditches and Pools.

1508. Conferva fontinalis.—Dillwyn t. 64. Dill. Musc. t. 2. f. 3.

On Rocks and Stones in Rivulets.

[5]1509. Conferva muralis.—Dillwyn t. 7. Eng. Bot. t. 1554.

On damp Walls and Stones.

[5]1510. Conferva confervicola.—Dillwyn t. 8. Dill. Musc. t. 85. f. 1.

On the Stems of Fuci.

[5]1511. Conferva limosa.—Dillwyn t. 20. Dill. Musc. t. 2. f. 5.

On the Edges of Pools and Rivulets.

[5]1512. Conferva decorticans.—Dillwyn t. 26. Eng. Bot. t. 1611.

On damp Walls.

[5]1513. Conferva lucens.—Dillwyn t. 47. Eng. Bot. t. l655.

In alpine Rivelets in the West of the County of Durham.

[5]1514. Conferva sordida.—Dillwyn t. 60.

In Pools and Ditches.

[5]1515. Conferva ocracea.—Dillwyn t. 62.

In Pools and Ditches.

1516. Conferva amphibia.—Dillwyn t. 41. Dill. Musc. t. 4. f. 17.

On damp Walls, Trees, &c.

1517. Conferva littoralis.—Dillwyn t. 31. Dill. Musc. t. 4. f. 19.

On Rocks and the Stems of Fuci on the Coast.

1518. Conferva tomentosa.—Dillwyn t. 56. Dill. Musc. t. 3. f. 13.

On the Stems of Fuci on the Coast.

1519. Conferva aeruginosa-—Dill. Musc. t. 4. f. 20.

On the Beach near Hartley, N. and Sunderland, D.

1520. Conferva scoparia.—Dillwyn t. 52. Eng. Bot. t. 1552. Dill. Musc. t. 4. f. 23.

On the Coast, common.

1521. Conferva cancellata.—Dill. Musc. t. 4. f. 22.

On Rocks and Stones on the Coast.

[5]1522. Conferva flexuosa—Dillwyn t. 10.

In Jarrow Slake and Southwick Marsh, D.

[5]1523. Conferva frigida.—Dillwyn t. 16. Dill. Musc. t. 4. f. 17. A.

On cultivated Ground in moist and shady Places.

[5]1524. Conferva comoides.—Dillwyn t. 27. Eng. Bot. t. 1700.

On Rocks, Stones, and the Stems of Fuci, on the Coast.

[5]1525. Conferva rubiginosa.—Dillwyn t. 68.

On rotten Sticks in Cawsey Wood, D.

[5]1526. Conferva muscicola.—Eng. Bot. t. 1683.

On Mosses in Woods.

[5]1527. Conferva aurea.—Dill. Musc. t. 1. f. 13. Dillwyn t. 35.
Byssus aurea—Eng. Bot. t. 212.

On Rocks in Cawsey Wood, and on Limestone Rocks near Sunderland, D.

[5]1528. Conferva purpurea—Dillwyn t. 43.
Byssus purpurea.—Eng. Bot. t. 192.

On Limestone Rocks in Caverns near Sunderland, D.

1529. Conferva spongiosa.—Dillwyn t. 42.

On Rocks near Hartley, N. and Sunderland, D.

1530. Conferva aequisetifolia.—Eng. Bot. t. 1479. Dillwyn t. 54.

On the Beach near Hartlepool, D.

1531. Conferva verticillata.—Dillwyn t. 55. Eng. Bot. t. 1718.

On the Beach near Sunderland, D.

1532. Conferva fluviatilis.—Dillwyn. t. 29. Dill. Musc. t. 7. f. 47.

In Cawsey Bourn, and in all the alpine Rivulets in the West of the County of Durham.

1533. Conferva atra.—Dillwyn t. 11. Dill. Musc. t. 7. f. 46. Eng. Bot. t. 690.

In Horsleyhope Bourn, D.

1534. Conferva gelatinosa.—Eng. Bot. t. 689. Dillwyn t. 2. Dill. Musc. t. 7. f. 42.

In Springs at the Head of Horsleyhope Bourn, near Healy Field, D.

1535. Conferva capillaris.—Dillwyn t. 9. Dill. Musc. t. 5. f. 25. A.

In Salt Marshes near Hartley, N.

1536. Conferva fucicola.—Dillwyn t. 66.

On Fuci on the Coast.

1537. Conferva corallina.—Dill. Musc. t. 6. f. 36.

On the Coast near Hartley, N.

1538. Conferva tubulosa.—Dill. Musc. t. 6.

On the Beach near Sunderland, D.

1539. Conferva elongata.—Dillwyn t. 33.

On Rocks and Shells on the Coast.

1540. Conferva ciliata.—Dillwyn t. 53.

On the Beach near Hartley, N.

1541. Conferva polymorpha.—Dillwyn t. 44. Dill. Musc. t. 6. f. 35.

On the Stems of Fuci; common.

1542. Conferva rubra.—Eng. Bot. t. 1166. Dillwyn t. 34. Dill Musc. t. 6. f. 38.

On Rocks and Fuci on the Coast.

1543. Conferva nodulosa.—Dill. Musc. t. 7. f. 40.

On the Coast near Hartley, N. and Sunderland, D.

1544. Conferva diaphana.—Dillwyn t. 38.

On the Coast near Hartley, N.

1545. Conferva rupestris.—Dillwyn t. 23. Dill. Musc. t. 5. f. 29. Eng. Bot. t. 1699.

On Rocks and Stones on the Coast.

1546. Conferva glomerata.—Dillwyn t. 13.

in the 0usebourn, near Newcastle, N.

1547. Conferva nigrescens.—Eng. Bot. t. 1717.

On the Beach near Shields and Sunderland, D. and N.

1548. Conferva fucoides.—Dillwyn t. 75.

On the Stems of Fuci on the Coast.

1549. Conferva villosa.—Eng. Bot. t. 546. Dillwyn t. 37.

On the Beach near Whitburn, D. In W. Weighell's H. S.

1550. Conferva coccinea.—Eng. Bot. t. 1055. Dillwyn t. 36.

On Rocks and Stones on the Coast.

1551. Conferva pennata.

On the Coast, gathered by the late Mr. W. Wieghell.

1552. Conferva parasitica.—Eng. Bot. t. 1429.

On Fuci on the Coast.

1553. Conferva aegragropila.—Eng. Bot. t. 1377.

In Prestwick Car, N.

1554. Conferva Flos-aquae.

In stagnant Waters.

[5]1555. Conferva fracta.—Dillwyn. t. 14.

In Ditches and Pools.

[5]1556. Conferva repens.—Dillwjn. t. 18.—Eng. Bot. t. 1608.

On Fuci on the Coast.

[5]1557. Conferva atro-virens.—Dillwyn. t. 25.

In Alpine Rivulets in the West of the County of Durham.

[5]1553. Conferva atro-rubescens.—Dillwin t. 70.

On Rocks and Shells on the Coast.

[5]1559. Conferva ilicicola.—Eng. Bot. t. 1639.

On the Bark of the Holly in Woods, D.

[5]1560. Conferva lichenicola.—Eng. Bot. t. 1609.

Growing intermixed with Lichen marmorea of Withering, in the West of the County of Durham.

[5]1561. Conferva velutina.—Eng. Bot. t. 1556.
Byssus velutina. (With.)Dill. Musc. t. 1. f. 14.

On the Earth in moist shady Places.

1562. Byssus phosphorea.—Dill. Musc. t. 1. f. 6.

On Rotten Wood near Medomsley, D.

1563. Byssus nigra.—Eng. Bot. t. 702. Dill. Musc. t. 1. f. 8.

On Rocks in Cawsey Wood, D.

1564. Byssus fulva.—B. barbata, Eng. Bot. t. 701. With. p. 18. f. 5. α. β. Dill. Musc. t. 1. f. 19.

On rotten Timber.

1565. Byssus septica.—Dill. Musc. t. 1. f. 9.

In damp Cellars.

1566. Byssus cryptarum.—Dill. Musc. t. 1. f. 20.

In the Caverns of limestone Rocks near Sunderland, D.


1567. Merulius umbelliferus. Bolt. 39. Bull. 519. 1. A.

In Longacre Wood, D.

1568. Merulius androsaceus.

Agaricus androsaceus.—Sow. t. 94. Bull. 569. 2.

On decayed Leaves in Heaton Wood, N. and Longacre Wood, D.

1569. Merulius collariatus.

Agaricus rotula.—Sow. t. 95. Bull. 64. Bolt. 32. Schaeff. 239.

On decayed Sticks in Woods, frequent.

1570. Merulius fuscus.

Near Farnacres, in Ravensworth Woods, D.

1571. Merulius Cantharellus.—Bull. 62. Bolt. 62. Batsch. 120. Schaeff. 82. 206.

Agaricus cantharellus.—Sow. t. 46.

On decayed Sticks in Woods.

[5]1572. Merulius Cantharelloides.—Bull. 473. 3.

Agaricus Cantharelloides.—Sow. t. 47.

In Bradley Wood, near Medomsley, D.

1573. Merulius faetidus.—Sow. t. 21. Batsch. 84.

In Gibside and Bradley Woods, D.

1574. Merulius squamula.—Sow. t. 93.

On decayed Leaves.

1575. Menulius purpureus.—Bolt. 103. Bull. 150.

Peziza cornucopoides.—Sow. t. 74.

On the Banks of Derwent, near Winlaton Mill, and in Bradley Wood, D.

1576. Merulius cornuicopoides.-Bull. 208. Bolt. 8.

In Bradley Wood, D.

1577. Merulius infundibuliformis.—Bolt.. 34.

In Bradley Wood, D.

Merulius muscigenus.—Bull.. 288. and 498. 1. and 465. 2.

In Ravensworth Woods, D.

1578. Merulius membranaceus.—Bolt. 177. Bull. 498. 1.

Helvella membranacea.—Sow. t. 348.

On Moss on Ravensworth Fell; also on boggy Ground near the Wear in the Neighbourhood of Chester-le-Street, D. From the County of Durham.—Bolton.

1579. Agaricus ramealis.—Bull. 276. and 336. Bolt. 39.

On dead Sticks in Woods, D. frequent.

1580. Agaricus eburneus.—Bull. 118. Bolt. 4.

Agaricus virgineus.—Sow. t. 32.

On Moors and in Pastures.

[5]1581. Agaricus giganteus.—Sow. t. 244.

In Woods near Lamesley, D.

1582. Agaricus cyathiformis.—Bull. 248. 2. A. Bolt. 17.

In Pastures near Newcastle.

1583. Agaricus infundibuliformis.—Bull. 286. Bolt. 61.

In Bradley Wood, D.

1564. Agaricus pistillaris.—Batsch. 62.

Near Medomsley D.

1585. Agaricus caseus.—Bolt. 21. Bull. 200.

In Woods and Pastures near Medomsleys, D.

1586. Agaricus Listeri.—Sow. t. 245. Bolt. 21. Bull. 200.

Near Medomsley, and in Ravensworth and Hamtterley Woods, D. Among the Stones forming the Cairn at Heddon Laws, N.

1587. Agaricus fragrans.—Sow. t. 10.

Near Marley Hill, D.

1588. Agaricus umbraculum.—Batsch. 4.

Near Medomsley, D. See A. radicatus.

1589. Agaricus agrestis.

Near Medomsley, D. See A. radicatus.

1590. Agaricus membranaceus.

Near Medomsley, D.

1591. Agaricus limacinus.—Sow. t. 8. Schoeff. 36. 5. 6. 7.

Near Medomsley. and Kibblesworth, D.

1592. Agaricus velatus.

Agaricus glutinosus.—Sow. t. 7.

Agaricus limacinus.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 1. p. 15. Schoeff. 36. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Near Medomsley, D.

1593. Agaricus cumulatus.-Bolt. 140. Bull. 377.

Near Saltwellside and Medemsley, D. In Heaton Wood, N.

1594. Agaricus tigrinus.—Bull. 70.

On Stumps of Trees near Saltwellside and Healy Held, D. In Heaton Wood, N.

1595. Agaricus castaneus.—Bolt. 22.

In a Plantation near Medomsley, D.

1596. Agaricus pilosus, Var. 2.—Bolt. 42.

In Westcrow Wood, D.

1597. Agaricus carneo-albus.

In Longacre Wood, D.

1598. Agaricus deliciosus, Var. 2.—Schaeff. 11.

In Pastures near Medomsley, D.

Var. 3—Bolt. 144.

Near Gateshead and Hamsterly, D.

1599. Agaricus ericeus.—Bull. 188.

In Bolyhope Dean near Wolsingham; on the Heath near Knitsley, D. See A. niveus and A. eburneus.

1600. Agaricus dulcis.—Bolt. 3. Bull. 224.

In Bradley and Ravensworth Woods, D.

1601. Agaricus acris.—Bolt. 60.

In Bradley Wood, D.

1602. Agaricus clavaeformis.—Bull. 551. 1. Schoeff. 307.

In Pastures near Newcastle, N. In Bradley Wood, D.

1603. Agaricus fibula.—Bull. 186.

In Longacre and Bradley Woods, D.

1604. Agaricus necator.—Bull. 529. 2.

In Westcrow and Horsley Hope Bourns, D.

1605. Agaricus fulvus.—Sow. t. 286. Bolt. 56. Schaef. 50. and 54.

Near Medomsley, D.

1606. Agaricus amethystinus.—Sow. t.187. Bull. 198. and 570.

Near Medomsley and in Bradley Wood, D.

1607. Agaricus aestivus.

Near Medomsley, D.

1608. Agaricus opacus.—Sow. t. 142.

In Fields and Meadows.

1609. Agaricus furfurosus

Near Medomsley and in Longacre Wood, D.

1610. Agaricus muscarius.—Sow. t. 286.

In Woods, frequent. Sowerby considers this as a Variety of A. fulvus.

1611. Agaricus leucocephalus.—Bull. 536.

Near Medomsley, D.

1612. Agaricus stipitis, var. 5.—Bolt. 16.

On Stumps of Trees near Saltwellside; in Bradley Wood and Muggleswick Park, D.

1613. Agaricus cuathoides.—Bolt. 145.

In Heaton Wood, N.

1614. Agaricus zonarius.—Sow. t. 203. Bull. 104. Schoeff. 235.

In Ravensworth, Bradley, and Howns Woods; also in Horsley Hope and Westcrow Bourns, D.

1615. Agaricus integer.—Bolt. 1. Batsch. 13. Schoeff. 58. 75. 92.

In Heaton Wood, N. In Pont Bourn and Bradley Wood, D.

1616. Agaricus elephantinus.—Sow. t. 36. Bolt. 28.

In Woods, frequent.

1617. Agaricus viridis. Agaricus odorus.—Sow. t. 42. Agaricus coeruleus.—Bolt. 12.

Near Medomsley, and at Cramer Dykes, near Gateshead, D.

