The Cadet Hand Book and Section Roll/Signals
To draw attention to a signal about to be made.—A short blast.
On this signal sounding every man will look towards his commander, and remain looking at him until he makes a signal, and then act at once.
Close.—When trees, bush, darkness or fog prevent a signal being seen, a succession of short blasts.
Alarm or Turnout.—A succession of alternate long and short blasts.
Advance or Forward.—Swing the arm from rear to front below the shoulder.
Turn about and move off in the new direction.—Arm circled well above the head, hand open.
Quick Time.—Hand raised in line with the shoulder, elbow bent and close to the side.
Double.—The closed fist moved up and down between your shoulder and thigh. Upper part of arm close to body. Lower part at right angles to your side and pointing to right or left according to which arm is used.
Halt.—Arm raised to full extent above head. Hand to be open, palm to the front, fingers close together.
Incline.—Extend your arm in line with your shoulder and make a turn in the required direction with your body, bringing the arm with it.
Wheel.—Extend your arm as above and make a circular movement in the required direction, the arm to finish the signal by pointing in the required direction. When troops are in column this signal will mean “change direction.”
Lie Down.—Two or three movements of the open hand towards the ground, palm down, back of hand uppermost.
Extend.—From the centre: Arm raised to full extent over the head and waved a few times slowly from side to side, the hand to be open and to come down as low as the hips on both sides of the body.
To the right: Wave as above and finish by pointing to the right.
To the left: Wave as above and finish by pointing to the left.
The number of paces to which you will extend will be communicated to the nearest men by word of mouth and passed on by them to one another when in the field.
Close.—On the centre: Hand placed on the head, back of hand uppermost, elbow square to the right or left according to which hand is used.
On the right: As above and finish by pointing to the right.
On the left: As above and finish by pointing to the left.
Reinforce.—Arm swung from rear to front above the shoulder. (Reverse of advance.)
No Enemy in Sight.—Hold your rifle up at the full extent of the arm, gripping it at the small of the butt, muzzle uppermost.
Enemy in Sight in Small Numbers.—Weapon held up above, as if guarding the head.
Enemy in Sight in Large Numbers.—As above, but weapon raised and lowered frequently.
Signals should be made with whatever arm will show most clearly what is meant.