The British Warblers A History with Problems of Their Lives/Pallas'
German, Goldhähnchen-Laubsänger.
Adult Male in Spring.—The upper parts are greyish green washed with yellowish green. The rump is sulphur yellow, the upper tail-coverts the same colour as the back, and the upper surface of the tail greyish brown. The outer edge of the outermost tail-feather is light brownish grey, and the outer edge of the remaining tail-feathers the same colour as the back, though slightly more yellow. The crown has a some-what indistinct yellowish white stripe in the centre extending to the nape, and a conspicuous chrome yellow superciliary stripe commences at the forehead and extends behind the eye. The lores are dark greyish green, and the cheeks and. sides of the neck grey washed with whitish yellow. The wing is ash brown, the least and medium coverts greenish grey, the latter being tipped with white; the primary coverts are ash brown edged with greenish yellow, and the secondary coverts ash grey edged with greenish grey and tipped with yellowish white; the wing has thus two distinct white stripes across it. The flight-feathers are ashy brown edged with greyish green, the innermost secondaries being tipped with white. The posterior edge of the primaries is brownish white. The under parts generally are whitish, but the throat is of a more whitish grey colour tinged with yellow, which colour continues down the breast, where it forms indistinct longitudinal stripes. The abdomen is white, the flanks tinged with greenish yellow, and the under tail-coverts whitish grey washed with light yellowish green. The under side of the tail and wing is greyish lavender, the flight-feathers being edged with white. Axillaries are sulphur yellow and the edge of the wing chrome yellow. The bill is horn black, the lower mandible being buff colour at the base, and the iris dark brown. Feet are flesh brown with yellowish green soles.
There are only two records of the occurrence of this Warbler in Europe, one being obtained on the coast of Norfolk, and the other on the Island of Heligoland.
In Eastern Siberia it is by no means rare, occurring in the Province of Yeniseisk, on the Eiver Lena, near Lake Baikal, in the vicinity of Irkutsk, and on the left bank of the River Selenga. It is also found to the south of the River Ussuri, on the borders of Lake Khanka, and in the neighbourhood of Baranovsk. Large numbers pass through Pekin on migration. Throughout the Himalaya Mountains it appears to be not uncommon, and in winter visits the hills in Manipur and Tenasserim. PALLAS' WILLOW-WARBLER.