[5]1618. Agaricus ulmarius.—Sow. 67. Bull. 510.

Near Medomsley, D.

[5]1619. Agaricus dealbatus.—Sow. t. 123.

On the Moors near Bolyhope Lead Mine, D.

1620. Agaricus sordidus.—Bolt. 59. Dicks. t. 3. f. 1.

In Howns and Bradley Wood, D.

1621. Agaricus umbratus.—Bull. 574. 2.

In Bradley Wood, D. On Agarics in a state of Decay.

1622. Agaricus araneosus.—Bull. 96.

Near Hamsterley, D.

1623. Agaricus rimosus.—Sow. t. 323. Bull. 388. and 599.

In Bradley Wood, D.

1624. Agaricus lacticaules.

In Bradley Wood, D.

[5]1625. Agaricus turbinata.—Bull. 110.

Near Medomsley, D.

[5]1626. Agaricus ileopodius.—Bull. 578.

In Bradley Wood, D.

1627. Agaricus violaceus.—Sow. t. 209. Bolt. 52. Bull. 250. and 598, 2.

Agaricus violaceus. β.—Bolt. 147. Bull. 439. A. Schoeff. 34.

Near Medomsley, D.

1628. Agaricus cyanus.

Agaricus politus.—Bolt. t. 30. Bull. 170. and 530. 1.

In Fir Plantations near Medomsley and Gibside, D.

1629. Agaricus flavidus.—Schoeff. 35. Sow. t. 96.

In Meadows near Urpeth, D.

Agaricus flavidus. β.—Sow. t. 366.

Near Medomsley, D.

1630 Agaricus calyciformis.—Batsch. 118.

Near Medomsley, D.

1631. Agaricus peronatus.—Sow. t. 37. Bolt. 58.

Near Beamish, Urpeth, and Medomsley, D.

1632. Agaricus bulbosus.—Bull. 364. Schoeff. 241. Bolt. 48.

In Bradley Wood near Medomsley, D.

1633. Agaricus orcades.

Agaricus pratensis.—Sow. t. 247. Bull. 144.

In Meadows and Pastures.

1634. Agaricus horizontalis.—Sow. t. 341. Bull. 324.

Near Urpeth and Medomsley; and on Trees at Cold Rowley, D.

1635. Agaricus clavus.—Bolt. 39. B. Bull. 148. B. C. D. Schoeff. 59.

On dead Leases in Woods.

1636. Agaricus Georgii.—Sow. t. 304.

In Fields near Medomsley, D.

1697. Agaricus rubens.—Bull. 202. Bolt. 36.

In Fir Plantations near Medomsley, D.

1638. Agaricus campestris.—Sow. t. 305. Bolt. 45. Bull. 134. and 514.

In Meadows and Pastures.

1639. Agaricus hinnuleus.—Sow. t. 173.

In Bradley Wood, D.

1640. Agaricus luteus.—Bolt. 50.

Agaricus cepoestipes.—Sow. t. 2.

On Dung Hills at Benwell, N.

1641. Agaricus durus.—Bull. 428. 2. Bolt. 67. 1.

In Bradley Wood, D.

1642. Agaricus niveus.

In Bolyhope Bourn, 6 Miles from Wolsingham, D. See A. eburneus.

1643. Agaricus umbilicatus.—Bull. 411. 2.

Near Medomsley, D.

1644. Agaricus primula.

In Fir Plantations near Blanchland, N.

1645. Agaricus sordidus.—Sow. t. 363. Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 1. t. 3. f. 1.

On the Ground in Woods near Newcastle.

1646. Agaricus purpurascens.

Near Medomsley, D.

1647. Agaricus circumseptus.—Batsch. 98.

Near Melomsley. D.

1646. Agaricus tener.—Schoeff. 70. Bull. 535. 1. and 403. B. C.

Near Benwell, and in Scot's Wood, N. Near Melomsley, D.

1649. Agaricus xylophillus.—Sow. t. 167. Bull. 530. 2. L. M. 2.

In Woods on the Derwent, D.

1650. Agaricus clypeatus.—Bolt. 57. Schoeff. 52. f. 7. 8. 9.

In Muggleswick Park near Hishope, D.

[5]1651. Agaricus striatus.—Sow. t. 166. Bolt. 552. f. 2.

On the Stumps of Willows near Winlaton Mill, D.

1652. Agaricus cinnamomeus.—Bolt. 150.

In Bradley Wood, D.

[5]1653. Agaricus sanguineus.—Sow. t. 43.

Near Medomsley, D.

1654. Agaricus roseus.—Sow. t. 72. Bull. 162.

Near Medomsley, D.

1655. Agaricus aeruginosus.—Sow. t. 264. Schoeff. 1. Bolt. 143. Curt. 309.

In Fields at Spring-Gardens, near Newcastle.

1656. Agaricus fissus.

On the East Bank of Westcrow Bourn, near Wolsingham, D.

1657. Agaricus livido-purpureus.—Bolt. 63. and 64.

In Scot's Wood Dean, and near Blanchland, N.

Var. 2.—Bolt. 64.

Near Bradley, D.

1658. Agaricus aurantius.—Sow. t. 381. Curt. 308. Schoeff. 2. Bolt. 67. 2. Bull. 50. and 524. 3.

In Meadows and Pastures near Newcastle.

1659. Agaricus psittacinus.—Sow. t. 82. Schoeff. 301.

Near Medomsley, D.

1660. Agaricus cryptarum.—Bolt. 71. 1.

near Medomsley, D.

1661. Agaricus floccosus.—Sow. 284. Schoeff. 61. Bull. 266.

On the East Banks of Westcrow Bourn, near Wolsingham; also in Bradley Wood, D.

[5]1662. Agaricus corticalis.—Sow. t. 243. Bull. 519. f. 1.

On Plane Trees near Cold Rowley, D.

[5]1663. Agaricus ulmarius.—Bull. 510.

In Bradley Wood, D.

1664. Agaricus fascicularis.—Sow. t. 285. Schoeff. 49. 1. 2. 3. Bolt. 29.

On decayed Wood, frequent.

Var. 3.—Bolt. 5. Schoeff. 49. 6. 7.

In Howns, Foxholes, and other Woods on the Derwent, D.

1665. Agaricus semi-globosus.—Sow. t. 248. Batsch. 110. Bull. 566. 4.

In Woods, frequent.

1666. Agaricus procerus.—Sow. t. 190. Bull. 78. Schoeff. 23. 22.

Off Hedge Banks.

1667. Agaricus stercorarius.—Sow. t. 262. Bull. 542. and 68.

On Dung Hills.

Var. 3.—Bull. 320. Bolt. 37.

In Heaton Wood, N. In Gibside and Bradley Woods, D.

1668. Agaricus alliaceus.—Sow. t. 81.

On decayed Leaves in Woods near Medomsley, D.

1669. Agaricus turbinatus.

Var. 3.—Bolt. 154.

On the Stumps of a Willow in Gibside Wood, D.

1670. Agaricus micaceus.—Bull. 246. and 565. Schoeff. 17.

In Pastures by Road Sides, and on Dung Hills.

1671. Agaricus congregatus.—Sow. t. 261. Bolt. 54. the small figures.

Near Gateshead and Newcastle, frequent.

1672. Agaricus flavipes.—Schoeff. 31.

On the Banks of Derwent, near Winlaton, D.

1673. Agaricus colus.

Agaricus tener.—Sow. t. 33.

In Pastures near Medomsley, D.

[5]1674. Agaricus filopes.—Bull. 320.

Near Medomsley, D.

1675. Agaricus atro-rufus.—Bolt. 51. 1. Schoeff. 234. Bolt. 51. 1.

Near Medomsley, D.

1676. Agaricus cuspidatus.—Bolt. 66. 2.

Near Medomsley and Muggleswick, D.

1677. Agaricus titubans.—Sow. t. 128. Bull. 425. 1.

In Bradley Wood, near Medomsley, D.

1678. Agaricus cylindricus.—Sow. t. 189. Bolt. 44. Schoeff. 46. 47. 48.

In Meadows near Gateshead, and on Ash Heaps, frequent.

1679. Agaricus dryophyllus.—Sow. t. 127. Bolt. 6. Bull. 434.

In Bradley Wood, D.

1680. Agaricus flavus.—Bolt. 68.

In Butsfield Dean, four Miles East of Wolsingham, D.

1681. Agaricus velutipes.—Sow. t. 263. Bull. 344. Curt. 4. 40.

On rotten Wood, frequent.

1682. Agaricus ovatus.—Curt. 101. Schoeff. 67. 68.

Agaricus fimetarius.—Sow. t. 188

On rotten Wood.

1683. Agaricus momentarius.—Bull. 128. Bolt. 39.

In Pastures near Medomsley, D.

1684. Agaricus cinereus.—Bolt. 20. Schoeff. 100. and 216.

On Dunghills, frequent.

1685. Agaricus campanulatus.

Var. 2.—Schoeff. 6.

Near Medomsley, D.

1686. Agaricus plicatilis.—Bull. 542. 1. and 581. 1. Curt. 200.

In Meadows and Pastures.

1687. Agaricus semi-ovatus.—Sow. t. 131. Bolt. 53.

In Meadows and Pastures.

1688. Agaricus exaratus.—Bolt. 31. Bull. 30.

Near Medomsley, D.

[5]1689. Agaricus columbarius.-Sow. t. 161. Bull. 413. f. 1.

Near Medomsley, D.

[5]1690. Agaricus digitaliformis.—Bull. 20.

By the side of Sheriff Hill Waggon-way, near Gateshead, D.

1691. Agaricus sessilis.—Bull. 152.

Agaricus niveus.—Sow. t. 97.

Agaricus flabellatus.—Bolt. 72. 2.

On rotton Sticks in Ravensworth Woods, and Boltshope Dean, D.

1692. Agaricus ostreatus.—Sow. t. 241. Curt. 216.

In Longacre Wood, near Lamesley, and on Chowden Fell. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1693. Agaricus planus.—Bolt. 72. 3. Sow. t. 362.

In Gibside and Howns Wood. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

In East Common Wood, N.-Mr. F. Scott.

1694. Agaricus conchatus.—Bull. 298.

Near Medomsley, D.

1695. Agaricus flabelliformis.—Sow. t. 109. Schoeff. 208.

On Trees near Medomsley. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

Var. 2. Agaricus lateralis.—Bolt. 71. 2.

Near Medomsley, D.

1696. Agaricus mollis.-Sow. t. 98. Schoeff. 213. Batsch. 38.

In Woods near Medomsley and Gibside, D.

1697. Agaricus ficoides.—Batsch. 122. Bull. 140. and 557.

Agaricus betulinus.—Bolt. 72. f. 1. Bull. 140. and 557.

In East Common Wood, N. In Bradley Wood, D.

1698. Agaricus reniformis.

Agaricus flabelliformis.—Bolt. 157.

On Birch Trees in Gibside Woods. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1699. Agaricus applicatus.—Sow. t. 301. Batsch. t. 24 f. 125. a. b.

In Longacre Wood, near Lamesley, D.

1700. Agaricus betulinus.—Sow. t. 182. Bull. 346. four lower figures, and 394.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1701. Agaricus quercinus.—Sow. t. 181. Bull. 352. Bolt. 73. Schoeff. 57.

In Longacre and Ravensworth Woods. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1702. Fistulina hepatica.—Bolt. 79.

Bolitus hepaticus.—Sow. t. 58. Bull. 464. 497. and 74.

On Trees near Beamish, D.

1703. Fistulina pectinata.—Bolt. 74.

On old Wood near Gateshead. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1704. Boletus subfuscus.

In Seggers on Wood, and in Westcrow Dean, D.

1705. Boletus cyanescens.—Bull. 369.

In Gibside Woods, D.

1706. Boletus aurantiacus.—Sow. t. 110. Bull. 236. and 489. f. 2. R. S.

Near Medomsley, D. In Woods, frequent.

1707. Boletus bovinus.

Boletus scaber.—Sow. t. 175. Bull. 60.

Near Sherburn and Greencroft, D.

1708. Boletus subsquamosus.

Near Crow Hall, D.

1709. Boletus perennis.—Sow. t. 192. Schoeff. 125. Bull. 449. 2. Bolt. 87. Bull. 28.

In Howns Wood, D.

1710. Boletus piperatus.—Sow. t. 34. Bull. 451.

In Ravensworth Woods, D.

1711. Boletus nummularius.—Sow. t. 89. Bull. 124.

In Howns Wood, D. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1712. Boletus nigripes.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1713. Boletus elephantinus.—Bull. 369.

In Gibside, Ravensworth, Longacre, and Bradley Woods, D.

1714. Boletus flavus.—Bolt. 169.

In Fir Plantations at Butsfield and Greencroft; also in Bradley Wood, D.

[5]1715. Boletus scaber.—Sow. 1. 175. Bull. 489. Schoeff. 1043.

In Gibside, Ravensworth, and Hamsterley Woods, D.

[5]1716. Boletus communis.—Sow. t. 225.

In Gibside, Hamsterley, and Ravensworth Woods, D.

[5]1717. Boletus castaneus.—Bull. 328.

In Fir Plantations at Gibside, Butsfield, and Lanchester, D.

1718. Boletus edulis.—Sow. t. 111. Bull. 494.

In Ravensworth Woods, D. In Woods near Newcastle, frequent.

1719. Boletus luteus.—Sow. t. 265. Schoeff. 114.

In Fir Plantations near Medomsley, D.

1720. Boletus substrictus.—Bolt. 170.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1721. Boletus albidus.—Schoeff. 124. Sow. t. 226. Dicks. Crypt. t. 9. f. 9.

On decayed Wood, frequent.

1722. Boletus betulinus.—Sow. t. 212. Bolt. 159.

On decayed Birch Trees, N. and D. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1723. Boletus squamosus.—Schoeff. 101. and 102. Sow. t. 266. Bull. 114. Bolt. 77. Batsch. 41.

In Heaton Wood, N. On Trees near Gateshead and Saltwellside, D.

1424. Boletus lateralis.—Bolt. 83.

In Howns Wood, D.

1725. Boletus suberosus.—Bolt. 162. Bull. 482. F.

On Trees near Gateshead and Newcastle, also in Woods on the Derwent, D. and N.

1726. Boletus medulla-panis.—Sow. t. 326. Bolt. 167. the lower figure.

In Heaton Wood, and at Paradise, N. In Gibside and Ravensworth Woods, D. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1727. Boletus salicinus.—Sow. t. 227. Bull. 433. 1.

Near Gateshead and Saltwellside, on old Willows, D.

1728. Boletus suaveolens.—Sow. t. 228. Bull. 310.

On Willows near Little Epleton, D. Near Darlington, D.-Mr. E. Robson.

1729. Boletus spongiosus.

On Trees near Seaton-Delaval, N. Near Gatehead, D.

