Some talk of Alexander,and some of Hercules,Of Hector and Lysander,and such great men as these;But all the world acknowledges,true valour best appears.With a tow, row, row, row, row, row,brave British Grenadiers
These ancients of antiquity,ne'er saw a cannon ball;Nor knew the force of powder,to stay their foes with all:But braver boys have known itsand banish'd all their fears,For a tow, row, row, row, row, row,brave British Grenadeers.
When we receive the orders,to storm their palisadoes;Our leaders march with fuzees,and we with hand granadoes,We toss them from the glacis,amongst our en'mies ears,With a tow, row, row, row, row, row,brave British Grenadiers.
Then Jove the God of thunder,and Mars the God of war;Rough Neptune with his Trident,Apollo in his Car;And all the Gods celestial,descending from their spheres,Do behold with admirationbrave British Grenadiers.
But be you Whig or Tory,or any other thing,I'd have you still remember,t'obey Great George our King,For if you prove rebellious,we'll thunder in your ears,With a tow, row. row, row, row, row,brave British Grenadiers.
And when the siege is over,we to the town repairs,The Citizens cry, huzza, boys,here come the Grenadiers:Here come the Grenadiers boys,without e'er dread or fear,With a tow, row, row, row, row, row,brave British Grenadiers.
Come fill us up a bumper,and let us drink to those,Who carry Caps and Pouches,and wear the laced clothes,May they and their commanders,live happy many years,With a tow, row row, row, row, row,brave British Grenadiers.