The Cadet Hand Book and Section Roll/Promotion
Promotion to the rank of non-commissioned officer and 2nd Lieutenant shall ordinarily be from those who are serving in the ranks of the Senior Cadets, and the appointments and promotions allotted to those in the next lower grade who are the must successful in competitive examinations.
Candidates with less than two years’ service in the Senior Cadets shall not be promoted to corporal, or to sergeant and 2nd Lieutenant with less than three years’ service.
Officers commanding battalions will appoint Boards consisting of not less than three officers, of whom one shall be the Area Officer, to conduct the competitive examination of candidates for promotion up to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant.
Non-commissioned officers will be appointed by Officers commanding battalions.
No non-commissioned officer shall be appointed or promoted until he has passed such competitive examination as may be from time to time authorised, provided that in cases of necessity appointments or promotions may be made temporarily, pending the holding of the examination.