1730. Boletus hybridus.—Sow. t. 289.

On decayed wood near Busy Cottage, in Heaton Dean, N.

1731. Boletus lachrymans.—Sow. t. 113. Bolt. 167. upper figure.

Under damp Floors, and in Cellars.

1732. Boletus versicolor.—Sow. t. 229. Bull. 86. Schoef. 268, 269. Bolt. 81.

On Stumps of Trees, Rails, &c.

1733. Boletus cuticularis.—Bull. 462.

On decayed Birch and Alder.

1734. Boletus cryptarum.—Bolt. 165. Bull. 478.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1735. Boletus labyrinthiformis.-Bolt. 160. Bull. 491. 2.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1736. Boletus unicolor—Sow. t. 325. Bull. 408. and 501. f. 3. Bolt. 163.

In Scots Wood Dean and Heaton Wood, also near Bywell, N. In Howns Wood, Longacre, Bradley, and Gibside Woods, D.

[5]1737. Boletus frondosus—Sow. t. 87. Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 1. p. 18.

On Stumps of Trees near Knitsley, D.

[5]1738. Boletus angustatus.—Sow. t. 193.

Near Darlington, D. Specimens sent to Sowerby by Mr. E. Robson.

[5]1739. Boletus impuber.—Sow. 195. Bolt. 165.

On decayed Trees in Woods on the Derwent, D. In Horsley Hope Wood, on Tyne, H.

1740. Boletus abietinus.—Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 3. t. 9. f. 9.

On decayed Trees at Snows Green, near Shotley Bridge, D.

1741. Boletus hispidus.—Bolt. 161.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

[5]1742. Boletus ulmarius.—Sow. t. 88.

In the hollow Trunks of old Elms in Cawsey Wood, and at Saltwellside, D.

1743. Boletus sulphureus.—Sow. t. 135. Bull. 429.

In Horsley Hope, D. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

[5]1744. Boletus heteroclitus.—Sow. t. 367. Bolt. 164.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

[5]1745. Boletus variegatus.—Sow. t. 368. Schoeff. 136.

Near Medomsley, D.

1746. Boletus igniarius.—Sow. t. 132. Bull. 82. and 491. E. and F. and 454.

On old Trees, frequent.

Var. 2.—Bull. 401. Bolt. 80. Schoeff. 106.

On Plumb Trees near Medomsley, D. Near Newburn, N.

1747. Hydnum auriscalpium.—Curt. 190 Bolt. 90. Sow. t. 267. Schoeff. 143. Bull. 481. 3.

On Fir Cones in East Common Wood, near Hexham.—Mr. F. Scott.

1748. Hydnum repandum.—Bull. 172. Sow. t. 176. Bolt. 89. Schaeff. 318. and 141.

In Bradley Wood, near Medomsley, D. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1749. Hydnum Barba-jovus.—Bull. 481. 2. Sow. t. 328.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1750. Helvella mitra.—Sow. t. 39. Bull. 466. and 190. Schoeff. 154. 282. 162.

Near Kibblesworth, and in Gibside Woods, D.

1751. Helvella cartilagina.—Bolt. 101. 1.

In Scots Wood Dean, N.

1752. Helvella aurea.

Peziza aurea.—Sow. t. 150. Bolt. 98. 2.

On the Stumps of Trees, &c. &c.

1753. Helvella aeruginosa.—Sow. t. 347.

In Longacre Wood, D.

1754. Helvella fuliginosa.—Sow. t. 154. Bull. 242. Bolt. 95. Schoeff. 320.

In Longacre Wood, D.

1755. Helvella plana.

In Longacre Wood, D.

1756. Helvella hybrida.—Sow. t. 238.

Near Darlington, D. Sent to Sowerby by Mr. E. Robson.

1757. Auricularia ferruginea.—Sow. t. 26. Bull. 378. Bolt. 82. a.

On decayed Wood, &c. In Dilston Park, N.—Mr. F. Scott.

1758. Auricularia nicotiana.

Auricularia tabacina.—Sow. t. 25. Bolt. 174.

On decayed Wood, &c. &c. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1759. Auricularia papyrina.—Sow. t. 349. Bull. 402.

Near Medomsley, D. Near Darlington, D.—M. E. Robson.

1760. Auricularia corticalis.—Bull. 436. 1.

On decayed Wood.

1761. Auricularia reflexa.—Sow. t. 27. Bull. 274. and 483. 1. 2. 3. 4. Bolt. 82. a. c. b. e.

On Stumps of Trees, decayed Wood, &c.

1762. Auricularia tremelloides.—Bull. 290. Bolt. 172.

Auricularia corrugata—Sow. t. 290.

On rotten Wood at Bedey Hill, N.

[5]1763. Auricularia caryophylla.—Bull. 278. Sow. t. 213. Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 1. 20.

On Stumps of Trees in Howns, Bradley, and Gibside Woods, D. On Hexham Fell, N.—Mr. F. Scott.

[5]1764. Auricularia phosphorea.—Sow. t. 350.

On decayed Wood, frequent, N. and D.

[5]1765. Auricularia levis.—Sow. t. 388. f. 2.

In East Common Wood, near Hexham.—Mr. F. Scott.

[5]1766. Auricularia cinerea.—Sow. t. 388. f. 3.

On dead Branches of Trees in Woods, frequent.

1767. Peziza nivea—Sow. t. 65.

On rotten Sticks in Bradley Wood, D.

1768. Peziza punctata.—Bull. 252. Bolt. 127. 2.

Sphaeria punctata.—Sow. t. 54.

On Cow Dung near Medomsley, D. Near Darlington, D.—Mr E. Robson

1769. Peziza stipitata.—Bull. 196. Bolt. 96. Sow. t. 38. Schoeff. 167.

In Longacre Wood, D.

1770. Peziza minutula.—Batsch. 39. 217.

In Heaton Dean, near Busy Cottage, N.

1771. Peziza citrina.—Sow. t. 151.

On decayed Wood.

1772. Peziza coccinea. Bolt. 104. Peziza epidendra.—Sow. t. 13. Bull. 467.

In Woods near Newcastle, frequent. Near Darlington, D.—Mr E. Robson.

Var. 2.—Bull. 474. Bolt. 100. Schoeff. 148. Peziza coccinea.—Sow. 78.

On rotten Sticks in Woods near Newcastle, frequent.

1773. Peziza inflexa.—Sow. t. 306. Bolt. 106. 2.

In Bradley Wood, D. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robsen.

1774. Peziza ochroleuca—Sow. t. 115. 1.

In Longacre Wood; also near Healy Field Lead Mine, D.

[5]1775. Peziza bicolor.—Sow. t. 17.

On rotten Sticks in Woods.

[5]1776. Peziza leporina.—Sow. t. 79.

On dead Leaves in Woods, rare.

[5]1777. Peziza melastoma.—Sow. t. 149.

On Sticks in East Common Wood, near Hexham, N.—Mr. F. Scott.

[5]1773. Peziza aurea.—Sow. t. 150.

Helvella aurea.-Bolt. 98.

In Bradley Wood, D.

[5]1779. Periza lenticularis.—Bull.. 300. A. B.

On Stumps of Trees in Weeds, frequent.

[5]1780. Peziza lactea.—Bull. 376. 3.

On Stumps of Trees in Woods.

1781. Peziza marginata.—Sow. t. 16.

In Bradley Wood, D.

1782. Peziza auricula.—Bull. 427. 2.

Tremella auricula. (Huds.)

On Elder Trees in Hedges near Gateshead, in abundance; also in Longacre Wood, D.

1783. Peziza cochleata.—Bull. 154. Bolt. 99. Batsch. 151. Schaeff. 274. 155. 150. Sow. t. 5.

On the Ground near Sheepcoat and Medomsley, D. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1784. Peziza chrysocoma.—Sow. t. 152. Bull. 376. 2.

On decayed Wood near Gibside, D. In Scots Wood Dean, N.

1785. Peziza stercoraria.—Bull. 376. 1. Sow. t. 18.

On Horse and Cow Dung.

1786. Peziza scutellata.—Sow. t. 24. Bolt. 108. Bull. 10. and 438. 2. Batsch. 54.

Var. 2. Bull. 438. 3.

On Cow Dung and rotten Wood, frequent.

1788. Peziza hispida.—Bull. 204. Schoeff. 151. Sow. t. 147.

In Fir Plantations near Medomsley, and in Bradley Wood, D.

1789. Peziza cinerea.—Batsch. 26. 137. Sow. t. 64. Bolt. 101. 2. Schoeff. 323. Bull. 499. 5.

On Stumps of Trees in Woods, N. In Bradley Wood, D. In Fields West of Hexham, N.—Mr. F. Scott.

1790. Peziza polymorpha.—Batsch. 50. Bull. 116. 460. 1. Schoeff. 158.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1791. Peziza atra.

In Woods near Farnacres, Ravensworth, D.

[5]1792. Peziza comitialis.—Batsch. 152. Sow. t. 118.

On fallen Oak Leaves.

[5]1793. Peziza nigra.—Bull. 460. 1. and 116.

In Ravensworth Wood, near Farnacres, D.

Obs. In a young State this greatly resembles P. melastoma of Sowerby.

1794. Nidularia campanulata.—Sow. t. 28. Bull. 488. Bolt. 102. 1. Schoeff. 180.

Near the Windmill Hills, Gateshead, and Medomsley, D. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1795. Nidularia levis.—Bull. 40. B. C. C. and 488. 2. Sow. t. 30. Schoeff. 171. 181.

In the Wood near the Red-Heugh, above Gateshead, D. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1796. Phallus esculentus.—Bull. 218. B. D. Bolt. 91. Schoeff. 199. 298. 299. 230.

Helvella esculenta. Sow. 51.

Near Ryton, Prudhoe Castle, Medomsley, Gibside, and Chester-le-Street, D.

1797. Phallus impudicus.—Bull. 182. Curt. 199. Bolt. 92. Schoeff. 196. 197. 198.

Phallus foetidus.—Sow. t. 329.

In Beamish and Urpeth Woods; also in Woods on the Derwent, D.

1798. Phallus caninus.—Curt. 235. Schoeff. 330. Sow. t. 330.

On an old Stone Dyke in the Spittle Grounds, near Hexham, N. Specimens received from Mr. F. Scott.

1799. Clavaria gyrans.—Bolt. 112. 1. Batch. 164.

At Farnacres, near Ravensworth, D.

1800. Clavaria phacorhiza.—Sow. t. 233. Bolt. 111. 1.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1801. Clavaria spathula.

Helvella spathula.—Sow. t. 35. Bolt. 97.

Near Medomsley, D. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1802. Clavaria militaris.

Sphaeria militaris.—Sow. t. 60. Schoeff. 290.

Among Moss in Bogs.

[5]1803. Clavaria coccinea.—Sow. t. 294.

On Bark in Heaton and other Woods, near Newcastle, frequent.

1804. Clavaria herculanea.—Bull. 244. Schoeff. 169.

In Fields near Gateshead and Bradley, D.

1805. Clavaria pistillaris.

Clavaria rugosa.—Sow. t. 235. Bull. 463. 1. A. L. M.

At the Stony-Flat, near Gateshead, D.

1806. Clavaria ophioglossoides.—Sow. t. 83. Bolt. 111. 2. Bull. 372. Schoeff. 327. Batsch. 47.

Near Medomsley, D. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1807. Clavaria cornea.—Sow. t. 40 Bull. 469. 3. Batsch. 28. 161.

On rotten Wood, common.

1808. Clavaria laciniata.—Bull. 415. 1. Schoeff. 291.

In Bradley and Ravensworth Woods, D.

1809. Clavaria elegans.—Bolt. 115. Bull. 496. 4. L. M. P.

In Bradley Wood, D.

1810. Clavaria anthocephala.—Sow. t. 156. Bull. 452. 1.

On decayed Leaves and Sticks in Ravensworth Woods, D.

1811. Clavaria coralloides—Bull. 222. 496. 3. O. 2. and 358. B. D. E. and 496. N. Sow. t. 278. Schaeff. 174. 175. 285. 287.

At Farnacres near Ravensworth, and in Bradley Wood, D.

1812. Clavaria fastigiata.—Schoeff. 174. 170. 172. and 291. Bull. 358. D. E. Bolt. 122. 2. and 123. 2. b. c.

In Fields near Gateshead, D.

1813. Clavaria muscoides.—Bull. 358. A. B. Bolt. 114. Sow. t. 157. Schaeff. 173.

In Gibside and Bradley Woods, D.

1814. Clavaria Hypoxylon.—Bolt. 129. b. c. i. e. f.

Sphaeria Hypoxylon—Sow. t. 55. Bull. 180. Batsch. 160.

In Woods, frequent.

[5]1815. Clavaria cornea.—Sow. t. 40. Bull. 468. 4.

On decayed Wood in Pont Bourn, D.

[5]1816. Clavaria fusiformis.—Sow. t. 234.

On the Windmill Hills, near Gateshead, D.

[5]1817. Clavaria cylindracea.—Bull. 463. 1.

In Bradley Wood, D.

[5]1818. Clavaria nigosa.—Bull. 448. 2.

Near Medomsley, D.

[5]1819. Clavaria pencillata.—Bull. 448. 3.

In Bradley Wood, D.

1820. Lycoperdon coliforme.—Dicks. Crypt. t. 3. f. 4.

In Pastures on Langley Moor, near Lanchester, D.

1821. Lycoperdon stellatum.—Sow. 312. Bolt. 179.

Near Hexham, N.—Mr. F. Scott. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1822. Lycoperdon fornicatum.—Sow. t. 198. Schoeff. 183. Batsch. 168.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1823. Lycoperdon recolligens.—Sow. t. 80. Bull. 238. 471. 1.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1824. Lycoperdon carpobolus.—Sow. t. 22.

Near Wharney Bourn, D.

1825. Lycoperdon verrucosum.—Bull. 24

In Pastures near Medomsley and Wolsingham, D.

1826. Lycoperdon parasiticum.

In Heaton Wood, N.

1827. Lycoperdon auranriacum.—Sow. t. 268. Bull. 270.

Near Wolsingham, D. Near Bedlingham, N.

1828. Lyocperdon proteus.

Var. 1.—Bull. 447. Schaeff. 191. Sow. t. 332.

Under the Floors of the Infirmary and Vicarage at Newcastle, N. In Fields near Lints Green and Medomsley, D.

Var. 2.—Bull. 435. 2. Schaeff. 184.

Var. 3.—Bull. 435. f. 3. and 475.

Var. 4.—Bull. 32. and 475. B. D. M. Bolt. 117. d.

Var. 5.—Bull. 72. and 475. Bolt. 117. a.

In Meadows and Pastures near Newcastle

1829. Lycoperdon gobosum.—Bolt. 118.

Lycoperdon Bovista.—Sow. t. 331.

In Meadows, very common.

1830. Lycoperdon defossum.—Sow. t. 311. Batsch. 229.

Near Wolsingham, D.

