The Cadet Hand Book and Section Roll/Exemptions
The following shall be exempt from the training prescribed, so long as the employment, condition, or status on which the exemption is based is still continuing:—
(а) Those who have been reported by the prescribed medical authorities as unfit for any naval or military service whatever.
(b) Those who are not substantially of European origin or descent, of which the medical authorities appointed in that behalf under the regulations shall be the judges.
Provided that this exemption shall not extend to duties of a non-combatant nature.
(c) School teachers who have qualified at a school of Naval or Military Instruction, or other prescribed course as Instructors or Officers of the Junior or Senior Cadets.
(d) Members of the Permanent Naval or Military Forces.
Persons who are students at Theological Colleges as defined by the regulations, or theological students as prescribed, may, while they remain such students, on application, be exempted by any prescribed authority from the prescribed training, but shall on ceasing to be such students undergo such equivalent training as prescribed, unless exempted by some provision of the Act.
The Governor-General may by proclamation grant a temporary exemption for a period not exceeding one year to—
(a) Persons who reside outside the areas in which training is carried out;
(b) Persons who reside at so great a distance from the places appointed for training that compulsory attendance at the training would involve great hardships.
For the present, persons who “are not substantially of European origin” may be trained in non-combatant duties as a separate squad—i.e., they may be trained to perform duties of a clerical nature.
Uniforms will not be issued to them unless orders are given to that effect.