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The Buckingham wonder, or, The maiden's trance

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The Buckingham wonder, or, The maiden's trance
3237016The Buckingham wonder, or, The maiden's trance




Maiden's Trance.


A ſtrange Relation of one Mary Spencer, born at Weburn in Buckinghamſhire, who at ten years of age, being in perfect health fell into a Trance, and lay dead for three days and nights together when juſt as they were going to cloſe up the coffin in order to carry her to the church to be buried, ſhe came to life again to the great amazement of all that ſaw her--After some time ſhe declared to all then preſent, what ſtrange and wonderful things ſhe had heart and ſeen in the other world as the joys of heaven, and the diſmal amazing torments of hell.


How an Angel, in a white garment, told her what ſhould ſhortly happen to Great Britain, France and Ireland: And her laſt prayer, written by her own hand.

Stirling, Printed in this preſent Year.



АT a little village, called Woburn, within three miles of High Wickham lived one Mr Spencer, an eminent rich farmer, who having but one only daughter, and ſhe an only child, took care to have her brought up in a godly manner, contrary to the general cuſtom of parents who uſually are ſo indulgent to an only child, that inſtead of making them good Chriſtians, they pamper them in wantonneſs, till they not only ſlight them, but bring themſelves to deſtruction. However this young woman was more happily educated and ſo far anſwered her parents endeavours that ſhe was even a miracle of her ſex for piety and virtue, but ſhe was too heavenly an object to continue among the earthly generation; for one morning about two months ago, as ſhe ſat reading in her Bible, in which ſhe was much delighted and being in perfect health all on a ſudden ſhe fell into a ſwoon, and tumbled down beſide her chair, in the preſence of her mother, who being much amazed took her up, and endeavoured to bring her to life again, by giving her comfortable cordials, but all proving ineffectual, her father was ſent for, as were alſo ſeveral neighbours, who all gave her over for dead, there not being the leaſt ſign of breath left in her, ſo ſhe continued all that day and night to the ſorrowful lamentation of her parents, who loved her beyond meaſure, inſomuch, that the Reverend Mr. Dalton, Miniſter of that pariſh was ſent for to comfort them.

On the ſecond day, her body began to be cold, ſo it was propoſed among ſome of her friends to have her buried that evening; but by good fortune an uncle of her's living in Northamptonſhire, could not be at her funeral till the third night, upon which it was put off until that time.

Notice being given to the Reverend Mr. Dalton, the Miniſter. who came to preach her funeral ſermon on account of her ſudden death, which abundance of the neighbouring country people came to hear ſo that it was difficult to get into the church, the crowd was ſo great and preſſing. When about ſeven o'clock in the evening, all the (illegible text)nes being made ready to carry her to the church, after the relations, friends and acquaintance, had viewed her as long as they pleaſed, the corps was ordered to be nailed (illegible text), at which interim of time, to their great astoniſhment, the ſuppoſed dead body raiſed herſelf up, and reached out her arm to her mother who ſtood juſt by in order if poſſible, to be one of the laſt that ſaw her; who was ſo far amazed, that ſhe immediately took hold of her hand, and ſaid, Dear daughter, art thou alive? and with that gave her a kiſs, being ſo tranſported, as ſhe hardly knew what ſhe did or ſaid: However the young woman in a very little time came to herſelf, and made ſigns to be put to bed which was performed with all expedition, there ſhe had not been above half an hour before ſhe came to ſpeech, and expreſſed to this effect.

I have been, ſaid ſhe, among the glorified ſaints of heaven, where nothing but comfort and delight appeared to my ſenſes. Oh! how unwilling was I to return to this earthly tabarnacle; but I am ſent back again for three days to declare to you what is to happen in theſe parts of the world. betwixt this and midſummer, if they will not obey the voice of the almighty and repent of their abominable ſins, otherwiſe what is threatened by our enemies, will certainly fall upon these nations. But firſt, I muſt tell you what I have ſeen, and then proceed to declare what I have heard beſides the glorious company of angels continually praiſing God, with other extraordinary appearances too great for me in this ſtate of mortality to expreſs, I ſaw on my left hand moſt diſmal and terrible darkneſs, and heard the ſaddeſt and moſt lamentable cries that ever were uttered with curſes and other blaſphemous expreſſions againſt the Creator of heaven and earth with the ghaſtly appearance of terrible and frightful ſpirits, aggravating each other's torment, accompanied with ſlaſhings of fire aud brimſtone, while the dammed where repeating their endleſs torments, without the leaſt hopes of deliverance.