1831 Lyoperdon innatum.

Aecidium fuscum.—Sow. t. 53.

On the Leaves of Anemone nemorosa, in Woods near Newcastle and Darlington, N. and D.

1832. Lycoperdon epidendrum.—Bull. 503. Bolt. 119. 1. Schoeff. 193. Sow. t. 400. f. 2, 3.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1833. Lycoperdon fragile.—Sow. t. 136. Dicks. Crypt. t. 3. f. 5.

1834. Lycoperdon cervinum.—Sow. t. 269.

Near Medomsley, D.

1835. Reticularia Lycoperdon.—Sow. t. 272. Bull. 476. 1. Bolt. 133. 2.

On decayed Wood.

1836. Reticularia sinuosa.—Sow. t. 6. Bull. 446. 3. Batsch. 170.

On decayed Wood in Heaton Dean, and Ravensworth Wood, N. and D.

1837. Reticularia septica.—Schaeff. 194. Bolt. 424. 2.

On decayed Wood near Urpeth, D.

1838. Reticularia ovata.—Schaeff 192. Bolt. 134.

In Woods near Medomsley and Gateshead, D.

1839. Reticularia multicapsule.—Sow. t. 179

near Medomsley

1840. Sphaeria sanguinea.—Sow. t. 254. Bolt. 121. 1. Bull. 487. 3.

In Ravensworth, Gibside, and Friarside Woods, D. In Heaton and Scots Wood, N. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1841. Sphaeria mori.—Sow. t. 255. Bolt. 120. 1.

In Woods, on decayed bark, frequent.

1842. Sphaeria fragiformis.—Sow. t. 256.

On decayed Wood, common.

1843. Sphaeria Tremelloides.—Bull. 284. Bolt. 127. 1. Dill. 18. 6.

1844. Sphaeria mammosa.—Fl. Dan. 1079.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

1845. Sphaeria maxima.—Sow. t. 338. Bull. 487. 1. Bolt. 181.

On Ash Trees in Ravensworth Woods, D.

1846. Sphaeria fraxinea.—Sow. t. 160. Bolt. 180. Schoeff. 329.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson.

l847. Sphaeria tuberculosa.—Bolt. 123. 1.

In Heaton and Walbottle Dean, N.

1848. Sphaeria coronata.

On decayed Leaves in Longacre Wood, D.

1849. Sphaeria depressa.—Sow. t. 216. Bull. 432. 2. Bolt. 122. 1.

On decayed Sticks and Stalks of Nettles.

1850. Sphaeria aggregata.—Bolt. 122. 2.

Sphaeria bombardica.—Sow. t. 372. f. 4.

On decayed Wood, &c. &c.

1851. Sphaeria acuta.—Sow. t. 119.

On dead Sticks in Woods, frequent.

1852. Sphaeria decorticata.—Sow. t. 137. Bull. 468. 4.

On decayed Sticks, &c.

[5]1853. Sphaeria decomponens.—Sow. t. 217.

On decayed Sticks.

[5]1854. Sphaeria solida.—Sow. t. 314.

On the dead Stalks of umbellifervus Plants, common.

[5]1855. Sphaeria concava.—Sow. t. 317.

On dead Holly Leaves.

[5]1856. Sphaeria granulosa.—Sow. t. 355.

On dead Birch, common.

[5]1857. Sphaeria maculaeformis (Ehrart.)
Xyloma acerinum (Persoon.)

On the dead Leaves of Acer pseudoplatanus, a Heaton Wood, N.

1858. Trichia nuda.—Bull. 477. 1. Bolt. 93. 1. Sow. t. 50. Batsch. 176. Schoeff. 297.

In Ravensworth Woods, D.

1859. Trichia denudata.—Batsch. 177. Schoeff. 297. Sow. t. 49. Bull. 502. 1. Bolt. 93. 2.

In Longacre Wood, near Lamesley, D.

1860. Trichia fulva.—Bolt. 93. 3. Bull. 387. 2.

In Longacre Wood, D.

1861. Trichia flava.—Bull. 407. 2. Bolt. 93. 4.

In Longacre Wood, D.

1862. Trichia pyriformis.—Bull. 417. 2.

In Longacre Wood, D.

1863. Trichia globulifera.—Bull. 484. 3. Bolt. 94. 1.

On rotten Wood near Gateshead, D.

1864. Trichia turbinata.—Sow. t. 85. Bolt. 94. 3. Batsch. 173.

In Longacre Wood, D.

1865. Trichia sphaerocephala.—Sow. t. 240.

On decayed Leaves in Cawsey Wood, D.

1866. Mucor Mucedo.-Sow. t. 378. f. 5. 6. 7. Bull. 480. 2. Bolt. 132. 1.

On rotten Wood and in damp Cellars.

1867. Mucor glaucus. Sow. t. 378. f. 9.

On rotton Apples

1868. Mucor roridus.—Bolt. 132. 4. Bull. 280. 1.

On Horse dung.

1869. Mucor urceolatus—Bolt. 133. 1. Sow. t. 300. Dicks. Crypt. t. 3. f. 6.

On Horse Dung.

1870. Mucor botrytis.—Sow. 4. 359. Bolt. 132. 3. Bull. 504. 7.

On the Stems of Thlaspi Bursa-pastoris.

1871. Mucor caseus.—Bull. 504. 2.

On decayed Cheese.

1872. Mucor chrysospermus.—Sow. t. 378. f. 13. Bull. 476. 4. and 504. 1.

On decayed Boleti.

1873. Mucor lignifortnis.—Sow. t. 378. f. 14. Bull. 504. 6.

In Longacre Wood, D.

1874. Uredo frumenti.—Sow. t. 140.

On the Stalk and Leaves of Wheat.

1875. Xylostroma giganteum.—Sow. t. 358.

On decayed Oak in Woods.

1876. Aecidium cardui.—Sow. t. 398. f. 5.

On Carduus arvensis.

1877. Rhizomorpha dichotoma.—Sow. t. 298.

On Timber in the Weardale and Allendale Lead Mines, D. & N. In the Teeadale Mines, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

1878. Rhizomorpha spinosa.—Sow. t. 299.

On Timber in the Weardale and Allendale Lead Mines, D. and N. In Charnberry Lead Mine, Teesdale, D. Rev. J. Harrimam.

1879. Rhizomorpha patens.—Sow. t. 392. f. 1. 2.

In Bradley Wood, on Ash Trees; also near Cleadon, D. In the Neighbourhood of Egleston, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

[5]1880. Farinaria seminaria.—Sow. t. 360.

On the Leaves of Willows.

1135. Plascum curvisetum.

On the Hedge Banks is Stepney Lane, near Newcastle.—Mr. W, Robertson.

1091. Gymnostomum Heimii.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.

927. Grimmia recurvirostra

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.

944. Dicranum pulvinatrum.

Grimmia pulvinata.—Eng. Bot. t. 1728.

964. Tortula rigida.

On Walls at the Stony-Flat, near Gateshead, D.

988. Hypnum polyanthos.

Var. β. gracile.—Turn. Musc. p. 137.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.

1064. Bryum annotinum.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.

1074. Bryum roseum.

Near Darlington, D. in Fructification.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.

1188. Varidaria faginea.

Lichen fragineus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1713.

1218. Lecidea dendritica.

Lichen dendriticus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1734.

Obs. Lichen tuberculatus of Eng. Bot. t. 1733. is certainly a Modification of this Plant: if the be distinct, it is the latter which grows on Quartz Rocks on Ben Lomond.—W.

1226. Lecidea picea.

On Sandstone Rocks on Muggleswick Fell, D.

1297. Thelastrema hymenium.

Lichen hymenius.—Eng. Bot. t. 1731.

1305. Urceolaria fimbriata.

Lichen fibrosus.—Eng. Bot. t. 1732

1881. Festuca dumetorum. (Withering.)

Festuca duriuscula, Var. β.—Fl. Brit.

Pubescent Fescue Grass.

Near Darlington, D. Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.

1882. Phascum patens—Eng. Bot. t. 1279.

Spreading Earth Moss.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.

1883. Phascum crispum.—Eng. Bot. t. 1680.

Curled-leaved Earth Moss.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.

1884. Phascum muticum—Dill. Musc. 32. f. 12.

Common Dwarf Earth Moss.

Near Darlington, D.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.

1885. Hypnum pulchellum.—Dicks. Crypt. 5. f. 6.

Beautiful Tufted Feather Moss.

On Stones in a Wood by the Gaunless, near Cockfield, D.—Mr. W. Backhouse, jun.



1. Salicornea herbacea Marsh Samphire, Jointed Glasswort
2. Hippuris vulgaris Mares Tail
3. Chara vulgaris Common Chara
4. Chara hispida Prickly Chara
5. Chara flexilis Smooth Chara
6. Zostera znarina Grass Wrack


7. Callitriche aquatica Water Star-Wort


8. Ligustrum vulgare Privet, Prim, or Prim-print
9. Fraxinus excelsior Common Ash
10. Circea lutetiana Common Enchanter's Nightshade
11. Veronica officinalis Male or Common Speedwell
12. Veronica serpyllifolia Smooth Speedwell, Paul's Betony
13. Veronica Becabunga Brooklime
14. Veronica Anagallis Water Speedwell, Long-leaved Brooklime
15. Veronica scutellata Narrow-leaved Marsh Speedwell
16. Veronica montana Mountain Speedwell, Mountain Madwort
17. Veronica chamaedrys Germander Speedwell, Wild Germander
18. Veronica agrestis Procumbent Speedwell, Germander Chickweed
19. Veronica arvensis Wall Speedwell, Speedwell Chickweed
20. Veronica hederifolia Ivy-leaved Speedwell, Small Henbit
21. Pinguicula vulgaris Common Butterwort, Yorkshire Sanicle
22. Utricularia vulgaris Common Bladderwort, Hooded Milfoil
23. Utricularia minor Lesser Hooded Milfoil
24. Lycopus europaeus Water Horehound, Gypsywort
25. Salvia verbenaca Wild English Clary


26. Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet-scented Spring Grass


27. Valeriana rubra Red Valerian
28. Valeriana dioica Small or Marsh Valerian
29. Valeriana officinalis Great Wild Valerian
30. Valeriana Locusta Corn Sallad, Lamb's Lettuce
31. Valeriana dentata Oval-fruited Corn Sallad
32. Iris Pseudacorus Yellow Iris, Water Flower-de-luce
33. Iris foetidissima Stinking Iris, Gladwyn, Roast-beef Plant
34. Schoenus Mariscus Prickly or long-rooted Bog-rush
35. Schoenus nigricans Black Bog-rush
36. Schoenus compressus Compressed Bog-rush
37. Schoenus rufus Brown Bog-rush
38. Schoenus albus White-headed Bog-rush
39. Schoenus monoicus Carex-like Bog-rush
40. Scirpus palustris Marsh creeping Club-rush
41. Scirpus multicaulis Many-stalked Club-rush
42. Scirpus caespitosus Scaly-stalked Club-rush
43. Scirpus pauciflorus Few-flowered Club-rush
44. Scirpus fluitans Floating Club-rush
45. Scirpus lacustris Bull-rush
46. Scirpus setaceus Least Club-rush
47. Scirpus maritimus Salt-marsh Club-rush
48. Scirpus sylvaticus Wood Club-rush, or Millet Cyperus-grass
49. Eriophorum vaginatum Single-headed Cotton-grass, Hare's-tail rush
50. Eriophorum polystachion Broad-leaved Cotton-grass
51. Eriophorum augustifolium Narrow-leaved Cotton-grass
52. Nardus stricta Mat-grass


53. Phalaris canariensis Manured Canary-grass
54. Phalaris arenaria Sea Canary-grass
55. Panicum verticillatum Rough Panick-grass
56. Panicum viride Green Panick-grass
57. Panicum sanguinale Cock's-foot Panick-grass
58. Phleum pratense Common Cat's-tail-grass, Timothy-grass
59. Phleum crinitum Bearded Cat's-tail-grass
60. Alopecurus pratensis Meadow Fox-tail-grass
61 Alopecurus agrestis Slender Fox-tail-grass
62 Alopecurus geniculatus Floating Fox-tail-grass
63 Milium effusum Millet-grass
64 Agrostis Spica-venti Silky Bent-grass
65 Agrostis canina Brown Bent-grass
66 Agrostis vulgaris Common Bent-grass
67 Agrostis stolonifera Creeping Bent-grass
68 Agrostis alba Marsh Bent-grass
69 Aira cristata Crested Hair-grass
70 Aira aquatica Water Hair-grass
71 Aira caespitosa Turfy Hair-grass
72 Aira flexuosa Zig-zag Mountain Hair-grass
73 Aira praecox Early Hair-grass
74 Aira caryophyllea Silver Hair-grass
75 Holcus lanatus Meadow Soft-grass
76 Holcus mollis Creeping Soft-grass
77 Holcus avenaceus Oat-like Soft-grass
78 Melica uniflora Wood Melic-grass
79 Melica nutans Mountain Melic-grass
80 Melica coerulea Purple Melic-grass
81 Sesleria coerulea Blue Moor-grass
82 Poa aquatica Reed Meadow-grass
83 Poa fluitans Flote Meadow-grass
84 Poa distans Reflexed Meadow-grass
85 Poa maritima Creeping Salt-marsh Meadow-grass
86 Poa procumbent Procumbent Marine Meadow-grass
87 Poa rigida Hard Meadow-grass
88 Poa compressa Flat-stalked Meadow-grass
89 Poa trivialis Roughish Meadow-grass
90 Poa pratensis Smooth-stalked Meadow-grass
91 Poa humilis Short bluish Meadow-grass
92 Poa annua Annual Meadow-grass
93 Poa nemoralls Wood Meadow-grass
94 Poa decumbens Decumbent Meadow-grass
95 Briza media Common Quaking-grass
96 Dactylis glomerata Rough Cock's-foot-grass
97 Cynosonis cristatus Crested Dog's-tail-grass
98 Cynosorus echinatus Rough Dogs-tail-grass
99 Festuca ovina Sheep's Fescue-grass
100 Festuca vivipara Viviparous Fescue-grass
101 Festuca duriuscula Hard Fescue-grass
102 Festuca rubra Creeping Fescue-grass
103 Festuca bromoides Barren Fescue-grass
104 Festuca gigantea Giant Fescue-grass
105 Fsscuca loliacea Spiked Fescue-grass
106. Festuca pratensis Meadow Fescue-grass
107. Festuca elatior Tall Fescue-grass
108. Bromus secalinus Smooth Rye Brome-grass
109. Bromus multiflorus Downy Rye Brome-grass
110. Bromus mollis Soft Brome-grass
111. Bromus racemosus Smooth Brome-grass
112. Bromus arvensis Field Brome-grass
113. Bromus asper Hairy Wood Brome-grass
114. Bromus sterilis Barren Brome-grass
115. Bromus diandrus Upright Annual Brome-grass
116. Bromus sylvaticus Slender Wood Brome-grass
117. Avena fatua Wild Oat, or Haver
118. Avena pubescens Downy Oat-grass
119. Avena pratensis Narrow-leaved Oat-grass
120. Avena flavescens Yellow Oat-grass
121. Avena strigosa Bristle-pointed Oat
122. Arundo Phragmites Common Reed
123. Arundo epigejos Wood Reed
124. Arundo colorata Canary Reed-grass
125. Arundo arenaria Sea Reed, Marram, Sea Mat-weed
126. Lolium perenne Perennial Darnel, Red Darnel, Ray-grass
127. Lolium temulentum Bearded Darnel
128. Lolium arvense White Darnel, Annual Beardless Darnel
129. Rotbollia incurvata Sea Hard-grass
130. Elymus arenarius Upright Sea Lime-grass
131. Elymus europaeus Wood Lime-grass
132. Hordeum murinum Wall Barley, Mouse Barley, Way Bennet
133. Hordeum pratense Meadow Barley
134. Hordeum maritimum Sea Barley, Squirrel-tail-grass
135. Triticum junceum Sea Side, Rushy Wheat-grass
136. Triticum repens Creeping Wheat-grass, Couch-grass
137. Triticum caninum Fibrous-rooted Wheat-grass
138. Triticum loliaceum Dwarf Sea Wheat-grass


