The Cadet Hand Book and Section Roll/Uniform
Senior Cadets shall wear such uniform as is prescribed.
Uniform will be issued free, and will be given out as follows:—
At commencement of | ||
1st Year of Service. |
3rd Year of Service. | |
Military Shirt, Khaki woollen | 1 | 1 |
Boots, ankle, brown, pairs | 1 | 1 |
Breeches, Cord, woollen, pairs | 1 | 1 |
Hat, with band and strap‥ | 1 | 1 |
Putties, pairs‥‥ | 1 | 1 |
Uniform will be worn at all parades and drills.
The wearing of uniform except when on military duty or when proceeding to or from parade is prohibited.
Badges and chevrons of rank will be prescribed for similar ranks in the Citizen Forces, and will be in accordance with patterns approved by the Military Board.
Belts, Pouches and Numerals will be issued to Cadets for use only in the Area in which they train; on removing to another Area these must be at once returned to the Area Office from which the Cadet obtained them.
Belts.—Must not be darkened with stain.
When properly put on the end without the buckle should point to the left.
Shirts.—All pockets should be buttoned up, also front of shirt.
Putties.—These must be carefully put on and not turned down at the top.
Pouches.—Must always be worn when in uniform.
Hats.—The left side may be hooked up or not as may be ordered.
The crown is not to be indented.
Numerals.—To be affixed in the centre of the front of the hat; the bottom edge of the numeral is to be one inch above the top edge of the band.
Buckle, numeral and stud on pouch to be kept bright and clean.