Having ſeen and heard ten times more than is convenient to be uttered, I was conducted through a ſpacious palace which let down to a great pair of ſtairs by a glorious Perſon in white raiment; who as ſoon as we had got to the bottom, told me, that I muſt return from whence I came and declare to the world what I had ſeen: withal adding that after three days I ſhould leave my earthly habitation and return to him who made me, and live with him to all eternity.

He alſo bid me tell you, that the kingdoms of Great Britain, France and Ireland, were to undergo many difficulties ere it be long. This the glorious Perſon told me, would as ſurely come to paſs, as that of my own death three days hence; ſo that I have but three days more to live according to the juſt decree of heavenly power, which I patiently ſubmit to.

And as ſoon as this heavenly Perſon had done telling what ſhould happen to theſe parts relating to theſe kingdom; as he was going away, he turned himſelf ſuddenly backwards to me as if he had forgot ſomething remarkable, Pray, ſays he, give your friends this caution, it they do not mend their lives, and repent their ſins, which they too much abound in, what I have ſaid of their enemies ſhall fall upon their heads, when they think themſelves ſecure from danger; Pray, let this part of my charge be particularly remembered by all of them! Having finiſhed what he intended, he immediately vaniſhed, and I awaked; and thus, dear friends, have I faithfully declared to you what I have ſeen and heard, deſiring you to communicate it to the world, that the people of this nation may ſee what wonderful favours Providence has ordained for them, if their repeated wickedneſs do not fruſtrate the ineſtimable bleſſings appointed for their preſervation.

After having declared the above particulars with much chearfulneſs ſhe deſired her loving parents who continually attended her, not to be troubled about her ſudden departure from them, by reaſon ſhe had ſuch an heavenly warning to prepare for it: She continued praiſing Almighty God, for his wonderful goodneſs to her, till the day of her departure, which happened the third day after ſhe came out of her Trance being all that time in as perfect health as ever ſhe was in her life, and appeared with a fairer countenance than ever.

The morning before ſhe died, ſhe wrote the following paper with her own hand which ſhe left as a legacy to all young women to take a pattern thereby.


O FATHER of heaven, and God of all mercies, I humbly thank thy divine goodneſs for raiſing me to life, after I was ſo ſuddenly ſnatched away from my dear раrents who otherwiſe might have grieved without meaſure for my haſty departure leſt ſuppoſing, not without reaſon, that I was not prepared for ſo ſudden a change. Comfort, O Lord the ſorrowful ſtate of my parents, who are loſing the only joy of their lives; give them heavenly patience under their earthly trial, that they may be made worthy inhabitants of theſe ever glorious manſions to which I am now going. Laſtly, Bleſs this wicked nation, and give them a true ſenſe of their wickedneſs to repent of their ſins in order to receive thoſe mercies thou haſt ordained for them, and eſcape thoſe dreadful judgements which they deſerve. This I beg for the ſake of Jeſus Chriſt, to whom with Thee and the Holy Ghoſt, be all honour and praiſe, might, and dominion, from this time forth and for evermore. Amen.

Having finiſhed her prayer, ſhe delivered the paper to her mother deſiring that it might be printed after her death, which her mother promiſed to perform; and about an hour after ſhe died to the great grief of her dear parents; ſhe was buried in the ſame grave that was made for her when ſhe lay in her Trance. Thus, lived and died the wonder of a woman and the glory of her age. There was a funeral ſermon preached on this occaſion, by the Reverend Mr. Dalton, which is now in the preſs and ſpeedily will be publiſhed.

There was found in her trunk a large piece of parchment whereon was written with her own hand, the following pious verſes:


GOOD people all both great and ſmall,
Pray mind what I do write,
God's Providence doth recompence
His child both day and night.

Let me adviſe pray tell no lies,
And ſerve God in your youth,
As I have done and you will ſoon
Obtain to heavenly truth.

Baſe luſts forbear and do not ſwear,
But lead a life moſt pure :
Each night and day be ſure you pray,
And make your ſoul ſecure.

Your parents love, then God above
Will bleſs you all for it;
But if you ſhould grow rude and bold,
Your days will be but ſhort.

For pomp and pride, lay thoſe aſide,
They are the devil's tools.
His traps and ſnares, which he prepares,
To catch unwary fools,

Life's but a ſpan no mortal can
Enlarge his earthly date;
Then pray be wiſe, ſtrive for the prize
Of a future happy ſtate.


This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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