139. Montia fontana Water Chickwetsd, Blinks


140. Dipsacus sylvestris Wild Teasel
141. Scabiosa succisa Devil's-bit Scabious
142. Scabiosa arvensis Field Scabious
143. Scabiosa columbaria Small Scabious
144. Sherardia arvensis Blue Sherardia, or Little Field Madder
145. Asperula odorata Sweet Woodruff, or Woodroof
146. Galium cruciatum Cross-wort, Mug-weed
147. Galium palustre White Water Bed-straw
148. Galium saxatile Smooth Heath Bed-straw
149. Galium uliginosum Rough Marsh Bed-straw
150. Galium tricorne Corn Bed-straw, Three-flowered Goose-grass
151. Galium verum Yellow Bed-straw, Cheese-rennet
152. Galium Mollugo Great Hedge Bed-straw
153. Galium boreale Cross-leaved Bed-straw
154. Galium Aparine Goose-grass, or Cleavers
155. Plantago major Greater Plantain
156. Plantago media Hoary Plantain
157. Plantago lanceolata Rib-wort Plantain
158. Plantago maritima Sea Plantain
159. Plantago Coronopus Bucks-horn Plantain, Star of the Earth
160. Sanguisorba officinalis Great Burnet
161. Cornus sanguinea Wild Cornel-tree, Dog-wood
162. Parietaria officinalis Pellitory of the Wall
163. Alchemilla vulgaris Common Ladies' Mantle
164. Alchemilla arvensis Field Ladies' Mantle, Parsley Piert


165. Ilex Aquifolium Holly-tree
166. Potamogeton natans Broad-leaved Pond-weed
167. Potamogeton heterophyllum Various-leaved Pond-weed
168. Potamogeton fluitans Long-leaved floating Pond-weed
169 Potamogeton perfoliatum Perfoliate Pond-weed
170. Potamogeton densum Close-leaved Pond-weed
171. Potamogeton lucens Shining Pond-weed
172. Potamogeton crispum Curled Pond weed
173. Potamogeton compressum Flat-stalked Pond-weed
174. Potamogeton pusillum Small Pond-weed
175. Potamogeton pectinatum Fennel-leaved Pond-weed
176. Ruppia maritima Sea Ruppia, Tassel Pond-weed
177. Sagina procumbens Procumbent Pearl-wort
178. Sagina apetala Annual Small-flowered Pearl-wort
179. Sagina erecta Upright Pearl-wort
180. Radiola millegrana All-seed


181. Myosotis scorpioides Mouse-ear Scorpion-grass
182. Lithospermum officinale Common Gromwell, Grey Mill, Grey Miller
183. Lithospermum arvense Corn Gromwell, Bastard Alkanet
184. Anchusa officinalis Common Alkanet
185. Cynoglossum officinale Common Hound's tongue
186. Pulmonaria officinalis Common Lung-wort
187. Symphytum officinale Common Comfrey
188. Borago officinalis Common Borage
189. Lycopsis arvensis Small Bugloss
190. Echium vulgare Common Blue Viper's Bugloss
191. Primula vulgaris Common Primrose
192. Primula elatior Oxlip
193. Primula veris Common Cowslip, or Paigle
194. Primula farinosa Bird's-eye Primrose
195. Menyanthes trifoliata Buckbean Marsh Trefoil
196. Hottonnia palustris Featherfoil Water Violet
197. Lysimachia vulgaris Yellow Loosestrife
198. Lysimachia nemorum Wood Loosestrife, Yellow Pimpernel
199. Anagallis arvensis Scarlet Pimpernel
200. Anagallis tenella Bog Pimpernel
201. Convolvulus arvensis Small Bindweed
202. Convolvulus sepium Great Bindweed
203. Campanula rotundifolia Round-leaved Bell-flower
204. Campanula latifolia Giant Bell-flower
205. Campanula glomerata Clustered Bell-flower
206. Campanula hybrida Corn Bell-flower
207. Jasione montana Sheep's-bit, Sheep's Scabious
208. Viola hirta Hairy Violet
209. Viola odorata Sweet Violet
210. Viola palustris Marsh Violet
211. Viola canina Dog's Violet
212. Viola tricolor Pansy Violet Heart's-ease
213. Viola lutea Yellow Mountain Pansy
214. Verbascum Thapsus Great Mullein High Taper
215. Verbascum nigrum Dark or Black Mullein
216. Datura Stramonium Thorn-Apple
217. Hyoscyamus niger Common Henbane
218. Atropa Belladonna Dewale, or Deadly Nightshade
219. Solanum Dulcamara Woody Nightshade, Bitter-sweet
220. Solanum nigrum Common or Garden Nightshade
221. Chironia Centaurium Common Centaury
222. Chironia pulchella Dwarf-branched Centaury
223. Chironia littoralis Sea-shore Centaury
224. Samolus Valerandi Brookweed, Water Pimpernel
225. Lonicera Periclymenum Common Honeysuckle, or Woodbine
226. Lonicera Xylosteum Upright Honeysuckle
227. Rhamnus catharticus Buckthorn
228. Euonymus europseus Spindle-tree, Prickwood
229. Ribes rubrum Common Currants
230. Ribes alpinum Tasteless Mountain Currants
231. Ribes spicatum Acid Mountain Currants
232. Ribes petraeum Rock Currants
233. Ribes nigrum Black Currants
234. Ribes Grossularia Rough Gooseberry
235. Ribes Uva-crispa Smooth Gooseberry
236. Hedera Helix Common Ivy
237. Glaux maritima Black Salt-wort
238. Vinca minor Lesser Periwinkle


239. Chenopodium Bonus-Henricus Perennial Goosefoot, Mercury Goosefoot
240. Chenopodium urbicum Upright Goosefoot
241. Chenopodium rubrum Red Goosefoot
242. Chenopodium murale Nettle-leaved Goosefoot
243. Chenopodium hybridum Maple-leaved Goosefoot
244. Chenopodium album White Goosefoot
245. Chenopodium glaucum Oak-leaved Goosefoot
245. Chenopodium olidum Stinking Goosefoot
246. Chenopodium polyspermum Round-leaved Goosefoot, Allseed Goosefoot
247. Chenopodium maritimum Sea Goosefoot, Sea Blite
248. Beta maritima Sea Beet
249. Salsola Kali Prickly Salt-wort
250. Salsola fructicosa Shrubby Salt-wort
251. Ulmus campestris Common Elm
252. Ulmus montana Broad-leaved Elm, Wych Hasel
253. Gentiana verna Spring Gentian
254. Gentiana Amarella Autumnal Gentian
255. Gentiana campestris Field Gentian
256. Eryngium maritimum Sea Eryngo, Sea Holly
257. Eryngium campestre Field Eryngo
258. Hydrocotyle vulgaris Marsh Penny-wort, White-rot
259. Hydroctyle inundata Floating White-root
260. Sanicula europaea Wood Sanicle
261. Bupleurum tenuissimum Slender Thorow-wax, Hare*s-ear
262. Caucalis daucoides Small Bur-parsley
263. Caucalis Anthriscus Upright Hedge-parsley
264. Caucalis nodosa Knotted Stone-parsley
265. Daucus Carota Wild Carrot
266. Bunium flexuosum Common Earth-nut Kipper, or-Pigmut
267. Conium maculatum Common Hemlock
268. Peucedanum Silaus Meadow Sulphur-wort
269. Heracleum Sphondylium Common Cow Parsnep
270. Ligusticum scoticum Scottish Lovage
271. Angelica Archangelica Garden Angelica
272. Angelica sylvestris Wild Angelica
273. Sium latifolium Broad-leaved Water Parsnep
274. Sium augustifolium Narrow-leaved Water Parsnep
275. Sium nodiflorum Procumbent Water Parsnep
276. Sison Amomum Hedge Honewort, Bastard Stone Parsley
277. Oenanthe fistulosa Common Water Dropwort
278. Oenanthe pimpinelloides Parsley Water Dropwort
279. Oenanthe crocata Hemlock Water Dropwort
280. Coriandrum sativum Common Coriander
281. Phellandrium aquaticum Water Hemlock
282. Aethusa Cynapium Fool's Parsley, Lesser Hemlock
283. Scandix odorata Sweet Cicely, Great Chervil
284. Scandix Pecten-Veneris Needle Chervil, Venus's Comb, Shepherd's Needle
285. Scandix Anthriscus Rough Chervil
286. Chaerophyllum sylvestre Smooth Cow Parsley, Wild Chervil.
287. Chaerophyllum temulentum Rough Cow Parsley, Rough Chervil
288. Imperatoria Ostruthium Masterwort
289. Pastinaca sativa Wild Parsnep
290. Smyrnium Olusatrum Alexanders
291. Anethum Faeniculum Common Fennel
292. Carum Carui Common Caraway
293. Pimpinella saxifraga Common Burnet-Saxifrage
294. Pimpinella magna Great Burnet-Saxifrage
295. Apium graveolens Smallage, Wild Celery
296. Aegopodium Podagraria Gout-weed


297. Viburnum Opulus Common Guelder Rose, Water Elder
298. Sambucus Ebulus Dwarf Elder, Dane-wort
299. Sambucus nigra Common Elder


300. Parnassia palustris. Grass of Parnassus


301. Statice Armeria Thrift, Sea Gilliflower
302. Statice Limonium Sea Lavender
303. Linum usitatissimum Common Flax
Linum perenne Perennial Blue Flax
Linum catharticum Purging Flax, Mill-mountain


Drosera rotundifolia Round-leaved Sun-dew
Drosera longifolia Long-leaved Sun-dew
Drosera anglica Great Sun-dew


Myosurus minimus Mouse-tail


Galanthus nivalis Snowdrop
Leucojum aestivum Summer Snowflake
Narcissus biflorus Pale Narcissus, Primrose Peerless
Narcissus Pseudo-narcissus Common Daffodil
Allium oleraceum Streaked Field Garlick
Allium vineale Crow Garlick
Allium ursinum Broad-leaved Garlick, Ramsons
Ornithogalum luteum Yellow Star of Bethlehem
Scilla nutans Hare-bell Squill, Wild Hyacinth
Narthecium ossifragum Lancashire Asphodel
Convallaria majalis Lily of the Valley
Juncus acutus Great Sharp Sea Rush
Juncus maritimus Lesser Sharp Sea Rush
Juncus glaucus Hard Rush
Juncus conglomeratus Common Rush
Juncus effusus Soft Rush
Juncus squarrosus Moss Rush, Goose-Corn
Juncus articulatus Jointed Rush
Juncus uliginosus Little Bulbous Rush
Juncus bulbosus Round-fruited Rush
Juncus bufonius Toad Rush
Juncus triglumis Three-flowered Rush
Juncus pilosus Hairy Rush
Juncus sylvaticus Wood Rush
Juncus campestris Hairy Field Rush
Berberis vulgaris Barberry
Frankenia laevis Smooth Sea Heath
Peplis Portula Water Purslane


338. Rumex sanguineus Bloody-veined Dock
339. Rumex crispus Curled Dock
340. Rumex acutus Sharp Dock
341. Rumex obtusifolium Broad blunt-leaved Dock
342. Rumex pulcher Fiddle Dock
343. Rumex maritimus Golden Dock
344. Rumex palustris Yellow Marsh Dock
345. Rumex aquaticus Great Water Duck
346. Rumex Acetosa Common Sorrel
347. Rumex Acetosella Sheep's Sorrel
348. Tofieldia palustris Scottish Ashphodel
349. Triglochin palustre Marsh Arrow-grass
350. Triglochin maritimum Sea Arrow-grass
351. Colchicum autumnale Meadow Saffron


352. Alisma Plantago Greater Water Plantain
353. Alisma ranunculoides Small Water Plantain


354. Trientalis europaea. Chickweed Winter-green


355. Epilobium angustifolium Rosebay Willow-herb, French Willow
356. Epilobium hirsutum Great Hairy Willow-herb, Codlings and Cream
357. Epilobium parviflorum Small-flowered hoary Willow-herb
358. Epilobium montanum Broad smooth-leaved Willow-herb
359. Epilobium tetragonum Square-stalked Willow-herb
360. Epilobium palustre Round-stalked Marsh Willow-herb
361. Epilobium ——
362. Vaccinium Myrtillus Billberry or Bleaberry
363. Vaccinium uliginosum Great Billberry
364. Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea Red Whortle-berry, Cow-berry
365. Vaccinium Oxycoccus Cranberry
366. Erica vulgaris Common Heath, or Ling
367. Erica Tetralix Cross-leaved Heath
368. Erica cinerea Fine-leaved Heath
369. Daphne Laureola Spurge Laurel
370. Acer Pseudo-platanus Greater Maple, Sycamore
371. Acer campestre Common Maple


372. Polygonum amphibium Amphibious Persicaria
373. Polygonum Persicaria Spotted Persicaria
374. Polygonum lapathifolium Pale-flowered Persicaria
375. Polygonum Hydropiper Biting Persicaria
376. Polygonum minus Small Creeping Persicaria
377. Polygonum Bistorta Great Bistort, or Snakeweed
378. Polygonum viviparum Viviparous, or Alpine Bistort
379. Polygonum aviculare Knotgrass
380. Polygonum Fagopyrum Buck-wheat
381. Polygonum Convolvulus Climbing Buck-wheat, Black Bindweed


382. Paris quadrifolia Herb Paris
383. Adoxa Moschatellina Tuberous Moschatell


384. Butomus umbellatus Flowering Rush


385. Andromeda polifolia Marsh Andromeda, or Wild Rosemary
386. Arbutus Uva-ursi Red-berried trailing Arbutus
387. Pyrola rotundifolia Round-leaved Winter-green
388. Pyrola minor Lesser Winter-green


