The Cadet Hand Book and Section Roll/Efficiency
In order to be classified as efficient, a Senior Cadet is required to attend all compulsory drills called for the year, provided that a Senior Cadet who obtains leave of absence from a compulsory drill may attend an alternative parade of equal duration in lieu thereof and such attendance shall count for efficieney in the same manner as attendance at a compulsory drill.
A Senior Cadet who absents himself without leave from any compulsory drill shall (in addition to any pecuniary penalty to which he is liable) in order to become efficient, be required to attend two alternative parades of equal duration in lieu of each compulsory drill missed.
In addition to the attendance required in these regulations a Senior Cadet shall be required to attain a sufficient standard of proficiency before being classified as efficient.
Leave of absence may be granted by Commanding Officers but only in special cases. Such leave will be recorded on the authorised form. (The term “Commanding Officer‘” shall mean the officer commanding a battalion or detached company or detachment of Senior Cadets.)
Leave will be granted to Senior Cadets who are students at Technical Colleges and other Educational Institutions when the time for conducting examinations draw near.
Those who attend Continuation or Night Schools will also if necessary be attached to a company which holds its parades on nights other than those on which they attend classes.
At the termination of each annual training in the Senior Cadets, each Cadet shall be classified by the officer appointed in that behalf as “efficient,” or “non-efficient.”
Those who are classified as “non-efficient,” either for failure to attend during the prescribed period, or because they have not attained a sufficient standard of efficiency, shall be required to attend an equivalent additional training for each year in which they are “non-efficient.”