389. Chrysosplenium alternifolium Alternate-leaved Golden Saxifrage
390. Chrysosplenium oppositifolium Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage
391. Saxifraga stellaris Hairy Saxifrage
392. Saxifraga aizoides Yellow Mountain Saxifrage
393. Saxifraga granulata White Saxifrage
394. Saxifraga tridactylites Rue-leaved Saxifrage
395. Saxifraga hypnoides Mossy Saxifrage, or Ladies' Cushion
396. Scleranthus annuus Annual Knawel
897. Scleranthus perennis Perennial Knawel
398. Saponaria officinalis Soapwort
399. Dianthus Armeria Deptford Pink
400. Dianthus deltoides Maiden Pink


401. Silene anglica English Catchfly
402. Silene inflata Bladder Campion, or Catchfly
403. Silene maritima Sea Campion, or Catchfly
404. Silene eoniea Corn Catchfly
405. Silene noctiflora Night-flowering Catchfly
406. Stellaria nemorum Wood Stitchwort
407. Stellaria media Common Chickweed
408. Stellaria holostea Greater Stitchwort
409. Stellaria graminea Lesser Stitchwort
410. Stellaria uliginosa Bog Stitchwort
411. Arenaria peploides Sea Chickweed, or Sandwort
412. Arenaria trinervis Plantain-leaved Chickweed, or Sandwort
413. Arenaria sepyllifolia Thyme-leaved Sandwort
414. Arenaria rubra Purple Sandwort
415. Arenaria marina Sea Spurry-Sandwort
416. Arenaria verna Vernal Sandwort


417. Sedum Telephium Orpine, or Live-long
418. Sedum acre Biting Stonecrop, Wall Pepper
419. Sedum villosum Hairy Stonecrop
420. Sedum album White Stonecrop
421. Sedum reflexum Yellow Sengreen, or Stonecrop
422. Oxalis Acetosella Common Wood Sorrel
423. Agrostemma Githago Corn Cockle
424. Lychnis Flos Cuculi Ragged Robin, Meadow Lychnis
425. Lychnis dioica Red Campion and White Campion
426. Cerastium vulgatum Broad-leaved Mouse-ear Chick-weed
427. Cerastium viscosum Narrow-leaved Mouse-ear Chick-weed
428. Cerastium semidecandrum Little Mouse-ear Chick-weed
429. Cerastium tetrandrum Tetrandrous Mouse-ear Chick-weed
430. Cerastium arvense Field Chick-weed
431. Spergula arvensis Corn Spurrey
432. Spergula nodosa Knotted Spurrey


433. Lythrum Salicaria Purple Loosestrife


434. Agrimonia Eupatoria Common Agrimony


435. Reseda Luteola Dyer's weed, Yellow-weed, or Weld
436. Reseda lutea Wild Mignonette, or Base Rocket
437. Euphorbia Peplus Petty Spurge
438. Euphorbia exigua Dwarf Spurge
439. Euphorbia paralia Sea Spurge
440. Euphorbia helioscopia Sun Spurge, or Wart-wort
441. Euphorbia Cyparissias Cypress Spurge


442. Sempervivum tectorum Common Houseleek


443. Prunus Padus Bird Cherry
444. Prunus Cerasus Cherry-tree
445. Prunus domestica Plumb-tree
446. Prunus insititia Bullace-tree
447. Prunus spinosa Sloe-tree, Black Thorn


448. Mespilus Oxyacantha Hawthorn, White-thorn, May
449. Pyrus Malus Apple-tree, Crab-tree
450. Pyrus aucuparia Mountain Ash, Quicken-tree
451. Pyrus Aria White Beam-tree, White Wild Pear-tree
452. Spiræa Filipendula Conmon Dropwort
453. Spiræa Ulmaria Meadow-Sweet


454. Rosa spinosissima Burnet-rose
455. Rosa arvensis White Dog-rose
456. Rosa villosa Apple-rose
457. Rosa tomentosa Downy-leaved Dog-rose
458. Rosa canina Common Dog-rose, Wild-briar, Hep-tree
459. Rosa———
460. Rubus idaeus Raspberry
461. Rubus cæsius Dew-berry
462. Rubus corylifolius Hazel-leaved Bramble
463. Rubus fruticosus Common Bramble
464. Rubus saxatilis Stone Bramble
465. Rubus chamæmorus Mountain Bramble, or Cloud-berry
466. Fragaria vesca Wood Strawberry
467. Fragaria sterilis Barren Strawberry
468. Potentilla fruticosa Shrubby Cinquefoil
469. Potentilla anserina Silver-weed, Wild Tansey
470. Potentilla argentea Hoary Cinquefoil
471. Potentilla aurea Golden Cinquefoil
472. Potentilla reptans Common Creeping Cinquefoil
473. Tormentilla officinalis Common Tormentil, or Septfoil
474. Geum urbanum Common Avens, Herb Bennet
475. Geum rivale Water Avens
476. Dryas octopetala Mountain Avens
477. Comarum palustre Marsh Cinquefoil


478. Chelidonium majus Celandine
479. Glaucium luteum Yellow Horned-Poppy
480. Papaver hybridum Mongrel Poppy
481. Papaver Argemone Long Rough-headed Poppy
482. Papaver dubium Long Smooth-headed Poppy
483. Papaver Rhæas Common Red Poppy, Corn Rose
484. Papaver somniferum White Poppy
485. Nymphæa lutea Yellow Water-Lily
486. Nymphæa alba White Water-Lily
487. Tilia europæa Lime-tree, Linden-tree
488. Cistus marifolius Hoary Dwarf Cistus
489. Cistus Helianthemum Common Dwarf Cistus


490. Delphinium Consolida Field Larkspur


491. Aquilegia vulgaris Common Columbine


492. Anemone nemorosa Wood Anemone
493. Clematis Vitalba Traveller's Joy
494. Thalictrum alpinum Alpine Meadow Rue
495. Thalictrum minus Lesser Meadow Rue
496. Thalictrum majus Greater Meadow Rue
497. Thalictrum flavum Common Meadow Rue
498. Ranunculus Flammula Lesser Spear-wort
499. Ranunculus Lingua Great Spear-wort
500. Ranunculus Ficaria Pilewort, Lesser Celandine
501. Ranunculus auricomus Wood Crow-foot, Goldilocks
502. Ranunculus sceleratus Water Crowfoot, Celery-leaved Crowfoot
503. Ranunculus bulbosus Bulbous Crowfoot, Butter-cups
504. Ranunculus repens Creeping Crowfoot
505. Ranunculus acris Upright Meadow Crowfoot
506. Ranunculus arvensis Corn Crowfoot
507. Ranunculus parviflorus Small-flowered Crow-foot
508. Ranunculus hederaceus Ivy Crowfoot
509. Ranunculus aquatilis Water Crowfoot
510. Trollius europaeus Globe-flower
511. Helleborus viridis Green Hellebore
512. Helleborus fætidus Stinking Hellebore, Bear’s-foot Setter-wort
513. Caltha palustris Marsh Marygold


514. Ajuga reptans Common Bugle
515. Teucrium Scorodonia Wood Germander, Wood Sage
516. Teucrium Chamaedrys Wall Germander
517. Nepeta cataria Nep, or Cat-mint
518. Verbena officinalis Common Vervain
519. Mentha hirsuta Hairy Mint
520. Mentha rubra Tall Red Mint
521. Mentha gentilis Bushy Red Mint
522 Mentha arvensis Corn Mint
523. Mentha Pulegium Penny-royal
524. Glechoma hederacea Ground Ivy, Gill, Ale-hoof
525. Lamium album White Archangel, White Dead-nettle
526. Lamium purpureum Red Archangel
527. Lamium amplexicaule Henbit Archangel, Great Henbit
528 Galeopsis Ladanum Red Hemp-Nettle
529. Galeopsis Tetrahit Common Hemp-Nettle
530. Galeopsis versicolor Large-flowered, Hemp-Nettle, Bee Nettle
531. Betonica officinalis Wood Betony
532. Stachys sylvatica Hedge Woundwort
533. Stachys palustris Marsh Woundwort
534. Stachys arvensis Corn Woundwort
535. Ballota nigra Black or Stinking Horehound
536. Marrubium vulgare White Horehound
537. Leonurus Cardiaca Motherwort
538 Clinopodium vulgare Wild Basil
539 Origanum vulgare Common Marjoram
540. Thymus Serpyllum Wild Thyme, Mother of Thyme
541. Thymus Calamintha Common Calamint
542. Scutellaria galericulata Common Skull-cap
543. Prunella vulgaris Self-heal


544. Bartsia alpina Alpine Bartsia
545. Bartsia Odontites Red Bartsia
546. Rhinanthus Crista-galli Yellow Rattle
547. Euphrasia officinalis Eye-bright
548. Melampyrum pratense Common Yellow Cow-^heat
549. Melampyrum sylvaticum Wood Cow-wheat
550. Lathraea Squamaria Greater Tooth-wort
551. Pedicularis palustris Marsh Lousewort
552. Pedicularis sylvatica Pasture Lousewort
553. Antirrhinum spurium Round-leaved Fluellin
554. Antirrhinum Elatine Sharp-pointed Fluellin
555. Antirrhinum repens Creeping pale-blue Toadflax
556. Antirrhinum Linaria Common Yellow Toadflax
557. Antirrhinum minus Leafl Snapdragon
558. Antirrhinum majus Great Snapdragon
559. Antirrhinum Orontium Lesser Snapdragon
560. Scrophularia nodosa Knotty-rooted Figwort
561. Scrophularia aquatica Water Figwort, Water Betony
562. Digitalis purpurea Purple Foxglove
563. Orobanche major Greater Broom-rape
564. Orobanche elatior Tall Broom-rape


565. Draba verna Common Whitlow-grass
566. Draba incana Twisted-podded Whitlow-grass
567. Alyssum sativum Gold of Pleasure
568. Lepidium latifolium Broad-leaved Pepper-wort
569. Lepidium ruderale Narrow-leaved Pepper-wort
570. Thlaspi arvense Penny Cress, Smooth Mithridate Mustard
571. Thlaspi campestre Common Mithridate Mustard
572. Thlaspi alpestre Alpine Shepherd's Purse
573. Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris Common Shepherd's Purse
574. Cochlearia officinalis Common Scurvy-grass
575. Cochlearia anglica English Scurvy-grass
576. Cochlearia danica Danish Scurvy-grass
577. Cochlearia Armoracia Horse-raddish
578. Coronopus Ruellii Common Wart-cress, Swine's-cress
579. Coronopus didyma Lesser Wart-cress, Procumbent Pepper-wort
580. Isatis tinctoria Woad
581. Bunias Cakile Sea Rocket


582. Cardamine hirsuta Hairy Ladies’-smock
583. Cardamine pratensis Meadow Ladies'-smock, Cuckow Flower
584. Cardamine amara Bitter Ladies'-smock
585. Sisymbrium Nasturtium Water Cress
586. Sisymbrium sylvestre Creeping Water Rocket
587. Sisymbrium terrestre Annual Water Rocket
588. Sisymbrium tenuifolium Wall Rocket
589. Sisymbrium Sophia Flix-weed
590. Sisymbrium Irio London Rocket
591. Erysimum officinale Common Hedge Mustard
592. Erysimum Barbarea Yellow Rocket, Bitter Winter Cress
593. Erysimum Alliaria Garlick Hedge Mustard, Jack by the Hedge, Sauce-alone
594. Erysimum cheiranthoides Treacle Hedge-Mustard
595. Cheiranthus fruticulosus Wild Wall-flower
596. Arabis thaliana Common Wall-Cress
597. Turritis glabra Smooth Tower-Mustard
598. Turritis hirsuta Hairy Tower-Mustard
599. Brassica Napus Rape, Navew, or Cole-seed
600. Brassica Rapa Turnep
601. Brassica oleracea Sea Cabbage
602. Sinapis arvensis Charlock, Wild Mustard
603. Sinapis alba White Mustard
604. Sinapis nigra Common Mustard
605. Raphanus Raphanistrum Wild Radish, Jointed Charlock


606. Erodium cicutarium Hemlock, Stork’s-bill


607. Geranium sylvaticum Wood Crane's-bill
608. Geranium pratense Crow-foot-leaved Crane's-bill
609. Geranium robertianum Stinking Crane's-bill, Herb Robert
610. Geranium lucidum Shining Crane's-bill
611. Geranium molle Dove's-foot Crane's-bill
612. Geranium pusillum Small-flowered Crane's-bill
613. Geranium pyrenaicum Mountain Crane's-bill
614. Geranium rotundifolium Round-leaved Crane's-bill
615. Geranium dissectum Jagged-leaved Crane's-bill
616. Geranium columbinum Long-stalked Crane's-bill
617. Geranium sanguineum Bloody Crane's-bill


618. Malva sylvestris Common Mallow
619. Malva rotundifolia Dwarf Mallow
620. Malva moscata Musk Mallow


621. Fumaria lutea Yellow Fumitory
622. Fumaria officinalis Common Fumitory
623. Fumaria capreolata Ramping Fumitory
624. Fumaria claviculata White Climbing Fumitory


625. Polygala vulgaris Milkwort


626. Spartium scoparium Common Broom
627. Genista tinctoria Dyer's Green-weed, Wood-waxen
628. Genista anglica Needle Green-weed, Petty Whin
629. Ulex europaeus Common Furze, Whin, or Gorse
630. Ononis arvensis Rest-harrow, Cammock
631. Anthyllis vulneraria Kidney-vetch, Ladies'–fingers
632. Orobus taberosus Common Orobus, Heath Pea
633. Lathyrus Aphaca Yellow Lathyrus, or Vetchling
634. Lathyrus hirsutus Rough-podded Lathyrus
635. Lathyrus pratensis Common Yellow Lathyrus, Meadow Vetchling
636. Vicia sylvatica Wood Vetch
637. Vicia Cracca Tufted Vetch
638. Vicia sativa Common Vetch
639. Vicia lathyroides Spring Vetch
640. Vicia sepium Bush Vetch
641. Ervum tetraspermum Smooth Tare
642. Ervimi hirsutum Hairy Tare
643. Omithopus perpusillus Common Bird's-foot
644. Hedysarum Onobrychis Saint-foin
645. Astragalus glycyphyllos Sweet Milk-vetch, Wild Liquorice
646. Astragalus hypoglottis Purple Mountain Milk-vetch
647. Trifolium officinale Common Melilot
648. Trifolium repens White Trefoil, Dutch Clover
649. Trifolium subterraneum Subterraneous Trefoil
650. Trifolium ochroleucum Sulphur-coloured Trefoil
651. Trifolium medium Zig-zag Trefoil
652. Trifolium maritimum Teasel-headed Trefoil
653. Trifolium arvense Hare's-foot Trefoil
654. Trifolium scabrum Rough Trefoil
655. Trifolium glomeratum Round-headed Trefoil
656. Trifolium striatum Soft-knotted Trefoil
657. Trifolium fragiferum Strawberry-headed Trefoil
658. Trifolium procumbens Hop Trefoil
659. Trifolium filiforme Slender Yellow Trefoil
660. Trifolium minus Leaser Yellow Trefoil
661. Lotus corniculatus Common Bird's-foot Trefoil
662. Medicago sativa Lucerne, Purple Medick
663. Medicago lupulina Black Medick, or Nonesuch
664. Medicago polymorpha Heart Medick, or Claver


665. Hypericum Androsæmum Tutsan, Park Leaves
666. Hypericum quadrangulum Square St. John's Wort, St. Peter's Wort
667. Hypericum perforatum Perforated St John's Wort
668. Hypericum dubium Imperforate St. John's Wort
669. Hypericum humifusum Trailing St. John's Wort
670. Hypericum montanum Mountain St. John's Wort
671. Hypericum hirsutum Hairy St. John's Wort
672. Hypericum pulchrum Small Upright St. John's Wort


673. Tragopogon pratensis Yellow Goat's-beard
674. Picris echioides Bristly Ox-tongue
675. Picris hieracioides Hawkweed Ox-tongue
676. Sonchus arvensis Corn Sow-thistle
677. Sonchus oleraceus Common Sow-thistle
678. Laetuca virosa Strong-scented Lettuce
679. Prenanthes muralis Ivy-leaved Lettuce
680. Leontodon Taraxacum Common Dandelion
681. Hedypnois hispida Rough Hedypnois
682. Hedypnois hirta Deficient Hedypnois
683. Hedypnois autumnalis Autumnal Hedypnois
684. Hieracum pilosella Mouse-ear Hawkweed
685. Hieracum murorum Wall Hawkweed, Golden Lungwort
686. Hieracum ——
687. Hieracum paludosum Succory-leaved Mountain Hawkweed
688. Hieracum sabaudura Shrubby broad-leaved Hawkweed
689. Hieracum umbellatum Narrow-leaved Hawkweed
690. Crepis fætida Stinking Hawk's-heard
691. Crepis tectorum Smooth Hawk’s-beard, Smooth Succory Hawkweed
692. Crepis biennis Rough Hawk's-beard
693. Hypochæris radicata Long Rooted Cat's-ear
694. Lapsana communis Nipple-wort
695. Cichorium Intybus Wild Succory
696. Arctium Lappa Burdock, Clot-bur
697. Serratula tinctoria Common Saw-wort
698. Carduus lanceolatus Spear Thistle
699. Carduus nutans Musk Thistle
700. Carduus acanthoides Curled, or Welted Thistle
701. Carduus tenuiflorus Slender-flowered Thistle
702. Carduus palustris Marsh Thistle
703. Carduus arvensis Creeping Thistle
704. Carduus marianus Milk Thistle
705. Carduus eriophorus Woolly-headed Thistle
706. Carduus heterophyllus Melancholy Thistle
707. Onopordum Acanthium Cotton Thistle
708. Carlina vulgaris Common Carline
709. Bidens tripartita Trifid Bur Marygold
710. Bidens cernua Nodding Bur Marygold
711. Eupatorium cannabinum Hemp-agrimony


712. Tanacetum vulgare Common Tansey
713. Artemisia maritima Sea Wormwood
714. Artemisia Absinthium Common Wormwood
715. Artemisia vulgaris Mugwort
716. Gnaphalium dioicum Mountain Cudweed
717. Gnaphalium rectum Upright Cudweed
718. Gnaphalium uliginosum Marsh Cudweed
719. Gnaphalium minimum Least Cudweed
720. Gnaphalium germanicum Common Cudweed
721. Erigeron canadense Canada Flea-bane
722. Erigeron acre Blue Flea-bane
723. Tussilago Farfara Colt's-foot
724. Tussilago hybrida Longer-stalked Butter-bur
725. Tussilago Petasites Common Butter-bur
726. Senecio vulgaris Common Groundsel, Simson
727. Senecio viscosus Stinking Groundsel
728. Senecio sylvaticus Mountain Groundsel
729. Senecio tenuifolius Hoary Ragwort
730. Senecio Jacobæa Common Ragwort
731. Senecio aquaticus Marsh Ragwort
732. Aster Tripolium Sea Star-wort
733. Solidago Virgaurea Common Golden-rod
734. Inula Helenium Elecampane
735. Inula dysenterica Common Flea-bane
736. Bellis perennis Common Daisy
737. Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum Great White Ox-eye
738. Chrysanthemum segetum Yellow Ox-eye, Com Marygold
739. Pyrethrum Parthenium Common Feverfew
740. Pyrethrum inodorum Corn Feverfew, Scentless May-weed
741. Pyrethrum maritimum Sea Feverfew
742. Matricaria Chamomilla Wild Chamomile
743. Anthemis maritima Sea Chamomile
744. Anthemis nobilis Common Chamomile
745. Anthemis arvensis Corn Chamomile
746. Anthemis Cotula Stinking May-weed, or Chamomile
747. Anthemis tinctoria Ox-eye Chamomile
748. Achillea Ptarmica Sneeze-wort Yarrow, Goose-tongue
749. Achillea Millefolium Common Yarrow, Milfoil


750. Centaurea nigra Black, or Lesser Knapweed
751. Centaurea Cyanus Corn Blue-bottle
752. Cantaurea Scabiosa Greater Knapweed
753. Centaurea Calcitrapa Common Star-thistle


754. Orchis bifolia Butterfly Orchis
755. Orchis pyramidales Pyramidal Orchis
756. Orchis Morio Meadow Orchis
757. Orchis mascula Early Purple Orchis
758. Orchis ustulata Dwarf Orchis
759. Orchis latifolia Marsh Orchis
760. Orchis maculata Spotted Palmate Orchis
761. Orchis conopsea Aromatic Orchis
762. Satyrium viride Frog Satyrion
763. Satyrium albidum White Satyrion
764. Ophrys Nidus avis Bird's-nest Ophrys
765. Ophrys ovata Common Twayblade, Ovate Ophrys
766. Ophrys cordata Least Twayblade, Heart-leaved Mountain Ophrys
767. Ophrys muscifera Fly Ophrys, or Orchis
768. Ophrys apifera Bee Ophrys, or Orchis
769. Malaxis paludosa Marsh Tender-tway-blade
770. Cypripedium calceolus Ladies' Slipper
771. Serapias latifolia Broad-leaved Helleborine
772. Serapias palustris Marsh Helleborine


773. Zannichellia palustris Horned Pondweed


774. Lemna trisulca Ivy-leaved Duck-weed
775. Lemna minor Lesser Duck-weed


776. Typha latifolia Great Cat's-tail, or Reed-mace
777. Typha angustifolia Lesser Cat's-tail, or Reed-mace
778. Sparganium ramosum Branched Bur-reed
779. Sparganium simplex Unbranched Upright Bur-reed
780. Sparganium natans Floating Bur-reed
781. Carex dioica Common Separate-headed Carex
782. Carex pulicaris Flea Carex
783. Carex pauciflora Few-flowered Carex
784. Carex stellulata Little Prickly Carex
785. Carex curta White Carex
786. Carex ovalis Oval-spiked Carex
787. Carex remota Remote Carex
788. Carex arenaria Sand Carex
789. Carex intermedia Soft Brown Carex
790. Carex muricata Greater prickly Carex
791. Carex divulsa Grey Carex
792. Carex vulpina Great Spiked Carex
793. Carex paniculata Great Panicled Carex
794. Carex pendula Great Pendulous Carex
795. Carex sylvatica Pendulous Wood Carex
796. Carex capillaris Capillary Carex
797. Carex pallescens Pale Carex
798. Carex flava Yellow Carex
799. Carex fulva Tawny Carex
800. Carex extensa Long-bracteated Carex
801. Carex distans Loose Carex
802. Carex binervis Green-ribbed Carex
803. Carex praecox Vernal, or Spring Carex
804. Carex pilulifera Round-headed Carex
805. Carex rigida Rigid Carex
806. Carex panicea Pink-leaved Carex
807. Carex recurva Glaucous Heath Carex
808. Carex caepitosa Tufted Bog Carex
809. Carex stricta Glaucous Straight-leaved Carex
810. Carex acuta Slender Spiked Carex
811. Carex paludosa Lesser Common Carex
812. Carex riparia Great Common Carex
813. Carex vesicaria Short-spiked Bladder Carex
814. Carex ampullacea Slender-beaked Bladder Carex
815. Carex hirta Hairy Carex
816. Littorella lacustris Plantain Shore-weed
817. Betula alba Common Birch
818. Betula alnus Common Alder
819. Urtica pilulifera Roman Nettle
820. Urtica urens Small Nettle
821. Urtica dioica Great Nettle
822. Bryonia dioica Red-berried Bryony
823. Myriophylliun spicatum Spiked Water-Milfoil
824. Myriophyllum verticellatum Verticillate Water-Milfoil
825. Sagittarea sagittifolia Common Arrow-head
826. Arum maculatum Cuckow-pint, Wake Robin
827. Poterium Sanguisorba Common Burnet
828. Quercus Robur Common British Oak
829. Quercus sissiliflora Sessile-fruited Oak
830. Fagus Castanea Chesnut-tree
831. Fagus sylvatica Beech-tree
832. Carpinus Betulus Horn-beam
833. Corylus Avellana Hazel-nut-tree
834. Pynus sylvestris Scotch Fir
855. Salix Helix Rose Willow
836. Salix Forbyana Basket Osier
837. Salix rubra Green Osier
838. Salix Croweana Broad-leaved Monadelphous Willow
839. Salix triandra Long-leaved Triandrous Willow
840. Salix amygdalina Broad-leaved Triandrous Willow, Almond-leaved Willow
841. Salix Russelliana Bedford Willow, Leicestershire or Dishley Willow
842. Salix pentandra Sweet Willow, Bay-leaved Willow
843. Salix bicolor Shining dark-green Willow
844. Salix vitellina Yellow Willow
845. Salix fragilis Crack Willow
846. Salix arenaria Downy Mountain Willow
847. Salix argentea Silky Sand Willow
848. Salix fusca Brownish Dwarf Willow
849. Salix repens Creeping Dwarf Willow
850. Salix rosmarinifolia Rosemary-leaved Willow
851. Salix aurita Round-eared Willow, Trailing Sallow
852. Salix aquatica Common Willow, Water Sallow
853. Salix oleifolia Olive-leaved Willow
854. Salix caprea Great Round-leaved Sallow
855. Salix mollissima Velvet Osier
856. Salix viminalis Common Osier
857. Salix alba Common White Willow
858. Salix decipiens Deceiving Willow


859. Empetrum nigrum Black Crow, or Crake Berry


860. Myrica Gale Sweet Gale, Dutch Myrtle


861. Humulus Lupulus Hop


862. Tamus communis Black Briony


863. Populus alba Great White Poplar, Abele-tree
864. Populus canescens Grey Poplar
865. Populus tremula Ash Aspen, Trembling Poplar
866. Populus nigra Black Poplar


867. Mercurialis perennis Dog's Mercury, Perennial Mercury
568. Mercurialis annua Annual Mercury


569. Juniperus communis Common Juniper
570. Taxus baccata Yew Tree


871. Atriplex portulacoides Shrubby Orache
872. Atriplex laciniata Frosted Sea Orache
873. Atriplex patula Spreading Halberd-leaved Orache
874. Atriplex angustifolia Spreading Narrow-leaved Orache
875. Atriplex littoralis Grass-leaved Sea Orache


876. Equisetum sylvaticum Branched Wood Horsetail
877. Equisetum arvense Corn Horsetail
878. Equisetum palustre Marsh Horsetail
879. Equisetum fluviatile Great Bog Horsetail
880. Equisetum limosum Smooth Naked Horsetail
881. Equisetum hyemale Rough Horsetail, Shave-grass
882. Ophioglossum vulgatum Common Adder's tongue
883. Osmunda Lunaria Common Moonwort
884. Lycopodium clavatum Common Club-moss
885. Lycopodium Selaginoides Prickly Club-moss
886. Lycopodium Selago Fir Club-moss
887. Lycopodium alpinum Savin-leaved Club-moss
888. Polypodium vulgare Common Polypody
889. Polypodium Phegopteris Pale Mountain Polypody
890. Polypodium Dryopteris Tender Three-branched Polypody
891. Aspidium Lonchitis Rough Alpine Shield-fern
892. Aspidium Oreopteris Heath Shield-fern, Fragrant-fern
893. Aspidium Filix mas Male Fern, Male Shield-fern
894. Aspidium aculeatum Common Prickly Shield-fern
895. Aspidium lobatum Close-leaved Prickly Shield-fern
896. Aspidium Filix fæmina Female Shield-fern
897. Aspidium dilatatum Great Crested Shield-fern
898. Asplenium Trichomanes Common Maidenhair Spleenwort
899. Asplenium viride Green Maidenhair Spleenwort
900. Asplenium marinum Sea Spleenwort
901. Asplenium Ruta muraria Wall-rue Spleenwort, White Maidenhair
902. Asplenium Adiantam nigrum Black Maidenhair Spleenwort
903. Scolopendrium vulgare Common Hart’s-tongue
904. Blechnum boreale Northern Blechnum, Rough Spleenwort
905. Pteris aquilina Common Brakes
906. Pteris crispa Curled Stone Fern, Rock Brakes
907. Cyathea fragilis Brittle Cup-fern
908. Cyathea dentata Toothed Cup-fern
909. Pilularia globulifera Pillwort


910. Sphagnum latifolium Broad-leaved Bog-moss
911. Sphagnum capillifolium Long-leaved Floating Bog-moss
912. Phascum subulatum Awl-leaved Earth-moss
918. Phascum cuspidatum Sharp-leaved Dwarf Earth-moss
914. Gymnostomum truncatulum Little Blunt-fruited Beardless-moss
915. Gymnostomum intermedium Longer Blunt-fruited Beardless-moss
916. Gymnostomum fasciculare Blunt Pear-shaped Beardless-moss
917. Gymnostomum pyriforme Pointed Pear-shaped Beardless-moss
918. Gymnostomum ciliatum Branched Hoary Beardless-moss
919. Splachnum sphaericum Green Globular Gland-moss
920. Splachnum ampullaceum Purple Gland-moss
921. Andraea rupestris Dusky Rock Andraea
922. Tetraphis pellucida Transparent Four-toothed-moss
923. Encalypta vulgaris Common Extinguisher-moss
924. Grimmia recurvata Recurved Grimmia
925. Grimmia controversa Little Green Grimmia
926. Grimmia Dicksoni Dicksonian Grimmia
927. Grimmia recurvirostra Blunt-curved-beaked Grimmia
928. Grimmia heteromalla Curve-leaved Grimmia
929. Grimmia homomalla Pale Grimmia
930. Grimmia maritima Sea Grimmia
931. Grimmia rivularis River Grimmia
932. Grimmia apocarpa Sessile Bearded Grimmia
933. Dicranum scoparium Brown Fork-moss
934. Dicranum majus Greater Clustered Fork-moss
935. Dicranum undulatum Waved-leaved Clustered Fork-moss
936. Dicranum fuscescens Brown Fork-moss
937. Dicranum heteromallum Silky Heath Fork-moss
938. Dicranium interruptum Interrupted Fork-moss
939. Dicranium fulvellum Tawny Fork-moss
940. Dicranum varium Variable Fork-moss
941. Dicranum rigidulum Rigid-leaved Fork-moss
942. Dicranum aciculare Dark Mountain Fork-moss
943. Dicranum ovale Oval Fork-moss
944. Dicranum pulvinatum Grey Cushion Fork-moss
945. Dicranum sciuroides Squirrel-tail Fork-moss
946. Dicranum glaucum White Fork-moss
947. Dicranum purpureum Purple-stalked Fork-moss, Redshank-moss
948. Dicranum strictum Tall Shining-stalked Fork-moss
949. Dicranum pellucidum Pellucid Fork-moss
950. Dicranum squarrosum Drooping-leaved Fork-moss
951. Dicranum bryoides Distant-leaved Fern Fork-moss
952. Dicranum osmundioides Close-leaved Fern Fork-moss
953. Dicranum taxifolium Yew-leaved Fern Fork-moss
954. Dicranum adiantoides Greater Fern Fork-moss
955. Trichostomum capillaceum Capillary Fringe-moss
956. Trichostomum heterostichum Serrated Hoary Fringe-moss
957. Trichostomum lanuginosum Toothed Hoary Fringe-moss
958. Trichostomum ericoides Heath-like Hoary Fringe-moss
959. Trichostomum canescens Common Hoary Fringe-moss
960. Trichostomum fasciculare Tufted Hoary Fringe-moss
961. Trichostomum microcarpon Small-fruited Hoary Fringe-moss
962. Trichostomum lineare Linear-leaved Fringe-moss
963. Trichostomum fontinaloides River Fringe-moss
964. Tortula rigida Rigid Screw-moss
965. Tortula mucronlata Pointed-leaved Screw-moss
966. Tortula unguiculata Bird's-claw Screw-moss
967. Tortula fallax Fallacious Screw-moss
968. Tortula ruralis Great Hairy Screw-moss
969. Tortula subulata Awl-shaped Screw-moss
970. Tortula muralis Wall Screw-moss
971. Tortula cuneifolia Wedge-shaped Screw-moss
972. Tortula tortuosa Frizzled Mountain Screw-moss
973. Tortula barbata Bearded Lateral Screw-moss
974. Tortula aristata Short-pointed Screw-moss
975. Orthotricum striatum Common Bristle-moss
976. Orthotricum affine Pale straight-leaved Bristle-moss
977. Orthotricum pumilum Dwarf Bristle-moss
978. Orthotricum diaphanum Sharp Hairy-leaved Bristle-moss
979. Orthotricum aristatum Blunt Hairy-leaved Bristle-moss
980. Orthotricum rivulare River Bristle-moss
981. Orthotricum crispum Curled Bristle-moss
982. Orthotricum anomalum Rough Single-fringed Bristle-moss
983. Orthotricum nudum Smooth Single-fringed Bristle-moss
984. Neckera crispa Waved Neckera
985. Neckera heteromalla Lateral Neckera
986. Neckera curtipendula Pendulous Neckera
987. Neckera viticulosa Cylindrical Neckera
988. Hypnum polyanthos Thread-shaped Feather-moss
989. Hypnum sericeum Silky Feather-moss
990. Hypnum dendroides Tree-shaped Feather-moss
991. Hypnum curvatum Curve-branched Bushy Feather-moss
992. Hypnum myosuroides Mouse-tail Feather-moss
993. Hypnum nigro viride Dark-green Silky Feather-moss
994. Hypnum complanatum Flat Feather-moss
995. Hypnum trichomanoides Blunt Fern-like Feather-moss
996. Hypnum denticulatum Sharp Fern-like Feather-moss
997. Hypnum crenulatum Crenate Feather-moss
998. Hypnum serrulatum Serrulated Feather-moss
999. Hypnum Teesdalii Teesdalian Feather-moss
1000. Hypnum riparium Short-beaked Water Feather-moss
1001. Hypnum ruscifolium Long-beaked Water Feather-moss
1002. Hypnum undulatum Waved Feather-moss
1003. Hypnum lucens Shining Membranaceous Feather-moss
1004. Hypnum splendens Shining Tamerisk Feather-moss
1005. Hypnum proliferum Opaque Proliferous Feather-moss
1006. Hypnum praelongum Long Trailing Feather-moss
1007. Hypnum Stokesii Alpine Trailing Feather-moss
1008. Hypnum alopecurum Fox-tail Feather-moss
1009. Hypnum stramineum Straw-like Feather-moss
1010. Hypnum confertum Clustered Feather-moss
1011. Hypnum murale Wall Feather-moss
1012. Hypnum velutinum Velvet Feather-moss
1013. Hypnum intricatum Matted Feather-moss
1014. Hypnum serpens Creeping White-veiled Feather-moss
1015. Hypnum tenellum Tender Awl-leaved Feather-moss
1016. Hypnum albicans Whitish Silky Feather-moss
1017. Hypnum plumosum Rusty Silky Feather-moss
1018. Hypnum implexum Green Matted Feather-moss
1019. Hypnum lutescens Yellowish Feather-moss
1020. Hypnum purum Neat Meadow Feather-moss
1021. Hyprum illicebrum Glasswort Feather-moss
1022. Hypnum Schreberi Schreberian Feather-moss
1023. Hypnum cuspidatum Pointed Bog Feather-moss
1024. Hypnum cordifolium Heart-leaved Water Feather-moss
1025. Hypnum fluitans Floating Feather-moss
1026. Hypmun Rutabulum Common Rough-stalked Feather-moss
1027. Hypnum striatum Common Striated Feather-moss
1028. Hypnum stellatum Yellow Starry Feather-moss
1029. Hypnum squarrosum Drooping-leaved Feather-moss
1030. Hypnum loreum Rambling Mountain Feather-moss
1031. Hypnum triquetrum Great Triangular Feather-moss
1032. Hypnum rugosum Yellow Wolf's-claw Feather-moss
1033. Hypnum scorpioides Scorpion Feather-moss
1034. Hypnum revolvens Curling-leaved Feather-moss
1035. Hypnum aduncum Upright Hooked Feather-moss
1036. Hypnum uncinatum Procumbent Hooked Feather-moss
1037. Hypnum palustre Creeping Marsh Feather-moss
1038. Hypnum fluviatile Creeping River Feather-moss
1039. Hypnum alpinum Alpine-torrent Feather-moss
1040. Hypnum cupressiforme Cypress-branched Feather-moss
1041. Hypnum commutatum Larger Curled Fern Feather-moss
1042. Hypnum filicinum Lesser Fern Feather-moss
1043. Hypnum molluscum Plumy Crested Feather-moss
1044. Hypnum abbreviatum Short branched Creeping Feather-moss
1045. Hypnum chrysophyllum Golden-leaved Feather-moss
1046. Fontinalis antipyretica Great Water-moss
1047. Fontinalis squamosa Scaly Water-moss
1048. Fontinalis capillacea Bristly Water-moss
1049. Funaria hygrometrica Twisted Cord-moss
1050. Bartramia pomiformis Apple Bartramia
1051. Bartramia crispa Curled Bartamia
1052. Bartramia ithyphylla Straight-leaved Bartramia
1053. Bartramia arcuata Curve-stalked Bartramia
1054. Bartramia fontana Fountain Bartramia
1055. Mnium androgynum Narrow-leaved Spring-moss
1056. Mnium palustre Greater Forked Spring-moss
1057. Bryum nutans Silky Pendulous Thread-moss
1058. Bryum trichodes Long Capillary Thread-moss
1059. Bryum carneum Flesh-coloured Thread-moss
1060. Bryum caespititium Lesser Matted Thread-moss
1061. Bryum bicolor Two-coloured Thread-moss
1062. Bryum argenteum Silvery Thread-moss
1063. Bryum capillare Greater Matted Thread-moss
1064. Bryum annotinum Summer Thread-moss
1065. Bryum hornum Swan's-neck Thread-moss
1066. Bryum crudum Transparent-green Thread-moss
1067. Bryum nigricans Dark-green Thread-moss
1068. Bryum ventricosum Swelling Bog Thread-moss
1069. Bryum birnum Long-stalked Bog Thread-moss
1070. Bryum turbinatum Pear-shaped Bog Thread-moss
1071. Bryum cuspidatum Pointed-leaved Thyme Thread-moss
1072. Bryum punctatum Dotted-leaved Thyme Thread-moss
1073. Bryum rostrutum Long-beaked Thyme Thread-moss
1074. Bryum roseum Rosaceous Thyme Thread-moss
1075. Bryum ligulatum Long-leaved Thyme Thread-moss
1076. Polytrichum commune Common Hair-moss
1077. Polytrichum piliferum Bristle-leaved Hair-moss
1078. Polytrichum juniperinum Juniper-leaved Hair-moss
1079. Polytrichum alpinum Alpine Hair-moss
1080. Polytrichum urnigerum Urn-headed Hair-moss
1081. Polytrichum subrotundum Dwarf Round-headed Hair-moss
1082. Polytrichum nanum Slender Round-headed Hair-moss
1083. Polytrichum aloides Dwarf Long-headed Hair-moss
1084. Polytrichum undulatum Waved-leaved Hair-moss


1085. Salix nigricans Dark broad-leaved Willow
1086. Salix Dicksoniana Dicksonian Willow
1087. Salix venulosa Veiny-leaved Willow
1088. Salix acuminata Long-leaved Sallow
1089. Sphagnum squarrosum Rough-leaved Bog-moss
1090. Gymnostomum
1091. Gymnostomum Heimii Long-stalked Beardless-moss
1092. Gymnostomum microstomum Small-mouthed Beardless-moss
1093. Andraea alpina Chocolate Alpine Andrea
1094. Grimmia verticillata Whorled Grimmia
1095. Grimmia acuta Sharp-pointed Grimmia
1096. Dicranum flexuosum Zig-zag Fork-moss
1097. Dicranum virens Green Spur-fruited Fork-moss
1098. Bryum dealbatum Pale-leaved Thread-moss
1099. Bryum aristatum Bristle-pointed Thread-moss
1100. Alopecurus bulbosus Bulbous Fox-tail-grass
1101. Festuca myurus Wall Fescue-grass
1102. Festuca glauca Glaucous Fescue-grass
1103. Bromus arvensis Field Brome-grass
1104. Bromus spiculi-tenuata Slender-flowered Brome-grass
1105. Dipsacus pilosus Small Teasel, Shepherd's Staff
1106. Chenopodium ficifolium Fig-leaved Goosefoot
1107. Cuscuta Epithymum Lesser Dodder
1108. Scandix Cerefolium Garden Chervil
1109. Convallaria multiflora Common Solomon's Seal
1110. Daphne Mezereum Mezereon, Spurge Olive
1111. Pyrola media Middle Winter-green
1112. Stellaria glauca Glaucous Marsh Stitchwort
1113. Spergula pentandra Little Corn Spurrey
1114. Rosa rubiginosa Sweet-briar, Eglantine
1115. Tormentilla reptans Trailing Tormentil
1116. Mentha viridis Spear Mint
1117. Mentha piperita Pepper Mint
1118. Thymus Acinos Basil Thyme
1119. Limosella aquatica Mudwort
1120. Sisymbrium amphibium Great Water Rocket, or Radish
1121. Sisymbrium murale Wall Rocket
1122. Brassica orientalis Perfoliate Cabbage
1123. Erodium maritimum Sea Stork's-bill
1124. Ulex nanus Dwarf Furze
1125. Trifolium pratense Common Purple Trefoil, or Clover
1126. Artemisia gallica Upright-branched Sea Wormwood
1127. Centaurea Jacea Membranous Calyced Knapweed
1128. Carex Oederi Oeder's Carex, or Seg
1129. Ceratophyllum demersum Common Hornwort
1130. Salix radicans Rooting-branched Willow
1131. Atriplex pedunculata Pedunculated Sea Orache
1132. Aspidum spinulosum Lesser crested Shield-fern
1133. Phascum curvicollum Crooked-stalked Earth-moss
1134. Phascum bryoides Tall Earth-moss
1135. Phascum curvisetum Short Bent-stalked Earth-moss
1136. Phascum Schreberianum Schreberian Earth-moss
1137. Gymnostomum ovatum Hairy-leaved Beardless-moss
1138. Encalypta ciliata Greater Extinguisher-moss
1139. Dicranum cerviculatum Red-necked Fork-moss
1140. Dicranum polyphyllum Many-leaved Fork-moss
1141. Trichostmum trifarium Three-ranked Fringe-moss
1142. Tortula brevifolia Short-leaved Screw-moss
1143 Orthotrichum pulchellum Handsome Bristle-moss
1144. Hypnum recognitum Lesser Opaque Feather-moss
1145. Hypnum umbratum Striated Proliferous Feather-moss
1146. Hypnum piliferum Hair-pointed Feather-moss
1147. Hypnum polymorphum Variable Feather-moss
1148. Bryum aureum Golden Thread-moss
1149. Bryum compactum Compact Thread-moss

From the Press of

J. Marshall

Printer, Gateshead.

  1. The herbage of Cheviot is composed of the following plants:—Scirpus caespitoses, called by the Shepherds Deer Hair; Juncus articulatus, Spart; Juncus quarrosus, Black Bent; Nardus stricta, White Bent; Ergophorum vaginatum—its leaves Ling, its flowers Moss.
  2. This plant, though of common occurrence in the south of England, is extremely rare in the north.
  3. Note, This and the next Genus are arranged according to Dr. Withering's method, in the third edition of his work; but the Species with an Asterisk &re not to be found in that Flora.
  4. Note, This Order is arranged according to the Methodus Lichenum of Acharius.
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.26 5.27 5.28 5.29 5.30 5.31 5.32 5.33 5.34 5.35 5.36 5.37 5.38 5.39 5.40 5.41 5.42 5.43 5.44 5.45 5.46 5.47 5.48 5.49 5.50 5.51 5.52 5.53 5.54 5.55 5.56 5.57 5.58 5.59 5.60 5.61 5.62 5.63 5.64 5.65 5.66 5.67 5.68 Obs. This Genus is arranged according to Turner's Synopsis of the British Fuci.
  6. Note, This and all the Genera which follow are arranged according to the third Edition of Dr. Withering's Flora; but the Species marked with an Asterisk are omitted in that Work.